Thanks for letting us know you read the comments. It means a lot.

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Same feeling here! Also, I want to express my gratitude for this Substack, and the small sense of community it provides. My monthly subscription is nowhere near enough to show how overwhelmingly grateful I am to Dr McCullough and John Leake for speaking up, being sane voices in an insane world. Happy Fall, Y’all!

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Yes, thank you! Knowing that you read the comments, it’s very much appreciated. I’d like to caution the community, here, about a statement made by Mayorkas today, “"We are seeing horrific hate speech of all types propagated on online platforms," Mayorkas said from North Carolina during a White House briefing Thursday. "That deplorable speech has an impact on people's lives, and it is also a motivating force for people to do harm. And it has got to stop."

Did you notice the use of the word,”Deplorable”? That certainly wasn’t by accident. This election this year, will have real and far ranging consequences. God help us please.

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I did hear Mayorkas, along with Kerry last week, and Hillary, and now Biden chiming in about the "dangers" of free speech on the internet. I find myself swinging back and forth between delight at the thought these totalitarians are obviously REALLY sweating a potential loss to Orange Man Bad, and some anxiety over what they might yet decide to pull as their desperation rapidly escalates.

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From across the Pacific, it looks very much like there is going to be another coup, like last time, to ensure that OMB is not elected - or at least is not available to take office.

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You are correct.

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I have often suspected that elections in this era of electronic voting machines will go to whoever has the best computer hackers.

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Agree. Godspeed to the Good Guys! ☺️

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FEMA camp for all of us.

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Yikes. Yeah, I suspect that people who speak unpopular truths (that the people in charge label “disinformation”) are going to get silenced (and silenced *hard*, sending a message to preemptively shut others up) if Harris/Walz win this election. Maybe a bill in Congress giving prison for “hate speech and disinformation”? Hopefully enough people will remember that we have the First Amendment for a reason.

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We might see and hear a good deal less "hate speech" being spoken and published, if some people with divisive and intolerant views would cease from inciting such communication, but as those doing so are the ones doing most of the complaining about such speech, it seems highly unlikely they will cease any time in the foreseeable future. What they are labeling "hate" frequently is quite the opposite, but the" "poisons", both physical and spiritual, afflicting their minds are so entrenched, they either can't, or won't, recognize their own roles in causing the problem about which they complain so vociferously.

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It sure does.

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Not all do, I suspect.

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Reading your posts got me through the last four years and continue to inspire me daily ❗️

Grateful 🕊️


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We so much appreciate with Gratitude Dr. McCullough and John Leake.

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Very nice reflection there, John. And so Important!

Here's some more gratitude: I see you are in Dallas. Last week, my wife and a cousin were eating lunch in a small town above Boone NC. This small town did not suffer the floods and total devastation of the valley towns up there. A lady --alone at a table beside them-- leaned over and told them she had a summer home nearby, but lives in Dallas. She had just arrived with an eighteen-wheeler filled with supplies donated by her Dallas neighbors to drop off at a local rescue and recovery site down the hill. She was about to bust she was so proud and happy--rightfully so!

This seems to me to be just the can-do spirit and charity one would expect from a Texan.

So on behalf of lots of us here in NC, God Bless y'all!

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Love the poem! Thanks for it, and all your other posts throughout the year. They are most enlightening and encouraging.

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Thank you John and Peter for this gentle reminder to be thankful.

My heart is full of gratitude for many things but none more-so than to have the opportunity to walk in the path of Jesus. May our Lord and Saviour guide my each and every footstep.

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AMEN, Brother in Christ!

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Gratitude is My Most Favorite & Loving Vibration ❗️🙏🕊️



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Gratitude is the cornerstone virtue - without it we cannot be happy. Courage is the least common, but gratitude is essential to our well being. https://www.prageru.com/video/the-key-to-unhappiness

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Thank you for your insightful and well thought-out essays John! Love the poem today! 💕

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Beautifully said and I love the sweet poem. This was timely after a painful few weeks for many people, animals and nature with Helene, Milton, and all the flash points in the world. Very welcomed, thank you. Grateful to all who assist another and offer hope. https://youtu.be/phskp62LPVc?si=lPtozkjYoPzmnM0S

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A super good expose. Covet what you don’t have is a sure recipe for becoming disillusioned and depressed!

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The 10th Commandment is "Thou shalt not covet."

"Lord" is the first word in the quoted poem. Give thanks (gratitude) to The Lord. Give Him the


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Abe Lincoln was the first President to declare the idea of a late Thursday in November, a national day of thanks after the Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg..https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=lincoln+declared+thanksgiving+a+holiday&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DlslqtUMwDxA

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Gratitude is something we should do every day 🙏. In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday I'm October.

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I'm very grateful for this Substack, and the time both you and Dr. McC put into it. Echoing some others here, it's also nice to know you read our comments. :)

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Thank you. Monday is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. We are thankful for God's hand in sparing Florida (our 2nd home) and answering the prayers that we witnessed from every corner of the world.

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Speaking of gratitude this morning. For everything in my life. Just plain everything. The family my husband and I created the past 44 years. All safe and healthy. Time with my black lab’s breeder on her truly a slice of lab paradise here in autumn leaves of Pure Michigan. Watching my Alvin , 11 years play in the fields with his 14 year old hobbling buddy Yellow Gauge the gentle giant leader of Sutton Labs along with young Clyde and Riot (yes Riot choco , fits his name perfectly) I’m sure there’s no better feeling than the way I am right now . Great read thanks.

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