The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally.🤫
There is an higher law, to which every single 1 of those who participated in these murders will answer 1 day. The "quasi-legality" of the world's gov'ts will not hold up in that court as valid! They KNEW...!
John - you wrote " Here I would like to emphasize my firm conviction that civilized adults may disagree about many things while maintaining an overall posture of civility and cooperation." Very well said, Sir. I think now, after the covid 19 disaster, that 8 or even 9 out of 10 medical staff of all grades and levels probably care no more about the life of patients than they care about the life of a bug. If their superior tells them to do something they do it. What care they for consequences to anybody but themselves? Would you risk your income or job or health or standing to save a bug? They were told to administer certain protocols and not to administer others and thinking is above their pay grade and ethics even more so. Its quite the same in teaching were most teachers care nothing for the education of children and only getting through the day with the least fuss. Same everywhere, in fact. Very few of us care about truth or what is right. We ( I mean people like you and me ) are the odd ones out. My entire family allowed our father to be drugged to death and murdered in a "care" home in Cambridge UK dying on 13.01.22, and did not even visit. They went along with every crazy increase in the drug load, questioned nothing, believed any nonsense the care home were careful to communicate by phone and either did not tell me what was happening or misdirected me. I was overseas or sailing or in quarantine for the 300 days it took to kill him off. To this day they believe he died in 9 days from "covid" and the overdosing stated in the records of totally unnecessary and contra indicated schizophrenia drugs was just a simple, understandable, "mistake" ( that drug is the drug of choice for sedation). Most people follow orders believe what they are told by higher ups, do not think, do not care, cannot distinguish between truth and a lie or truth their own self interest and above all hate others deeply. The Saint Bartholomew day Massacre is a good example of what humans are really mostly all about. Covid 19 vaccines have probably killed or will kill more people than any single event in history but hardly anybody will know or care or even want to. Depressing, I know, but what has happened makes it quite clear. Thanks for all your excellent work on this. If we can achieve one thing, I hope, we can largely stop the vaccine pushers - for a while at least.
It's the old excuse, "I was just following orders." That didn't work for the Nazis, and it shouldn't work for these people either. They were trained and knew better, but they didn't want to lose their jobs, so they did what they were told. And according to Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, both the UK and the USA had their orders that the elderly and mentally or physically disabled were to die. That's pretty grim, but I've come to believe it.
The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. 🙃
It takes honest, sincere and persistent effort to find the truth. Most people are lazy or don't have the time or inclination to question the "truth" they hear from the msm.
My wife (ICU nurse) did question these protocols. Maybe she is the 1 or 2 out of 10 you refer to, but I am not so sure about that. You have no idea the toll it takes on nurses who watch people die almost every day.
Once the vaccine mandates came along, any of the nurses looking for exemptions, my wife one of them, knew to keep their mouth shut. She was able to discuss the protocols with a few open minded doctors but the doctors had even less of a clue. The medicial system failed everyone, top down. Not the nurses fault. Nurses do what is prescribed by doctors or lose their jobs. Simple. Doctors had no idea Remdezivir would kill people, even though most of us here knew at the time. Doctors are just sheep with an ego.
I know. I'm retired now, but I dealt with dying patients too. No, they are trained to question orders that are outside the parameters for the meds prescribed, or where there are conflicting interactions or allergies. We did that 50yrs ago, it's not new! The doctors did know, unless they were stupid enough to open themselves to malpractice suits by prescribing drugs without knowing how they work, and all the other information about them! You offer them FAR to great excuses for what they did!
It is now standard practice to prescribe drugs that are potentially contraindicated or conflicting, especially in seniors. Nurses no longer have the autonomy they once did.
For those who don't know what the nurses faced, see the book What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy. There were, of course, hero nurses, just as there were hero doctors, but they weren't welcome within the Government Medical Industrial Complex.
I am an RN, and what you say is true. The fact is all medications, even those which are demonstrable life savers, can have ugly adverse effects. I wouldn't be able to work anywhere if I weren't willing to administer drugs I myself would avoid at all cost.
For example, I would never take psychotropic drugs nor anti-cholesterol drugs nor chemotherapy. I think they are worth the risk. Yet I must administer them. I have refused to administer the jab, however.
The following is strongly worded although I mean no animus. If we are to build an ethical society, then we must be honest. I disagree that anyone is helpless to commit murder. This is the crux of the problem. Each individual who makes a decision to "save their job" and look the other way or assist in administration of malpractice is killing or assisting in murder. There is a balance of harms resulting from health provider's decisions. The harms, the choices are: lie to and murder a patient or face an inconvenient job search. The harms are hardly equivalent. Pierre Kory lost multiple jobs because his ethics were far more important than his paycheck. Peter McCullough nearly lost his career because his ethics and commitment to human life were more important than job security. They aren't heroes; they are simply people who place ethics and morality above a paycheck, as we are all expected to do. As a result of people who would rather keep their job than save a life, as a result of people who have, by virtue of accepting a healthcare job and swearing an oath, interjected themselves into the sustainment of our lives or facilitation of our deaths, we are now walking into a very, very dangerous situation. The hospital's stated mission is to to help the patient but really it wants to make as much money as possible. The health care providers who show up to collect their paycheck, have sworn oaths to help the patient, to do no harm, but instead they will lie and facilitate death when instructed to do so. As a consequence, the patient has entered a thieves den and will be lucky to leave with his life. We must suspect a subplot against us and hospital staff are working to carry it out. Is it too much to ask, in our selfish, materialistic culture, that hospitals and doctors not lie to us. That a doctor will look us in the face and tell us he will help us and mean it and not administer drugs that will kill us because he is told to do so? That a nurse will not work behind our backs to facilitate our death because she's got a Disneyland vacation to pay for? If it is too much to ask, the hospital will hide those facts from us and cannot tell us that we are no more than government bonus payments to them because we would stop going to the hospital. It would be appropriate if healthcare workers would be honest (although they've already shown a decided lack of a backbone) and tell bereaved family members, what has been said here. "Your child is dead because I was afraid of losing my job." I imagine when one's life passes before them, immediately prior to their death, this may be something that may haunt millions of people who facilitated murder.
I’ll go a bit further, and declare that I don’t consider Kory or McCullogh “heroes” because they did what they and everybody else SHOULD do when when presented with evil, and that is to stand up against it or run from it. Now their protocols and continuation of seeking truth and giving warnings is admirable, although they have the education and expertise that most of us do not possess. If a huge percentage of doctors, nurses, universities, government officials, and citizens had risen up and refused the lies of this tyranny, it would have been squashed. It never happened. If the people living in the US had lived during the American Revolution or even the pilgrimage, there would never be an America. They can’t even discipline their bratty over-indulged children! The most heavily armed of all nations is but a pathetic controlled infantile petty fading shadow of its past glory and bravery.
I have a friend who had to kidnap his father-in-law out of the hospital so he could die at home. Once the father-in-law passed, an autopsy was performed. He had bacterial pneumonia, not Covid. He could have been cured with antibiotics, but the protocols murdered the man. One of the nurses like your wife, testified in one of the Sen. Ron Johnson hearings on Covid, and she said the same thing. Surely there were good people who knew what was happening was wrong. Unfortunately most hospital employees were under the gun to be vaccinated or lose their jobs, so there's a real problem with the elimination of rights according to our Constitution. Yet, nothing has really been done to right those wrongs. The precedent has been set and now the elitists will do this again.
Sadly, we watched as the majority of the public nationwide donned their masks and complied with the ungodly and illegal mandates and lockdowns. This shows everyone that the globalists won.
Nurses could organize a union. Employers could fire one or a few nurses, but they couldn’t fire all of them. Really a shame for the nurses and their pts that the nurses didn’t use the power they have as a group. Kaiser is now begging the doctors whom they fired for refusing the vax, to come back. Airlines similarly are begging pilots to come back. Sometimes if you refuse to do as you’re told by corrupt bosses, you’re better off.
I agree with most of what you say, but not with your statement that HCW don't care. Part of them don't for sure. But I know HCW that cared a lot and are the kindest sweetest people I know, and they genuinely thought I was so off the mark, and endangering other people by not taking the vax, and they told me so to my face. I was taking of other people doing their duty., is how they described it. They thought they were doing the right thing in following orders. Which is maybe more dangerous than people who follow others with indifference. They really believe in what they are doing, not realising that they are harming people, because they thought they tried all they could and this was the sad outcome despite their attempts to help people.
But at some point there has to be a recognition that these HCWs were acting outside of their lane.
Science (as it was practiced before it became politicized) was always open to a counter argument. There appears to be a hubris among HCWs that has shut off any inkling that they might be wrong.
We can assure ourselves that they really mean well, but this doesn't address the issue of how someone so well-meaning could be so wrong.
Why is it that every single health care facility everywhere had some sort of sign outside stating something along the lines of “heroes work here”? It couldn’t possibly have been a coordinated effort, could it? Would you question Superman?
We all have our "blind spots", and they're called blind spots because we literally can't see that we have a deeply held false belief. In the case of the medical establishment, they are surrounded by information that reinforces their false beliefs, and that's likely been true since they were in kindergarten, if not earlier.
I had a revelation at about age 50 of a false belief that I'd developed in early childhood. When you have a blind spot, you can receive all kinds of contradictory evidence, and still not understand that the core belief is false. It's a remarkable experience to discover how blind you've been. I'm deeply grateful that I no longer have that false belief, and I'm also grateful to understand that others are operating with blindspots too.
I think its a mistake to label it as hubris. It's instead based on the very natural trust that children (and sometimes young adults) have in the older, seemingly "wise" (but really not) people they are learning from. If we understand correctly what's happened on their end, we may have a better chance of eventually helping them recognize their error. Since they can't see it, helping them requires a lot of finesse.
But we're talking about very-pedigreed people who routinely make life or death decisions for us.
Epidemics have taken place throughout history; save for its scope, Covid wasn't anything new, and anyone could have dusted off the remedies that had been compiled over centuries. Not only were these remedies given short shrift, our inalienable rights that were protected in our Bill of Rights were simply discarded by these same medical authorities.
Naomi Wolf has pointed out the prominent role that the doctors played in the Nazis' final solution. If the word "hubris" is not the proper word to explain the actions of our HCWs, it might be because it's too kind; the other approach is to observe how little their moral floor has come up since the 1930s.
I would sure not let anyone I care about near these deluded caregivers. You know what the road to hell is paved with. I don’t ‘care’ how good their intentions were, they deserve condemnation along with those who knowingly went along with mass murder. And by the way, how could these well-intentioned people not know what they were actually doing? Patients were dying and becoming disabled in record numbers as a direct result of their ministrations. Let’s save our compassion for those who were dispatched by these well-meaning angels of death.
I wasn't in any way trying to condone what they did. I only pointed out, that they DO care, in disagreement with the write of the most who stated they did not. You can be sincere, and sincerely wrong.
Lot of veterans were under the impression that they could lose their benefits if they refused to take the covid DeathVax. It could have been some mini-Mengele VA employee who implied/inferred a loss of benefits for non-compliance.
The pressure to get the shots was calls, emails, letters, signs up all over the hospital.
Very true and very sad. The people I tried to convince were not open to that at all unfortunately. One of them was even announced in the church bulletin for all her hard work at the ICU with covid patients. Blegh!!
And honestly, after all this, I would not now know where to go if I had a medical problem, other than emergencies like a broken leg or an accident. How does one go about that when one needs a diagnosis, but doesn't want to go to regular MD? I fear that if something comes up I will have no choice but to see a regular doctor.
They wouldn't have been trying to save a bug, by doing what they SHOULD've done, and "thinking" IS the job! It's NOTHING LIKE teaching in the execution of the job! Doctors and RNs are trained to know what drugs are for, how they work, proper dosing, etc. It's their job to question those things they ignored! THEY KNEW, and killed for money!
Nonstop propaganda explains the complacency and amnesia even for recent events. For people who cannot imagine doing without the convenience of bureaucratic institutions, the protocol truly simplify their lives. Nihilism is how a moribund, leviathan failed state functions.
I think that among the most tragic things that have happened in world history is that the current medical establishment first rejected natural remedies and then organized themselves using military hierarchy as the model. The result is what you described, David: that most of the people working in that industry, which is what it is, have been well-trained to follow orders and not think. It takes a great deal of effort to find doctors and nurses who are independent and able to think for themselves.
Why is it so hard to believe that sars-cov-2 was indeed a released bioweapon? And that the hospital protocols were designed and implemented to make things worse? And this was all a set up for the release of clot shot bioweapon #2? And 5G made things worse? And cures were suppressed? And both bioweapons will give you long term issues especially with rational thinking and your hippocampus? None of this is mutually exclusive- including germ theory vs terrain theory!
Is the last paragraph correctly stated? You had covid. I also had the same fatigue afterwards for a number of days. I was loaded on HCQ prophylaxis and then did the McCullough protocol. I got mine December 2021/January 2022. Mild fever, thanks to the prophylaxis. I think a lot of these doctors were woke true believer idiots. I have colleagues like that that I interacted with when I was in Faculty Senate. They were true believers, the loud ones. The smarter ones were afraid to voice their thinking publicly and were sending me grateful email publicly. A combination of woke idiots and intimidated smarter doctors that may have known better but were afraid to rock the boat.
John Leake, excellent post. My own circles include 2 people who died of "covid" and I put "covid" in quotation marks because now I suspect that what killed them was not covid but the covid protocol of neglect, vent, remdesivir. Both were hospitalized for over 2 weeks and their organs failed.
UPDATE / EDIT TO THIS COMMENT: My first encounter with this issue was in fact the testimony of veteran pulmonary nurse Albert Spence before the South Carolina Senate in 2021-- and it was this shocking testimony that prompted me to begin transcribing. This was the first I heard about the use of remdesivir, and it didn't quite sink in with me; I was mainly focused on what Spence said about the use of the sedatives, the vents, and other departures from standard care for pulmonary patients:
My first encounter with the bereaved speaking out, and my clearer understanding of the role of remdesivir, was as described below:
In my efforts to find and transcribe censored and shadow-banned videos of historical importance, it was back in 2022 that came across the multiple testimonies of hospital murder in the video of the Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19, October 13, 2022. That press conference (to which, as you might imagine, almost no press showed up) is now archived at this link:
I transcribed not all but a good number of these heartbreaking testimonies. Anyone interested can find them here (scroll down to October 2022):
On hearing the first one I found it a ways outside my Overton window. I am familiar with the bereaved, in their extreme grief, sometimes falling into delusions, so I wasn't ready to believe such a story on first hearing. I quickly recognized, however, that there were too many of these testimonies, and these many people were all telling essentially the same story-- a story in line with what nurse Albert Spence and other nurses, including Nicole Sirotek and Erin Olszewski, had testified. So I transcribed several of them. Later, I came across many more elsewhere on the Internet. And I am well aware of, and warmly salute, the efforts of the Former Feds Group Covid 19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project
Had I first, knowing nothing of this, come across this video of Dr. Jane Ruby reaming out a hospital board I simply wouldn't have believed it, but, by the time I did come across it, I knew what Dr. Ruby was saying about the murders by covid protocol really was happening. Here goes:
DESCRIPTION ON RUMBLE PAGE: "In this stunning testimony before the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, Dr. Jane Ruby lays out the truth about the abuse, neglect, and outright killing of patients forced into the CDC death protocol. In the middle of her testimony, Board Chair Tram Hudson interrupts Dr. Jane, tries to intimidate her and threatens her. This testimony is dedicated to all of those family members and victims who suffered at the hands of this and many other hospitals in the United States. This must end"
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The camera shows Dr. Jane Ruby's back; she stands at the podium addressing the members of the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board, a public hospital in Florida. This is a public comment with a strict time limit. Dr. Jane Ruby is the host of The Dr. Jane Ruby Show
See "Sarasota Memorial Hospital COVID critics return to berate its board" by Derek Gilliam
"The hospital board's monthly meeting had more than 50 people sign a speaker card — for the second time in a row — to provide public comment to the elected representatives who oversee the largest health care provider in Sarasota County"
DR. JANE RUBY: 2020 I never saw the degree of neglect, subrogation of patient rights, and out and out assault on human beings that have been reported by patients in your hospital and countless other hospitals in the United States. Sarasota Memorial Hospital is the poster child for the killing fields American hospitals have become.
MALE VOICE: Ms. Ruby, you are on dangerous ground right now.
DR. JANE RUBY: Today I am speaking for the hundreds of families that stand behind me that have written to me or appeared on my show to tell their stories of their loved ones, their last days in this and other hospitals. Patients deprived of food and water, forced narcotics, deadly failed drugs forced on them like remdesivir, forced into mechanical ventilation.
As a nursing professor I taught the skills of nursing, but I knew I couldn't teach the compassion and the integrity, so I looked for it. I looked for the protective instincts in my nursing students because they would be going out and be responsible for being with patients alone in their most vulnerable moments. They had to be trustworthy.
MALE VOICE: One minute.
DR. JANE RUBY: Nursing quality is judged by patients, sir, not Newsweek magazine or remote nursing journals. I came here today to ask your nurses and your doctors one question. How do you do it? How do you do it?
DR. JANE RUBY: How do you go home and hug your children and your grandparents, after witnessing, after hanging those remdesivir bags day after day and watching people suffer and choke on endotracheal tubes? Nurses that stay enable these actions and these outcomes. And the American people are watching you. And every hospital now. Thank you.
May Baric, Fauci, Gates, The Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab, Tedros and all the other Luciferian Scum rot in a rat infested, hell hole prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
I watched the 2 min video and would have stood up and verbally assaulted those two pricks up on the dais for ignoring her and talking while she presented. Still pissed just thinking of them. . .
This exact scenario happened to my mom but she was unvaccinated so the doctors & hospital staff were angry with her. She was denied monoclonal antibodies and left to die without family allowed in the hospital. I have reported the ICU doctor to the hospital board as well as the attending nurse to the Ohio Nursing Board with no results. My congressman & Senator have ignored my emails. Now Fauci says the protocols were made up and no one is being criminally prosecuted. So devastating!
Lisa, I am so sorry for what you and your mother went through.
See VSRF & their COVID Litigation conferences; get the medical records from your mom’s hospitalization; there are a growing cadre of lawyers who are willing and eager to sue the hospitals, staff, and doctors over this atrocity. They have found ways around the indemnity written into the Plandemic laws. Recent VSRF podcast/webinars outline how.
I would like to know who your representative & senators were.
Since the same protocol was administered around the world; it is certain to have been a plan determined before the release of whatever was used to cause the initial infection. Don't believe it was fatal by a long shot. It probably did require some treatment to overcome. We had Covid here as well and nobody received the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injection. We took Dr. Zelenko's Protocol advised from Rochester, NY very early with the usual reported infestation.
Been reading Katherine Watt's Substack for years, now. She's right on target...And, in learning further of ALL Nation State Members to the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's to have placed regulations into their 'Codes' also absolving anybody from all criminal action concerning the whole PLANDEMIC which continue to the current day, find nothing to indicate error. There's simply too much the Criminals Against All Life on Earth have declared about their current plans for Depopulation, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery. Their only goal is anything allowing them to live an extraordinarily high standard of living without worry of using-up all resources from the Earth...Or, becoming immortal by somehow placing their human soul in 'The Cloud.'
Both Katherine and her colleague, Sasha Latypova, are correct in their research and what they write. Can find no evidence of illogical or irrational patterns in thought or through their reports of progressive laws nullifying the Constitution and absolving criminal activity. That is all necessary to convince of them being correct. What do you believe from what you've heard, seen and experienced?
We had a couple brave doctors in our community who said over testing of PCR was leading to false positives. The county started at 300/400 test per day and a few months into the pandemic scaled up to 8,000 tests per day. These tests are not designed to be definitive tests and the MDs commented that people were coming in for other things, getting tested, when it was clear they did not have a respiratory virus. Tests results from PCR are not definitive, PCR is prone to contamination, cross reacts with other viruses, and only detects small fragments of complementary genetic material not whole viruses. The test will come up positive post infection too.
CHD conducted several interviews where families lost loved ones due to Remdesivir and ventilation. I think most people believe the hospital protocols and perverse incentives killed people, not the virus.
I think Katherine Watt is spot on! John, I think you and Dr. McCullough are wrong about the PCR test but that’s not to say that early treatment and keeping people out of the hospital wasn’t life saving.
This is how roughly 1M Americans were exterminated. An “American Holocaust.” Not forgetting about the shots for a moment. These hospital deaths served as fear propaganda to sell the shots to the public. Look back at the CMS mandate: stayed by Judge Doughty but reinstated by the 6th circuit (Gibbons wrote for the majority) because propaganda at the time consisted of Biden’s statement that COVID had killed 750,000 and HHS wrote in the CMS appeal that workers faced “grave danger” that required the shots to avert. Gibbons and others watched CNN and ignored Dr. McCullough’s testimony to Doughty. The judiciary was made up of middle schoolers who watched TV instead of doing their homework.
One other comment on my own comment. During the military dictatorship in Argentina they were called “Los desaparacidos.” During COVID some folks were not even that sick. They were scared. So they reported to the ER, were put on protocol never to be seen again. They exited by the loading dock and the hospital collected a staggering $450,000. You can research the average bounty for a corpse … this is the figure I have heard more than once. Sasha Latypova wrote her own account of a visit to the “COVID” ward, run by the military, looking after an elderly relation trapped in the system. The semi-infinite number of stories and lawsuits are all still raw and unprocessed by the courts because a relative perished …. as ordinary citizens must struggle on their own with the a travesty that has been perpetuated because the Department of Justice will never pursue what is an embarrassment to the administration and interfere with the arrangement that funnels tax revenues into the pockets of the medical industries. Fauci’s pet company Gilead got very rich supplying Remdesivir … a drug (aka poison that causes organ failure) that went to drug testing school, flunked out and joined the military as dropouts often do. It is a crime on the face of it that exists in the anaerobic cesspool of Constitutional collapse.
Actually, most of the people I served with in the military graduated.
Now with the military in its death throes because of DEI and woke, I'm sure the Pentagon will take all rejects so they can die on the shithole battlefields around the world in their forever wars that support the Military Industrial Complex.
The abuse and betrayal of outstanding people in the military by the DOD and administration is treason by compromising the Constitutional mandate of the Common Defense. It’s been going on for a long time, but took some innovative depravity by current leadership to make it worse. Here’s hoping things change after the next election. It has to.
Quite right, the covid deaths were the prelude to the vax-deaths to follow. Also hospitals and doctors were instructed to change the previous cause-of-death reporting protocol. They were told to list every death where covid was detected as a covid death, regardless of what other diseases or injuries were present. Thus someone who drove his motorcycle into a brick wall, who happened to test positive for covid — that cause of death had to be reported as covid. These vastly exaggerated covid death counts were fed right into the evening TV news and NYTimes etc. as if gospel. The message was: mRNA vaxing is your only salvation. How completely wrong — maliciously wrong — that was is revealed more and more in this Substack by Dr Peter McCullough and John Leake. I and many others are most grateful for your truth and courage.
I have a friend who was put into a hospital in Brooklyn NY in March of 2020. No family was allowed to see him. He called his family repeatedly and told them the hospital staff was not feeding him nor giving him access to water. They refused to listen to him at all. Sadly he did pass away and we all blame the lack of care he received.
Intubation/ventilation and DNRs were used to protect healthcare workers, not to treat and care for Covid patients. Intubation/ventilation reduced the amount of virus containing aerosols floating around the hospital wards. DNRs absolved staff from having to give mouth to mouth resuscitation.
These protocols were devised when Covid was thought to be a deadly plague. They were used long after it was known to be no more than a severe influenza.
By the time that patients needed to be intubated and ventilated, viral replication had stopped as a result of the body’s immune and other mechanisms. Any viral testing at that point was either dead or debris. The patients were suffering from an over active and prolonged response to the infection. Besides being ineffective at that point remdisivir was toxic.
The doctors and nurses may have thought or said it was for their own safety, but it was not.
Virtually every thing that was said and done in the pandemic was wrong and/or a lie.
This is documented in some of the monographs and slide sets at
My wife, the ICU nurse, did not knowingly administer these protocols. They do what the doctors prescribe. She questioned the protocols but was told to shut up and do what they are told. The protocols came down from "on high" and even doctors had a hard time going against them.
Blaming the nurses will get us nowhere. Blaming some doctors yes. Blaming the hospital administrators, yes.
I don't know what anyone else did, but I made sure my students were still learning despite switching to distance learning. The day they closed our schools I had a large majority of my students turning in their work online before noon. It was like we had school without anyone showing up. I admit that I had been using Google Classroom for years before 2020, and starting the 2019-2020 school year I spent a lot of time making sure my students could access it from home since I was giving them homework that way. So at least my students were ready for distance learning when it was imposed. I even had a kid ask a week before the closure what would happen if we had to shut down, and I told them to check Google Classroom and I would be posting everything there as usual.
We covered all of the grade level standards using the same lectures I was already recording for absent students to use to catch up, I just didnt have anyone in the background when recording. We used the same online tests and quizzes I had written for use in the classroom. The following school year the state didn't do standardized testing, but our department used our standardized tests that we had been creating for the last few years and the scores didn't just stay stable (comparing September 2019 to September 2020 and January 2020 to January 2021, pre-closure to post closure) but actually improved a bit.
Many people aren't cut out for distance teaching, but I made it work, until I lost my job in 2021 for not getting jabbed. So now I tutor one on one since my credential is now useless and the public school system doesn't want to give the option of independent study to kids who can't handle being in a traditional classroom.
I couldn't stop anything from happening, but I protected the people I was in a position to protect. A lot of people laid low and helped where they could, including several health care workers I had to take my elderly relatives to for procedures to manage their chronic illnesses. I'm grateful for those people and I'm not throwing them under the bus for the crimes of others.
You did not touch on an important aspect of hospital and doctor protocols. They are insurance driven.
Malpractice insurance companies want doctors to follow approved protocols as given by their licensing boards. In turn these are taken from CDC, FDA and AMA issued protocols. Also important is transference of liability. If a doctor follows a protocol and prescribes a pharamaceutical product for a medical illness then liability transfers from the doctor to the Pharma company making the product. Hence boards are keen to prescribe a pharma intervention (pill) for every ill.
I believe these protocols are at the root of the problem along with the obscene amount of money paid by the government to treat "covid-19" cases. It didn't take much effort by the Cabal to turn the CDC, FDA and AMA into co-conspirators in the genocide of citizens.
This also explains why tort reform was absent from the affordable care act. It would actually improve care for patients, and we can't have that happening.
For what it's worth, I also had the most extreme fatigue I've ever experienced for the first four days of the Covid-19 illness that I experienced. I slept around the clock for 4 full 24-hr days. I woke up about every 12 hrs, realized that I'd been in a very deep sleep, thought I was rested up and could go downstairs, but after going to the bathroom, immediately needed to go back into a deep sleep. Once I was done with all that sleep, I had almost three more weeks of respiratory symptoms, mostly in my throat, but including a very distinct burning at the top of my lungs near the beginning of the 3rd week that I later learned is the symptom of pneumonia. I'm a senior who lives alone, didn't know anything about how to treat the respiratory symptoms, and didn't want to worry my millennial sons because they were working incredibly hard to get their careers established, and the pandemic lockdowns made those efforts far more challenging. Fortunately, we all made it through those times, and I now believe it was by divine grace that my gut instinct about what to do didn't guide me to contact my "primary care physician" about the respiratory symptoms. Normally, I would have called the doctor with symptoms like that, but the symptoms were "going around" in the city where I live, and my neighbors and friends were recovering on their own, so that's what I did too.
Since then, I've been learning everything I can about how to take care of many different kinds of illnesses, including cancer. I also belong to a new clinic that's outside the mainstream medical system that I'm incredibly happy with. I am forever indebted to the MDs like you, Dr. McCullough, and also the nurses and others like Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, who courageously decided not to go along with the mandated protocols and instead have spoken out and informed the rest of us about what was happening in our previously trusted medical establishment.
I'm now helping friends learn about the alternative clinics and medicines that I've learned about. One millennial who was harmed by the Covid vaccines found the best solutions at The Wellness Company. Thank you for creating that clinic, and for publicizing your protocol with bromelain, curcumin and nattokinase. I believe you have helped millions of people. Your dedication and ethics, and your incredible TWC team including Dr. Thorpe who has also courageously helped countless women and their partners deal with their most concerning medical upheavals, are truly inspiring. Please know that your efforts are recognized and deeply appreciated by all who are paying attention to the truth.
The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally.🤫
Chris very well put, summarizes perfectly!
And they laughed at Ayn Rand.
They still do, and will continue to do, even with their train now entering the tunnel.
There is an higher law, to which every single 1 of those who participated in these murders will answer 1 day. The "quasi-legality" of the world's gov'ts will not hold up in that court as valid! They KNEW...!
Bingo. Go to the head of the class.
Excellent summary of our situation, and should never be forgotten.
John - you wrote " Here I would like to emphasize my firm conviction that civilized adults may disagree about many things while maintaining an overall posture of civility and cooperation." Very well said, Sir. I think now, after the covid 19 disaster, that 8 or even 9 out of 10 medical staff of all grades and levels probably care no more about the life of patients than they care about the life of a bug. If their superior tells them to do something they do it. What care they for consequences to anybody but themselves? Would you risk your income or job or health or standing to save a bug? They were told to administer certain protocols and not to administer others and thinking is above their pay grade and ethics even more so. Its quite the same in teaching were most teachers care nothing for the education of children and only getting through the day with the least fuss. Same everywhere, in fact. Very few of us care about truth or what is right. We ( I mean people like you and me ) are the odd ones out. My entire family allowed our father to be drugged to death and murdered in a "care" home in Cambridge UK dying on 13.01.22, and did not even visit. They went along with every crazy increase in the drug load, questioned nothing, believed any nonsense the care home were careful to communicate by phone and either did not tell me what was happening or misdirected me. I was overseas or sailing or in quarantine for the 300 days it took to kill him off. To this day they believe he died in 9 days from "covid" and the overdosing stated in the records of totally unnecessary and contra indicated schizophrenia drugs was just a simple, understandable, "mistake" ( that drug is the drug of choice for sedation). Most people follow orders believe what they are told by higher ups, do not think, do not care, cannot distinguish between truth and a lie or truth their own self interest and above all hate others deeply. The Saint Bartholomew day Massacre is a good example of what humans are really mostly all about. Covid 19 vaccines have probably killed or will kill more people than any single event in history but hardly anybody will know or care or even want to. Depressing, I know, but what has happened makes it quite clear. Thanks for all your excellent work on this. If we can achieve one thing, I hope, we can largely stop the vaccine pushers - for a while at least.
It's the old excuse, "I was just following orders." That didn't work for the Nazis, and it shouldn't work for these people either. They were trained and knew better, but they didn't want to lose their jobs, so they did what they were told. And according to Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, both the UK and the USA had their orders that the elderly and mentally or physically disabled were to die. That's pretty grim, but I've come to believe it.
The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. 🙃
Gustave Le Bon
It takes honest, sincere and persistent effort to find the truth. Most people are lazy or don't have the time or inclination to question the "truth" they hear from the msm.
My wife (ICU nurse) did question these protocols. Maybe she is the 1 or 2 out of 10 you refer to, but I am not so sure about that. You have no idea the toll it takes on nurses who watch people die almost every day.
Once the vaccine mandates came along, any of the nurses looking for exemptions, my wife one of them, knew to keep their mouth shut. She was able to discuss the protocols with a few open minded doctors but the doctors had even less of a clue. The medicial system failed everyone, top down. Not the nurses fault. Nurses do what is prescribed by doctors or lose their jobs. Simple. Doctors had no idea Remdezivir would kill people, even though most of us here knew at the time. Doctors are just sheep with an ego.
I know. I'm retired now, but I dealt with dying patients too. No, they are trained to question orders that are outside the parameters for the meds prescribed, or where there are conflicting interactions or allergies. We did that 50yrs ago, it's not new! The doctors did know, unless they were stupid enough to open themselves to malpractice suits by prescribing drugs without knowing how they work, and all the other information about them! You offer them FAR to great excuses for what they did!
It is now standard practice to prescribe drugs that are potentially contraindicated or conflicting, especially in seniors. Nurses no longer have the autonomy they once did.
For those who don't know what the nurses faced, see the book What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy. There were, of course, hero nurses, just as there were hero doctors, but they weren't welcome within the Government Medical Industrial Complex.
I am an RN, and what you say is true. The fact is all medications, even those which are demonstrable life savers, can have ugly adverse effects. I wouldn't be able to work anywhere if I weren't willing to administer drugs I myself would avoid at all cost.
What you said, bears repeating. . . let's ALL let this sink in:
" I wouldn't be able to work anywhere if I weren't willing to administer drugs I myself would avoid at all cost."
For example, I would never take psychotropic drugs nor anti-cholesterol drugs nor chemotherapy. I think they are worth the risk. Yet I must administer them. I have refused to administer the jab, however.
I got fired for speaking up . I will never forget. May what goes around come around.
The following is strongly worded although I mean no animus. If we are to build an ethical society, then we must be honest. I disagree that anyone is helpless to commit murder. This is the crux of the problem. Each individual who makes a decision to "save their job" and look the other way or assist in administration of malpractice is killing or assisting in murder. There is a balance of harms resulting from health provider's decisions. The harms, the choices are: lie to and murder a patient or face an inconvenient job search. The harms are hardly equivalent. Pierre Kory lost multiple jobs because his ethics were far more important than his paycheck. Peter McCullough nearly lost his career because his ethics and commitment to human life were more important than job security. They aren't heroes; they are simply people who place ethics and morality above a paycheck, as we are all expected to do. As a result of people who would rather keep their job than save a life, as a result of people who have, by virtue of accepting a healthcare job and swearing an oath, interjected themselves into the sustainment of our lives or facilitation of our deaths, we are now walking into a very, very dangerous situation. The hospital's stated mission is to to help the patient but really it wants to make as much money as possible. The health care providers who show up to collect their paycheck, have sworn oaths to help the patient, to do no harm, but instead they will lie and facilitate death when instructed to do so. As a consequence, the patient has entered a thieves den and will be lucky to leave with his life. We must suspect a subplot against us and hospital staff are working to carry it out. Is it too much to ask, in our selfish, materialistic culture, that hospitals and doctors not lie to us. That a doctor will look us in the face and tell us he will help us and mean it and not administer drugs that will kill us because he is told to do so? That a nurse will not work behind our backs to facilitate our death because she's got a Disneyland vacation to pay for? If it is too much to ask, the hospital will hide those facts from us and cannot tell us that we are no more than government bonus payments to them because we would stop going to the hospital. It would be appropriate if healthcare workers would be honest (although they've already shown a decided lack of a backbone) and tell bereaved family members, what has been said here. "Your child is dead because I was afraid of losing my job." I imagine when one's life passes before them, immediately prior to their death, this may be something that may haunt millions of people who facilitated murder.
I’ll go a bit further, and declare that I don’t consider Kory or McCullogh “heroes” because they did what they and everybody else SHOULD do when when presented with evil, and that is to stand up against it or run from it. Now their protocols and continuation of seeking truth and giving warnings is admirable, although they have the education and expertise that most of us do not possess. If a huge percentage of doctors, nurses, universities, government officials, and citizens had risen up and refused the lies of this tyranny, it would have been squashed. It never happened. If the people living in the US had lived during the American Revolution or even the pilgrimage, there would never be an America. They can’t even discipline their bratty over-indulged children! The most heavily armed of all nations is but a pathetic controlled infantile petty fading shadow of its past glory and bravery.
I have a friend who had to kidnap his father-in-law out of the hospital so he could die at home. Once the father-in-law passed, an autopsy was performed. He had bacterial pneumonia, not Covid. He could have been cured with antibiotics, but the protocols murdered the man. One of the nurses like your wife, testified in one of the Sen. Ron Johnson hearings on Covid, and she said the same thing. Surely there were good people who knew what was happening was wrong. Unfortunately most hospital employees were under the gun to be vaccinated or lose their jobs, so there's a real problem with the elimination of rights according to our Constitution. Yet, nothing has really been done to right those wrongs. The precedent has been set and now the elitists will do this again.
Sadly, we watched as the majority of the public nationwide donned their masks and complied with the ungodly and illegal mandates and lockdowns. This shows everyone that the globalists won.
Nurses could organize a union. Employers could fire one or a few nurses, but they couldn’t fire all of them. Really a shame for the nurses and their pts that the nurses didn’t use the power they have as a group. Kaiser is now begging the doctors whom they fired for refusing the vax, to come back. Airlines similarly are begging pilots to come back. Sometimes if you refuse to do as you’re told by corrupt bosses, you’re better off.
Bingo. You could train a chimp to be a Doctor™️
Sheep 🐑 doctors in lab coats 🥼 … we’re fucked
I agree with most of what you say, but not with your statement that HCW don't care. Part of them don't for sure. But I know HCW that cared a lot and are the kindest sweetest people I know, and they genuinely thought I was so off the mark, and endangering other people by not taking the vax, and they told me so to my face. I was taking of other people doing their duty., is how they described it. They thought they were doing the right thing in following orders. Which is maybe more dangerous than people who follow others with indifference. They really believe in what they are doing, not realising that they are harming people, because they thought they tried all they could and this was the sad outcome despite their attempts to help people.
The people who didn't like the fact that I refused to take the covid DeathVax were mean, cruel, and ignorant.
No one was nice or cared!
I think we all encountered that.
I won't forget what they did to us.
No.. Forgiving is possible, but like the internet, once it's in our brains' circuitry, it's there for life.
No forgiveness to people who tried to murder us.
But at some point there has to be a recognition that these HCWs were acting outside of their lane.
Science (as it was practiced before it became politicized) was always open to a counter argument. There appears to be a hubris among HCWs that has shut off any inkling that they might be wrong.
We can assure ourselves that they really mean well, but this doesn't address the issue of how someone so well-meaning could be so wrong.
Prison for them!
Imagine that this would happen globally. A lot of prisons would have to be built to accommodate that.
Why is it that every single health care facility everywhere had some sort of sign outside stating something along the lines of “heroes work here”? It couldn’t possibly have been a coordinated effort, could it? Would you question Superman?
We all have our "blind spots", and they're called blind spots because we literally can't see that we have a deeply held false belief. In the case of the medical establishment, they are surrounded by information that reinforces their false beliefs, and that's likely been true since they were in kindergarten, if not earlier.
I had a revelation at about age 50 of a false belief that I'd developed in early childhood. When you have a blind spot, you can receive all kinds of contradictory evidence, and still not understand that the core belief is false. It's a remarkable experience to discover how blind you've been. I'm deeply grateful that I no longer have that false belief, and I'm also grateful to understand that others are operating with blindspots too.
I think its a mistake to label it as hubris. It's instead based on the very natural trust that children (and sometimes young adults) have in the older, seemingly "wise" (but really not) people they are learning from. If we understand correctly what's happened on their end, we may have a better chance of eventually helping them recognize their error. Since they can't see it, helping them requires a lot of finesse.
But we're talking about very-pedigreed people who routinely make life or death decisions for us.
Epidemics have taken place throughout history; save for its scope, Covid wasn't anything new, and anyone could have dusted off the remedies that had been compiled over centuries. Not only were these remedies given short shrift, our inalienable rights that were protected in our Bill of Rights were simply discarded by these same medical authorities.
Naomi Wolf has pointed out the prominent role that the doctors played in the Nazis' final solution. If the word "hubris" is not the proper word to explain the actions of our HCWs, it might be because it's too kind; the other approach is to observe how little their moral floor has come up since the 1930s.
I fully agree with that. I have little hope that this recognition will happen though. I hope I am too pessimistic.
I would sure not let anyone I care about near these deluded caregivers. You know what the road to hell is paved with. I don’t ‘care’ how good their intentions were, they deserve condemnation along with those who knowingly went along with mass murder. And by the way, how could these well-intentioned people not know what they were actually doing? Patients were dying and becoming disabled in record numbers as a direct result of their ministrations. Let’s save our compassion for those who were dispatched by these well-meaning angels of death.
I always ask, "didn't they notice people were dying after administering Remdesivir?"
I wasn't in any way trying to condone what they did. I only pointed out, that they DO care, in disagreement with the write of the most who stated they did not. You can be sincere, and sincerely wrong.
Like maybe the VA cares about veterans?
Still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" to veterans 65 years and older.
"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"
But we vets can decline! I have been doing so right along, and in full awareness of what that means, both pro and con!
Lot of veterans were under the impression that they could lose their benefits if they refused to take the covid DeathVax. It could have been some mini-Mengele VA employee who implied/inferred a loss of benefits for non-compliance.
The pressure to get the shots was calls, emails, letters, signs up all over the hospital.
See also my comment.
Yes, but their victims are just as dead as if the well-meaning caregivers did NOT care.
Very true and very sad. The people I tried to convince were not open to that at all unfortunately. One of them was even announced in the church bulletin for all her hard work at the ICU with covid patients. Blegh!!
And honestly, after all this, I would not now know where to go if I had a medical problem, other than emergencies like a broken leg or an accident. How does one go about that when one needs a diagnosis, but doesn't want to go to regular MD? I fear that if something comes up I will have no choice but to see a regular doctor.
Try a naturopath; a trained MD or DO, who uses natural remedies 1st.
Prison for life!
They wouldn't have been trying to save a bug, by doing what they SHOULD've done, and "thinking" IS the job! It's NOTHING LIKE teaching in the execution of the job! Doctors and RNs are trained to know what drugs are for, how they work, proper dosing, etc. It's their job to question those things they ignored! THEY KNEW, and killed for money!
Nonstop propaganda explains the complacency and amnesia even for recent events. For people who cannot imagine doing without the convenience of bureaucratic institutions, the protocol truly simplify their lives. Nihilism is how a moribund, leviathan failed state functions.
We should all fear those who will do anything just to keep their jobs.
I think that among the most tragic things that have happened in world history is that the current medical establishment first rejected natural remedies and then organized themselves using military hierarchy as the model. The result is what you described, David: that most of the people working in that industry, which is what it is, have been well-trained to follow orders and not think. It takes a great deal of effort to find doctors and nurses who are independent and able to think for themselves.
Why is it so hard to believe that sars-cov-2 was indeed a released bioweapon? And that the hospital protocols were designed and implemented to make things worse? And this was all a set up for the release of clot shot bioweapon #2? And 5G made things worse? And cures were suppressed? And both bioweapons will give you long term issues especially with rational thinking and your hippocampus? None of this is mutually exclusive- including germ theory vs terrain theory!
Is the last paragraph correctly stated? You had covid. I also had the same fatigue afterwards for a number of days. I was loaded on HCQ prophylaxis and then did the McCullough protocol. I got mine December 2021/January 2022. Mild fever, thanks to the prophylaxis. I think a lot of these doctors were woke true believer idiots. I have colleagues like that that I interacted with when I was in Faculty Senate. They were true believers, the loud ones. The smarter ones were afraid to voice their thinking publicly and were sending me grateful email publicly. A combination of woke idiots and intimidated smarter doctors that may have known better but were afraid to rock the boat.
John Leake, excellent post. My own circles include 2 people who died of "covid" and I put "covid" in quotation marks because now I suspect that what killed them was not covid but the covid protocol of neglect, vent, remdesivir. Both were hospitalized for over 2 weeks and their organs failed.
UPDATE / EDIT TO THIS COMMENT: My first encounter with this issue was in fact the testimony of veteran pulmonary nurse Albert Spence before the South Carolina Senate in 2021-- and it was this shocking testimony that prompted me to begin transcribing. This was the first I heard about the use of remdesivir, and it didn't quite sink in with me; I was mainly focused on what Spence said about the use of the sedatives, the vents, and other departures from standard care for pulmonary patients:
My first encounter with the bereaved speaking out, and my clearer understanding of the role of remdesivir, was as described below:
In my efforts to find and transcribe censored and shadow-banned videos of historical importance, it was back in 2022 that came across the multiple testimonies of hospital murder in the video of the Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19, October 13, 2022. That press conference (to which, as you might imagine, almost no press showed up) is now archived at this link:
I transcribed not all but a good number of these heartbreaking testimonies. Anyone interested can find them here (scroll down to October 2022):
On hearing the first one I found it a ways outside my Overton window. I am familiar with the bereaved, in their extreme grief, sometimes falling into delusions, so I wasn't ready to believe such a story on first hearing. I quickly recognized, however, that there were too many of these testimonies, and these many people were all telling essentially the same story-- a story in line with what nurse Albert Spence and other nurses, including Nicole Sirotek and Erin Olszewski, had testified. So I transcribed several of them. Later, I came across many more elsewhere on the Internet. And I am well aware of, and warmly salute, the efforts of the Former Feds Group Covid 19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project
Had I first, knowing nothing of this, come across this video of Dr. Jane Ruby reaming out a hospital board I simply wouldn't have believed it, but, by the time I did come across it, I knew what Dr. Ruby was saying about the murders by covid protocol really was happening. Here goes:
posted March 23, 2023
DESCRIPTION ON RUMBLE PAGE: "In this stunning testimony before the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, Dr. Jane Ruby lays out the truth about the abuse, neglect, and outright killing of patients forced into the CDC death protocol. In the middle of her testimony, Board Chair Tram Hudson interrupts Dr. Jane, tries to intimidate her and threatens her. This testimony is dedicated to all of those family members and victims who suffered at the hands of this and many other hospitals in the United States. This must end"
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The camera shows Dr. Jane Ruby's back; she stands at the podium addressing the members of the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board, a public hospital in Florida. This is a public comment with a strict time limit. Dr. Jane Ruby is the host of The Dr. Jane Ruby Show
See "Sarasota Memorial Hospital COVID critics return to berate its board" by Derek Gilliam
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
March 20, 2023
"The hospital board's monthly meeting had more than 50 people sign a speaker card — for the second time in a row — to provide public comment to the elected representatives who oversee the largest health care provider in Sarasota County"
DR. JANE RUBY: 2020 I never saw the degree of neglect, subrogation of patient rights, and out and out assault on human beings that have been reported by patients in your hospital and countless other hospitals in the United States. Sarasota Memorial Hospital is the poster child for the killing fields American hospitals have become.
MALE VOICE: Ms. Ruby, you are on dangerous ground right now.
DR. JANE RUBY: Today I am speaking for the hundreds of families that stand behind me that have written to me or appeared on my show to tell their stories of their loved ones, their last days in this and other hospitals. Patients deprived of food and water, forced narcotics, deadly failed drugs forced on them like remdesivir, forced into mechanical ventilation.
As a nursing professor I taught the skills of nursing, but I knew I couldn't teach the compassion and the integrity, so I looked for it. I looked for the protective instincts in my nursing students because they would be going out and be responsible for being with patients alone in their most vulnerable moments. They had to be trustworthy.
MALE VOICE: One minute.
DR. JANE RUBY: Nursing quality is judged by patients, sir, not Newsweek magazine or remote nursing journals. I came here today to ask your nurses and your doctors one question. How do you do it? How do you do it?
DR. JANE RUBY: How do you go home and hug your children and your grandparents, after witnessing, after hanging those remdesivir bags day after day and watching people suffer and choke on endotracheal tubes? Nurses that stay enable these actions and these outcomes. And the American people are watching you. And every hospital now. Thank you.
MALE VOICE: Thank you for your time.
Never forget the it was Ralph Baric's lab at UNC Chapel Hill that developed Remdesivir.
The same lab that worked with the Bat Lady in Wuhan in weaponizing the coronavirus.
Wow, didn't know about Baric's role in RunDeathIsNear, the drug that was dropped from Ebola trials because it killed more people than Ebola did.
Would I be exaggerating if I called him a murdering psycho?
You are too kind, Kathleen.
May Baric, Fauci, Gates, The Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab, Tedros and all the other Luciferian Scum rot in a rat infested, hell hole prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
I hope they suffer the most horrifying and painful death just like the covid patients in the hospital that were murdered by doctors and nurses.
But, probably not.
Look how long it took that evil warmongering troll Kissinger to die...he was 100.
But ETERNITY is quite long, and Dante didn't come close to what the Bible describes as the place for which most are heading, after these acts!
If Baric's lab didn't kill you with the weaponized coronavirus, they will kill you with the "cure."
Tidying up loose ends.
I had forgotten or never knew. Wow.
Spread the word.
You are my hero, Transcriber B. I cannot tell you how much I admire your body of work.
Thanks for your kind words, Victoria. Lol, I'm just dagnabbit stubborn & determined, this info will be saved, and for beyond our lifetimes.
thanks Transcriber B!
Fantastic post.
I watched the 2 min video and would have stood up and verbally assaulted those two pricks up on the dais for ignoring her and talking while she presented. Still pissed just thinking of them. . .
I will second that!
Mine too!
This exact scenario happened to my mom but she was unvaccinated so the doctors & hospital staff were angry with her. She was denied monoclonal antibodies and left to die without family allowed in the hospital. I have reported the ICU doctor to the hospital board as well as the attending nurse to the Ohio Nursing Board with no results. My congressman & Senator have ignored my emails. Now Fauci says the protocols were made up and no one is being criminally prosecuted. So devastating!
Congress was exempt from being forced to take the covid DeathVax.
Why? Are they special?
Surprised there is not more outrage.
BTW, they don't care.
Unless I’m mistaken, members of Congress are exempt from a very large # of the laws they pass.
Especially the insider trading laws that turns them into millionaires.
Lisa, I am so sorry for what you and your mother went through.
See VSRF & their COVID Litigation conferences; get the medical records from your mom’s hospitalization; there are a growing cadre of lawyers who are willing and eager to sue the hospitals, staff, and doctors over this atrocity. They have found ways around the indemnity written into the Plandemic laws. Recent VSRF podcast/webinars outline how.
I would like to know who your representative & senators were.
I am so sorry, Lisa. Wishing you comfort, peace and justice.
Since the same protocol was administered around the world; it is certain to have been a plan determined before the release of whatever was used to cause the initial infection. Don't believe it was fatal by a long shot. It probably did require some treatment to overcome. We had Covid here as well and nobody received the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injection. We took Dr. Zelenko's Protocol advised from Rochester, NY very early with the usual reported infestation.
Been reading Katherine Watt's Substack for years, now. She's right on target...And, in learning further of ALL Nation State Members to the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's to have placed regulations into their 'Codes' also absolving anybody from all criminal action concerning the whole PLANDEMIC which continue to the current day, find nothing to indicate error. There's simply too much the Criminals Against All Life on Earth have declared about their current plans for Depopulation, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery. Their only goal is anything allowing them to live an extraordinarily high standard of living without worry of using-up all resources from the Earth...Or, becoming immortal by somehow placing their human soul in 'The Cloud.'
Both Katherine and her colleague, Sasha Latypova, are correct in their research and what they write. Can find no evidence of illogical or irrational patterns in thought or through their reports of progressive laws nullifying the Constitution and absolving criminal activity. That is all necessary to convince of them being correct. What do you believe from what you've heard, seen and experienced?
We had a couple brave doctors in our community who said over testing of PCR was leading to false positives. The county started at 300/400 test per day and a few months into the pandemic scaled up to 8,000 tests per day. These tests are not designed to be definitive tests and the MDs commented that people were coming in for other things, getting tested, when it was clear they did not have a respiratory virus. Tests results from PCR are not definitive, PCR is prone to contamination, cross reacts with other viruses, and only detects small fragments of complementary genetic material not whole viruses. The test will come up positive post infection too.
CHD conducted several interviews where families lost loved ones due to Remdesivir and ventilation. I think most people believe the hospital protocols and perverse incentives killed people, not the virus.
I think Katherine Watt is spot on! John, I think you and Dr. McCullough are wrong about the PCR test but that’s not to say that early treatment and keeping people out of the hospital wasn’t life saving.
This is how roughly 1M Americans were exterminated. An “American Holocaust.” Not forgetting about the shots for a moment. These hospital deaths served as fear propaganda to sell the shots to the public. Look back at the CMS mandate: stayed by Judge Doughty but reinstated by the 6th circuit (Gibbons wrote for the majority) because propaganda at the time consisted of Biden’s statement that COVID had killed 750,000 and HHS wrote in the CMS appeal that workers faced “grave danger” that required the shots to avert. Gibbons and others watched CNN and ignored Dr. McCullough’s testimony to Doughty. The judiciary was made up of middle schoolers who watched TV instead of doing their homework.
One other comment on my own comment. During the military dictatorship in Argentina they were called “Los desaparacidos.” During COVID some folks were not even that sick. They were scared. So they reported to the ER, were put on protocol never to be seen again. They exited by the loading dock and the hospital collected a staggering $450,000. You can research the average bounty for a corpse … this is the figure I have heard more than once. Sasha Latypova wrote her own account of a visit to the “COVID” ward, run by the military, looking after an elderly relation trapped in the system. The semi-infinite number of stories and lawsuits are all still raw and unprocessed by the courts because a relative perished …. as ordinary citizens must struggle on their own with the a travesty that has been perpetuated because the Department of Justice will never pursue what is an embarrassment to the administration and interfere with the arrangement that funnels tax revenues into the pockets of the medical industries. Fauci’s pet company Gilead got very rich supplying Remdesivir … a drug (aka poison that causes organ failure) that went to drug testing school, flunked out and joined the military as dropouts often do. It is a crime on the face of it that exists in the anaerobic cesspool of Constitutional collapse.
UNC Chapel Hill developed Remdesivir.
The same lab that weaponized the coronavirus with the Bat Lady in Wuhan.
Actually, most of the people I served with in the military graduated.
Now with the military in its death throes because of DEI and woke, I'm sure the Pentagon will take all rejects so they can die on the shithole battlefields around the world in their forever wars that support the Military Industrial Complex.
The abuse and betrayal of outstanding people in the military by the DOD and administration is treason by compromising the Constitutional mandate of the Common Defense. It’s been going on for a long time, but took some innovative depravity by current leadership to make it worse. Here’s hoping things change after the next election. It has to.
China will defeat the US military at this point.
Quite right, the covid deaths were the prelude to the vax-deaths to follow. Also hospitals and doctors were instructed to change the previous cause-of-death reporting protocol. They were told to list every death where covid was detected as a covid death, regardless of what other diseases or injuries were present. Thus someone who drove his motorcycle into a brick wall, who happened to test positive for covid — that cause of death had to be reported as covid. These vastly exaggerated covid death counts were fed right into the evening TV news and NYTimes etc. as if gospel. The message was: mRNA vaxing is your only salvation. How completely wrong — maliciously wrong — that was is revealed more and more in this Substack by Dr Peter McCullough and John Leake. I and many others are most grateful for your truth and courage.
Lot more than that. Many that died were not classified properly. This is bigger than Stalin and Hitler.
Cash for Clunkers, hospital version
I have a friend who was put into a hospital in Brooklyn NY in March of 2020. No family was allowed to see him. He called his family repeatedly and told them the hospital staff was not feeding him nor giving him access to water. They refused to listen to him at all. Sadly he did pass away and we all blame the lack of care he received.
Intubation/ventilation and DNRs were used to protect healthcare workers, not to treat and care for Covid patients. Intubation/ventilation reduced the amount of virus containing aerosols floating around the hospital wards. DNRs absolved staff from having to give mouth to mouth resuscitation.
These protocols were devised when Covid was thought to be a deadly plague. They were used long after it was known to be no more than a severe influenza.
By the time that patients needed to be intubated and ventilated, viral replication had stopped as a result of the body’s immune and other mechanisms. Any viral testing at that point was either dead or debris. The patients were suffering from an over active and prolonged response to the infection. Besides being ineffective at that point remdisivir was toxic.
The doctors and nurses may have thought or said it was for their own safety, but it was not.
Virtually every thing that was said and done in the pandemic was wrong and/or a lie.
This is documented in some of the monographs and slide sets at
My wife, the ICU nurse, did not knowingly administer these protocols. They do what the doctors prescribe. She questioned the protocols but was told to shut up and do what they are told. The protocols came down from "on high" and even doctors had a hard time going against them.
Blaming the nurses will get us nowhere. Blaming some doctors yes. Blaming the hospital administrators, yes.
Many nurses quit once they figured out what was going on. They were the ethical ones.
"I was just following orders" will not work.
Hahaha. What exactly were you doing in 2020 to stop all this from happening Kathleen? Hindsight being 20/20 and all..
I was not murdering people administering Remdesivir.
My conscience is clear.
Amazing how people who participated in genocide can justify their murderous behavior.
Same thing the Nazis did.
You think I am trying to clear my conscience here? Wow.
At one point did you realize Remdezivir was being given and caused organ failures?
No, the people who turned on the gas chambers and nurses doing what they normally do, follow prescriptions from doctors is not the same thing.
If your wife administered Remdesivir, she was part of the genocide.
Didn't she notice people were dying?
Or was the almighty dollar more important than someone's life?
Barely anyone had any idea what was happening in 2020 Karen.
Everyone was being told these organ failures (caused by Remdezivir) were actually a symptom of "Covid".
I don't know what anyone else did, but I made sure my students were still learning despite switching to distance learning. The day they closed our schools I had a large majority of my students turning in their work online before noon. It was like we had school without anyone showing up. I admit that I had been using Google Classroom for years before 2020, and starting the 2019-2020 school year I spent a lot of time making sure my students could access it from home since I was giving them homework that way. So at least my students were ready for distance learning when it was imposed. I even had a kid ask a week before the closure what would happen if we had to shut down, and I told them to check Google Classroom and I would be posting everything there as usual.
We covered all of the grade level standards using the same lectures I was already recording for absent students to use to catch up, I just didnt have anyone in the background when recording. We used the same online tests and quizzes I had written for use in the classroom. The following school year the state didn't do standardized testing, but our department used our standardized tests that we had been creating for the last few years and the scores didn't just stay stable (comparing September 2019 to September 2020 and January 2020 to January 2021, pre-closure to post closure) but actually improved a bit.
Many people aren't cut out for distance teaching, but I made it work, until I lost my job in 2021 for not getting jabbed. So now I tutor one on one since my credential is now useless and the public school system doesn't want to give the option of independent study to kids who can't handle being in a traditional classroom.
I couldn't stop anything from happening, but I protected the people I was in a position to protect. A lot of people laid low and helped where they could, including several health care workers I had to take my elderly relatives to for procedures to manage their chronic illnesses. I'm grateful for those people and I'm not throwing them under the bus for the crimes of others.
You did not touch on an important aspect of hospital and doctor protocols. They are insurance driven.
Malpractice insurance companies want doctors to follow approved protocols as given by their licensing boards. In turn these are taken from CDC, FDA and AMA issued protocols. Also important is transference of liability. If a doctor follows a protocol and prescribes a pharamaceutical product for a medical illness then liability transfers from the doctor to the Pharma company making the product. Hence boards are keen to prescribe a pharma intervention (pill) for every ill.
I believe these protocols are at the root of the problem along with the obscene amount of money paid by the government to treat "covid-19" cases. It didn't take much effort by the Cabal to turn the CDC, FDA and AMA into co-conspirators in the genocide of citizens.
Yep, I believe you found the key Fred!
transference of liability.
This also explains why tort reform was absent from the affordable care act. It would actually improve care for patients, and we can't have that happening.
You Could
Just Put Your Hands
Over Your Ears,
And Go La - La - La - La - La
There’s A Lot Of That “Going Around”.
IN THE END, We Will Remember
T-shirt or bumper sticker!
Hospitals are just mislabeled butcheries.
For what it's worth, I also had the most extreme fatigue I've ever experienced for the first four days of the Covid-19 illness that I experienced. I slept around the clock for 4 full 24-hr days. I woke up about every 12 hrs, realized that I'd been in a very deep sleep, thought I was rested up and could go downstairs, but after going to the bathroom, immediately needed to go back into a deep sleep. Once I was done with all that sleep, I had almost three more weeks of respiratory symptoms, mostly in my throat, but including a very distinct burning at the top of my lungs near the beginning of the 3rd week that I later learned is the symptom of pneumonia. I'm a senior who lives alone, didn't know anything about how to treat the respiratory symptoms, and didn't want to worry my millennial sons because they were working incredibly hard to get their careers established, and the pandemic lockdowns made those efforts far more challenging. Fortunately, we all made it through those times, and I now believe it was by divine grace that my gut instinct about what to do didn't guide me to contact my "primary care physician" about the respiratory symptoms. Normally, I would have called the doctor with symptoms like that, but the symptoms were "going around" in the city where I live, and my neighbors and friends were recovering on their own, so that's what I did too.
Since then, I've been learning everything I can about how to take care of many different kinds of illnesses, including cancer. I also belong to a new clinic that's outside the mainstream medical system that I'm incredibly happy with. I am forever indebted to the MDs like you, Dr. McCullough, and also the nurses and others like Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, who courageously decided not to go along with the mandated protocols and instead have spoken out and informed the rest of us about what was happening in our previously trusted medical establishment.
I'm now helping friends learn about the alternative clinics and medicines that I've learned about. One millennial who was harmed by the Covid vaccines found the best solutions at The Wellness Company. Thank you for creating that clinic, and for publicizing your protocol with bromelain, curcumin and nattokinase. I believe you have helped millions of people. Your dedication and ethics, and your incredible TWC team including Dr. Thorpe who has also courageously helped countless women and their partners deal with their most concerning medical upheavals, are truly inspiring. Please know that your efforts are recognized and deeply appreciated by all who are paying attention to the truth.
excellent post. thanks.