"On hospital and nursing home death protocols"
Katharine Watt's thesis of an "industrialized medical euthanasia program."
For our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, I interviewed several people who’d lost a family member after he or she was admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 symptoms.
The typical scenario they described was that the family member had started off with mild flu-like symptoms that worsened around day 7 or 8 ,with steadily increasing difficulty in breathing. At the time, many were completely unaware of even the possibility of early treatment because their primary doctors mentioned nothing about it. And so, with panic setting in or with a blood oxygen level below 90, the decision was made to admit the family member to hospital.
Though the witnesses I interviewed were from all over the country, their experiences with hospitals were all the same—namely, no treatment was offered to their sick family members apart from supplemental oxygen, Remdesivir, and then intubation and ventilation, ultimately resulting in death.
Several witnesses heard about treatment modalities such as methylprednisolone, ivermectin, and anti-coagulants only after their family members were languishing in hospital. To their astonishment, hospital doctors steadfastly refused to administer these drugs to their dying family members, and hospital administrators even fought court orders to do so.
After hearing several of these stories, I began to suspect what initially seemed unthinkable, but increasingly struck me as that only plausible explanation for the conduct of these hospitalists—namely, that they had, for some dreadful reason, agreed to play along with a systematic euthanasia program.
My suspicion grew when I interviewed witnesses who told me of smuggling ivermectin into hospital rooms and clandestinely giving it to their family members, some of whom then quickly improved. One woman told me a terrifying story of receiving a call from an angry doctor who was dumbfounded by her husband’s recovery, as it was apparently incongruous with the usual inexorable demise he had observed in other patients.
“The doctor suspected I’d given my husband something and he angrily demanded to know what it was,” the woman related. “He said he wanted to know if it was a prescription drug and which pharmacy had prescribed it. It was like he wanted to get the pharmacist into trouble.”
I was reminded of these stories this afternoon when I read a post by fellow Substack author, Katharine Watt, in which she argues that nihilistic hospital protocols were not only the result of stupidity, groupthink, and perverse financial incentives provided for by the PREP and CARES Acts.
These acts provided the legislative framework and the financial rewards for therapeutic nihilism and injurious actions such as administering Remdesivir and high pressure ventilation that did nothing to treat the pulmonary blood clots that ultimately killed the patients. Ms Watt believes that—in addition to pigheadedness and greed—many hospitalists and nurses knowingly and willingly participated in “an industrialized medical euthanasia program.”
Please read Ms. Watt’s essay—On hospital and nursing home death protocols—and let me know what you think in the comments. Did hospitalists and nurses knowingly and willfully kill patients, or did they simply lack confidence to question the nihilistic and injurious hospital guidelines issued by the NIH?
POSTSCRIPT: The many witnesses with whom I spoke all described their family members suffering from a distinct, flu-like illness that took a sharp turn for the worse during week two.
Several of these witnesses reported the ordeal happening in the summer of 2020, long after the influenza season. My mother came down with this illness in August 2020. As she described it, it began with the most severe sinus headache she could remember—like a spike being driven into her forehead. This symptom, as well as an unusual feeling of malaise, prompted her to get a COVID-19 PCR test, which was positive.
I have no doubt that my mother suffered from COVID-19, caused by the respiratory virus SARS CoV-2. Her illness quickly responded to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, and she soon felt better. For my part, I came down with COVID-19 in late June 2022. In addition to my distinct symptoms, I tested positive to an antigen test. My cough quickly resolved with the McCullough Protocol, but I suffered by far the most extreme fatigue I’d ever experienced in my life, sleeping all day on days two and three. The syndrome was like none I’d ever experienced before.
COVID-19 was the only plausible explanation for my illness, especially considering that three other people who’d attended the same dinner party a few days earlier also came down with it at the same time.
Thus, while I share many of Ms. Watt’s perceptions, I do not share her apparent disbelief that the disease syndrome we call COVID-19 was a respiratory viral illness. Here I would like to emphasize my firm conviction that civilized adults may disagree about many things while maintaining an overall posture of civility and cooperation.
The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally.🤫
John - you wrote " Here I would like to emphasize my firm conviction that civilized adults may disagree about many things while maintaining an overall posture of civility and cooperation." Very well said, Sir. I think now, after the covid 19 disaster, that 8 or even 9 out of 10 medical staff of all grades and levels probably care no more about the life of patients than they care about the life of a bug. If their superior tells them to do something they do it. What care they for consequences to anybody but themselves? Would you risk your income or job or health or standing to save a bug? They were told to administer certain protocols and not to administer others and thinking is above their pay grade and ethics even more so. Its quite the same in teaching were most teachers care nothing for the education of children and only getting through the day with the least fuss. Same everywhere, in fact. Very few of us care about truth or what is right. We ( I mean people like you and me ) are the odd ones out. My entire family allowed our father to be drugged to death and murdered in a "care" home in Cambridge UK dying on 13.01.22, and did not even visit. They went along with every crazy increase in the drug load, questioned nothing, believed any nonsense the care home were careful to communicate by phone and either did not tell me what was happening or misdirected me. I was overseas or sailing or in quarantine for the 300 days it took to kill him off. To this day they believe he died in 9 days from "covid" and the overdosing stated in the records of totally unnecessary and contra indicated schizophrenia drugs was just a simple, understandable, "mistake" ( that drug is the drug of choice for sedation). Most people follow orders believe what they are told by higher ups, do not think, do not care, cannot distinguish between truth and a lie or truth their own self interest and above all hate others deeply. The Saint Bartholomew day Massacre is a good example of what humans are really mostly all about. Covid 19 vaccines have probably killed or will kill more people than any single event in history but hardly anybody will know or care or even want to. Depressing, I know, but what has happened makes it quite clear. Thanks for all your excellent work on this. If we can achieve one thing, I hope, we can largely stop the vaccine pushers - for a while at least.