Bravo sir John! My wife and I have been awestruck by doc McCullough since the beginning. He will consider anything that helps his patients. His patient-centered focus, consistent excellence and his diamond-hard integrity are astonishing.

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To keep an open mind is required of a legitimate scientist who, however, may pay a price for his or her honesty..

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The vaccine injured seek solutions. Most doctors just ignore them, offer no concern or options, and fill their medical records with things like "patient's vaccine hesitancy has increased due to adverse reactions...".

Dr. McCullough appears to care about seeking options. Bravo! Keep up the good work.

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Thanks John. No proof needed to support 'what side' Dr McCullough is on. He is a true doctor without reproach who need not be defended. The practice of medicine is just that and the Hippocratic oath is a tenant and pillar of all who have stood up against the tyrannical control of our medical profession, as Dr McCullough has. To those who question his integrity and promise, don't let your zeal and hatred for those who maimed, killed and profited from the covid scam broadbrush the likes of those who truly fought for us and continue to practice responsible medicine with patient care their utmost concern.

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Thanks TE-- Doctor McCullough has been an incredible fighter for truth and for medical integrity--i.e. accountability. The WHO is rogue and wrecking terrible havoc world wide and in our own country. I think it is very difficult for those who little or no technical background to figure out what is actually happening and exactly who is on the side of human health and freedom as opposed to a One World Government dominated by the "elite". Thanks to him and other honest professionals ...the outlines of what has happened are appearing clearly for all to see. The WHO is a criminal enterprise and many in the AMA still don't get that. The question is--how many must die for this to be exposed?--Financial advisor Edward Dowd also supplied key information--in his book CAUSE UNKNOWN. The phenomenon of the young and healthy simply dropping dead world wide is unprecedented. All who love their families and children must engage in the fight to stop these monsters from more cold blooded murder.

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Those that question Dr McCullough's Integrity are paid instigators, provocateurs, dissenters. Ignore the Dasterds.

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People subscribing to Dr. McCullough's substack, are probably all suspicious of big pharma. It's reasonable.

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. . . you are MISSING the point.

Of course SOME folks simply cannot possess an open mind; John is reminding those not so close-minded to keep it open. How hard can that be. . . ?!

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red, as in red-neck, red as in communist, red as in red-haired?

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Man. You are batting 0.000

Red as in Red state, as in Conservative.

Come on Man!

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Okay. Cranky and old, huh?

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What point is Nightengale missing, exactly? He simply stated that it is reasonable to expect people to be suspicious of big pharma and, as I am inferring, statements that imply there are areas in which it can be trusted. Nightengale's statement does not inherently reject McCullough's efforts or imply that by being skeptical of some of the things he says they are being closed minded. It seems, if anything, you are the one engaging in closed-minded, hero worship of Leake and McCullough by jumping to conclusions and SCREAMING at mere obvious observations. This is called a purity test and you seem intent on making people pass one to even be allowed to speak. This is the exact opposite of being open minded.

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Ruth, you seem intent on inferring a lot and extrapolating to complicated illusions of persecution. . . relax.

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haha I figured I was over the target.

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Sure we can all keep an open mind however, we can all have an open opinion. I don’t believe in “magical” cures and potions that “science” wants to find at all costs! What happened to our innate immune system and trying to promote ways naturally to boost our innate immune system! People still indulge in many other poisons freely whether it is fast food, alcohol, caffeine or just a lazy lifestyle! Live life and do the best to help yourself outside needing an Emergency room to shock your lethal rhythm or treat organ failure. So why isn’t more money and time spent on exposing what our environment and for profit organizations are doing to our food industry, water and medicines (to name a few) instead of chasing disease with bandaid solutions! Let’s get to the root of the problem! Oh wait that would mean more healthy people and less profit to FIX humanity in a sick care system!

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Michele, you’ve hit tue nail squarely on the head.

Healthy people create less demand for various ongoing medical interventions. Healthy people = less profit. People would benefit by being healthy but our health care medical complex would suffer horribly. Apparently we value profits for the pharmaceutical / medical complex more than we do for the overall welfare of the general population.

At all hours of the day and night I see a lineup of cars around McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks, and so forth, getting their daily fixes of sugar and fast food. You look at the grocery stores and find aisle after aisle of prepared “food” and snacks when all we really need are the produce section, the dairy section and the meat department. We have become so acclimated to fake food that most people simply don’t know what real food is, let alone how to prepare it.


It’s amazing how powerful and all intrusive food marketing has become in the days since mass media first came on the scene - 1920s. We’ve lost touch with our native core selves and instead we rely on what somebody on the TV, radio, or our computer screens tell us to do.

It’s almost as if we were brainwashed.

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Of course we are. How many hours a day does the average citizen sit in front of his boob-tube ingesting mental garbage? I have heard a rumor that the "wave lengths" used on t.v. broadcasting are hypnotic in nature.

Now that is probably just a rumor....but nothing would surprise me.

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Reading this article, and the article it discusses, just makes me so thankful that I don’t participate in the current medical industrial complex. Will I be glad to use their services in case of an accident? Absolutely! Do I want them near my body for any sort of chronic disease or for “prevention” of mild to moderate symptoms of the virus of the month? Or to fix the problems that they caused? Nope.

An open mind is exactly why I went from trusting the system to staying as far away as I possibly can.

I can see wisdom in keeping an open mind but the pharmaceutical industrial complex is completely off the rails. They ignore so many red flags and logical conclusions about pretty obvious things. The medical journals are completely corrupted. People are NOT getting healthier by letting big pharma fix their health problems. Birth rates dropping. ACM skyrocketing. Chronic disease now growing in even the youngest populations. It’s just such a horrible system. But we have allowed it by trusting their ‘pill, injection, or surgery for every ill’ model of healthcare. The healthcare debacle is a two way street. When we participate, and neglect where true health comes from, we feed the system.

And for those suffering from the damage of the injections, I’m just so sad that people trusted big pharma in the first place. It’s the most criminal industry in the world (except maybe government if you consider government an industry). There probably are not good answers to this injection and it’s damage. Just learning the hard lessons and moving forward. It seems unlikely that the industry that delivered the poison would have the cure. Just like it was unlikely that Fauci was going to solve the pandemic that he helped to create. It’s an unmistakable pattern with these people.

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Here is my comment in response to Substacker Colpo who is likely one of the authors of concern to you. “Amen about RNA platforms and statins. FYI The McCullough base spike protein detox protocol is NOT his product you describe (TWC product) but Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin in doses he recommends and which can be bought separately as I do. I too was shocked by his Pharma earnings which he said upon questioning was for paid lab work for them. Malone’s lawsuit against the elderly nonPharma paid Breggins over a difference of opinion is also telling. But frankly anyone charging on any platform for vital information about our present dilemma is suspect in my book. Not a time or the economy for letting the well to do know more than the less. Of course I learned sliding scale at then Catholic Georgetown Med school In the 80’s as an older student already wary of Big Pharma. Anyone capitalizing on our present threatening situation for gain (esp by physicians) grieves me greatly. I try to subscribe or donate only to those challenged patient- saving heroes like Meryl Nass MD or Mary Bowden MD who were always treating docs and never pharmacy sustained. And FLCCC.net with its free educational materials and protocols is one oasis of excellent info often using inexpensive safe repurposed drugs, God bless them.”

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"FYI The McCullough base spike protein detox protocol is NOT his product you describe (TWC product) but Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin in doses he recommends and which can be bought separately as I do."

I also buy those supplements separately and use a much higher dose of Nattokinase than in the TWC product (Dr. McCullough also mentioned such higher doses yesterday on Infowars). But I only know about those things from Dr. McCullough's appearances on various podcasts, long before I subscribed here earlier this month. Also, while Dr. McCullough describes the TWC product as a base protocol, he has also talked and written about the many other treatments he uses with patients who need them (as FLCCC does). Like Drs. Nass and Bowdin, Dr. McCullough has paid a steep price for speaking out; I honor all those on the pro-human side, whatever their differences.

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"And FLCCC.net with its free educational materials and protocols is one oasis of excellent info often using inexpensive safe repurposed drugs, God bless them.”

I agree. This is proof positive the Dr. McCullough and his associates are sincerely attempting to address the health needs of a public up to their necks in lies and deceptions coming out of Pharma, Tony Fauci et al and the cabal of monsters who were in on THE GREAT RESET agenda. Of course they need money just like everyone else but I do not believe that money is their primary concern--They do provide the common names and information about their products and you can buy much of this from many other sources...like Mountain Rose Herbs etc. What they offer is convenience and an assurance of quality. I trust them.

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Just watched it. A very interesting exploration, not to say I agree with all her dot connections.

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I just found it very disconcerting to hear a different side, with different dots, regarding this entire alternative health issue….the point being, I suppose, is that we must do our own research and come to our own conclusions, rather than blindly accepting the advice of anyone. Sadly.

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Yes, it was disconcerting. However, I am clear that Dr. McCullough is not a nefarious actor, or Dr. Malone for that matter. We do have to draw our own conclusions from the information presented, and as you said not accept her interpretation simply because 'she said it.'

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I heard Dr. Malone yesterday say he did not make huge earnings as a consultant, but through his consulting business, he did enable his clients to make great profit. Dr. Malone's sub stack is free. He filed a lawsuit against the Breggins, after much begging them to stop harassing him for his alliance with Mattias Desmet and his terminology, mass formation psychosis. All very petty, and the Breggins created that drama. I don't know how Dr. Malone though is related to this article by Mr. Leake?

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I think most of the commenters have the same stance that these technologies don’t need further research and we need to be as holistic as possible.

Sasha had a great article on these technologies: https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/pre-medication-or-how-to-sell-5-worth?r=19qd1i&utm_medium=ios

Overall, we need to ensure we are promoting a healthy lifestyle as possible and unfortunately these technologies are not proving to do so

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Don't be so sure about that idea. An artificial product that destroys the body may take another artificial product to neutralize that damage or stop it further. What you are displaying is not an open mind.

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Sorry Phil - there’s a background to my statement. I used to be a pharmacist and know the dangers of drugs. Sure there are some good ones, but I see that more and more of these old ones involving technology have more harm than good. For example, this obesity epidemic and its drugs: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-hidden-struggle-in-health-care

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I understand, but you must understand that these covid injections are gene therapy. It may take another type of gene therapy to correct certain aspects of the damage inflicted. Somehow the manufacturing of the spike protein must be stopped, and at this time we do not know how to do this, we don't even know how long production of these proteins will last; there are far too many unknowns and keeping an open mind is the best possible course. There could be pieces of this RNA tech that might come in handy in the future, we don't know at this time and neither do you; so you can't just dismiss any options, they must all be looked at. It is just talk and we need all the talk we can get.

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Yes, they must be researched, currently there is high risk of damage to liver and kidneys from their use. They do target RNA, but they must be made safe. Or, maybe the side effects are less than the damage done by cancer, shots, viruses etc....

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I have no doubts about Dr. McCullough’s honesty and his loyalty to truth, and am very grateful for his leadership but I am a firm pass on the siRNA therapy.

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Totally agree with your sentiment. One must pay attention to the details. One must seek a true understanding rather than adhere to general "hand-waving" principles. Getting picky on a minor point - you incorrectly state that McCullough saw the dangers before ANY of his colleagues. This is simply not accurate. Dr. Richard Fleming, from the point of view of a medical researcher, was steps ahead of Dr. McCullough in identifying the exact details and history of the bioweapon development. Unfortunately, ego entered the picture and the opportunity for Fleming and McCullough to form an awesome team was missed. I worked with Fleming on getting his message out and am a patient at a practice to which McCullough is attached. I have great respect for both - and believe they both were immensely effective in their testimony before the Texas Senate. Your current post highlights the problems with the "biggest dog on the block" complex that taints the medical profession. You and I need to calm the waters so we can all be effective in defeating those who threaten our health and our lives.

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Our concern is that he was positive and hopeful about the vaccines until he saw the damage walk in his door and understandable that he believes in Big Pharma essentially until then due to his past paid relationship which has been proven in studies even if pharm rep visits to affect physicians. Many at the time were warning about the coming novel vaccines and many like RFKJr had warned about the “old” vaccines abs the dangers of drugs widely used themselves but he was not attuned early. I so admire his freely shared protocols for treatment. Am saddened by his paid subscriber approach to some vital info. It is not yet demonstrated that he distrusts the very publication system which censored him and many. And hoping/believing that genetic solutions are or may be the answer when there is so much risk and when vaccines themselves have wrought such havoc in humans? First things first please.

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In 2020 SUCHARIT Bhakdi...a well known Thai/American medical expert and epidemiologist warned the world about the coming attack on the health and welfare of every day citizens in his book CORONA FALSE ALARM. He clearly stated that the current "corona false alarms " were a prelude to the terror and horror of the damaging lockdowns, the toxic "vaccines" and ultimately the "identity cards" showing our "vaccination status and placing us all in a "digital prison" controlled by people such as Klaus Schwab...Bill Gates etc. Most medical doctors are very busy taking care of sick people and so they don't have time to contemplate the politics involved in this current medical assault on humanity via public health agencies and government authorities. But now both they--the doctors--and we the public must be awake and counter this assault before our freedoms and our own capacity to seek medical advice in line with our own beliefs and personal concerns are taken from us. Freedom is not free.

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The default position with an experimental product is that you do not recommend for or against if you have no evidence for or against yet. Dr. Zelenko recommended against because he was confident about prophylactic HCQ + Zinc, making the vaccines redundant, and Dr. McCullough did try to run a trial of HCQ PrEP at Baylor early on, so it was proposed, not sure if it got approved and got off the ground though. The baseline detox protocol removes the spikes, but doesn't turn off the production of more spikes, which is suspected to be caused by the mRNA reverse transcribing into your genes. So, understandably, Dr. McCullough wants a solution for turning off the damned spike production.

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Any LNP delivery system should be viewed as off-the-table.

Keeping an open mind needs to be weighed against demonstrated risk and harm, of which the LNPs look to be resoundingly dangerous. That needs to be part of the consideration and cannot be overlooked.

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Open mind????

Genetic warfare must be stopped.

Have we learned anything?


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I continue to recommend Dr McCullough as a great cardiologist with wonderful courage, public treatment and life-saving protocols. His call for the present shots to be withdrawn is awesome. Just concerned about his new enthusiasm for the future research when the official health system is now geared only to harm.

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I'm disappointed with The Wellness Company he is associated with.

I found a great doctor, but she quit because of patient time limits and I can't reach out because they have a two year non-compete clause.

And TWCs promotion of drug kits is unseemly.

TWC seems more interested in business than wellness.

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Unseemly to provide Ivermectin (among other treatments)? Have you tried to get a prescription? I was lucky to have a doctor who would write the prescription during the height of the plandemic (I found out later I was the only one who asked), but of course CVS and Walgreens wouldn't honor it, and local shop that did charged more than the full TWC Contagion Kit!

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The cost of ivermectin has skyrocketed. It used to cost about $35 for a full course treatment; now it’s about $300 to obtain from online pharmacies in the US.

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Check out Austin Cpd Pharmacy which makes varying large mg capsules so you can take one for prophylaxis twice a week per your weight and then two a day if get the virus. Buying in large quantities it is $3 for an 18 mg cap for example with a good delivery service.

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I noticed a 2021 FTC Cease and Desist letter to this pharmacy for advertising drugs and supplements (like ivermectin and vitamin D3) for COVID that have unproven effectiveness against COVID. https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/warning-letters/cease_and_desist_letter_to_austin_compounding_pharmacy_2021-11-04_dap.pdf

I call this government censorship and malinformation.

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Check out 2nd Smartest Guy Substack. No script needed. I’ve ordered a few times, prices are reasonable.

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Brasil offers Ivermectin as an OTC at local pharmacies. No script needed. Very inexpensive.

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Duramectin is OTC and likely cheaper.

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Mark Cuban may want to sell some to you, but apparently at little savings on a generic drug.

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I have not found any other source that has put all the medical resources into one package so that the buyer can attempt to protect him/herself from the ongoing assault of fake pandemics, toxic shots and endless lies. The Wellness Company lists all the ingredients and provide a convenient service. Did "they"--our health 'authorities' ever tell the public exactly what was in the "vaccines" which were mandated and from which many on those boards received enormous kickbacks? These "vaccines" apparently have been analyzed by such people as Craig Paardikooper and found to vary drastically from "batch to batch"

Truly in the scaremongering and cure peddling business, Dr. McCullough does not place among the real pros at these deceptions. He has created a company that fills a desperate need -- a need that should have been addressed by NIH, the CDC , the AMA---instead these agencies seem bent on making us sick and killing us with bioweapons.

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I agree with that, but what concerns me is TWC sponsors articles about the next pandemic in the Epoch Times promoting their drug kits.

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didn't read it. Don't subscribe. Does EPOCH TIMES cost to subscribe?

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Not online.

Also I said I found good doctor at TWC, but an appointment was only in 15 minutes blocks.

She didn't like that and when I called her office, she couldn't have me as a patient for 2 years because of a non-compete clause.

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can you please supply link to page with said AD about The Wellness Company?

I went to Epoch Times but do not see anything there....it has many posts.


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Didn’t the US Supreme Court rule that non-compete clauses are unconstitutional? This issue has been in the news lately.

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It seems you're disappointed because you no longer have the same doctor. Is any healthcare clinic any different? Doctors and health practitioners retire, move, find another calling or are ousted due to their outspoken beliefs in "first do no harm" ethics and observing otherwise. In WA, a practitioner opened a clinic in ID and likely will be moving due to medical board overreach into the practices used to treat patients with Spike Protein damage. Have you considered the future of how medications could be dispersed? Your blueprint and those you love may not fit the hierarchy of demand. TWC offers products that may be obsolete or out of budget in the coming future. If you see a Wellness ad, scroll on by as you would any promotion knowing the kits are purchased by those who may be watching out for themselves or their loved ones future needs. Trust is earned. Dr. McCullough is a trusted resource and wealth of information. Many others also, but will they treat you when the medical administrative complex is overburdened and cannot? Unfortunately, the time is now.

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The TWC business model needs improvement.

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