I recommend you go to the FRED database at the St. Louise Federal Reserve. Take a look at the line graph for self-declared cases of full disability.
Just shy of ten percent (10%!!!) of the American population is fully disabled. The disability rate was at 29 million at the start of the pandemic.
They murdered 2 million Americans by withholding ivc and hcq. 2 million cases of full disability vanished from the roles in 6 months, Feb. to July 2020. The numbers of fully disabled began to climb again in July because, guess what, they started testing the shots then.
Now, the number of cases is 34 million+. Population of the USA? 334,000,000. You do the math.
A great summation and is what Ed Dowd's data sets reveal on what the pandemic has done to the US population. Add to that the partial disabled and we can see where this is going. Then factor in the apparent affect on birthrates and it does not bode well for the future either.
Also, do not forget long Covid. Many people are debilitated or cannot work their normal load.
Good you mentioned the birth rate. My stance on abortion is changing. We need every baby on deck. No abortions except if the mother's life is threatened, or the pregnancy is due to rape. we are below the replacement rate right now, which has never happened before, to my knowledge.
Thanks for these numbers. When thinking about what's happened to the work ethic in this country, I now factor in the ramifications of the COVID debacle, and especially the permanent disabilities from the shots. Another factor is overweight/obesity, best demonstrated by the difficulty in recent years of finding "fit for service" military recruits. People who are significantly overweight have existing or potential health problems as a result, and in addition, most non-desk jobs require some level of physical movement and flexibility, which is more difficult the heavier you are. I think when you layer "long COVID" syndrome and especially jab injuries onto the already overweight and unfit majority population, the outcome is predictable.
Gary, you and John Leake, Peter McCullough, Naomi Wolff, everyone fighting to let the truth right the ship are worthy of love. I show you my love by telling the truth.
Every time you tell the truth you express your love for your family, your country, yourself.
We are in dark times. I've been as angry as anyone. It damaged me. Don't make that mistake. Speak the truth and allow that to dress your wounds.
Allow me to clarify something that you seem to have left out in the data analysis - we who are retired and drawing Social Security PAY INCOME TAXES on BOTH, OUR RETIREMENT and on OUR SOCIAL SECURITY payments. These are MISTAKENLY referred to by many as "entitlements" - they are not. Our retirement was and always has been considered part of our wage/salary package so raises from our employers were calculated, and diminished accordingly over the years. Additionally, since our Congress saw it fit to UNCONSTITUTIONALLY renege on the Social Security agreement and open up that "Forever Locked Box" to those that should have NEVER been allowed SS "benefits" (yes- THEIRS is a true entitlement), the payouts to WE CITIZEN workers were greatly diminished...we would have been far better served to allow us to simply spend and/or invest those funds as then-year USD equivalence (true spending value), especially because the wage and salary increases were also diminished from our employers due to the funds they were forced to provide into the SS fund. And regarding the Medicare/Medicaid deductions from our pay that we were forced to endure during our entire working lives- we'd have been far better off pooling those funds in a big hat in Kansas and drawing the money out as our medical needs required, including the cost of administration. So let us not state inaccurately that Retirees drawing retirement pay and SS are "not paying taxes." I'd gladly do the math with you to reverse all of the above to simply provide all of us with OUR money back, in then-year / true spending value amounts.
James - thank you for bringing this up. It’s a travesty that, some time ago, the rules were changed so that most folks have to pay income taxes on SS benefits, which were EARNED by wages WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN TAXED, and we have to pay income taxes on retirement fund withdrawals which are money WE ALREADY EARNED AND ALREADY PAID TAXES ON. Note they’ve labeled this as ‘unearned income’. What a racket!
IMO, the most dangerous disconnect from reality in so many minds is the belief that the debt-to-gdp ratio can grow indefinitely without hyper-inflation. There is a reason the BRICS countries want to abandon the US dollar. And that's it, for one.
In the world we now live in, horrible things could destroy us before hyper-inflation kicks in. But a country with a debt-dependent economy, like those of most "Western" countries, is doomed to destruction even if it's fortunate enough to avoid destruction by other means.
There is no doubt that digital money has made it easier for banks to kick the proverbial can down the road longer than they could with traditional currencies. But there will be an end game. And none of these nut job countries seem to even be contemplating getting debt under control.
Another problem with debt is that it enables the rich to increase their wealth, and therefore POWER and INFLUENCE, MUCH faster in stock market bull runs. And they make money in bull runs AND crashes. And we see what these rich people want for the world. It's not pretty. They run huge international companies and can, therefore, impose idiotic and draconian policies on MANY people, like DEI, vaccine mandates, censorship or worse. And they collude with government even when the government is acting against its citizens. Rich individuals, like Soros, can fund all kinds of insanity.
Trump is wanting to print tons of money AND put 100% tariffs on the BRICS countries. That sounds VERY stupid to me. Some conservative economists agree. I think his narcissistic desire to die with a legacy of bettering the country has blinded him to the real limitations inherent in a REAL world. Praying for us all.
Just monthly rate? So, 1913 money now only being worth 140th its original value doesn't matter? (Granted, inflation didn't really take off until 1917.) That's a long term average of only about 5% per year, but who needs to eat in 2 months? Just pick more "money" from the money tree the Sabbatian Deep State uses! Trumpenstain and Bidetten/Harris will send it to their perjurer supporters.
indeed. This is especially true amongst liberal minds. We know a woman in our church that has her doctorate in accounting and teaches in a university and yet is clueless relative to the debt situation. For us we cannot figure out how anyone can be an accountant and be a woke democrat simultaneously but it shows to go ya just how deep the indoctrination and political correctness (death of truth) is in both spiritual and mathematical realms.
You were well blessed to have Roger Scruton as your philosophy professor. Not many people can say that. Sir Roger was an extraordinary man who lived an extraordinary life. Sadly he is not well known in the US. Much of his writing was an attempt to get the intellectual class (on the Left) to acknowledge, understand and come to terms with Reality. It was perhaps a forlorn endeavor on his part but he was uniquely qualified to enter their world and deconstruct their intellectual edifice, their obscure assumptions and their wanton inability to see things as they are. I believe he was a Christian although that is a part of him that remains inscrutable to me. Perhaps you can write a post or even an essay on Roger Scruton the man based on your personal experience as his student. I for one would be very interested and for those who don’t know Roger Scruton it would be an enlightening introduction. Regards, Brien Akers
Greetings Brien, I am happy to hear that you are aware of Scruton's work and admire it. I will indeed write a post about my experience as his pupil. Best regards, John
John, you’re including retired people and stay at home moms with the group of unemployed people who have a problem with awareness and attachment to reality? Seriously? Too many young people today have had so much given to them by their parents without having to earn it. Good for those whose parents taught them to earn what they have. Most seniors have worked for what they now have and have paid taxes, including SS taxes. I think we can appreciate the value of a dollar (or, now, lack of value). And stay at home moms have managed household budgets and have had to figure out how they would feed and cloth their children, so I’m sure they also have a sense of awareness and reality.
Read it again. He is simply showing the breakdown of who makes up the unemployed. The final number is the 44 million who represent The disabled ( thank you Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Ag and Bill gates) and those living in their parents' basement as parasites
Allie, I think you misunderstood what Mr. Leake was doing…he was trying to sift through the total number of non working people by subtracting retired folks, stay-at-home moms, etc., trying to find out the number of truly unemployed.
"Insulation from reality may be the root of our spiritual malaise" . . . because the moment any of us face reality, we realize we can't handle it on our own. Some turn to the "all knowing" object that has become an extension of their bodies. Some turn to God.
You can observe the disconnect with reality on college campuses.
Students in pursuit of degrees in majors that are nonsense.
Universities encouraging silliness. The ever escalating belief that a degree from a college or university can actually change an average IQ into an exceptional IQ.
All that really happens with the people who really shouldn’t be in a college or university is that they get in debt and take a lot of stupid classes.
At the end of it all, they’re still whoever, and whatever they were when they graduated high school.
I wish we had high quality vocational programs past high school, Scattered across the country to serve all those kids who do not seek or need an 18th century Poetry degree. Our entire country needs young people with trade skills desperately. Knowing you have a skill immediately bolsters and encourages someone to use it. The skills to be a good plumber or a good hvac Repairman or electrician Or car mechanic Or you name it, Are critical to the future of our country
The perpetrators of mass delusion often say, "Sometimes God makes a mistake and puts little boys (girls) inside little girl's (boy's) bodies" to their victims as they "affirm" the child's delusion - gender dysphoria.
Gender-affirming = God-denying. To deny reality is to deny God's perfect creation and substitute the delusion that man is capable of perfecting God's 'mistakes.'
Applies to all mass delusions perpetrated on humanity. Climate. Pandemic. All of the new "Reality" being imposed by delusional would-be mangods.
Not only that but many jobs are "knowledge work", where people sit at a computer and deal in abstracts rather than concrete, physical reality. I'm one of them and I realize that to be grounded in reality one must do physical things like spending time outdoors and making things with one's hands. This is what my childhood was like and I'm thankful I have that knowledge base to return to.
the other (bigger) half? The unemployed? Now see the democrats as their fiat god. Why? They owe their lives to the federal reserve that sustains them, that's why! And yet? Even in church it is taboo to mention the political correctness that is consuming true spirituality. Pastors loose the jobs and doctors loose their licenses due to the fiat Gods of this world that have turned freedom of conscience into the freedom from owning one. And then of course you have to know that these "gods" include the likes of Bill Gates and the other administrators of evil like Fauci the CDC and the WHO. Why? Because God is now (via political correctness) fiat currency! Get it?
Thank you Mr Leake. True reality (reality prime) is obscured by a false reality enforced by corporate media, political leaders, and others. History is being shredded by inversions within the false reality: conspiracy theories are said to be what actually happened AND what actually happened is said to be conspiracy theories. A simple example is Kiev February 18-20, 2014. I'm sure you can cite dozens of other examples. We can hope that our sharp divisions represent the last vestiges of our crumbling false reality. On our good days foresee an American Renaissance. All the best
You are exactly right , with what your showing the reality is now in America, and obviously all over the world! Cell phones, computers ? Have been a blessing, as well as a high curse to our society!! To many parents for years now, have done nothing n
More than enabled their children to be disfunctional human beings!! I look at our world, and ask the same as you???? In time, who's going to continue a functioning society?? That works for a living, that keeps our world functioning as we have been for years??? I am at a loss to even put into words, what our grandchildren are facing???? It's really scary!! I just 🙏 God will work it all out!!
This is why we must CHERISH AND SUPPORT these beautiful little humans (grandchildren) many of their parents ‘know not what they have’ and are too busy trying to Navigate in this time. WE let this happen…we need to fix it…not ENABLE it!
Hey evangelicals! Dennis Prager the Christianity loving Jew with Billions of followers, the guy who fought against the Marxists and Fascist at NY’s Columbia University of hate America doctrine in the 1960’s and ‘70’s on 10/29/24 had on his program a highly respected analyst who ran the numbers, and guess what? Three out of four reported evangelicals do not vote. I guess they figure why should they, God is sovereign, right? So if they pretend to believe, “everything will be fine”. In states where the outcome was decided by less than 10,000 votes more than a million evangelicals did not vote, every election. So, they like their inalienable rights and freedom as long as someone else’s kid dies for it, or do nothing. That was it in the post WWII Boomer indoctrination. Get the evangelicals to carry water for their Communist nemesis by shaming them.
The shrinking American. I have tried for several years on this site to explain where and when this intentional cancer on America began in earnest, pointing back to my youthful Boomer experience and the significance of the Boomer generation to the demise of middle class America based on personal experience. What I have received in response was everything from the Boomer’s ire of hurt feelings, thinking like the proud Boomer always does as if they are still some great massive moral coming of the “chosen” for America, living in their fantasy of propaganda for eight decades that they have gobbled up like a turkey getting fat for thanksgiving, to the ire of a twenty something that thinks I’m trying to bad mouth his grandma or grandpa who claimed to be in a war once or a protest against it.
What a fickle, haggard bunch we have become, still hanging on to the lies the Executive Branch relays to Hollywood Ca. Producers and NYC marketeers, with a Chicago pitstop in between to control American culture, and make no mistake, politics i.e. the vote, i.e. democracy is down stream of culture. If not, the past ten Presidents would not have been elected and K. Harris would be on welfare only because of the goodness of the American people. But the psyche thinking was always “this is America, there is nothing to worry about, someone else has always done something to maintain my freedom and security, we need only pay our digital taxes to keep growing the government that does that, and like “Doc” from “Back to the Future” said, “everything will be fine”. There is no evil, right, evangelical. God but no evil exists? Except, there is no accountability, no one to turn to but the cancerous blob that it is, metastasized into a cancer that has become evermore totalitarian in every institution. Make no mistake, with the advent of the non dissenting uniparty three decades ago, those very youthful university Boomers of the 1960’s who hated on America and it’s “toxic” defenses, personal, civic, or national, the “love children” and the liberally pretentious evangelicals, in God’s name who condemned anyone that might strike back or even consider defending oneself, were propagandized by the dystopian minds of their professors that they are the “chosen”. The 8% of them, American Boomers and Boomers abroad saw China and Vietnam as our friends who deserve America’s secrets of defense and prosperity to arrive at a global understand for the unelected stake holder offspring who program AI to now capture your children in one big harmonious global glob without eyes, ears, or mouth with a tiny motor inside that will at a near future point begin dying around the edges toward the nucleus once it has enveloped global control.
America will have little if any roll in its own demise once its predominance is erraticated, just the way the old ‘60’s friends of China and Vietnam like it. All they had to do was demoralize the evangelicals enough to stand on their pretentious “Christian” beliefs of turning the other cheek, a covert undermining and emasculation of Christian values and their nemeses knew they would put their heads down and do nothing. Eventually they would be programmed to put masks on, take the Jab, and that would be the final signal of the Leftists to begin releasing the friendame Fascist dogs of Communism, Antifa and BLM that the Democrat media, California, Chicago, Oregon, and tampon Tim Walz’s Minnesota and the DOJ and DHS say do not exist. Make no mistake, the 8% of Boomers on campuses six decades ago made Marxian dystopian theory popular across America as they slandered America into systemic oblivion and divided the middle to this day. They are the seniors of the uniparty under the One Democrat party banner, and yes it includes pretentious evangelical Republicans, minus MAGA.
We know the aspirations of the WEF/WHO, their Communist and friendame Fascist all jockeying into position to watch the Constitution burn, they are the 8% of post WWII Boomer offspring from America and abroad. The WEF has clearly said so as they brag about the number of Western Representative in high office in their pockets including 60% of Canadian Parliament and dozens more.
If you vote for the One Democrat Party, you vote for all the conspiracy theories that have come true that my poor Boomer generation still denies for convenience of the moment, fear. They were never big on going to war or facing reality as long as someone else went for them, period, full stop. I do not hold any grudge toward my own generation except the 8% now at the helm still in their bipolar dystopian greedy minds of fear creating the blob that will be America’s demise and the sad part is perhaps half of the 8% think they are patriots avoiding war. How absurd in an obviously inverse realization that the pacifist does not see how they cause way by emasculating themselves at the alter of said belief. How easily they are manipulated by fear. It was always convenient having someone pat them on the head to say they were the “better person” for turning the other cheek, but could you spare another dime to by some more nuclear weapons, and some for our enemies as well for “global equity” and oh, we still need to have some smaller wars until everything is in place. What kind of dangerous game is this? I can tell you, you already know, it’s called “Truth or Consequences” a very popular Boomer TV show from decades ago when the three major broadcast conglomerates that control 3,000 sub stations told Boomers what to think. Today, captured academia has the last word on your child’s elementary indoctrination. Say goodby freedom and security, you’re cooked, and nearly half will still vote for more of the same for “now” with the Democrat uniparty banner they think means unity and global equity. Thrust me, the world will have equitable misery in reserve if America refuses to defend itself and dies. It’s not about the “military industrial complex” that was used in the 1960’s to convince evangelicals they were hypocrites, the nefarious in the complex could have been fired, but the 8% decided to march through the institutions, become the ever larger insulated government and dictate, China good, Russia bad. WWII good, Nam bad. See how that works.
Meanwhile the 8% offspring go global and America’s belly, the middle gets cancer, the WEF/WHO survive for ten more years, and then the 8% offspring stake holders get all the totalitarianism they want, globally.
Yet it has been said, proven to many, they are actually selected, not elected? To my understanding?? So, why should one take Time out of our busy lives to spend it doing something that does no matter? That's my question ❓
I first read Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" in 1965. What you are describing is yet further evidence of the profound insight and clarity with which Rand understood what had happened to the values unleashed by the age of Reason!
John Leake,
I recommend you go to the FRED database at the St. Louise Federal Reserve. Take a look at the line graph for self-declared cases of full disability.
Just shy of ten percent (10%!!!) of the American population is fully disabled. The disability rate was at 29 million at the start of the pandemic.
They murdered 2 million Americans by withholding ivc and hcq. 2 million cases of full disability vanished from the roles in 6 months, Feb. to July 2020. The numbers of fully disabled began to climb again in July because, guess what, they started testing the shots then.
Now, the number of cases is 34 million+. Population of the USA? 334,000,000. You do the math.
I hope that helps to clarify the picture.
A great summation and is what Ed Dowd's data sets reveal on what the pandemic has done to the US population. Add to that the partial disabled and we can see where this is going. Then factor in the apparent affect on birthrates and it does not bode well for the future either.
Also, do not forget long Covid. Many people are debilitated or cannot work their normal load.
Good you mentioned the birth rate. My stance on abortion is changing. We need every baby on deck. No abortions except if the mother's life is threatened, or the pregnancy is due to rape. we are below the replacement rate right now, which has never happened before, to my knowledge.
Scary stuff is right!
Thanks for these numbers. When thinking about what's happened to the work ethic in this country, I now factor in the ramifications of the COVID debacle, and especially the permanent disabilities from the shots. Another factor is overweight/obesity, best demonstrated by the difficulty in recent years of finding "fit for service" military recruits. People who are significantly overweight have existing or potential health problems as a result, and in addition, most non-desk jobs require some level of physical movement and flexibility, which is more difficult the heavier you are. I think when you layer "long COVID" syndrome and especially jab injuries onto the already overweight and unfit majority population, the outcome is predictable.
thanks for your willingness to speak truth.
Gary, you and John Leake, Peter McCullough, Naomi Wolff, everyone fighting to let the truth right the ship are worthy of love. I show you my love by telling the truth.
Every time you tell the truth you express your love for your family, your country, yourself.
We are in dark times. I've been as angry as anyone. It damaged me. Don't make that mistake. Speak the truth and allow that to dress your wounds.
Allow me to clarify something that you seem to have left out in the data analysis - we who are retired and drawing Social Security PAY INCOME TAXES on BOTH, OUR RETIREMENT and on OUR SOCIAL SECURITY payments. These are MISTAKENLY referred to by many as "entitlements" - they are not. Our retirement was and always has been considered part of our wage/salary package so raises from our employers were calculated, and diminished accordingly over the years. Additionally, since our Congress saw it fit to UNCONSTITUTIONALLY renege on the Social Security agreement and open up that "Forever Locked Box" to those that should have NEVER been allowed SS "benefits" (yes- THEIRS is a true entitlement), the payouts to WE CITIZEN workers were greatly diminished...we would have been far better served to allow us to simply spend and/or invest those funds as then-year USD equivalence (true spending value), especially because the wage and salary increases were also diminished from our employers due to the funds they were forced to provide into the SS fund. And regarding the Medicare/Medicaid deductions from our pay that we were forced to endure during our entire working lives- we'd have been far better off pooling those funds in a big hat in Kansas and drawing the money out as our medical needs required, including the cost of administration. So let us not state inaccurately that Retirees drawing retirement pay and SS are "not paying taxes." I'd gladly do the math with you to reverse all of the above to simply provide all of us with OUR money back, in then-year / true spending value amounts.
James - thank you for bringing this up. It’s a travesty that, some time ago, the rules were changed so that most folks have to pay income taxes on SS benefits, which were EARNED by wages WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN TAXED, and we have to pay income taxes on retirement fund withdrawals which are money WE ALREADY EARNED AND ALREADY PAID TAXES ON. Note they’ve labeled this as ‘unearned income’. What a racket!
Pretty soon your family pets will be enabled to file for a "Social Security" amount.
Pet Exams and medication will be insured by a new clause for participating retirements.
Under the guise of needed for the continuum of an individuals mental health.
They just gave millions of invasive non native migrant mammals billions.
They actually asked that we all should adopt a few of those into our homes.
Umm Nada on such foolishness.
I am 72.
I have paid in to experimental bank accounting that has been prostituted by policies.
IMO, the most dangerous disconnect from reality in so many minds is the belief that the debt-to-gdp ratio can grow indefinitely without hyper-inflation. There is a reason the BRICS countries want to abandon the US dollar. And that's it, for one.
In the world we now live in, horrible things could destroy us before hyper-inflation kicks in. But a country with a debt-dependent economy, like those of most "Western" countries, is doomed to destruction even if it's fortunate enough to avoid destruction by other means.
There is no doubt that digital money has made it easier for banks to kick the proverbial can down the road longer than they could with traditional currencies. But there will be an end game. And none of these nut job countries seem to even be contemplating getting debt under control.
Another problem with debt is that it enables the rich to increase their wealth, and therefore POWER and INFLUENCE, MUCH faster in stock market bull runs. And they make money in bull runs AND crashes. And we see what these rich people want for the world. It's not pretty. They run huge international companies and can, therefore, impose idiotic and draconian policies on MANY people, like DEI, vaccine mandates, censorship or worse. And they collude with government even when the government is acting against its citizens. Rich individuals, like Soros, can fund all kinds of insanity.
Trump is wanting to print tons of money AND put 100% tariffs on the BRICS countries. That sounds VERY stupid to me. Some conservative economists agree. I think his narcissistic desire to die with a legacy of bettering the country has blinded him to the real limitations inherent in a REAL world. Praying for us all.
An inflation factor of 140 already isn't "hyper"?
The usual definition of hyperinflation is when prices increase by at least 50% per month. We're not there yet but it's not for lack of trying.
Just monthly rate? So, 1913 money now only being worth 140th its original value doesn't matter? (Granted, inflation didn't really take off until 1917.) That's a long term average of only about 5% per year, but who needs to eat in 2 months? Just pick more "money" from the money tree the Sabbatian Deep State uses! Trumpenstain and Bidetten/Harris will send it to their perjurer supporters.
indeed. This is especially true amongst liberal minds. We know a woman in our church that has her doctorate in accounting and teaches in a university and yet is clueless relative to the debt situation. For us we cannot figure out how anyone can be an accountant and be a woke democrat simultaneously but it shows to go ya just how deep the indoctrination and political correctness (death of truth) is in both spiritual and mathematical realms.
Curious what feeds your “facts” and info??
You were well blessed to have Roger Scruton as your philosophy professor. Not many people can say that. Sir Roger was an extraordinary man who lived an extraordinary life. Sadly he is not well known in the US. Much of his writing was an attempt to get the intellectual class (on the Left) to acknowledge, understand and come to terms with Reality. It was perhaps a forlorn endeavor on his part but he was uniquely qualified to enter their world and deconstruct their intellectual edifice, their obscure assumptions and their wanton inability to see things as they are. I believe he was a Christian although that is a part of him that remains inscrutable to me. Perhaps you can write a post or even an essay on Roger Scruton the man based on your personal experience as his student. I for one would be very interested and for those who don’t know Roger Scruton it would be an enlightening introduction. Regards, Brien Akers
Greetings Brien, I am happy to hear that you are aware of Scruton's work and admire it. I will indeed write a post about my experience as his pupil. Best regards, John
Great! Looking forward to it.
John, you’re including retired people and stay at home moms with the group of unemployed people who have a problem with awareness and attachment to reality? Seriously? Too many young people today have had so much given to them by their parents without having to earn it. Good for those whose parents taught them to earn what they have. Most seniors have worked for what they now have and have paid taxes, including SS taxes. I think we can appreciate the value of a dollar (or, now, lack of value). And stay at home moms have managed household budgets and have had to figure out how they would feed and cloth their children, so I’m sure they also have a sense of awareness and reality.
Read it again. He is simply showing the breakdown of who makes up the unemployed. The final number is the 44 million who represent The disabled ( thank you Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Ag and Bill gates) and those living in their parents' basement as parasites
Many officially classified as "disabled" by the feds are not really didabled. They can work, but they would rather not, for various reasons.
They are on welfare. A lady working at the disability department told me.
Island time is very relaxed, and getting in some surfing every day is highly valued. There are ways to live cheaply if that is your goal.
Allie, I think you misunderstood what Mr. Leake was doing…he was trying to sift through the total number of non working people by subtracting retired folks, stay-at-home moms, etc., trying to find out the number of truly unemployed.
"Insulation from reality may be the root of our spiritual malaise" . . . because the moment any of us face reality, we realize we can't handle it on our own. Some turn to the "all knowing" object that has become an extension of their bodies. Some turn to God.
You can observe the disconnect with reality on college campuses.
Students in pursuit of degrees in majors that are nonsense.
Universities encouraging silliness. The ever escalating belief that a degree from a college or university can actually change an average IQ into an exceptional IQ.
All that really happens with the people who really shouldn’t be in a college or university is that they get in debt and take a lot of stupid classes.
At the end of it all, they’re still whoever, and whatever they were when they graduated high school.
I wish we had high quality vocational programs past high school, Scattered across the country to serve all those kids who do not seek or need an 18th century Poetry degree. Our entire country needs young people with trade skills desperately. Knowing you have a skill immediately bolsters and encourages someone to use it. The skills to be a good plumber or a good hvac Repairman or electrician Or car mechanic Or you name it, Are critical to the future of our country
Transgender = Reality Denial
The perpetrators of mass delusion often say, "Sometimes God makes a mistake and puts little boys (girls) inside little girl's (boy's) bodies" to their victims as they "affirm" the child's delusion - gender dysphoria.
Gender-affirming = God-denying. To deny reality is to deny God's perfect creation and substitute the delusion that man is capable of perfecting God's 'mistakes.'
Applies to all mass delusions perpetrated on humanity. Climate. Pandemic. All of the new "Reality" being imposed by delusional would-be mangods.
Not only that but many jobs are "knowledge work", where people sit at a computer and deal in abstracts rather than concrete, physical reality. I'm one of them and I realize that to be grounded in reality one must do physical things like spending time outdoors and making things with one's hands. This is what my childhood was like and I'm thankful I have that knowledge base to return to.
This is particularly true for coastal government employees or silicon valley, each if which seem to be brainless bubbles detached from reality.
First off, anyone who worked and made less than half a million dollars a year paid no income taxes before 1913.
the other (bigger) half? The unemployed? Now see the democrats as their fiat god. Why? They owe their lives to the federal reserve that sustains them, that's why! And yet? Even in church it is taboo to mention the political correctness that is consuming true spirituality. Pastors loose the jobs and doctors loose their licenses due to the fiat Gods of this world that have turned freedom of conscience into the freedom from owning one. And then of course you have to know that these "gods" include the likes of Bill Gates and the other administrators of evil like Fauci the CDC and the WHO. Why? Because God is now (via political correctness) fiat currency! Get it?
Thank you Mr Leake. True reality (reality prime) is obscured by a false reality enforced by corporate media, political leaders, and others. History is being shredded by inversions within the false reality: conspiracy theories are said to be what actually happened AND what actually happened is said to be conspiracy theories. A simple example is Kiev February 18-20, 2014. I'm sure you can cite dozens of other examples. We can hope that our sharp divisions represent the last vestiges of our crumbling false reality. On our good days foresee an American Renaissance. All the best
You are exactly right , with what your showing the reality is now in America, and obviously all over the world! Cell phones, computers ? Have been a blessing, as well as a high curse to our society!! To many parents for years now, have done nothing n
More than enabled their children to be disfunctional human beings!! I look at our world, and ask the same as you???? In time, who's going to continue a functioning society?? That works for a living, that keeps our world functioning as we have been for years??? I am at a loss to even put into words, what our grandchildren are facing???? It's really scary!! I just 🙏 God will work it all out!!
This is why we must CHERISH AND SUPPORT these beautiful little humans (grandchildren) many of their parents ‘know not what they have’ and are too busy trying to Navigate in this time. WE let this happen…we need to fix it…not ENABLE it!
Hey evangelicals! Dennis Prager the Christianity loving Jew with Billions of followers, the guy who fought against the Marxists and Fascist at NY’s Columbia University of hate America doctrine in the 1960’s and ‘70’s on 10/29/24 had on his program a highly respected analyst who ran the numbers, and guess what? Three out of four reported evangelicals do not vote. I guess they figure why should they, God is sovereign, right? So if they pretend to believe, “everything will be fine”. In states where the outcome was decided by less than 10,000 votes more than a million evangelicals did not vote, every election. So, they like their inalienable rights and freedom as long as someone else’s kid dies for it, or do nothing. That was it in the post WWII Boomer indoctrination. Get the evangelicals to carry water for their Communist nemesis by shaming them.
The shrinking American. I have tried for several years on this site to explain where and when this intentional cancer on America began in earnest, pointing back to my youthful Boomer experience and the significance of the Boomer generation to the demise of middle class America based on personal experience. What I have received in response was everything from the Boomer’s ire of hurt feelings, thinking like the proud Boomer always does as if they are still some great massive moral coming of the “chosen” for America, living in their fantasy of propaganda for eight decades that they have gobbled up like a turkey getting fat for thanksgiving, to the ire of a twenty something that thinks I’m trying to bad mouth his grandma or grandpa who claimed to be in a war once or a protest against it.
What a fickle, haggard bunch we have become, still hanging on to the lies the Executive Branch relays to Hollywood Ca. Producers and NYC marketeers, with a Chicago pitstop in between to control American culture, and make no mistake, politics i.e. the vote, i.e. democracy is down stream of culture. If not, the past ten Presidents would not have been elected and K. Harris would be on welfare only because of the goodness of the American people. But the psyche thinking was always “this is America, there is nothing to worry about, someone else has always done something to maintain my freedom and security, we need only pay our digital taxes to keep growing the government that does that, and like “Doc” from “Back to the Future” said, “everything will be fine”. There is no evil, right, evangelical. God but no evil exists? Except, there is no accountability, no one to turn to but the cancerous blob that it is, metastasized into a cancer that has become evermore totalitarian in every institution. Make no mistake, with the advent of the non dissenting uniparty three decades ago, those very youthful university Boomers of the 1960’s who hated on America and it’s “toxic” defenses, personal, civic, or national, the “love children” and the liberally pretentious evangelicals, in God’s name who condemned anyone that might strike back or even consider defending oneself, were propagandized by the dystopian minds of their professors that they are the “chosen”. The 8% of them, American Boomers and Boomers abroad saw China and Vietnam as our friends who deserve America’s secrets of defense and prosperity to arrive at a global understand for the unelected stake holder offspring who program AI to now capture your children in one big harmonious global glob without eyes, ears, or mouth with a tiny motor inside that will at a near future point begin dying around the edges toward the nucleus once it has enveloped global control.
America will have little if any roll in its own demise once its predominance is erraticated, just the way the old ‘60’s friends of China and Vietnam like it. All they had to do was demoralize the evangelicals enough to stand on their pretentious “Christian” beliefs of turning the other cheek, a covert undermining and emasculation of Christian values and their nemeses knew they would put their heads down and do nothing. Eventually they would be programmed to put masks on, take the Jab, and that would be the final signal of the Leftists to begin releasing the friendame Fascist dogs of Communism, Antifa and BLM that the Democrat media, California, Chicago, Oregon, and tampon Tim Walz’s Minnesota and the DOJ and DHS say do not exist. Make no mistake, the 8% of Boomers on campuses six decades ago made Marxian dystopian theory popular across America as they slandered America into systemic oblivion and divided the middle to this day. They are the seniors of the uniparty under the One Democrat party banner, and yes it includes pretentious evangelical Republicans, minus MAGA.
We know the aspirations of the WEF/WHO, their Communist and friendame Fascist all jockeying into position to watch the Constitution burn, they are the 8% of post WWII Boomer offspring from America and abroad. The WEF has clearly said so as they brag about the number of Western Representative in high office in their pockets including 60% of Canadian Parliament and dozens more.
If you vote for the One Democrat Party, you vote for all the conspiracy theories that have come true that my poor Boomer generation still denies for convenience of the moment, fear. They were never big on going to war or facing reality as long as someone else went for them, period, full stop. I do not hold any grudge toward my own generation except the 8% now at the helm still in their bipolar dystopian greedy minds of fear creating the blob that will be America’s demise and the sad part is perhaps half of the 8% think they are patriots avoiding war. How absurd in an obviously inverse realization that the pacifist does not see how they cause way by emasculating themselves at the alter of said belief. How easily they are manipulated by fear. It was always convenient having someone pat them on the head to say they were the “better person” for turning the other cheek, but could you spare another dime to by some more nuclear weapons, and some for our enemies as well for “global equity” and oh, we still need to have some smaller wars until everything is in place. What kind of dangerous game is this? I can tell you, you already know, it’s called “Truth or Consequences” a very popular Boomer TV show from decades ago when the three major broadcast conglomerates that control 3,000 sub stations told Boomers what to think. Today, captured academia has the last word on your child’s elementary indoctrination. Say goodby freedom and security, you’re cooked, and nearly half will still vote for more of the same for “now” with the Democrat uniparty banner they think means unity and global equity. Thrust me, the world will have equitable misery in reserve if America refuses to defend itself and dies. It’s not about the “military industrial complex” that was used in the 1960’s to convince evangelicals they were hypocrites, the nefarious in the complex could have been fired, but the 8% decided to march through the institutions, become the ever larger insulated government and dictate, China good, Russia bad. WWII good, Nam bad. See how that works.
Meanwhile the 8% offspring go global and America’s belly, the middle gets cancer, the WEF/WHO survive for ten more years, and then the 8% offspring stake holders get all the totalitarianism they want, globally.
looking forward to reading your insights on your own substack "coming soon" :) I wish you Good Fortune and Contentment!
Yet it has been said, proven to many, they are actually selected, not elected? To my understanding?? So, why should one take Time out of our busy lives to spend it doing something that does no matter? That's my question ❓
I first read Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" in 1965. What you are describing is yet further evidence of the profound insight and clarity with which Rand understood what had happened to the values unleashed by the age of Reason!