Stunned every day when reading about anybody continuing to read 'The NYT or Washington Post'. WHAT'S THE PURPOSE in catching-up with gossip, lies and propaganda?

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"Ethical Lying."

Stalin's mass murder was lauded in the New York Times, earned a Pulitzer prize, "sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette" 'ethical' lying and 'ethical' mass murder.


There's a lot of academic study and practitioners of "ethical lying":


Within ethics, there's Kantian and Virtue ethics that both abhor lying. Then there's Utilitarian ethics.

(Note: Christine Grady is the Chief Bioethicist at the National Institute of Health.

https://clinicalcenter.nih.gov/meet-our-doctors/cgrady.html )

And her husband's lies have all been ethical! Her husband is Anthony Fauci. All of his "noble lies." They both subscribe to the Utilitarian concept of ethics:

"According to a third perspective, utilitarian ethics, Kant and virtue ethicists ignore the only test necessary for judging the morality of a lie - balancing the benefits and harms of its consequences. Utilitarians base their reasoning on the claim that actions, including lying, are morally acceptable when the resulting consequences maximize benefit or minimize harm. A lie, therefore, is not always immoral; in fact, when lying is necessary to maximize benefit or minimize harm, it may be immoral not to lie. The challenge in applying utilitarian ethics to everyday decision making, however, is significant: one must correctly estimate the overall consequences of one's actions before making a decision. The following example illustrates what utilitarian decision makers must consider when lying is an option.

Recall the son and his dying mother described earlier. On careful reflection, the son reasons that honoring his mother's request to settle the estate and deposit the money in her coffin cannot be the right thing to do. The money would be wasted or possibly stolen and the poor would be denied an opportunity to benefit. Knowing that his mother would ask someone else to settle her affairs if he declared his true intentions, the son lies by falsely promising to honor her request. Utilitarianism, in this example, supports the son's decision on the determination that the greater good is served (i.e., overall net benefit is achieved) by lying.

Altruistic or noble lies, which specifically intend to benefit someone else, can also be considered morally acceptable by utilitarians. Picture the doctor telling her depressed patient that there is a 50 percent probability that he will recover, when in truth all tests confirm the man has only six months to live. The doctor knows from years of experience that, if she told this type of patient the truth, he would probably fall deeper into depression or possibly commit suicide. With the hope of recovery, though, he will most likely cherish his remaining time. Again, utilitarianism would seem to support the doctor's decision because the greater good is served by her altruistic lie.

While the above reasoning is logical, critics of utilitarianism claim that its practical application in decision making is seriously flawed. People often poorly estimate the consequences of their actions or specifically undervalue or ignore the harmful consequences to society (e.g., mistrust) that their lies cause. Following the examples above, the son's abuse of his mother's faith in him and the doctor's lie undermine the value of trust among all those who learn of the deceits. As trust declines, cynicism spreads, and our overall quality of life drops. In addition, suggesting that people may lie in pursuit of the greater good can lead to a "slippery slope," where the line between cleverly calculated moral justifications and empty excuses for selfish behavior is exceedingly thin. Sliding down the slope eventually kindles morally bankrupt statements (e.g., "Stealing this man's money is okay because I will give some to charity.") Those who disagree with utilitarianism believe that there is potentially great cost in tolerating lies for vague or subjective reasons, including lies in honor of "the greater good."

Critics of utilitarian justifications for lying further note how difficult it is for anyone, even honorable persons, to know that a lie will bring more good than the truth; the consequences of actions are too often unpredictable. Lies frequently assume "lives of their own" and result in consequences that people do not intend or fail to predict. Moreover, it is very difficult for a person to be objective in estimating the good and the harm that his or her lies will produce. We have a vested interest in the lies we tell and an equally vested interest in believing that the world will be better if we lie from one instance to the next. For these reasons, critics claim, lying is morally wrong because we cannot accurately measure lies' benefits and harms.

Clearly, lying is an issue worth examining, as many people believe it is a bigger problem today than it has ever been. A recent Time magazine cover story concluded, "Lies flourish in social uncertainty, when people no longer understand, or agree on, the rules governing their behavior toward one another." Maybe social uncertainty abounds because we are a mixture of Kantians, virtuists, and utilitarians who share no common ground. More likely, the problem is that too few persons adequately consider any ethical perspective when facing a situation that tempts a lie. Either way, it seems that the solution to our dissatisfaction begins with acknowledging the value of ethical reasoning and ends with a commitment to follow through with what we determine is the right thing to do."

And it is under Utilitarian ethics that governments will declare a democide/genocide/iatrocide they commit as being "ethical." Mass murder "for a greater good" is even considered 'humanitarian':

The Failures of Ethics: Confronting the Holocaust, Genocide, and Other Mass Atrocities

Oxford Academic


Taking Life: Three Theories on the Ethics of Killing

Oxford Academic


Genocide: on the edge of an act called mass murder

The Forum


That breaking eggs, omelette thing.

Nazi Germany was ethical. Stalinist Russia was ethical. Maoist China was ethical. All of the crimes against humanity were considered ethical! Var. Utilitarianism. Winners write history, though, and they lost, so, crimes. Starts with utilitarian "ethical lying." Just so we're clear, humanity has been here before. It doesn't go so good for humanity until it's brought to a stop.

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Fox: Very useful sources! Thank you.

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There's a lot of material on subjects. Search ethical lying, ethical mass murder/democide. This is what informs 'elite' educations of future and present leaders. They really, truly do think in these terms. "Useless eaters" isn't just a term lifted from the Third Reich or WEF. Evil.

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Quite the collection based in diverse reasoning and logic of several disciplines addressing falsity, fiction, lies, propaganda, deceit, deception, dishonesty, disinformation, distortion, evasion, fabrication, falsehood, fib, untruth, equivocation, palter, prevaricate, fib...

While there are arguably times when any of the above is appropriate and in fact of a higher moral good; it's often subjective and if not based in The Holy Bible...Have a difficult time accepting the goodness of it based only upon the good as opposed to the harm/pain/suffering resulting.

Going to keep your comment for the rich resource material contained in it. THANKS.


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It's a good resource of material, for sure. I don't subscribe to it. I abhor it. I illuminate it to know how our adversaries think, justify their crimes against humanity. Hitler, Stalin and Mao and those who supported them didn't think they were crimes. Just like Fauci, Biden, Cuomo, Farrar, Mitchie, et al don't think they are committing crimes. They believe themselves ethical beyond reproach. "Making the hard decisions for humanity that someone has to make."

They are evil. We have to know thy enemy to defeat him.

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Concur completely.

Doing great work...Keep going regardless of the people insulting you and calling you bad names mostly falling in the realm of the unethical and immoral, criminal and diabolical evil of ancient Lucifer.

While it's a fact of being more than willing to lie to save an innocent person as a Jew in WWII or a baby the Nazi's wished to thoughtlessly murder...There are actually VERY FEW INSTANCES where lies are correct.

Many factors must be considered when erring on the side of an untruth. Always, when in doubt must always turn to God and ask what the right path may be and then be willing to follow it.

There are times in my life when lying was the only answer and I don't regret it...About patients on their Death Beds or families of Murderers, etc. Most often...It's not necessarily best to hurt people when it's not going to benefit them.

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And we know that the Fauci's internal ethical compass isn't informed by God or any other higher authority. He has no use for God or any other higher authority So that explains a lot, huh?:


This is what atheists believe. Atheists will often hide behind the word term "humanist" for public consumption. The Fauci's actually publicly have declared, they're "good without god." Note the article's lower case "g" as an intentional irreverence:


There's even entire religions that are "good without god," like the interfaith ones:


We get the 'ethics' of God-less people when we allow God-less people into positions of authority over us. And the rationale for Utilitarian ethics is logical for some things, there are many reasons why leaders will need to apply that system. But what is lacking in the application of Utilitarian ethics by leaders today is faith in God. Without that humility and submission to a power greater than man decisions over the fates of other men are not and cannot be wise; the decider becomes the highest power, a god unto themselves. And this is the well that tyranny springs from.

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Yes, it is...Sadly.

The primary reason this Nation so blessed in God following its consecration by the Founding Generation is going to suffer. Return to Jesus could solve this problem; but they refuse, the people will not demand the Constitution to be re-instated nor remove the Godless from power. Thus, see no path to avoid the misery and suffering certainly coming.

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BlazeCloude3 - ditto. I always want to respond, “just stop reading that crap”. It’s worse than a waste of time. It doesn’t matter what the NYT and all the rest of the liars publish. It reminds me of when someone says “it hurts when I do this with my body”, and the reply is, “then stop doing that”.

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I read to know what our enemies think. Knowing how and why they lie, how they rationalize and justify it is necessary to break their spell they have on those who think of ethics differently than these mass murdering liars do. We just have to show those who believe the liars what the liars consider to be ethical. The natural revulsion is there.

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that was exactly my thought! The NYT is done for. They have proven themselves to be irrelevant, totally and completely. They have lied, they have gone after people who told the truth. They have caused unspeakable harm,. They are rotten. End of story. Amen.

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So only baby boomer politicians are to blame for the mess the country is in? Really?

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John's comment is a great disappointment. As someone born in 1947-- the squeaky leading edge of the "boomers" -- I take offense at the suggestion that baby boomers are the problem. The absence of TERM LIMITS in combination with unregulated commerce between politicians and lobbyists have nurtured human greed to the great detriment of everyone, including grandparents!

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Leake sure seems to be implying that. Funny thing, I didn't know "The Squad" was in the boomer generation.

Well, I guess when we're all dead and gone, all will be rosy!

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It's easier to blame the boomers than to admit every generation has its a-holes. 1957 here, and damned glad I grew up in a country that was still free and had a work ethic.

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The media is in for a rude awakening. They have lost our trust, perhaps forever.

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Yeah but I still wanna see those "iconic" MSM MFers go down in a glorious blaze of bankruptcies. Let's face it they are already zombie corporations - the walking dead enabled to "extend and pretend" by their creditors who are in on the game

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I feel reasonably certain I’ve seen multiple videos of the lying cockroach, Fauci, declaring vehemently that it was NOT a lab leak. Today, I watched the hearing and he said he’s “always been open minded as to how the virus came to be.” I really wish I’d started keeping pertinent videos earlier than I did.

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oh there are enough of us with the receipts. I'm sure there will be a compendium available soon. The email trail plotting the squashing of the lab-leak theory should provide plenty of evidence. https://youtu.be/ZFntTtPgpEU?si=QL83ixyQdrLpPd1j

But the entire debate is showing itself to be a red herring. The "pandemic" itself was a lie and neither the "lab leak" theory or the "wet-market" theory is correct. As Sasha Latypova maintains, "Nobody can make a super-virus in a lab." She's explained how "the weaponized 'disease agents' are mostly chemicals. Some of them are bio-chemicals."

The DOD created symptoms by other means that they then dubbed "covid."

The cabal has been "using prohibited chemical and biological weapons (toxins) camouflaged as 'pandemics' in humans and animals .... The racketeers initiate the attacks, and then offer 'protection' in the form of poisonous injections and digital slavery, and use grandiose slogans like 'resilience to biological threats.'"


So the entire biodefense racket is a grift. Fears and BS narratives are generated to keep it going. Sasha: "Fabricating scary narratives about superbugs is much easier than delivering on promises of making those bugs in labs."

Tolerating lies is the habit we need to dispense with.

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The entire government certainly seems to be a grift.

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It's happening with our foods in the area of GMOs, it happened with tobacco, it is happening with the telecom companies and EMFs and 5G. When do we finally stop allowing corporations to lie about the damaging effects of their products. Our so-called regulatory agencies are funded by them and that has to stop. they allow them to tell the agencies that there products are safe and that's as far as it goes. Nothing is actually tested by our agencies. It's all criminal.

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Yes it’s criminal and that’s an excellent question — how long do we let it continue? I buy organic but how to persuade others when the habits of not caring are so conditioned and so deep? I’m sure it’s possible, tho, if we put our creative energy into creating the parallel systems we need.

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Thanks for understanding that it's been going on too long and MSM perpetuates it by taking advertising dollars from Big Pharma, in the case of the COVID debacle. Some of our finest doctors have disagreed with Fauci and the government and they have to sneak around and go onto Substack to get heard. It's just downright WRONG!

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He said Hydroxychloroquine data shows it doesn't work. He said Morens lied. The SarsCoV2 virus was too far phylogenetically removed from the viruses funded by NIH, showing the progenitor virus was not of the NIH funded group. The Great Barrington Dec. was flawed. If we allowed herd immunity to rip through the population, another million would have died. CDC responsible for the social distance protocols. He developed a vax that saved millions of lives. The higher hospitalization and mortality rate was by far in the unvaxxed group. Clip: showed where he said you can pressure people to give up their ideological BS and take the shot, if they are denied access to college etc...

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“I really wish I’d started keeping pertinent videos…” That’s what Matt Orfalea has been doing, bless him!


My favorite part is around 4:45 when everyone is saying the vaccine will stop the spread of Covid. People are denying that anyone claimed this!

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Another funny thing about the "lab origin" is that Asia Times broke the story of Fauci and Dazsak "working" with Wuhan while Trump was still in office, and a couple of famous "truthseekers" in Congress swore they would not let it go! Then the story disappeared. Completely. And was re-released a year later when Biden was in office and hence Fauci felt 100% safe again. That's how the proverbial "rule of law" works nowadays..

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'THEY' have been 'lying about EVERYTHING'.......for DECADES, CENTURIES......MILLENNIA, even. 'They' have been at this (world domination) for a very, very, VERY LONG TIME!!

I don't think that it has SUNK IN to people's brains yet.......everyone needs to RE-THINK EVERYTHING, and I DO mean EVERYTHING, that they have been told/taught!! 999,999 times out of a million....what you THOUGHT was true.......is NOT!!

And for GODSAKE......TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF THESE SKOOLS (spelled on purpose)!!!

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I hate lying. If an adult lies to me even once, they're gone, to me. You can't trust them from there on out.

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If they lie about the small stuff, they will lie about the big stuff.

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I hate it too, but as I freely admitted in a previous comment on this same article, I was once a terrible liar. I'm happy t share details, if you're really interested. I simply want to make the point that people can change for the better. And to be blunt, if you were to eliminate everyone who lies, from your presence, unless you love solitude, you'd be a pretty lonely person.

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100% agree with you. In my experience, it's the wholesale lying that must be addressed before anything else in this country can be fixed. I (a Boomer) was raised not to lie by my mom (Silent Generation), with plenty of emphasis on truth-telling by most other adults in my life. What in the hell happened that nowadays, everyone lies and many people lie when the truth would be simpler? It's disgusting. It's moral corruption on a monumental scale.

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To use a portion of your last paragraph, "ALL the crazy, demented, and spectacularly selfish old baby boomers" in our Congress and Senate fervently believe that the ends justify the means. One cannot be more Machiavellian in their demonic tactics, and once you have seen, you cannot unsee the truth in that Machiavellian statement.

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If only it was just the baby boomers...

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True that.

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Not crazy about your facile and ageist baby boomer comment. True many are old frauds. But what about the rich new crop—Bragg, BLM founders, young and woke reporters who informed us that the lab leak was a racist conspiracy theory and so on? How about all the willing young doctors eager to promote gender affirming care and then lie that they were even doing it? Plenty of prevarication to go around imo.

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Greetings Lisa, this is John Leake replying. It's not the age per se of the Baby boomers in power, but the corrupting tendency that occurs when people remain in power for decades and form too many relationships based on disbursing favors to well-positioned interests instead of governing for the good of the Republic. Contrast the character of the baleful seniors on Capitol Hill and in the While House with the principled character of Tulsi Gabbard, who couldn't stomach being on Capitol Hill for more than 8 years. Thanks for reading our Substack. Best regards, John

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yeah, that doesn't fly very far though. AOC was literally cast via a casting call. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/whats-up-with-aoc-and-border-security-ae7

Everyone in our gov't has bent the knee to the cabal or they're just ignored and cast out. "Elections" are a ritual to perpetuate the myth of "democracy" at this point while creating narratives generating evergreen division.

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If only Tulsi Gabbard had been surrounded by enough others of any age who would have joined her in the fight for meaningful change.

The truth is sad indeed: even if "ALL the crazy, demented, and spectacularly selfish old baby boomers in politics" were to retire, the many cowardly, compromised and spectacularly selfish actors in D.C. , from all generations, would carry on.

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The ageist baby boomer broadbrush is not only lazy and ineffectual, but wearing thin. Most of my Vietnam War era antiwar friends and I have been working our asses off through decades of interventionist wars, now clearly imperial overreach. And promoting a pro-genocidal lacky like Tulsi Gabbard as principled is disappointing. SMFH.

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They lied because they wanted us dead.

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John Kerry was recorded at World Economic Forum stating that if they did a good enough job with the vaccines they would lower the human footprint. What does that tell you about Covid vaccines

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Someone needs to lower his human footprint.

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Kerry? I thought Bill Gates said this in a TED talk.

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Yes, it was Bill Gates.

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Hmmm... John, in your last paragraph are you suggesting that it's only the old baby boomers that lie? There is so much corruption in the fed govt at every level and all ages of politicians making lots of money.

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Agreed. Leake lit me up pretty good with his cockamamy theory - here are some names for you: Pelosi, Biden, McConnnel, Acasio-Cortez, Omar, Bush - as in Cori, Tlaib, Kinzinger.

Just a sampling of the evil lying monsters in our government who are NOT boomers. There are plenty more.

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I don't want to be in the same room with a copy of the NYT.

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The lab leak is another lie. How do you invent a deadly virus that you know to be deadly without testing it on thousands of "subjects" otherwise known as humans and then how do you disperse it without testing your disbursement method using thousands of "subjects" or humans? How do you create it without risking you own life as the creator? How do you control something you cannot see?

If covid was really invented, deadly and a menace to humanity, thousands would have died at the lab site, in and around it and 10's of millions or 100's of millions more before an antidote could have been invented. It's movement around the globe could never be controlled or observed since the PCR test was a total scam. Furthermore, if covid was an actual thing, the mRNA poisons proved to do nothing against it and thus 100's of millions would have died from covid.

SARS CoV-2, as was SARS CoV-1 and the coming SARS CoV-3 are all inventions of the mind pushed forward by the game of fear and that fear is the fear of death. People will believe and do anything to escape the ravishes of death. Yes, that includes murdering themselves believing they are gonna be saved.

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How silly! It was tested on ferrets, and malaria sequences were built in, so antidotes were there from the get go. I suspect it was spread using tanker aircraft spraying infected sewage water.

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Or as Jack Nicholson responded to Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men": " You can't handle the truth!"

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And I hate to break it to you, but three career liars that have wrought havoc on us - Pelosi, Biden, McConnell - are NOT boomers.

You should develop a new theory.

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So Mr. Leake, something miraculous occurred in the cosmos along about 1970 or so, just before you were born, that changed people born after that time, for the better. Is that what you're implying? And you actually get paid to write this tripe? Damn, I'm in the wrong line of work!

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Lying has kept Biden living in luxury and stepping on people well into senility.

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Biden did so with the consent of those underdogs....You have to ask yourself...what were they getting out of it?

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Not all gave consent, the ones that do are expecting to ride coattails and some manage to move their way up to better positions and more money flowing into them.

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