Seems like our federal government sees every adversary as our mortal enemy to be subjugated militarily and economically. At some point this will all end very poorly for the US citizenry.

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As the horrendous harms to the Ukrainian citizens… 😔

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One of my “woke” buddies was crowing about Biden a few weeks ago. I asked him how many Ukrainian kids needed to die to save democracy? He swears sweet old Joe is NOT corrupt. This dude literally loses sleep obsessing over Trump. He is convinced if Trump wins we are done. Full fascism. As he and his children were forced jabbed with a poison to keep their jobs and stay in school. He keeps getting Covid and is pissed off about that. But that’s Trumps fault too. MSLSD is a dangerous drug

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Odd how easily CNN MSNBC can paint any picture and people will buy it, I am thinking of characture drawings you buy at the travelling fairground, of course what they are doing to us isn't funny.

Well said

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Yeah. We bought land in a very rural area in western NC. Same guy says “aren’t all those people in militias”. No, but actually they should be and I wouldn’t mind being in one these days

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That is really a good metaphor, those caricature drawings at the fair, the past four years of hysteria has made caricatures out of our friends and neighbours, and they now wish they never paid for those silly drawings, and don't want us to know that.

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That is the main point, innocents suffer.

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In China they are called "hypothetical enemies" to justify any legislation, direction of policy-making over several years, and of course limitless funding.

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Plus the limits and content of public discourse that is allowed on the designated enemies -- thus, rules of censorship and right-think.

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Here are a series of video clips by a pair of Russian pranksters who've figured out ways to call into very powerful people on the international stage getting their target to open up and say things they say behind closed doors but never say in public. These people will tell truth to others they think of as peers while they lie to the rest of us.


In this call the pranksters were able to appear as Ukrainian dictator Zelenskyy. The target of this prank call was former Pres. George W. Bush. In the course of the several videos Pres. Bush goes on to admit that the entire Ukraine never being in NATO and that Russia needn't fear US belligerence on her border was...a lie! "Times Change." Big funnies! Hilarity! Not the kind of family or neighbor you'd ever want friendly relations with.

No. The US is the bad neighbor, the bad family member. The US is the villain. It pains me to admit that as a Cold War veteran who's military service included the targeting of dozens of Russian cities for nuclear obliteration. Because I believed my nation to be good and Russians to be evil. I even believed both Bush's to be good. How wrong I was.

It's a tragedy that our nation will be thought of and mentioned in the same breath as Germany when historians describe the worst malevolent nations in world history. Nations that had been good before they fell into the hands of evil leaders. To realize now there were actually good Germans who tried to fight Hitler every step of the way, but the forces of evil ran over their objection. I now have empathy for them. I grew up believing they were all inherently evil. Now I know evil is inside all nations and will run over good if good doesn't recognize evil before it gains real power.

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These comments really resonate with me. We started (250 years ago) as the (somewhat) virtuous Star Wars rebels, and now we’re driving the Death Star as the Evil Empire. It’s quite unmooring when you come to this realization.

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One must know the true nature of our adversary. Until we do we waste our resources and minds doing battles with hobgoblins and ghosts. And fight each other. Instead of the Evil Empire itself.

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There were Germans who hid Jews. I had relatives in Belgium who hid Russians at the time. Problem, most people lack courage and clarity.

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and of the world at large....the USA tinkers with world stability at our collective peril, inflaming every conceivable adversay AND ALLY

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Bingo , John. The USA has been a poor steward of the world since the hostilities of WWII concluded.

The debacle in the Ukraine is the fault of NATO, the EU ( one in the same cheap suits folding ) and US financing. The US Congress is a clown show.

Putin has it computed correctly.

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I still don't trust Putin though, there is something really cold about him.

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Putin is a good leader. He loves his own people. He protects his own people. He is a social conservative, wants Russians to have families, wants an ordered society, and thinks our "wokeness" is totally perverse (which is it). He does not allow his country to be overrun with migrants. And he is measured in foreign affairs. Whether he is cold or not is of no interest to me, or perhaps even to the Russians. He loves his people, and behaves accordingly. We should be so lucky, huh?

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I support your view expressed, Diane.

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Calculating, perhaps. But, on the matter of the Ukraine, it is NATO'S war, not Putin's. Vlad is the one who has offered table talk for peace. NATO has declined.

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Masterful commentary. I would hate to speculate the percentage of Americans, especially those with 500 cable channels and 5 books, who appreciate that really important message.

P.S. George Santayana was correct.

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I'm with you, John. Where are the adults?!!

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They will never dial back. Lotta billions to be grifted.

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The corollary applies when you realize that the UN is sending masses of illegals through the US border (and the borders of all Western civilizations) with the blessing of the West's "leaders". Family and neighbour relations apply in this case where not only our own leaders are not to be trusted, but the hordes of Islamic fundamentalists, and those who do not honour Western standards of civilization, declare, "Who, poor me? You don't have to worry about me. I am just coming for a better life", are also not t be trusted.

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Europe is trying to absorb them, but they don't have the money or infrastructure to do so. But the EU requires it.

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They should all be sent back to their homelands. That is the only way to facilitate positive change in their countries. They must fight themselves for a better way of life where they live.

It's not appropriate for Europe or any other Western civilization to accept mass illegal immigration. Controlled immigration is wonderful if those immigrating respect the societal codes and mores of the countries they are immigrating to. Immigration only works when properly controlled so that countries can sustainably absorb immigrants - ie have the required infrastructure, have available jobs, housing and support and education for those entering. Mass migration pushed by UN and NGO's and paid for by corrupt governments is tearing apart Western democracies, and no one wins - not citizens nor immigrants.

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Who is funding the UN to do this?

Probably you and me.

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It s certainly true the petulant children in Washington need to grow up.

Of course they won't,, unless we give them a time out. That time out is up to us but it takes more than an election cycle.

Elections officials are a small percentage of the actual government. The corporate government is far more powerful than any elected government, put in power by equally powerful lobbyists, how did we allow this.

Used to be communism is the worry. Communism is an expired parrot it always was. Fear of communism was the shield used to hide the truth of vast military budgets profiting the few over the many no different today, no different than the exploding increase in disease caused by injection. Today s shield being sunlight to ???? and covid itself.

Can you imagine a world where a single industry did not drive the economy. Now there are at least two industries driving economy. One industry relies on death and destruction to maintain profit and the other one relies on sickness, pestilence and strife driven by the other industry.

I have never wanted a career in journalism so I never pursued one, I regret that now. I have no learned skill set which allows me to research the history the detail the hidden corners of this current corruption. Had I the skills required I would do the research and write a book. My book would be titled

"A world of fairness and human kindness, the true story"

I think it would be a best seller not because my writing is so profound but because the readers could resonate with its truth. Humans are good we are not evil we are not untrustworthy we are not mass killers. Just leave us alone just leave us be just lets us love one another.

Petulant children in Washington. End the war. Here's the problem with that.

A peace deal was brokered and agreed to within 5 weeks of the outbreak it was scuttled by Mr.Johnson on behalf of Ms. Nueland(?) and Mr. Biden(?). How do you explain to every mother in the world there child is dead because I scuttled an acceptable peace deal in March 2022 when the casualties were 500? and now the casualty count is 500,000. Of course no one complained over WMD lie, so maybe it is acceptable?

Think about that, we/you want peace, and yet, no.

" they work for us dad gum it" an American politician said that last year I think. Well said. I don't remember his name, wish I did he made me proud. Simple purity accurately describes us, referring to government cover ups I believe.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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I think you should write it. There are several writers who are not trained in journalism, they just do the research and write the facts, and they refine their skills through application. I read their articles all the time. I do though disagree with your thesis as I don't believe people are 'good.' I think humans are brainwashed since birth to bend to arbitrary social constructs which results in human beings becoming mechanical robots, unable to think for themselves and losing their 'souls' in the process. Children have no choice but to conform, and it is so entrenched it is mostly unseen. When an individual does get a glimmer and chooses to break out, they will need all the stamina one would need to get pulled out of quicksand by a rope, the rope being true knowledge.

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I agree with everything you say - until you get to "the rope". It is too late for true knowledge. Our "rope" is only one thing - true belief in God and in our Savior, Jesus Christ..

When you turn your heart over to Him and repent for the sins of allowing the dissolution of world, national, local and familial order to have metastasized like a cancer on our watch, you will have done all you can do. This, for most of us, is the sin of omission, which is as sinful as any sin of commission.

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I hope in these troubled times of fractured and ineffective opposition to the vampire squid cabal, that you will extend a hand to those of other faiths engaged in the same struggle against evil.

My father was devout, although not necessarily a completely devout 'christian'. He attended a christian church, because as he put it, its how we seek God in this country. He was firm on a principle, though, 'many paths to God'.

The worlds dominant religions share an abhorrence of evil and have paths to become good and Godly folk. Of course you have insane folk holding up the beating hearts of virgins or what have you on Aztec pyramids, not all societies nor religions actually have a path to Godliness. But most do. Many paths to God. Many ways to perceive and defeat evil. We MUST pull together, this is beyond western christianity, this is worldwide. Disagree yes, of course, but STILL pull together in a sort of 'close enough' paradigm?

I fear the vampire squids are both scared of Christianity, while simultaneously applauding where it fails to find kindred folk.

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Well said. there is a theory that goes to humans having a genetic need to obey, worship and


Not a characteristic I have.

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Yeah, in evo bio, there is the whole idea of the weaker members of the species fawning to the alpha male, as it is adaptive, they submit for protection.

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Maybe Rand Paul

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Leaders grow up? Who do these so called leaders really report to? Not us the citizens they purport to represent but the oligarch class pulling the strings- we are doomed - as the world tilts toward a full global conflagration - we are not really privy to a picture of the end game for them. We are collateral damage and always were. Veterans injured everyone, citizens thank them for their service- why? The military doesn’t serve us but the oligarch class running the world as an in group dictatorship. All we see is the theater they present to us packaged months before the events take place. Ukrainian flags flying everywhere even bakeries organized to bake cookies with the Ukrainian flag on them 5 seconds after war started, everything orchestrated to propagandize us into submission.

War keeps the global economy running - war is necessary for financial survival. Endless, never ending war in an age where the new armies are AI and the powers that be can inflict instant war wherever they please with no accountability but to their masters.

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Test the honesty of the US government: as a condition to further military support of Ukraine and expansion of NATO there, pass a treaty that authorizes the Russians to place whatever military assets they want in Cuba (or Mexico or Canada). Now let's see how many of our politicians (and population) support the Ukraine war.

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Living outside of the US, where my neighbors are Ukrainian, Russian, French, German, Polish and English--very few Americans. Our common connections have nothing to do with each of the nations and ideologies we have passports. We go out of our way to find that "Balance of Power", you describe so well. Last night I was talking to a young Russian friend about the war in Ukraine, who broke into tears as she said: "They are our brothers". A good majority of expats leave home, to "live a life" while distancing themselves from psychopathy of their governments. I truly think the future world will look more like this, as more and more of us seek neutral ground to breathe.

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Great article. Every American should read this. Wish it had included our CIA's 2014 overthrow of the legally elected government in Ukraine, though, and perhaps our phony Minsk agreement, which Angela Merkel admitted was a big deception. Putin has every reason not to trust us. It makes me feel ashamed, as I have grown up feeling like we were the good guys. Now, we are the bad guys. WE are the Soviet Union now.

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Well said, John Leake - exactly how it is. IMHO, the only way this malfeasance can be halted, is Constitutional change that eliminates private money from every aspect of governing. The private money that funds elections, education, science, health etc can easily be replaced by the Fed - and because it's basically money replacing money, the risk of inflation through printed money is zero.

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So true, it is the private money that is controlling the show.

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Hear hear!

It would work because, in my view, so very very few are true members of the vampire squid cabal. Even deeply corrupt members of congress might choke they figure out the plan is the snuffing of say 6 billion little candles worldwide. Stop the money flow they stop too. So the cabal has no minions to execute various bits of the plan.

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The Cuban Missile Crisis shows exactly how hypocritical Washington is being about Russia's response to the 15th violation of the Gorbachev/Reagan Treaty, which specifically promised no NATO expansion and *absolutely* no NATO expansion into countries bordering Russia. Russia doesn't want to invade NATO countries and acting like that's Russia's goal shows exactly how stupid the globalist elite think everyday citizens of western nations are. Now, will Putin invade a NATO country if the US and EU keep pushing policies and warlike politics on Russia in a way that endangers the Russian people? You betcha. Putin doesn't want nuclear war, but he won't shy away from it if globalists continue down this road of provocative statements designed to make Russia a scapegoat for the crime of refusing globalist rule. And that's the real reason the West is baiting the bear. They want a world war and if it goes nuclear, oh, well. The elite have bunkers and they want the little people dead anyway. Plus, war brings profit to the wealthy and that's always the point, right? They've already got a fall guy in Putin. And power, control and wealth is all that matters to them in the end, so expecting them to suddenly start thinking of the Great Unwashed as their duty is a fairytale we need to stop expecting and start enforcing.

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The people in government do what their Predator/Parasite backers, whether financial or Blackmail like Epstein Mossad/CIA, want them to do. This includes biden, trump and the kennedy/schmuley team!

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