Trump is too much of an egotist to stop praising Warp Speed. He did it again the other day.

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lots of new and damaging information has come out and will continue to come out, including Naomi Wolf's book on the Pfizer non vaccine vaccine frauds that can't be ignored - so I expect Trump's attitude about the death jab will "evolve" in a way that he saves face but does the right thing - Bannon can help with that as well

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we can only hope. but. our biggest enemy is fiat money of which covid was a plan that successfully put well over a trillion dollars into the hands of VERY immoral creeps. Its amazing what fiat money is capable of. It created political correctness which has turned freedom of conscience into the freedom from owning one! Most people (and the democrats are a great example) worship government anymore rather than God. and.. think about covid and its affect on freedom of conscience!

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Yes, this is why we need our money to be silver by WEIGHT not "dollars" or other bullshit units that can be redefined as will. Silver is more practical than gold for everyday life. Inflation would go to zero, since the Fed could no longer steal from all of us by printing cash.

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Look at how the value of silver and gold have increased over the past year. What does that mean?

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Lol, the value of silver and gold did not increase at all.

The dollar fell in value.

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YES...Completely agree.

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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What they are putting into you food also is dna plasmids w antibiotic resistance,.and flavoring made with baby parts

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And bitcoin fixes it.

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Wishful thinking. We'll see but not holding breath

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Justagen. Please hold your breath. It won't take long. July of 2026 maybe. And you will be breathing again more freely than the last 4 years!!

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admit hewas rwong. admit democide & his part part in it noway. can never come out

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Admitting their advice was a diabolical lie and he blinked would be the guillotine his enemies would use to make him the proverbial marie Antoinette. I've posted until blue in the face similar beliefs related to trump's actions or lack thereof. People arrogantly believe they'd respond heroically. Of course we all could if prescient.

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Gusman - consider proofreading before you hit ‘send’? 😬

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I hope and pray so.

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Very nice comment

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He sure did!!!! Nov. 22, 2024 !!!!! He did it again!!!!!

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Nov 27Edited
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Says Jan? Janice? Now Tara?

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just a damn troll. . .

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They most certainly are and it's not only here but in Canada it is worse !


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...and your point? Mimi? John Leake just explained with good insight why this happened. Do you have different insight? Do tell.

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Yes. Different insight. The type of insight that those who read history are familiar with. Lest they be doomed to repeat it. History that Pres. Trump failed to read:

"Principiis obsta and Finem respice - 'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.' But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings."

Excerpted from:

"They Thought They Were Free"

The Germans 1933-45

by Milton Mayer, 1955


Had Pres. Trump read this history he NEVER would've banned travel from China (travel bans don't stop pandemics, microbiology isn't constrained by borders.) He NEVER would've ordered his first "two weeks to flatten the curve" lockdown (lockdowns don't work, never have, never will.)

He knew media to be FakeNews, said it often. He knew media to be the Enemy of the People, said it often. Yet he trusted the media's obvious narrative of a big, bad virus marching toward the US, hopping over inconvenient nations in a slow advance until it magically hopped across the ocean in the predictable crescendo the FakeNews Enemy of the People narrative coming on the immediate heels of his FakeNews orchestrated impeachment for talking to Ukraine.

Yet he trusted that Fake News Enemy of the People was telling truth of a big, bad virus?!?!? And proceeded to shut down the world.

When the US and entire free world needed a President who said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," or "we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship... to assure the survival and success of liberty" Pres. Trump said "hide in your home under house arrest and be scared...of the flu, it'll only be two weeks." Yeah. Right.

Principiis obsta and Finem respice. Pres. Trump didn't foresee the end, didn't resist, didn't see the beginnings. It takes no medical science expertise to have different insights. That some of us, frighteningly too few of us, possessed in March, 2020 to see and resist the beginnings. Because so few bother to read history. Which dooms us to repeat it.

Pres. Trump failed the greatest test of his leadership at the beginning of the media fiction that was the pandemic. All that followed was what history told us would happen.

Heck, even China's official media outlets said the travel bans were wrong and that the democratic nations would regret the damage it would do to our freedom model. Their own media said freedom is great for innovation and creative invention, but in times of fearful crisis people prefer the firm hand of authoritarianism. And Trump's escalation of fear would undo western notions of freedom. Chinese Communists read history. Trump and 98% of all western leaders, health policymakers didn't. Or maybe they did. And that was the objective? And played Trump like a Chump.

Some of us were actually reading history, reading what world leaders were saying to each other at the time. As Trump was being played like a Chump:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


Which led us to more historical research, this book cited in the above CFR article:

Rural Health Care Delivery in Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

Disease politics. Fear. How fear of disease fundamentally transforms a nation of free people into ruled subjects.

More in my Stack:


Different insights. That probably exactly zero people reading and commenting here had in real time, March, 2020. Besides me. Top US officials and global leaders knew this, the CFR's article was in their daily feed. Except for Trump?

Milton Mayer's book quote is the truest of all we ALWAYS must resist the beginnings, however innocuous or reasonable they may seem, as we consider the end, where it leads. Trump's greatest failure. Everything terrible that's happened flowed from his initial decision to shut travel from China and then lockdown the world. By the time Jay and Peter and GBD came about it was too late, only triage was possible.

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Could of. Would of, should of. Don't should all over yourself freedom fox. Let's deal with present and move forward. We ALL lost. Let's decide to find what we can now to rebuild.

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Bull. Shit. Bullshit.

There's no way we can move forward without true reflection and reconsideration of what happened. Or we will be doomed to repeat it. Again. And again. And again.

History must be both read and accurately written. And right now the very same people who brought us the catastrophic pandemic response are writing the history. With themselves as the heroes. Who maybe made a few mistakes, but did the best they could under a difficult situation.


They knew better. They were trained to know better. They had guidelines and protocols, developed over decades, nay, over a century of research to know better. What good is all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of research into infectious disease, preparedness, trillions of man hours of researchers, the best and the brightest, what good is all preparation if it is going to be jettisoned the moment a crisis presents itself?!?!?!

They SHOULD have followed the same exact research I found in March, 2020, the same exact plans they already had, leaned into the same exact knowledge they possessed pre-2020 that was easy enough for a lay person "doing their own research" could find. The fact that they didn't needs a reckoning. And the only people who earned our trust to move forward with health policies are those who got it right at the very start! Even lay people. Who did their research.

Where were these health freedom leaders who surged into prominence in August, 2020 - and then 2021 as the carnage of the jabs became visible - when March, 2020 rolled around? Or even January, 2020 when Trump banned China travel?

Pre-2020 pandemic guides and plans explicitly warned against that action. Presciently cautioned that travel bans don't work, and knowing that makes any travel bans a form of embargo, blockade, a political act bordering on warfare. Nation's falsely blaming other nations for the spread of disease. Pandemic guides and plans warned that when nations blame other nations for disease that nation's leaders will then choose to falsely blame the people they govern for the spread of disease. Shit rolls downhill, blame-shifting. What weak leaders do. And weak leaders blaming the people they govern leads to totalitarianism.

This was ALL there. These words, this knowledge was ALL there, present, available, known by public health leaders pre-2020. Completely ignored and discarded the moment the word "pandemic virus" hit the airwaves, shouted by the Enemy of the People media. What's the point in all of that preparedness if it's going to be ignored

"Could of, would of, should of." "Let's deal with the present and move forward. We ALL lost. Let's decide to find what we can do now to rebuild."

It cannot be done unless there's an accounting for WHY they ignored their own research and preparedness plans. They knew. They absolutely knew. I read their own communications. They knew. WHY they chose to ignore it and propel us into deadly and destructive tyranny must be investigated. And those responsible must be held to account. Or it will happen again. History repeating and all.

Without that people like Rebecca Beck will dutifully obey their leaders off of every cliff their told to jump off. People like Rebecca Beck will dutifully obey Jay, Trump, Fox, McCullough, and any leader they foolishly trust instead of doing their own research.

RB: "Just put more trustworthy people into leadership and I can go back to watching my Netflix, taking the kids to soccer practice, going out drinking with the crew and putting pictures of me and my cat on instagram." Instead of doing their own research. Lazy. It's the lazy person who wants to move on, say what's done is done, mistakes were made, it's time to rebuild. So they can go back to being lazy. And lazily trust the new "experts." Who they'll lazily follow off the next cliff.

The Rebecca Beck's are the dangerous and evil fools of this world. Evil as in the banality of evil. Not stopping to think about what they were being told to do when told to give up their freedom and liberty, "for a greater good." Because they lazily trusted authority. And instead of pointing the finger inward at themselves would rather forget about it all, blame a few like Fauci and Biden, and "move on."

YOU who blindly obeyed and lazily trusted "experts" are to blame for those lost souls you see still wearing masks in the stores, driving their cars alone. YOU did that. Not Fauci. YOU!. The businesses that permanently shuttered, left owners destitute, life savings gone. YOU did that. Not Fauci. The suicides, overdoses, surge of deaths in elder care facilities. YOU did that. Not Fauci. The myocarditis and strokes in young people, athletes, turbo cancers. YOU did that. Not Fauci.

YOU did that because YOU obeyed and trusted experts. Even if you knew better, but wore the mask so as not to frighten those who were fearful - YOU fed their fear by wearing those masks! You didn't help them, you weren't being courteous, kind, compassionate by wearing worthless masks. You harmed them, drove them deeper into the mass delusions they were being fed by the media and the "experts" they trusted. Your "kindness" was EVIL. Every single face you see with a mask on it, that maybe you pity or mock, they wear them because of YOUR 'compassion.' Indulging the delusions of the mentally ill does not help them. It drives them deeper and deeper into their mental illness. Like with trans gender dysphoria delusions. Sames.

Rebuilding is impossible without a reckoning, without correctly identifying where, when, what, how and why it was done wrong in the first place. Or else the cowards and complicit like Rebecca Beck will do it all over again. Of course the Rebecca Beck's just want to move on and forget about what should've been done. Because they are guilty of committing great evil blindly trusting "experts." As Milton Mayer's book of interviewing Germans revealed, "they thought they were free" as they participated in the banality of evil, did evil themselves. J'Accuse Rebecca Beck!

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I think Trump had way too much trust in Vice President Pence who was basically the point man for all things COVID and maybe the top advisor for Trump. Pence is the one who believed every word Fauci and Burke mandated upon America. Also, Pence recently remarked strongly in opposition for the nomination of RFK JR as HHS Secretary. Just saying

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Perhaps. I've thought the same. But Pence is a corrupt, despicable fascistic totalitarian traitor to the nation. Played Trump like a harpsicord. A pox on him and all around him, a dark, dark soul lurks within. It's always the most outwardly pious who are the darkest, most evil among us.

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Whew! Freedom fox, do you feel better? If you focused that energy forward imagine the possiblities. Welcome! Ive spent the last four YEARS doing that dear. So welcome!! Thats ok. I'll just continue to move my evil self forward whilst you pontificate on what should have been done. The rest of us will actually be doing it. 😁

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I invite you to go fornicate with yourself. Coward. Complicit. Evil. You'll march lockstep right into the next step of totalitarianism. And pat yourself on the back for harming others. And when the realization comes that you participated in doing harm, again, you'll blame those bad experts who made you do bad things. Not yourself, never yourself. Because you lazily trust experts. You need permission from the likes of 'experts' Jay to go against them, to go against a government that directs you to do evil.

I bet you wore masks, even though you knew they didn't work, just to be nice and not scare granny in the supermarket. You didn't help them. You harmed them. Every single face you see still wearing a mask is directly a result of you being "nice." That's the very definition of the banality of evil. You and those Milton Mayer interviewed in post-WWII Germany are one and the same person. Evil. Go fornicate yourself.

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He explained why it happened originally. He didn't explain why the heck Trump is still bragging about it as recently as right after the election. Please try to keep up.

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my thoughts exactly!

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I am hoping when the time is right, he will say that OWS was a good attempt, and those in charge got carried away.

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We can hope, but it doesn't look good because he is still bragging about the worst public health failure in history: the dangerous and ineffective and mandated mRNA jabs.

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He got carried away.

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Yes, he did in believing they would be the answer. However, he was led down the wrong path.

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in our immoral world of today it will be very difficult to find someone actually willing to lead who does not have ego overload. Our constitutional republic was designed to help control that very thing.

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Yes, Warp Speed in terms of being a hugely successful campaign is probably well worth bragging about. Had Warp Speed not been hijacked by evil people. We'd all be bragging about it.

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‘Hijacked’ by evil people?! It was designed and created by evil people. You seem to imply that it could’ve been a good thing, if not ‘hijacked’? How so? I lost a brother to those evil fucking injections!

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No, the mRNA jabs are extremely dangerous and always will be. Getting your body to attack its own cells is a losing strategy.

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I'm not even sure what Warp Speed was. I remember seeing some articles on the web where people said the vaxes had been manufactured a lot time ago (including some photos of the product). The other thing that people reported is that the quantities of vaxes were distributed would have taken must longer to manufacture than they claimed it did. And finally, if the vaxes were something that DARPA was in charge of, who knows when they were made?

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We know the research on components included in the injection went back as far as 20 years

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Right. If he's not for it truly, why not denounce it now?

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He is smart to wait until his nominees are voted in.

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Justagen. Remember what I said about being present? Trust me. How does denouncing anything make your life better than massage your OWN ego!

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I voted for him but I really can’t stand him. He’s still better than Harris.

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Which isn't saying much!!

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Such nonsense. Don the Con is still touting the poison as "one of the greatest achievements of mankind" (his words, not mine) to this very day. You get two choices.

1) Trump is too stupid to be President

2) Trump is an integral part of the global mafia seeking population reduction and global govt.

Pick one.

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Third choice. Trump wanted to be a hero and did not take the correct advice from others about the vaccine.

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absolutely correct, Nate. Trymp is just a figurehead, just like Biden. He goes along with the hidden power structure so those powers allow him to rip off the American people with his bad deals.

He sent our missile tech to the Saudis and in return hosted a golf tourney at his NJ course ... and got paid $290 million for it. What a con artist. But Leake can't face the truth about his boy, so he writes drivel like this.

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These are not con artists they are GLOBAL CRIMINAL CARTELS they know exactly what they are doing

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That's why he's picking a team of democrat, technocrat, wef, anti free speech, anti 2nd A assassins. But, it wouldn't matter who was installed, this has been planned for decades. He's not calling the shots, as no presidents do, just carrying out the shots called.

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Hurray for you absolutely correct how is it everyone cannot see this ? I think its called mind control

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then why pray tell did he pick RFK Jr? Is he in on the scam too?

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My expectation is that RFK Jr will not get confirmed and then quietly be sidelined once again.

I hope I'm wrong.

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2 (TWO)

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Or...3) He's smarter than you and knows a few things that most of us don't.

Pick three.

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yes.. I agree in part that the POTUS could very well be simply a figure head anymore and that our fiat federal reserve has long ago created government as our fiat God (political correctness rather than moral and Biblical correctness) has indeed sold us out. However. I had not heard that particular quote. Can you please verify it. Thank you.

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Yes absolutely correct Nate all the proof is there what the hell happened to everyone believing these bullshit controlled opposition, instead of seeing clearly the evidence that is everywhere .

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frankly I believe you yourself have difficulty seeing evidence that is supposedly everywhere..

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Nate, you forgot a choice:


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did you know MAGA is the highest order in Satanic initiations

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DJT, in the beginning, said it all was a hoax.

Also, touted therapeutics, but, the “experts” pushed forward with the jab as the only solution.

He did not mandate.

The real experts were shunned and ridiculed.

Dr McCullough tells you; and your own Common Sense should tell you ; it is impossible to vaccinate ahead of a virus.

You only force mutations.

This gamble is having horrible consequences around the world.

Why can it not be stopped??

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Agree. Lesson learned, now stop it all. EUA goes away, corruption cleaned out, and try a new path. We are at a very important crossroads. Either Trump is the right guy, or he isn’t.

At this point I am closing ranks and taking care of my small circle on this Earth. Simplifying, minimizing, and sharpening my sword of discernment.

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. . . and then you have all the "know-it-alls" in these comments who know just exactly what transpired; not a chance that Trump may have real estate smarts but not much in "tech". Not too different than Ronald Reagan who did a lot more good than harm.

NEITHER, were/ are without faults but a damn sight better than our only liberal / deep state alternatives.

The fact is, we now have at least some chance to be rid of these malfactors.

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They don’t want it to stop. The global elites want population control

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How can they continue to ignore the disabilities and deaths?

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Maybe with the new focus; accountability will be served.

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Had Trump rejected the advice of Fauci, CDC, FDA, NIH, DOD, DARPA, BARDA, WHO, etc., all he would have achieved would have been an additional impeachment count. The Plandemic was planned long before Trump unexpectedly beat Hillary in 2016, and the Globalist elite weren't going to let a minor leaguer stop them. Is he a wrong to deny this and to continue claiming the jabs saved lives? Of course. But consider, we're dealing with an establishment that seems to prefer starting a nuclear war rather than risk losing even a small fraction of their control.

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OK, but Trump is failing bigly by praising the death jabs even now. Why continue with that bullshit?

My suspicion is that he knows he was scammed by Pfauci and Birx, but it's simply too embarrassing for him to admit that.

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I agree. From what I've heard, his crowds didn't respond well to it either. He might have won by more if he'd been man enough to step up regarding Covid. It's one of two things that bother would-be and actual supporters, the other being "finish the job in Gaza," a troubling comment from a man who brags about not starting any wars during his first term.

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Yes, and his very close relations with the Saudis is also troubling. They attacked the US on 9/11 (perhaps with Bush/CIA help) and were never punished for it in the least.

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I’m sure you have read there is some theory that Trump also pushed forward with warp speed to avoid serious consequences of long term lockdowns and FEMA camps that were unknown to the public. Don’t know if this holds water, but we all saw “government scientific experts” rip to shreds any alternatives he offered.

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This is true. Dr Birx alluded to the extended and tyrannical *protocols* that she and her ilk intended to promulgate, as she herself dissed the OWS vaccination. A lot of people are looking at this through the wrong prism, and his words make sense when viewed through the prism of lockdowns and a destroyed economy. Millions of lives WERE saved though OWS, and also prevented China from serving us the *cure*. All fare is not traditional, and were attacked not just by China but by their proxies here in the US govt.

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I remember reading that this in American Thinker. I shared that article on GETTR at the time. It was a very thought-provoking article.

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OK, it may have been forgivable *at the time*. Now, over 4 years later, it is not. Actually, it stopped being so some 3.5 years ago, when news started coming out that the jabs didn't slow transmission. That he's still taking credit for Operation Warp Speed and nominating whatserface who was in charge of it for a cabinet position shows he hasn't learned a damned thing.

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Think bigger… Forced lockdowns, going on for many, many more months than were imposed, certainly would have killed so many more people.. No food deliveries to famished nations? More business closings & horrific poverty? Unrest & violence erupting? That’s was NOT an option for Pres Trump. It was supposed to be there for the chicken shits, who thought “we are all gonna die!!” And NEVER should have had any mandates. And NEVER should have alternative & effective, early treatments been banned! But of course there was that EUA requirement hurdle… But the worst part of this whole mess lies squarely on the shoulders of the Biden Admin. Gentle reassurances to the jab happy psychos, let them poked themselves silly, but have good nutrition & supplements available for those who chose that route. What a f-ing mess & total striping of our constitutional rights, just to appease the paranoid folks. Still infuriates me!!

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What infuriated me was to hear that congress was exempt from taking the vaccine. Can anyone verify this?

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The right answer would have been _selective_ and voluntary lockdowns of only the very few people actually at risk from Pfauci's virus: the elderly, and maybe people with bad immune systems.

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Yes! Agree…

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Still infuriates... I hear you!

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Yes I agree. It is worrisome that he keeps taking credit for OWS and how he saved millions of lives! Why is he doing this? I love him but he is very wrong here.

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He should apologize for Warp Speed, not brag about it. And Dr. Janette is a fat dimwit.

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Who recommended Dr. N for US Surgeon General? I don’t get it. I don’t watch Fox, but I came across Laura Ingraham interviewing Dr. Marc Siegel about this nomination. Laura clapped with joy. Dr. N, she said, had appeared on Fox a number of times as a contributor. Dr. Siegel praised Dr. N for her mission work, volunteer with Samaritan’s Purse and her work regarding mental health issues that developed as a result of lockdowns. Those latter attributes are commendable but he promotion of the jabs and masks show a lack of medical competence.

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The millions of lives saved may be because it shorten lockdowns? I know, still tying to get my own head around that whole psyops.. Treading lightly is in order, until appointments are confirmed. What a circus those hearings will be!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


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There was more to OWS than jabs and lockdowns.

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I totally agree. He is vain and will never admit Warp Speed was a mistake. Pride goeth before a fall.

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That seems like the truth. It's just about his ego at this point.

He's already elected, so now is the time for a bit of humility. He was conned by Pfauci, OK. Just admit it and save the world from the ongoing deaths being caused even now because the poison injections still continue.

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I agree

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Yes I think you could be right but for me, I just wish he would admit his mistake. It would fare him well if he did!

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Yes, exactly. Thank you!

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Not exactly the entire story. OWS was NOT an invention of the medical industry, though they participated at all times. Rather, OWS was a MILITARY OPERATION. It was Chaired by VP Mike Pence, who had been and continued to be an asset of Military Intelligence. Trump could have crushed Fauci like the vermin he is... BUT he was up against the DOD and the Intel Agencies, who were and are the driving force behind the entire COVID Bioweapon program. The blows dealt to the opposition, like McCullough et al, came from the top levels of the Military Pharma Complex. Our Senators paved the road with legislation that enabled the DOD attack. To this day, their faulty statutory scheme protects the villains and puts us at risk.

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"Then, cometh the fighting spirit, cometh the fighter. Mr. Trump was not selected for his coherent economic views. Nor was he chosen for his deep knowledge of technology, the Constitution, or global affairs. The voters selected him because they are in the mood for a fight... and he’s a fighter." (After the illegally installed Demented Fool)


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Religious writer, Jonathan Kahn, says the signs are clearly there that Trump is the modern day Jehu (from Kings in the Old Testament), the fighter who took down Ahab.

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He is a Fighter that uses others to fight his wars.

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THE MOST IMPORTANT MAN IN ANY ARMY is the Commanding General.

For a full understanding of that truth see the movie Patton.

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Try reading books on Patton and other leaders you might learn something real. You missed the whole point.

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You have stars in your eyes over that fool?

Trymp served the same purpose as Biden did in the previous election: get the other guy out of office.

We needed the Dems out because they are brainwashed about the killshots. Trymp was available, but we were just desperate. You fools ignored his bad points though, which are more common than his good points.

Now we have to get this fool out of the Oval Office as fast as possible. Vance is an opportunist, a snake in the grass, so don't expect any improvement under him ... but at least he can think. Trymp is, according to one of his professors in college, "the damn dumbest student I ever had."

Trymp is just a tool, just like Biden. You delude yourself because he's your boy. So sad.

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Who’s your boy?

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Expecting politicians to understand virology is a stretch, unless it is Andrew Bridgen in the UK or government officials with a science or medical background. However, Scot Atlas was an expert who never got his 'speak.' Birx and Fauci smoothly took him out of the equation, Atlas talks about it. Trump though did promise Kennedy a role in health care in his last term and reneged on it, why? Who were the actors that convinced Trump to keep Kennedy out? That would be interesting for Kennedy to know specifically his opponents. There is a fine line I imagine for a President navigating a so-called pandemic, every decision could be costly and lose him the next election. I imagine being surrounded by advisors and corrupt scientists pushing for pharma moves would cause one to err on their side, and that is exactly what happened. It will get to the point though where the dangers of vaccines become so common knowledge that plugging them would be like marketing cigarettes for kids, not on.

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Trump got a million dollars from Pfizer for his 2017 inauguration event. Condition was probably dumping Kennedy.

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The whole government gets money from pharma. Why wouldn't Pfizer do rinse repeat this time?

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They sure will if they can.

Pfizer should have its corporate charter revoked and the share price set to zero.

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So true regarding the experts but don't forget that America's Front Line doctors, spearheaded by Dr. Simone Gold and 600 other medical doctors, did make a stand for hydroxychloroquine in July of 2020. They appeared on the steps of the US Supreme Court Building in July 2020 to make their case for using hydroxychloroquine. The video went viral but was immediately removed and they were dismissed by media and the govt. as right wing anti vaxxers spreading misinformation.

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You are misguided. He should have listened to his intuition and sought out the opinions of other people who were knowledgeable. Even the courts recognize the tyranny of so-called "experts." RFKJ recently talked about foolishness of "experts" in the context of the glyphosate case having three experts on each side and all of them were from the same university.

Anyone can obtain knowledge on a subject without being a slave to "experts." This was proven by over one-third of the population of the United States who refused the injections. The other two-thirds listened to the "experts" (and submitted to the coercion of the establishment) and are, and will, suffer the consequences.

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But the misconception about rfk is he's antivax when in fact he's pro vax. He just wants more testing.😉 Who's babies does he suggest we use? Here's a video of him stating it, even when the interviewer is trying to get him to say the right thing, he stutters and stammers around the truth.


His approach is froot loops bad, and glyphosates is a distraction away from the poison of vaccines.

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There are all sorts of people who want to vaccinate their children, so nobody, other than the child (unfortunately), is coerced. Also, vaccination, in its pure form, is not the problem. The problem is the adjuvants that are added, such as mercury, which RFKJ explains, and the other things that are added that do not have anything to do with immunity, such as the marking technology that DARPA developed and made available to Moderna and the genetic manipulation. John Adams and Benjamin Rush, who are among the country's Founding Fathers, took vaccinations but those vaccinations aren't today's vaccinations. Nevertheless, I, a former vaccine proponent, side with the view that vaccinations are not necessary due to increased sanitation and hygiene.

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There is a foundational premise that RFK is always drawn back to in any discussion involving the “are you anti-vax” question that is always slung at him like mud.

Because these injections have NEVER been honestly or truthfully subjected to scientific analysis for risk versus return, it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for any individual or parent of a minor child to make a decision with informed consent. So far “safety and efficacy” are just a fable. This situation is a grave violation of our basic human rights.

I have read RFKs books on this subject as well as others such as “Turtles All the Way Down” I have also read the vaccine package inserts (horrifying). Once you read these materials it is very difficult to come to any other conclusion than to just say no to this technology. (But RFK is diplomatic and says if you want ‘em, you can have ‘em.) I for one wish I was an anti vaxxer BEFORE my children received them.

BTW, IMHO the worst part of the Covid va xx program was not that it was neither safe nor effective, but that it was coerced and mandated (in violation of the Nuremberg Code I might add)

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I would agree to disagree. When one considers the government, along with eugenecists like Salk, Richer, Gates, etc. creating the diseases to then innoculate the masses because of these diseases, I would argue none of them are needed. This would negate the issue of the "attenuated" vaccine versus the adjuvants, and all of the adjuvants of their time were just as bad, they have just created more dangerous chemicals since. Have a great day, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Reread Mr. Emery’s last sentence.

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Good point about the adjuvents.

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Yes, the food thing seems to have been planned to distract from the poison injections, which are a far bigger problem.

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From the many comments, it appears you have struck a nerve, again.

And it never ceases to amaze me how many "experts" pop up in the comments section.

My question is based on the old one, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?": "If you're so smart, why aren't you running things in DC, London, Berlin, Tel Aviv, etc."

I voted for Trump in 2016 BECAUSE he was a wealthy businessman (couldn't be bought) and an outsider. Being an outsider was also his downfall in his first term. I voted for him again in 2020, but that one was stolen. So I voted for him again this year, and I'm reserving judgement at least until he's actually been in office for the "traditional" 100 days. Meanwhile I will continue to pray for God's will to be done in this country, and around the world.

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Amen, John. I am in your wagon

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Thank you for writing this. It is sad to see so many, who are so locked into their beliefs, that they can not see the truth in what you wrote.

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I agree. A pawn and puppet as some described Trump would not have been the target AND survived all the obstacles, lawfare and incessant attacks against him. I have one unrelated comment: nice catch on Louis XIII, John (Leake, that is).

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I think they see it in what John wrote, but people like to gripe and vent.

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I sure hope so. A little bit of humble pie on the part of the president would go a long way towards healing the deep distrust and even hate for those who perpetrated the fraud and killed so many people. Until he does, he is still part of the problem in this regard.

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OK, but then why does Trump persist to this day in saying that the jabs saved millions of lives? Surely by now somebody must have alerted him to the tragic evidence and shocking statistics on excess deaths, permanent disabilities and injuries since the jab rollouts?

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A great leader isn't afraid to call out the so-called experts. A great leader will make tough choices even if it's not popular. A great leader will stand up against evil at any cost. Don't get me wrong, I like Trump and voted for him. But I think he made a colossal mistake during covid.

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