In one sense, there is nothing baffling about the push to get children vaccinated. It is completely sensible if your goal is to kill a lot of people, reduce or block their reproductive capacities before they can have children, or sicken them to the point that they become dependent on the state. On the other hand, it is mind-boggling to come to grips with the notion that there are sick individuals within our government who are so immoral as to harm or kill children, especially under the false pretense of trying to protect them. I can still not wrap my mind around this evil, it is so horrific.

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That "the authors deceptively omitted comparisons of fully vaccinated (after 2nd dose) vs unvaccinated" & that their "conclusions are weak & not supported by the data they presented" does not surprise me in the least. For an real eye-opener about such deceptive practices, I recommend the book, "The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine", by Jon Jureidini & Leemon B. McHenry.

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Even when studies are designed to fail, they often show greater benefit of not being jabbed (they are not “vaccines” so I can’t say “vaccinated.”

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99% of the medical community has ZERO integrity, and ZERO credibility.

The entire lifecycle of the SCAMDEMIC revealed their ethical bankruptcy.

Thank God for the 1%.

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All risk, no benefit.

That's the same as a felony assault, is it not?

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I cannot help but wonder if in studies like this one, how did they know that any child actually had C19? As a layman I must presume that a PCR test at X cycles was used. If that is the case, the false positive rule applied there too.

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Keep writing. Thank you for uncovering an insane policy that overtook a doctors oath to do no harm

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Hasn't the COVID-19 vaccination been shown to be useless for ALL ages? Not safe OR effective......

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Look at unplanned hospitalizations!

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Its about time the American public said "ENOUGH" with the constant bombardment and plague of mind twisting advertising of pharma and psuedo-medical cures for hyped up money making psychosis. Its the advertisers who need to visit their Shrinks.

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