After all this, I’m hesitant with any vaccine. I’ve refused the flu vaccine over and over and now that I’m four months pregnant, I’m refusing the DTAP and my child will not be vaccinated with any vaccines. They are trying to push this technology into all vaccines now, and recently they have been giving kids and pregnant women the wrong things and doses. No thank you. My trust is God. Period. Idc if anyone thinks I’m crazy.

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How about we change the propaganda prase (their term) to something more akin to reality, like “ Informed Nonconsent“, “gene therapy refusal“,or “gene therapy opposition.“ Try as I might to recall, I don’t remember feeling any hesitancy here. feeling a lot of things, but hesitant definitely not one of them. “Happily unwavering” 😊

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How about opening up an entirely different can of worms? Why do ‘developed’ countries now have so much more autism in their children than they did prior to the barrage of childhood vaccines. Even the premier autism foundation in the US dismisses any discussion on a possible relationship to vaccines as ludicrous. They are all Brain washed into becoming idiots by the pharmaceutical complex!

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The AMA has implemented DEI practices in healthcare. How can anyone trust them when your healthcare is determined by a destructive ideology.

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"Perceived Experience"???

If that isn't one hellofa GASLIGHTING title to a paper that states the Fffingg obvious. I mean people actually SEE healthy athletes drop on the pitch or broadcasters faint and collapse during telecasts or their husbands or wives go from healthy to cancer ridden in weeks and this is a "Perceived Experience?"....WTF???

Doctors who do not SEE and EXPERIENCE in a FELT SENSORY SENSE the devastation ALL OF THEM have contributed to and unleashed on the world for Generations to Come should have their licenses revoked and let them do autopsies on the dead so they can have the "Perceived Experience" of the bizarre clotting in the Covid Dead. Let them sit and counsel the parents of children who have been damaged permanently. Let them dig the graves.

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It is telling that the authors used 'injection' to describe the shot, not vaccine.

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THIS IS IMPORTANT: When entering ER or being admitted to hospital, you are asked to sign a "Consent to Treatment"; parents sign this document in regard to their children. This document gives the ER/hospital permission to administer vaccines (aka "biologics"). Never sign this document without altering it in big obvious writing to say that you do NOT authorize any vaccinations or biologics. Then ask the admitting clerk to make photocopies for you to carry with you and for a relative to carry. Show this signed document to every doctor and every nurse who sees the patient (whether that's you, your child, or another relative). If you don't show it to them, they will assume that you signed the "Consent to Treatment" form with no changes and they can give you any vaccines they think you should have.

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I no longer refer to it as vaccine-hesitant. Instead, I refer to it a vaccine refusal. In the case of the covid "vaccines" (which are not vaccines by any stretch of the imagination), I prefer to say "gene-editing injection refusal". Until we start calling a spade a spade, we will make very little progress on this front.

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I have lost my faith in the AMA after its handling of the Vaccine debacle. It is obviously acting as a tool of the CDC and has abandoned all reason for ostensibly financial benefit.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

How disappointing that there was no moral component to the question about mandates and passports. This isn't a question about pragmatism, it's a question about medical freedom.

Irrespective of how safe/wonderful you (incorrectly) think a 'vaccine' is, you have no right to be telling someone else what they should be putting in their body. If they want to believe it offers them protection against a disease, they're free to get themselves injected. Stupid, but free.

People who support mandates/passports are evil totalitarians - there's something seriously wrong with their psychological makeup.

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Being denied choice and the death of personal privacy were the keys to my early understanding of a huge, malevolent force at play. My trust and faith in all aspects of the medical/research fields has been squashed like a bug.

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It was an online survey. Those are notorious for the participants not being randomly selected. What was done to overcome self-selection and other biases intrinsic to online surveys?

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well, DUH!!

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Why in the world would a doctor want to defend this vaccine?

When it gets to the point where the public is red pilled, due to personally knowing people who have been injured of killed, it’s game over.

At that point a doctor is just damaging his reputation, but being a stubborn fool.

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Remember, depopulation was one of the goals of the covid con..... there's a good chance a infertility drug is in whatever you get at the hospital, watch out for nose swabs too.

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