Lost me at mRNA…

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Yep! Won’t touch that with a barge pole and then some!

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Too much $$$ involved. Us plebs are not allowed in the game.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/FctYg7sA6P

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Remember when RFK Jr raised a stir talking about developments in creating infections that target an ethnicity? Those custom mRNA "vaccines" can just as easily be programmed to do intentional harm to a specific individual or generic marker as they are to help.

This long, winding Stack I shared a few years ago begins by discussing that, describing an actual threat to Obama. It's a Magic Carpet Ride kind of journey if you care to take the time to read:


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I posted below my take on what is transpiring. RFK Jr. is an impediment to the goals of the techno/medical man's profit goals: Here is the post from below:

It appears to me that the AI technocrats and the RNA deranged medicine men have teamed up to gaslight Trump. That the future is bright to cure cancer and that RNA research must be maintained and not. suspended for the harm that it has created!

In turn, it may mean that they will find a different job for RF Kennedy Junior. Trump may also understand that it would deep six the health segment of the stock market and would precipitate a crash. Food for thought.

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I am seriously worried for Bobby. Without him, we are really in trouble. If he stays I think he will be in serious danger for his life. The vipers are alive in the swamp.

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Me too

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I said the same when watching, and thought why??

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They and Trump have learned NOTHING!!!

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Are we surprised?

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Sadly, no. But there seemed to be a flicker of hope for a while.

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Hope I'm right; strategy is warranted until rfk is confirmed.

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Now it seems more than possible that Bill Gates did indeed have a good conversation with DJT. Oh my Lord.

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Art of the Deal action. Wait and see, plz.

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He is now the "Q" of Stargate.

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Why is Trump even entertaining these people and will RFK Jr. Speak out when he is confirmed?

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Saved Video

Larry Ellison is Tony FAUCI on AI STEROIDS! This plan will MURDER BILLIONS, instead of the millions they’ve maimed and murdered with the FAUCI BIOWEAPON DEPOPULATION MRNA INJECTION GENOCIDE against HUMANITY!

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Okay, you guys all so quick to criticize. Don't you think pre-RFK Jr confirmation might not be the time to throw all mRNA technology under the bus? I say, let's see how this plays out.

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Dr. Robert Malone, the father of the mRNA technology, has come out against it. That's good enough for me. I have lost over 2 dozen people in the past 3 years to these death jabs. GOD HELP US.

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We buried the first in our family only 8 weeks ago. Another 2 have serious heart and immune problems.

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So 😞 sorry.

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I disagree Fred. They had the benefit of the doubt before and look how it harmed so many. Zero Trust in the Psychotics.

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Albert, yes.

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I agree, Fred. Trump is a "fool me once--shame on you; fool me twice--shame on me" kind of guy and he won't get fooled twice. All of Ellisin's talk was performative. With RFK, Jr. in charge, I'm worrying less. Now, if Bobby doesn't make it through the nomination process...

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Scary stuff…

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As soon as he cited using a mRNA vaccine for cancer, my hopes were dashed as this being a good thing.

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And, made in 48 hours.

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It looks like the depopulation agenda is accelerating. Did anyone think that DJT actually wants this many people alive and well? Useless eaters are costly and the country is pretty much bankrupt. Billions more need to be eliminated. MAHA is a magicians trick. Give people cancer with an injection, and another to "cure" it? Or is it to finish them off? All while profits go through the roof for those at the top of the pyramid. It's genius!

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What these morons don’t seem to realise is that they will annihilate ALL humans and they themselves will eventually die, leaving no one. Why are they doing this? What is the goal? Are they not happy with their millions??

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Power Hungry Evil Tyrants are never happy! Agenda 2030 is their plan that is currently being carried out by the Globalist Cabal of wealthy Luciferians! They want only 500 million people on this planet so they can do as they please and it’s easier for them to control vs 8 Billion Human Beings!

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To reach 500 million, it would require elimination of 15 out of every 16 people = 94%.

When last I looked, the final global vax tally for all humans having received at least 1 shot was approximately 75%, or 5.5 Billion

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I think Gates does realize this.

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At least we can take heart that these psychotic morons will also perish.

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Biblical prophecy.

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There is more to the mRNA agenda than the mainstream of the medical freedom movement acknowledges, and it may involve more than just money.

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Depopulation. If we do a good job with vaccines and medical intervention we can get the population down by billions. - Bill Gates (It goes something like that)

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I wonder do the captains of industry and the billionaires have such a sense of entitlement that the little people are viewed as migrants on their planet, not good for them and theirs, that need to be jettisoned.

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Simple answer: YES

"It's one big club and you ain't in it" - George Carlin

This famous quote has been making the rounds a lot lately.

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Yup, and maybe more than that... gen mod, etc.

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They couldn't make the mRNA poison work when crafted by human hands, so how about we try the robotic AI approach "in about 48 hours". Brilliant! These people are nothing more than mad scientists.

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Think about all of the people that can't wait to get a special shot made just for them!

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The most disturbing piece of this is that while a majority of people seem to have wised up about the COVID injections, when medical personnel deliver the Big C diagnosis, all bets are off. People naturally freak the hell out and will try what they're told to try.

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Share this far and wide!! Trump needs to see this.

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He doesn't care. If he did he would have said long ago the death shots need to go. Meanwhile all of his followers are elated with their new leader. Regardless of how many have been injured. Maybe it is a cult?

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the fact that you feel a compulsion to call those who support Trump as *followers* is symptomatic of YOUR cult-like need to impugn and malign those who don't agree with your Chicken Little Syndrome. A rational person can easily discern that comments like this are intentional efforts to drive wedges into his base. Not working, Mr Jim Jones.

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I'm sorry, I must have hit a nerve. I'm so sorry. I have the utmost respect for "The father of the vaccine" and it's a wonderful thing what he is doing accelerating MAHA. I encourage everyone to get their next safe and effective booster. All vaccines are good if he says so. Trump is the absolute best president since the founding of this country! My bad...

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Oh, but you all are the deceived followers and have drunk the DrumpAid right down. It didn't matter to you people that he went right along with the C agenda and is continuing his script because "He'll get rid of all those knurly illegals and he'll drill baby drill and he'll give us back free speech and he'll be our king!" All the lies and his first EOs that I can guarantee that None of you on this site even looked at the first round, right? The thing about a cult is that the followers have no idea they're in it, and that they really Don't have any spiritual discernment of the times. But you get all butt hurt when the possibility that you fell for it is quite provable. Regarding deception, here's a test for all of you. A word I mentioned twice in the previous sentence and is a town in Pa. Let's see if you are able to solve this riddle.

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Well said Tori. Any right-thinking person had to be ecstatic Trump won, as I was (I'm right-thinking of course!). I'm not fond of the Trump cultists who think he's the messiah. OTOH, I've read God used imperfect humans as his tools, so maybe he is. We won't get COVID accountability from Trump, who is arguably the most complicit of all. COVID accountability is my #1 priority. But I'm very happy with what we're seeing on other fronts from him. Since Trump's camp is pro-free speech and pro-transparency (so far) that creates an environment where COVID accountability might get rolling.

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Daniel Williams: You have no idea who "his followers" are or what we think, believe, or do. Take a seat. Your ignorance is showing and it's ugly.

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Trump lovers are certainly Trump lovers. Sorry I hurt your feelz. What's funny, anyone saying anything derogatory about Trump and his supporters automatically think you're on the "other" side. I choose zero sides and don't vote as all politicians care less about anyone but themselves. I hate Dems a lot but I call out Trump for being the "Father of the vaccine" which has cost millions of lives. I have seen the dead. Where do I fit? BTW - I was at his very first rally in Manchester NH before he became a God. Even did a video of a boat parade. I think I know who they are.


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Larry Ellison is dangerous! Ethically bankrupt billionaire who would use AI to completely watch and track our every move and thought!

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EXIT WHO; ENTER The Twilight Zone.

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