What if these are not "unintended"? Are all those who developed these "therapies" stupid people, likely to make all these mistakes? Gates has already held another Event 201, but this time using an agent said to be catastrophic. What if it's already here? What if it's merely flipping a switch at a 5G tower? I hope people are trying to anticipate the "mistakes" these "stupid" people might make next.

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In a perfect world, all these studies would have been done BEFORE the vax was put forward to the public. And the world becomes less perfect, as main stream sources do not report on these findings. Amazing criminality at all levels.

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One gets from reading this article a sense that these creators of this “vaccine” blundered into overlooking potential negative outcomes...however if we give them credit for some bit of brains and the research into making it more negative/infectious...the conclusion of this scheme was purposeful and not an oversight. Just look at the big players in this creative exercise...Gates and his friend Faucci plus Big Pharma...and the CCP weapons folks...this was a depopulation/economic disaster creative exercise...not a “World saving event” this it is my belief the KNEW about the complications well before actual approval as a experimental mandated for EVERYONE except many in Govt like the CDD themselves...you know “special people”.

This was no blunder..or accidental overlook...they knew exactly what they were doing thus fully responsible for the desired effect...depopulation...the cute “new word” now used for mass death which it the real end result for many.

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Thank you for the latest detail on probable Adverse effects of these Experimental Biologicals.. and for promoting Bona Fide Scientific research such as this...

As horrific as these formulations are, there are protocols to neutralize much of the enormous array of Adverse reactions.. that keep being discovered..

If I might suggest a new way to minimize the possibility of being seduced by Big Brother into taking POISONS masquerading as something beneficial to your body.. It requires the cultivation of Silence and Space.. through out the day.. as well as continuously refining thought.. to the extent that thought becomes a tool used with wonderful discrimination... surgically precise.. the mouth opens and what comes out is True, Compassionate, and Necessary... otherwise the mouth remains closed and one rests in Silence.. the Brain is Completely Free of thought.. the goal being a state where ones Intuition functions with accuracy especially when it is critical.. such as any occasion that Big Brother spews its propaganda.. Silence and Space dig it...

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Too technical for the average person.

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Quite interesting and adds to the science suggesting we have been a bit too hasty.

"The authors point out that SARS-CoV-2 utilizes more than just the ACE2 receptor to gain entry into the fused cells and by overlooking this possibility, vaccine developers have made a blunder. This is further complicated by the choice of lipid nanoparticles and polyethylene glycol which facilitate entry into organs were syncytia as well as Spike protein will incite inflammation and immune system regulation."

We knew of vulnerability to infection in the weeks post vaccination via reporting. Of course we never bothered to inform the public and by the manufacturing word twisting we were told those infections were in the "unvaccinated". Handy tool that.

Maybe in the next iteration of the mRNA platform we can do better?

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

I am sceptical of claims that the vaccine is a bioweapon rather than a blunder. I see very smart people making mistakes every day and I don’t believe that what would be the most diabolical conspiracy in history could be kept secret. I think that what has taken place over the past 2.5 years - both Covid-19 and the ignorant reaction to it, including the rushed, experimental vaccine, been caused by panic. I cannot explain the reasons for the panic.

I am sticking with the approach that has guided me throughout my life - never attribute to malfeasance what can be explained by incompetence.

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