After watching the corrupt pharmaceutical COVID scam for the sake of profit I'm starting to believe that the cure for cancer was known long ago. Follow the money.

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There have been many "cures" for cancer (I'm using quotes because, ultimately it is ALWAYS a person's own immune systen that effects the actual cure), but in the U S., under influence of the evil Big Pharma, government operatives including the FBI often swoop in and shut down the doctors using them.

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Feb 27
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That page isn't accessible.

What is it about?

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There are several alternative treatments for cancer. Hoxsey, Hulda Clark, Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, Gerson therapy, The Budwig diet, and more. Chris Beat Cancer has a great program. Dayspring Clinic in AZ. And now Dr. Marik.

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Also a fantastic FB group built around Joe Tippens protocol, called Mycancerstory.rocks. A wealth of information, success stories, etc. Super informative.

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The way the system works, which is not new with COVID, we would be the last to know. Why are heroes like Leake and McCullough such a small minority? For some reason that's just the world we live in. A hypothetical situation I like to offer, is - imagine a researcher walking into a board meeting of a big pharma company, and excitedly announcing "Great news! Looks like I've discovered a cure for depression! (or cancer, or heart disease, or anything). And it's cheap and easily scalable!" What do you think the reaction would be? So long as we have monsters in charge, nothing will change.

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Dr Royal Rife. 1920s

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Great videos about him and his frequency machine available online.. Widely praised then squashed.

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absolutely is known. Cancer is a result of lifestyles that are supported by the government/bio pharmaceutical symbiosis. The cure involves lifestyle self control .. something actively and totally ignored. The question is never asked. "Do you want to live?" "How bad?"

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A person on X has stated her husband diagnosed w/ prostate CA and a PSA of 11 took ivermectin once a week x the past two years. Much to their surprise, his PSA is now 1.

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Wife and I have been taking IVM for over two years now w/no apparent ill effects - no vax, no tests (for Covid, that is) and no Covid or any other significant health issues IVM has multiple identified methods of action against viruses as well as cancer.

Should cancer become an issue I'd be looking at something like this protocol from Dr. Syed Haider:


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Thank you for this link! Just saved it and will be reading it ASAP.

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your link is blocked, must be good!

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Where are you sourcing your Ivermectin? I’d love to have a reliable source.

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Tractor Supply.

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Lol! I did buy it there 2021 when finding less messy pills was almost impossible. But I’d love to have a little stash of the “shelf stable” variety.😂👍🏼

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Or larger quantities via 2nd Smartest Guy's links:


See his link links at the end. I ordered and received mine within a week!

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Yes, that is where I buy it as well!

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Thanks so much CindyLou!!

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Ivermectin is included in the Wellness Kit.

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Check out Buyivermectin.com for list of suppliers.

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when I heard Ivermectin was banned I ordered a bunch, thinking this must be wonderful... now I know, and my husband just died from prostate cancer, ugh.

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I’m sorry for your loss Donna! Don’t beat yourself up - as my ex military husband often says, “You go to war with what you’ve got.” You did your best with what you knew. Good job, and I’m sure your husband would agree.💝👍🏼

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looks like Ivermectin works when you first get cancer, according to M Dowrick, above post. Reading "patient zero comes back.." he is not cured, but better, as he took Ivermectin in stage 4, and still taking it, so, there is hope! Dosage probably depends on stage, but what the heck, take the full dosage for your body weight, eh?

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There's an article - I think by Dr. Marik about IVM toxicity in which IIRC he says it's somewhere from difficult to impossible to take a toxic amount of it.

Fendbendazole also (again, IIRC) - it's not approved for human use, but has been evaluated for safety by the main European health agency and found to be of very low toxicity.

FWIW, can't find it right now, but believe there is a study out there suggesting fenbendazole and IVM work synergistically against cancer.

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Yes there is a FB page that talks about that.


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Where did you source your ivermectin, Donna? I’d love to stock up!

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If you live in or near Tennessee, you can purchase Ivermectin over the counter, no prescription required.

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How about if you know someone in Tennessee? Would they buy it for you?

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Good question. I don't live in TN and I don't have friends there, but if I did have friends there I'd definitely call and ask them. And I'd tell them I'd cover the costs plus shipping if they would buy it and ship it to me.

At this point, I'm considering just taking a long weekend and driving there to get it.

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See Cindy's comment. 🙂

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There are quite a few individual "testimonials" regarding efficacy of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for PCa; it would be terrific of they could be organised systematically - with imaging is possible.

As a bloke with Stage IVb PCa, including bony metastases the my entire skeleton (PSA at diagnosis was 2075... KEK), I reckon that a repository like that would offer significantly more "oomph" than anecdotes on Twitter/X.

I could build it myself, but it would probably be a waste of my time - and given that I don't know how much time I've got left (DRAMA-QUEEN ALERT kek) that's time I intend to spend getting drunk and shouting at clouds.

[To make it even worser, I'm recovering from a stroke that I had in Nov 2023. I'll be fine - I use FenBen, and Ivermectin (EquiMec - LITERAL horse-paste). But it has made me a slow coder, despite the fact that I USE ARCH (BTW).]

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That's a post filled with truth and pathos. No drama queen about it.

Just wanted to say that here on the other side of the crackling ether you touched a soul. Godspeed.

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IF possible => IS possible.

FFS I hate going back to QWERTY (from Engram), but I can't get a "right hand only" set of test-words for Engram, coz the RH of the Engram keymap is 100% consonants and I'm not Polish).

By contrast my RH-only "rehab" list of words on QWERTY is 202 words, which is awesome and is the only good thing about QWERTY.

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If you think the pharmaceutical/government response to Ivermectin as a Covid dug was over-the-top, just wait for the response to this! I would not be surprised to see Ivermectin either severely restricted, or taken off market altogether!

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Fenbendazole also.

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My cousin was told to go home and die with late stage inoperable liver cancer. Followup by the medical authorities has been about pain management. It is my belief it is probably vaxx induced cancer, which seems to be a thing, as he almost died a week after shot 2 with sepsis and multi organ failure, out of the blue.

We are trying the hail mary of Fenbendazole Ivermectin Soursop, mushrooms, the lot. Plus some spike bust bits. D3, quercetin, curcumin, vit C at pretty hi dose. Other stuff. He is alert to contraindications, its quite a soup. So far so good although we got zero idea it is working or not.

His oncologist told him the level of chemo to maybe knock it back might kill him. And as I said inoperable. Why not try something else?

So he is. I forwarded on the link to Capuzzos article on patient zero. Because as my cousin and I have agreed mental outlook very important, hope is powerful. This is very important reporting, thank you Mr Leake.

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Actually, I THINK Cedars of Sinai hospital in LA is recruiting certain breast Ca patients for a trial involving ivermectin.

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Excellent questions / thoughts in this post.

Let's look at ways to strengthen the immune system to fight dis-ease! Instead of destroying with chemo, radiation and or surgery a first resort.

Look to underlying cause...

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There is a tremendous amount of information on the internet abut anti parasitic (ivermectin, mebendazole, fenbendazole, etc., etc.) being helpful with various cancers. Understand that cancer is actually over 100 different diseases, and these anti parasitics apparently are quite helpful with some of them (which would align with the theory that some cancers are caused by viruses or parasites). You may want to search for ‘Joe Tippens’ on the internet, where he apparently is cancer free now, after using a protocol of fenbendazole (an animal dewormer called Panacur). But I will caution you that these protocols are not a ‘magic bullet’. My cat was diagnosed with lymphoma, one of the cancers that apparently responds well to fenbendazole. I had him on the fenbendazole protocol, however it wasn’t successful. Sadly.

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Joe Tippem protocol. Add Fenbenzadole with Iver, and Budwig protocol. JDr Budwig had the answer in post war Germany.

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The people who perpetuated the Convid scam, were vastly over-represented by a certain group, that is also vastly over-represented in the Biden White House, Trump's donor list, open borders, the implementation of Communism, feminism, LGBTQ+, trannie story hours, central banking, the military industrial complex, and just about every other major factor in the rapid atrophy of The Once Happy West. In 18 nations, if you name them, or question their WW II fantasies, you go to jail. No other such historical event carries a jail sentence for researching.

So, we can continue to chronicle their crimes, or even better, actively end them. Hail Victory!

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"if you name them".... Julian Assange named them...

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Imagine being such a repulsive Tribe, that the only thing you fear, is the truth? Well said Donna. My heart rarely bleeds, but it does for decent men, whistleblowers, who get shuttered away, thrown out VA hospital windows, or have their brains blown out while sitting next to their wife, and then replaced by monsters, like LBJ. The USA is the second worst country in the world, controlled by the worst. And now, we all are naming them. So, they will kill us all.

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In any war the victors always write the history. While there were definitely concentration camps and atrocities committed who can really say what the true history is? We have been conditioned to swallow Western propaganda as if their media were the new disciples. God forbid you commit the blasphemy of questioning their drivel.

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Aye. Most do. It's effective, this drivel. And, we, the discerning, too few in number, too acclimated to civility, for them to be concerned. Quite the stratified, and comical species.

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Yes. We are torn between trying to get through to people and not wanting to be too forceful as we will be perceived as foaming at the mouth nut bars. It is a fine line to walk and tests a man's patience to the limit.

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I decided to just go full, "foaming at the mouth, nut bar!" Neither method works, but this one is quite fun!

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Damn! Now you made me laugh so hard I think I hurt myself. Never submit and never comply. Peace to you and keep having fun.

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your link is blocked.... um, wonder why

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They do a denial of service check for a few seconds. Safe, visited by millions. The Mossad periodically take their site down, hence the check. Good bunch of Gen Z kids, did their homework on the Crimes of Zion! Give it a few seconds, it will open.

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Don’t forget about fermented wheat germ extract, FWGE, for assorted cancers. It was developed in Hungary by the discoverer of vitamin C, Albert Sentz-Gyorgiyi. There are many PubMed scientific studies supporting its use for cancer. Cold Harbor Labs, in New York, distilled the 4 gram powder down to active ingredients that fit in a capsule. It’s called Metatrol. Since it’s based on a natural product, it doesn’t require a prescription. Check it out!

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Pfeiffer's article mentions ivermectin selling for 25 cents per 12 milligram pill from an "international distributor." Any ideas who that is and the website? Thank you for sharing this article!

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Look up “2nd smartest guy in the world.com” can order thru him and Vitex is the distributor.

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Here is the site: https://www.virex.health/

Petmectin = Ivermectin

Petdazole = Fenben

Fishcycline - Doxycycline

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Ahhh, pharmaceutical grade, for pets. Thank you!!!

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Just a follow-up, I placed and order and received it in just a few days!

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The corrupt pharma companies such as Moderna and Pfizer, created turbo cancers with the Covid vaccine and now will be profiting off of that when pfizer purchased the largest cancer treatment company. The evidence of their corruption is in plain sight. I will not take any prescriptions manufactured by either company.

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Very encouraging news. I’m sure there have been other treatments for cancer that have been suppressed by big pharma. Their treatments are cash cows. I have Dr. Marik’s book. Very interesting. I hope it can revolutionize cancer treatment

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How much mg ivermectin pr dag if i have cancer

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Please ??

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I met patient zero I was at the FLCCC Alliance meeting in PHX Dr Teddy and Dr Marik are pioneers in Do No Harm Patient Zero should be on the cover of every propaganda magazine simply to throw back in the face of the murderous CDC FDA and every lawyer and health care worker who joined in on the war on Ivermectin. Of course Dr’s Marik and Reddy should join Pt Xero on the cover as well

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Doc, I invite you to read my latest article. Thanks for all your support.


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