God help us! These devils are turning our lives inside out and so much of the world, our neighbors and families are being led like sheep to the slaughter house!

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What a joke - America must lead the way. Let me know what you’re going to do about the world’s worst offenders, (1) China, (2) India, and (3) Africa. Do you think they give a fat rat’s arse what we do or say. We have zero respect around the world at this point in time, and even if we did, some don’t give a damn what we say and don’t have to do anything. The New Green Deal to me is also just another way to launder money. That’s why POTUS45 put an end to our participation. Where’s the transparency, accountability for all the billions we pay? I never joined Twitter again, but someone told me about @dom_lucre, thread on Climate Change Scam. He’s smart, well-informed, does an amazing amount of research and these great threads, and he always has the receipts. It’s really disgusting because look around; what are they doing to make our own environment safer? Our water isn’t safe, food, air, infrastructure to protect us from disasters. The list goes on. They’re full of crap. If we got paid $1,000 every time a member of our government lied, we wouldn’t have $31T in debt.

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“It’s going to SAVE us money” because the *experts* are SO good at that! And all this for a proposed 2 degrees or thereabouts??? Dear God, help us!

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Government at its best! No use arguing or asking the pertinent questions, no answer will be given. Just do as I say because I know what's best.

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So if all the CO2 is gone all the trees, grass and plants will die because they don’t have any food to eat. Then the .04% CO2 in the won’t have any way to be Photosynthesized into O2. Then all of us will die because there isn’t any oxygen for us to breathe.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

Why oh why does Kennedy feel compelled to say he's "all for carbon neutrality"? Does he have scientific knowledge about why that is a good thing? Can he even define it? Why do so many on the right accept the premises of the left and argue only about details and cost?

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These "climate crisis" programs are globalist operations. The entire Biden admin and the Democrat party are in bed with globalist and 100% on board with these climate agendas. Look at how much has been earmarked for these corrupt and bogus programs in the past few US economic bills.

These climate programs do NOTHING to help the planet, but they do cause energy and food shortages, as well as serious harm to economies.

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God help us is right this is a religion with these people very bad one

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Climate change/hot/cold/crisis whatever - is a HOAX!

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“and this is the important part to keep in mind: authoritarian fascism becomes its own constituency.

it does not matter if it works.

it does not matter if it makes sense.

it matters that it keeps the power it took.

it will not release its grip when it is wrong, it will tighten it.

that is the game we're playing.

plan accordingly.“. —el gato malo @boriquagato

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All it is about is controlling the population, COVID is over, so on to the next thing they can use to get us to comply

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"Me: So, if the U.S. spent $50T to become carbon neutral by 2050, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?"

And even more important, why is it imperative that we reduce world temperatures?

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Here in Australia, everyone knows that nothing done in Australia can have any measurable effect on global climate. Nevertheless, in pursuit of a supposed ethical imperative to reduce global CO2 levels, our economy is being trashed and our wealth destroyed.

To cap it off, nobody has ever demonstrated that any projected increase in global atmospheric CO2 will cause the climate to change, or that the change will be bad. If in reality CO2 increases are not caused by human emissions, but are the result of some natural process - which is likely - the whole enterprise costly a costly farce.

The political problem is much the same as with the 'pandemic'. Voodoo 'science' has been weaponised against whole populations by powerful vested interests.

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The hubris of these idiots to think we can impact the change in the climate is stunning.

Read Joe Bastardi about the Phony Climate War and its Weaponization


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Each and every Biden appointment has been a horrible joke. A non-binary transvestite that steals womens luggage?

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Somebody tell King Charles the Third to knock it off with all the Climate Change 2030 garbage he endorses so heartily. I don't care HOW many Britons had a great time today waiving their Union Jacks and enjoying seeing a big crown on his head, if he's in line with Kaiser Klaus and the Davos Demons frantically trying to deindustrialize the West and bringing about famine from food shortages because of that horrible FERTILIZER needed to grow crops I say fooey to all his hooey!!! And to that of Gates, Fauci, Herrari, Schwab, the UN, WEF, Blackrock and all the rest of them as well!!

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