That day in Butler could easily be compared to the last 4 years of the covid scamdemic. Smoke and mirrors and lies and incompetence causing injury, death, trauma and grief by the 3 letter government agencies. I am thoroughly disgusted. But even scarier is what is going to happen in the future because nothing is being fixed.

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Malfeasance, fraud, and corruption proof are high bars to reach, take time, money, will and skill and are higher bars to reach when everyone in govt., corporate elitists, and the media are complicit because they’re out for Number 1.

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Sure Corey's family should sue. And I hope they get a big payday. Of course, it will be paid by taxpayers who bear no responsibility for his death. And the guilty parties suffer zero consequence from the lawsuit.

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THAT is what makes MY blood boil.

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Wouldn't the court want to see coreys body if they sue? That's an impossibility.

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Succinct Piece. Trump's survival is nothing short of a miracle and we are grateful. We are also heart broken for the death of Corey Comperatore and the many others injured both physically and mentally by this latest incident in the long string of coup attempts aimed as the destruction of America and enslavement of the world. Is it Criminal Negligence, Treason or Both?

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I think at this point negligence can be safely ruled out. Those who have testified so far have either obfuscated or outright lied.I see a high probability that trend will be continued.

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Both. Attempted murder is certainly a crime. Have to find whoever put the shooter up to it. Negligence, even gross negligence, is probably not a crime. There again, it's essential to find out who crippled security, giving the shooter an open shot. Pls see https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/proof-positive

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Excellent Link. Thanks the Thought Experiment at the end is spot on in this continual psyop, Take back your local government we shall overcome this evil with good.

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Please change the Penn State Police to PA State Police as these are different Police agencies. Your article reads as if it is Penn State University Police and not the PA State Police. It is a common error but an important distinction.

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Anyone who doesn’t smell a coverup by now probably has their head where they can only smell one thing.

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Ha ha ha ha ha

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Follow the money.

Always...follow the money.

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Follow it to Soros, BlackRock, George Bush--all tied to Austin Private Wealth who shorted 12M shares of DJT stock only days before the assassination attempt. The company says it was a "clerical error," but they also shorted 30M+ shares of Rumble at the same time (no explanation for that one). Maybe it was also a clerical error when Soros shorted the British pound

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Not sure what you mean in this case. Do you mean the obfuscating officials are following the commands of the parties that sign their paychecks?

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When someone too quickly, or too easily, follows the party line, I am immediately suspicious.

Did they get paid off?

Should someone check their bank transfers?

Are they being blackmailed?

Or are they so afraid of losing their fat pension?

Take your pick.

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Every one of them has some variant answers to every legitimate question:

1) We are looking into that

2) I have not been made aware of that

3) The is not within my purview

4) I would have to refer you to the (insert name of another agency here)

5) Not to my knowledge

6) I do not recall

7) That did not happen

8) I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation

9) I cannot speak to that issue

10) I can assure my agency works with the utmost integrity and absence of any political agenda

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You summed it up completely.

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Hard to say exactly but one malevolent factor is when the government controls the livelihood. The malevolence grows as the government expands.

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The malevolence grows the more people get promoted.

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With communism, every decision is made by committee so no one can ever be blamed for anything.


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We are rounding the corner and about to step foot in the entrance to the SECRET POLICE.

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“ they identified Crooks for not matriculating”. Matriculating used to mean getting out of school by passing exams. In the UK anyway. They stopped teaching hard words around 1965, and have been lowering the hurdles to “graduate” ever since, whilst repurposing the dictionary and traducing acceptable vocabulary.

At the same time, dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks “graduates” of Universities use extra syllables wherever possible in a word salad of euphemisms and misdirection to baffle the populace with bullshit.

The bigger problem by far: whilst our politicians run kabuki “investigations”, our secret police run political operations and manipulate voting, and our judges make the law, on behalf of Bill Gates & Israel & the UN.

We just get the shitty end of the stick in our Potemkin Republic.

Have a nice day!

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That is a terrible word choice, to be sure. It seems to be that he is trying to use more smoke when answering a simple question. Anybody who knows the word matriculation knows it relates to entering higher education.

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Yes....it sounds very esoteric-- but it is not. When was the last time you went to a matriculation ceremony? Sounds kind physical....like circulation...

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Are they trying to say he wasn't academically bright? Yet there was mention that he left a message saying 'they got the wrong man' .... plus I'm still wondering about that gun flash shown from the crowd emanating near the fence... said it was from 'behind' Trump?Interesting that we seem to be getting 'extra' videos information here in Australia on some of our more honest media ....

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matriculating always met graduating from school in my world...

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According to dictionary.com, matriculate means:

(1) to enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree.

(2) to register (a coat of arms), used especially in Scottish heraldry.

I was familiar with the first meaning but the second is new to me.

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Well, they are right. He definitely did not register his coat of arms. He did, reportedly, repeatedly walk by the magnetometer without trying to enter the venue, as if to test how far from it he needed to be for it not to pick up what was in his bag.

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Jul 26Edited

The overall blame has to go to Cheatle, who it turns out is buds with both the Bidens and the Cheneys (i.e., with people who have publicly said Trump can never be allowed to become president again). Colonel Paris, PA State Police, may or may not have had authority over the Butler County ESU snipers who were assigned to the 2nd Floor window. But it is highly suspicious that the ESUs left their post at the exact time needed to allow Crooks access to the roof, but were back there after Crooks' death available for an after-action interview. Somebody wanted Crooks on that roof. Somebody needed Crooks on that roof. Maybe there was someone else in the building to take shots from the open window, maybe not. Mark Groubert of America's Untold Stories, an expert on the JFK assassination and other suspicious events, suggests that despicable Dick Cheney may be the LBJ of the attempt on Trump.

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Fascinating details here, Thanks!

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This tells me the Secret Service was plotting to assassinate Trump.

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I watched that and it was unbelievable. Every US citizen should be able to sue the government agencies because we all lose when our agencies are entirely inept and corrupted. But especially the families who unnecessarily and tragically lost loved ones or are still dealing with the injuries and trauma of that day of boneheaded insufficiencues and apparent malfeasance.

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When we sue the Govt we end up having to pay ourselves!

Would be much better if Politicians were sued and forced to pay out of their own pocket and had their pensions cancelled when they fail in their job.

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Totally correct. If only...

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This will be dragged out by government officials until at least 50 years before anyone knows any answers except them. Just as it was done with President Kennedy and we were still not told the whole story. Washington Archives here we come!

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I want to see the cops who were behind the window being deposed, on line, in Congress!

-- Why didn't they simply open the damn window and say: "Hey, you! What is that in your hand? Why do you have a range finder 100 yds from Trump?! What are your doing here?"

-- Why didn't they tell him to "Get on the ground and don't move!" while a 2nd guy goes down and collects him?

What the hell!

Morons. ALL of them. The "secret" service dinks for NOT having a real protective perimeter and the local Barney Fife's for not having a damn brain.

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Yeah! I agree TOTALLY!!!! The cops should have told the patsy, ‘Get on the ground and don’t move! You dirty, rotten non-matriculating scum bag!’ I bet that is exactly what they would’ve said, especially if they had talked with that Guy that just testified here. And then they would’ve gotten extra bonus points for being so articulate!!!! ❤️🤣😁💔

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Liz, I love it. . . "non-matriculating"! Ha, good catch. Yeah C. Wray was trying to sound so . . . educated, wasn't he?

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The police are scapegoats. According to this, the building was outside of the SS perimeter but they had to defer all investigations to the SS.

Why wasn’t the scene preserved?

How many casings were found and what were the locations?

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I think 99% of the security detail (cops, sheriffs, state cops, secret service, and anyone else) should have turned in their guns and badges out of shame within minutes of that shooting. (I would excuse those who surrounded DJT with their bodies.)

Anyone with an IQ over room temperature should have gotten on the radio and simply said, "There is someone here with a RANGEFINDER that we are trying to find; don't let the asset out of the car until we talk to him."

Someone else better step up soon to manage the world, because it's clear to me that this country doesn't have enough people with the brains for it.

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There was more than one shooter. There seems to be very little effort to identify anyone else. One woman said shots clearly came from the water tower. We also saw a gun flash from the crowed near the podium. Crooks left a message saying the got the wrong man. I'm left to wonder why they killed him instead of just injuring him? Were they such hopelessly crook shots? But I guess they didn't want to risk him talking!

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I'm not buying that, at least not yet.

Americans run to the conspiracy theories because we don't want to face the fact that the "greatest country in the world" is staffed by feckless and incompetent people. (The problem with this, of course, is that the fecklessness and incompetence never get addressed.)

In our rush to lie prostrate at the altars of diversity and incompetence, we have thrown shame out the window.

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As far as I am concerned the FBI got all the leeway we should ever give them with the Kennedy investigation. From now on complete transparency.

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WHY has their been no effort to confront the two top officials (SS and PA State Police) who personally attributed responsibility for coverage of the roof from the second story window of adjacent building in question to the other agency and not theirs. Why can't we identify the specific names of the officer(s) assigned this responsibility?

This seems like the most obvious question no one has been willing to ask. Why can't investigators coral these to men into the same room at the same time to sort this out. Let them confront each other.

It just seems far too convenient that they were asked the same question independent of the other one being present. The answer to this would shed light on culpability or complicity for who was responsible and WHY. Most importantly, it would provide the names of the individuals involved to be questioned and to provide resolution on their activities at the time in question.

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Yes, exactly. Problem is that the Congress-grandstanders cannot wrap their minds around the fact that they should be conducting a criminal investigation. Get the suspects together and ask them who was supposed to be watching the rooftop. If their stories conflict, find out why, then and there. Someone is lying. Then find out where the liar(s) were and what they were doing while AWOL. Elementary criminal-investigation questions.


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Thank you for reading and commenting on my simple observation above. In half the words, you make my point succinctly and more convincing. I have found your substack to be objective, concise and brimming with common sense. Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and a few other uncorrupted politicians should read your comments and move accordingly to get to the bottom of this!

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Thanks for your kind comment and for subscribing. And yes, for sure, let's get 'In Search of Common-sense' to Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. I think their hearts and heads are in the right place, but they are so enmeshed in the official perspective that they need a push sometimes; and they probably welcome it. That's what I try to do with the 'Proof-positive' post -- shift the balance of presumption to where it belongs, a criminal investigation of the most likely suspects. No more giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone simply because he is a high-ranking official.

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Using incompetence as a huge cover-up excuse, imho…

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You-bet-cha! But you have to really admire them for being so damn articulate. That’s where MY Tax Dollars are being spent, don’t you know?!I sure am glad that they have a great vocabulary and can appropriately ‘Baffle with Bullsheet.’

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