I was going to join the Wellness Company until I learned that you had enlisted Dr. Drew as one of your members. Dr. Drew has advocated for the vaccines throughout the pandemic; and despite his many experienced, intelligent, ethical doctors and guests he’s had on his show who have educated him, HE STILL CONTINUES TO VACCINATE HIS ELDERLY PATIENTS. Aligning with him is A HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, AND A BETRAYAL OF ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRUSTED DR. MCCULLOUGH!!!

So I won’t be joining The Wellness Company until this horrible decision to bring in Dr. Drew is reversed!!! I suggest that everyone follows my lead and instead contacts the FLCCC who are true to their oaths. You can find doctors through them who will get you what you need, and THEY WILL NOT PLAY RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH YOUR LIVES!! You can also contact Gold Care and Dr. Stella Emmanuel for your medical needs. We have experienced too many betrayals throughout the pandemic from previously trusted doctors. It’s time to say NO TO THOSE DOCTORS WHO HAVE ENDANGERED OUR LIVES ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO HAVE CONTINUED TO GIVE THE VACCINES LIKE DR. DREW!!!

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I, too, was disappointed to see Dr. Drew join The Wellness Co. I don't know how much he was vetted before given the opportunity to join. I would not put my trust in him. Hopefully he has changed.

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Hi Allie,

Unfortunately he hasn’t. I have written to The Wellness Company and expressed what a huge conflict this decision is, and I am also writing to Dr. McCullough. I wish everyone would do the same. We’ve dealt with too much hypocrisy and too many betrayals throughout the pandemic. So we need to hear from Dr. McCullough regarding this issue, and he needs to hear from us. Thanks Allie, Bambi

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We don't need pandemic preparedness kits half as much as we need globalist propagandist preparedness kits.

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Listening to Dr Drew n Dr Peter McCoulough it seemed to me it was two people working with each other to learn. The comment above does not have that collegiate feel. More like one has to hate, condemn n ostracise anyone involved with the bloody awful medicated goo. But then how can they b convinced if there’s no dialogue n Bon homie. Also Dr Drew has a lot of influence it would seem. My suspicion is the above piece is a poisonous cup.

On a brighter note I’d like to suggest from my 72 year old unv@xxed position going through my third wrestle with Covid (some people r just born lucky it seems) that along with nasal washes n gargling with salt water n betadine I do hot water vapour inhaling of Friars Balsam. Keeps the airways clean n stops any secondary bacterial infections. I’m not a doctor so take my suggestion with a grain of salt n betadine (but separately).

Thanks to both of u for your guidance n alacrity. Cheers

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Thank you, Bambi, for your action. Dr. Drew calls himself an addiction medicine specialist but I don’t know if he has any certifications in this field. I am a retired nurse practitioner and I used to work in the field of pain management many years ago. It was probably then that I learned to dislike him for things that he said back then about pain management. I also didn’t like his stance on some other areas of medicine. Unfortunately, I just can’t recall the specifics now. I am just left with a bad feeling about him. So, without remembering the specifics, I can’t write to The Wellness Co. to complain. But thank you for making the effort to point out specific examples of this mismatch.

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Dr. Greger - How to Survive a Pandemic Aug 2020 book is excellent

includes Bird flu - which can easliy be 5X worse than COVID-19


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I have both kits. Glad to have them in hand as the megalomaniacs are assuring us they have the next plandemic all teed up and ready to unleash on us soon. We can expect it, that's how sure they are its coming soon.

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