Hotez himself is a genetic accident. spawned in a petri dish—some sort of estrogenic mutation — a feminized pudge-ball not to mention a total coward

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Hey that was my post!

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It can all be much darker than that.

Sociopathy and the dark occult seem to be just under this surface.


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Is Hotez involved in this notorious business? Horrifying!

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I'm just doing pattern-recognition. The man completely ignores the vaccine injuries of his own child and pushes, pushes, pushes these products on the world.

The power elites use children as a form of spending-money...

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I'm sooooo very tired of this guy. Does he live in America? I don't give two hoots about the science, it's about my free will to say NO. Can we mandate he eat dogshit while espousing the nutritional benefits? Pullease!!

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Right?!! Like him, the weirdos at the WEF and the WHO, etc, who died and made them pope?! No one wants to buy what they’re selling, loathsome creatures that they are. Yuck.

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All One World order governments are indwelled with the Spirit of the Antichrist...

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I didn't know anything about the science, I just never trusted the corrupt government. Never !!!!

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Some of us who are acquainted with “the science” cherry picked and Pharma leveraged aren’t buying it either. We got your back.

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No need to mandate what he eats. He's already eating it. Have you seen what he looks like? Certainly not made in the image of a healthy man, let alone God.

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Man? 🫢

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I'm embarassed to say that he lives here in Texas. In Waco, even, which ain't as crazy as Austin.

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So he's the "wacko" from Waco then!

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Dude's a goddamn jive turkey.

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The African bishops wanted Gates out off the continent for sterilizing , injuring and killing young women with his bHCG-tetanus toxin vaccine.

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V@x ines have long been successfully used in veterinary medicine to sterilize animals. Andrew Wa ke fi eld has a documentary about how this technology was employed in a program (funded by guess what $couple$ who have previously been very vocal about their frustration about not being successful at getting these poor backward primitives to stop voluntarily having more babies and over populating the globe) in Africa to sterilize non consenting women via a bait and switch. But locals, including doctors, caught on.

Nonetheless this couple have been to the Vatican to get those honors that the big donors usually get… Shame on you Francis. It’s against the Nuremberg code to force or coerce experimental medical treatments on the unsuspecting. Have you with your fine Jesuit education learned nothing? I have been a loyal cradle catholic until the pandemic. When our diocese monthly magazine ran an article entitled on the cover “Is It a Sin to Not Vaccinate”. I blew my cork. I wrote to the Bishop, called his office, laid out my case. Asked him if it was a sin to force an experimental treatment. Got no where. Then I QUIT. FOR GOOD.

( I will try to reconnect with the bishop because of the all cause mortality data now coming in. I need to know he saw the data coming out. But the fact that these clergy were pushing an experimental procedure on CHILDREN who were not at even at risk was beyond EVIL. Who knows, among other things, if these innocents weren’t sterilized in the process. And these jabs used fetal cell lines in their development. The culture of death in the Catholic view. Why would I, as a Catholic, use such a product when I could use ivermectin? And Francis is pushing this depravity?!?! No thank you, I am out since I follow Jesus who warned woe to those who hurt the little ones. Francis and your bishops, we will all meet Jesus when we die the Bible teaches. And He will be judging each and every one of us from the beema seat. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.

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yup...churches failed us. I was kicked out of mine for refusing the "vaccine" and I never looked back. The pastors wife was vaccine injured and had to use a wheel chair until her premature death. Now many in that congregation have passed...

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Unbelievable! Sorry to hear. I wasn't kicked out, but I left because our dear leader had so much hubris to go on camera getting the original shot, I was in disbelief as that kind of thing is the antithesis of our teachings. I didn't leave Christ I left the congregation.

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Now that I really think about it....I was not kicked out so much for refusing the "vaccine"...but for not "masking". I did not believe in the "vaccines" OR the masks because I knew any microbe could penetrate a "mask" as easy as a mosquito going through chicken wire. It was all for show and to make us feel afraid. It worked....so many of us took the poison needles and now....sickness and heart attacks and cancer. Makes a person believe there really is a "Satan" and his name is Pharma Gates-of-Hell. .

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

You and others might be interested to read the recently published book Shepherds for Sale featuring a chapter on the church and Covid. In my church it remains “the topic which must not be named” basically for fear that it was causing near church splits in our conservative denomination. But I know at least one (formerly healthy) 30 something woman in our church who has been physically destroyed — two hip surgeries post vaxx and other ailments. She can barely walk.

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Is it at Amazon? who is the author....I would like to have a look...sounds interesting.

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Yes it is. Megan Basham

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

It's not only Africa of course. In the West, birthrates are falling below replacement rate for various reasons. One is the ready availability of abortion. Here in Australia, a whole Primary School of babies is slaughtered in the their mothers' wombs EVERY DAY.

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And the parts of aborted babies are for sale for the highest bidder...

To promote contraceptives is not profitable.

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The issue in this discussion is the use of vaccines without informed consent or with force to sterilize, maim , and kill young women for eugenics reasons.

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The African bishops are, it seems, the only Roman Catholics left. Besides maybe 3 or 4 in the US and 1 or 2 in Italy. It’s bad!

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Africa shouldn’t even allow Evil Gates to exit a plane onto their continent.

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Bergoglio's secularism will earn him that African schism yet.

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It was so evil what they did to those girls.

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Agreed. So heartbreaking. But our own girls in the US have not been spared as Amy Kelly and Naomi Wolf document in the Pfizer papers they and their team have analyzed. I am an old lady and have seen a lot, but this has shaken me to the core, with churches complicit by their silence.

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Comparing receiving a man made injection to receiving communion, is the same as comparing receiving a poisonous a snake bite with receiving communion. The symbolism could not be more in your face.

Hotez is evil beyond belief. He actually said this:

"We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, or what i actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally. During the COVID pandemic in the United States, 200,000 people needless lost their lives because they refused the COVID vaccine." -Hotez

They invert everything. Here he is saying actually that in a highly weaponized propaganda production: https://old.bitchute.com/video/4zYwrrtLXKAp [51seconds]

Here's some truth about the injections, Merck's Chief of Vaccines, Hilleman, was laughing about importing AIDs into America through his shots: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/demons-disguised-as-guardians-mercks

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I wonder how much they paid this rotten scumbag? What was his price?

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Whatever it was it won't be worth it in the end.

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Nope. The joke's on him. Another Judas.

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Nope your right , he sold his soul

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Hotez has gotten millions from the US government…in other words, OUR tax dollars. He still is, by the way.

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His own child was vaccine injured. These kinds of people are so insane that they cannot even be relied upon to act in their own best interest. It’s really stunning to watch.

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"anti-science aggression" says "dr." Hotez... ha ha haha ho ho ho...can't stop laughing.

It's macabre but this absurd statement in the face of unprecedented death and injury wherever these "vaccines" were installed and "mandated"-- is dark humor...it's like the good "dr." Fauci (who never practiced medicine in his life } crowning himself as THE SCIENCE....

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Hotez always makes himself the victim.

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Wow, " you didn't worry about these wild viruses at the time" because they were ignorant and contaminated the US and UK blood supply with their Gain of Function squirrel "science", this guy playing god, suppressive man., and his sheep laughing in the audience. FAUCI helped cover this up too.

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Hotez is a fraud and a POS.

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He is a Luciferian Lizard. His eyes have no soul behind them. 😈🦎

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Hey that was my post 🤣

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Agreed. Too bad he keeps being granted millions of $ from the government…meaning, from us. Beyond disgusting.

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I liked his interview on Joe Rogan best admitting he eats crap and doesn't exercise.

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We should listen to Hotez like we should listen to a cardiologist that smokes and downs mountain dew.

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Hotez is not a reliable medical source.

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Reliably do the opposite?

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Hotez understands that supporting vaccines enriches your bank account.

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… enriched HIS bank account.

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Pope Francis is a nut bar. The unholy union of the vax cabal and the Catholic church is forged in the fires of Hell. Hotez is nuttier than Francis. Fruit cake in season soon?

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OMG! OMG! I can't believe he came up with this new synonym for propaganda -- "vaccine diplomacy"! Somebody should be writing a comic strip with all this stuff.

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Wow wow. This is some creepy shit! 👀

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Teilhard de Chardin was viewed as a heretic by the Pope when he was alive.. Unfortunately, Francis fooled the majority of Catholic Cardinals in order to get elected Pope. Francis embraced the utopian views of Chardin once in power. Teilhard de Chardin is still a heretic

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Sep 4·edited Sep 5


THE INDUSTRY HAS KNOWN THIS FOR DECADES. 1965 WAS CONSIDERED THE FIRST "ISOLATED" CORONA VIRUS. 1966 THIS WAS SHARED WITH THE UK for the mutual experimentation with a chimeric replication defective pathogen A.K.A. A Bioweapon. Then the first "vaccine" for such was Pfizer in 1990. Then the first patent illegally approved for it was in 2002. END OF STORY IT HAS BEEN ENGINEERING FROM DAY ONE.

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I am repeating this sentence because it seems people--even doctors--keep forgetting this is indeed "the science"....This is the reason a vaccine for "corona" has never been brought to market before....

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Not completely - I wrote above "The measles virus mutates quite slowly, because it's of a Rule-of-6 type that must package its RNA in 6-nucleotide groupings." The virus can't package itself properly with additions or deletions in the RNA that aren't multiples of 6.

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NB: The measles virus mutates quite slowly, because it's of a Rule-of-6 type that must package its RNA in 6-nucleotide groupings. That's possibly why we can have measles once and typically never again.

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As an initial annoyed comment, if science actually showed the vaccines to be reasonably safe and reasonably effective, there would be no call to persuade people with religion, ffs.

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There is no such thing as a ‘safe and effective vaccine’. Never has been, never will be.

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That possibility was not excluded by my comment. :)

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He needs to be in jail, sharing a cell with a big, psychopathic, delusional, narcissistic, horny maniac. One can dream, can’t we? 🤨🧐🤪😡🖕🏼

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Hotez is a portrait in evil. If one removes the clay from one's eyes, one sees the demonic all tripping with bloody intentions. You're overly kind when you note his personal appearance is in shambles, rather his appearance reeks of the foul stench of sulfur. His "outreach" to the Catholic Church only comes as a result of the demonic having entered the sanctuary in the person of Bergoglio, a Marxist criminal who was installed when Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) was forced out by George Soros. (Not hearsay, firsthand knowledge.) You mention affinity for Teilhard de Chardin, but skip over Francis Collins, whose evil nature was broadcast in the Language of God, a stunning display of bad science and bad theology. Collins, as head of NIH during COVID, played out his evil intentions. You error in attributing a positive view of de Chardin on the part of Benedict XVI. Not so. Rather, he dismantles such biological materialism with idealism, a philosophy he marries with theology. See my book, Peace Be With You, on the theology of Benedict.

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Taming the Wolf - that is a good comment - you are someone who understands what is really going on.

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