We can't be sure at this point so this is nothing more than an educated guess (but I've studied these sociopaths for 40 years and I even worked for them for a couple years), but this has all of the earmarks of a counterintelligence operation to discredit PV and reprogram the public with their "safe and effective" message. US intelligence and the DoD want their mRNA bioweapons countermeasure and of course Pfuneral wants to sell it. Neither care about how many people they kill. One cares exclusively about power and the other exclusively about money. Both are VERY unhappy with the near universal public rejection of their injectable Zyklon-B at this point, much like they were with the Vietnam war protesters. We'll know soon enough. If Jordon Walker is legitimately debunked as being full of crap and the mockingbird runs 24x7 with "see see - we told you, they're all conspiracy theorists", then you'll know PV was set-up by a counterintelligence operation. My suggestion is to be cautious promoting this video because if I'm right, their goal will be to put as many vaccine safety advocates as possible in the net to be labeled and smeared going forward. Wait for corroboration. I want to be wrong because if this was actually discussed as Walker claimed, then holy crap.

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How do we know you are not CIA counterintelligence putting people off promoting the video?

There is lots of documented evidence that Jordan T Walker worked for Pfizer.

Google would not scrub the results otherwise. When they bleach bit Jordan Walker from existence it is because they are hiding the truth.

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You don't know who I am, but here is what you do know. This is 5G warfare and the enemy is playing for all of the marbles. Now, ask yourself a question. Why are you concerned that I'm running a COINTELPRO operation in substack comments, but you seemingly (based on your comment) aren't concerned about that in the context of this video? If you're honest with yourself, the answer is likely because what you heard in the video matched your world view and like most of humanity at this point, you desperately want the smoking gun to hang the sociopaths murdering humanity. I suspect Walker's message may have been carefully constructed to appeal to precisely that emotion, but we don't know yet. The enemy might have someone this stupid on their team, but I doubt it. I'm reasonably confident PV verified Walker's identity and his position at Pfuneral, but is Walker really who you are led to believe he is? Was Air America really a passenger and cargo airline or was it something else? (hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_America_(airline)). It's fine to share the video (I've shared it with some of my tribe), but it's important that you do so in a way that doesn't allow the sociopaths running the vaccine genocide operation to smear you and the vaccine safety movement when/if evidence magically surfaces in the mockingbird media that discredits Walker.

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Scrubbing by Google could be part of the hoax...I agree...wait for corroboration...

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Private Investigator Brian O'Shea of Centurion Intelligence https://centurionintelligence.com/

corroborated thoroughtly, with more adding detail found since then with photos and context. He is at @BrianOSheaSPI and Substack:


People are commenting on the curiosity of Walker's career trajectory as am I. If I had to bet $ I would say he was a student in trouble rescued by a recruiter looking for a useful idiot to play the theater Pfizer role of a Global Director for the DOD sponsored injection products. From time to time students don't thrive in programs and leave or have to be counseled out in medical and graduate schools. I don't think it is a hoax, I just don't believe that Walker performed the duties of his title, just as the fired employees at Twitter were doing a different job than we had imagined.

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The attitude and posture of this Vice President of something was of interest. This clown has no judgement about himself at all Perhaps he was in his cups, who knows. His actions after being exposed were a reflection of his total insecurity. He likely is in way well above his skills. Maybe he is a equality hire but Walker is a very unserious person.

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He is likely now learning the deep meaning of serious.

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This could be, but I'm going to rely on the fact that this was not a passing conversation or relationship. This was developed over a long time, as James O'Keefe said tonight on a 3+ hour audio conference.

He said that he sat down yesterday with this person and that interview will be released tomorrow.

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Well said. Steve Kirsch is also jumping all over this, which is really stupid, and as you suggest, possibly falling right into the whole psyop to discredit "antivaxers". If this guy is for real what he's proposed to be, then humanity is even more fucked than I'd imagined!

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Steve is awesome. RFK, Jr recently acknowledged that Steve is moving the needle and I agree. I want Steve to succeed so I donate $$ regularly to VSRF. However, the old adage applies - "you must be new around these parts". I don't think Steve fully comprehends the tactics and motives of the enemy [yet], but he's coming up to speed 10x faster than I did. I just happen to have a 40 year head start so I'm urging caution on this one. I've seen this movie many times before and I don't want to see it again.

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Kirsch and RFK Jr., seem okay, but why do they fail to address the work of Stefan Lanka?

Standard virology cannot show ANY exogenous, contagious pathogen. Sequences and proteins are not viruses. And injecting animals - i.e., torturing and killing animals - does not prove that breathing is assault with a deadly weapon.

Please encourage them to PROMOTE science, and drop the magical thinking.

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It takes a lifetime to get fully up to speed on all of the crimes of the Khazarian mafia or the name stealers or whatever we want to call these sociopaths. Steve will get there. I'm just happy he's impeding their covid crime. When you get too far out of the matrix, it's far easier for the mafia to smear/dismiss you. In my view, Steve is in just the right spot for maximum efficacy at this moment in history.

I'm aware of Stefan Lanka's work, the Gallops Island experiments and I even own an autographed copy of The Contagion Myth by Cowan. The mafia has used a subtle semantics tactic of framing the question in terms of existence coupled to a foregone conclusion that existence automatically means contagion/illness. Steve is right to say that viruses "exist". Little tiny proteins indeed exist, they have been imaged with electron microscopes and it doesn't matter if we call them a virus or a lollypop. They key question is whether or not they are a contagion that causes illness. Personally, I've seen no evidence of that. The terrain theory makes vastly more sense to me and even the so called "proof" about viral contagion is basically done by impairing the terrain. It's as plain as day. Unfortunately, Pasteur was the Fauci of his time and we're stuck with the contagion theory for the time being. One good thing about the covid crime is that it has expanded people's thinking a bit and they are beginning to ask questions. Baby steps.

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Seems they don't even try to hide their plans anymore.

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I agree - even if this guy’s creds are legit, this looks like an actor nailing a part he’s spent a lot of time rehearsing…it all offers up the exact things we need exposed….how convenient.

But ..hm…it’s just about the one company most prominent in the public eye right now, with the most public strikes against it for past misdeeds…is Pfizer being made an easy fall-guy, to distract from the rest of the Agenda?

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There was an interesting point made in the 3 hr twitter meeting that occurred after the disclosure, in what Albert Bourla said earlier in the day which seemed to book-end very well what this guy is saying, in that he mentioned their strategy going forward in having a library of vaccines available for the anticipated variety of viruses around the world. (sorry, I don't have a link for the actual quote, but it was apparently made yesterday 1/25)

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Very easy to believe - considering the most-opportune timing of having a ‘vaccine’ ready to go so quickly, for a novel virus unheard of before it was.

My mantra nowadays is “They always tell us what they’re doing.”

I don’t doubt that what that guy said is true (whoever the goofball is), but I do doubt any coincidence in the timing for the telling of it.

Someone is coming for Bourla …and oh, look! Gates just made a prediction..I mean statement..about the next (man-made) virus that’s going to be worse than CV19 and name-dropping ‘bioterrorism’ like it’s all about m&m candy…makes me wonder if Bill and Tony don’t like Albert any more bc they have another friend who’ll help them make their potions. Our next reveal will be that company.

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In an interview with Joe Rogan, Bret Weinstein expressed concern that people are making money off planned disclosures like this. In other words, buying up the resources that stand to benefit when the planned emergency erupts.

The interview is often found up to the 1:59:09 duration, but there's a full copy on bitchute at https://www.bitchute.com/video/8VfBb0kTOI45/ (it was episode 1919)

It's a GREAT interview!

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Dear Justin,

Bret Weinstein believes in the theory of exogenous, pathogenic viruses, AND favors vaccination. Both positions are easily falsified and are nonsensical dribble. We must reject these devotees of the religion of virology.


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I'll be honest, I don't know what exogenous, pathogenic viruses are (Not learned enough), but I have to question whether your "favors vaccination" comment is current.

He said he once favored vaccination in the past, but now questions them, particularly any that are using novel methods for "vaccination".

He HAS changed over the years, as more and more data has come out about the vaccines for covid - particularly any claims for safety and effectiveness. It's bad enough that he's now wondering whether it's safe to go to the hospital for anything, after seeing how much is being covered up, and what is being pushed on people.

Perhaps watch his more recent stuff?

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Thanks, got it!

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Exactly. They always tell what they're going to do, so sane people are saved, and the rest perishes for not waking up. Even God allows this, so people wake up from their comfort seeking and vain lives and seek salvation. All puppets in this program are disposable (even Gates), and we never hear about the real masters behind it. Stay safe. Stay saved too.

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That's what I say. There is a further agenda, and even truth seekers are missing it. It all has to do with the "AI" controlled internet, Iphones, commercial software (word, etc.) to do every day work sabotaging, mind control to dumbfy, and continue with the culling of humanity through ill health psychosomatic derived symtoms, while changing those that remain into mindless servants, or the transhuman garbage they plan to exist thereafter. The problem is that without their salvation, people will not accept that they are being changed, and neither will they be able to save themselves from it. Therefore, whatever savior politician coming to the fore will only do some damage control for the masters, while the agenda keeps going on.

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What is "PV"?

Ah, Project Veritas. Took me a moment.

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Thanks. Duh on me.

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It’s too late for them to use the “conspiracy theorist” line against vaccine safety advocates. This far into the debacle, there has been a major shift in the public’s response to the Covid 19 lie. Only about 50% of vaccinated people are coming back for the boosters and less than 5% of parents are going along with this. Add to that the lawsuits over first responders being fired for refusing, laws being changed in various states and the vaccine injured becoming more and more public. It may take time, but when some law firm is a able to conclusively prove this is not a vaccine, the house of cards will come down. The 1986 law protecting Big Pharma from liability for a vaccine will no longer protect them and EUA goes out the window. The only scary thing about that is they make other medications many people need and will surely go bankrupt.

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Yes, playing dumb and shallow (maybe doesn't even need a script) is a great cover. It sure has worked well for Delaware Joe and helped hide his ancient subversive connections. Columbo was the TV master of this.

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You got it. I always said we gotta be what the hippies were for Vietnam. Long live hippyism!

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Huh... I NEVER in my wildest dreams would have ever thought I was like a hippy! (looking in the mirror, turning my face back and forth as I stroke a fairly bushy beard that could certainly be a LOT more bushy)

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I don’t comprehend your ‘analysis’. Walker has been confirmed as a Pfizer employee, and the issue of ‘directed evolution’ vs ‘gain of function’ is fairly obvious. I don’t see this video (or Walker) as anything to do with ‘counterintelligence’.

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I agree. Directed evolution makes sense from a business perspective. I would be very surprised if they were NOT trying to anticipate which variant will next gain predominance due to the immune printing caused by their products.

That Walker guy just doesn't have a very good understanding of it. He was probably busy thinking about what to wear for his next grindr date when they had the meetings about this.

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PV = ??

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Exactly. The Jordon Walker videos look staged in several ways. This might be a job the same as when Alex Jones said that Sandy Hook was a hoax, to make conspiracy theorists look hateful, stupid, and ignorant. Alex Jones handlers have all the money in the world to pay for settlements and any other damages Alex is made to cover. The same is with Jordon, whose name also sounds phony. They might be telling in these videos what later on will be undeniable by proof, so opinions are further played with, and controlled new truth tellers and sabotagers like Alex appear, and this for damage control purposes. What is obvious is that any pharma guys and even Fauci and co., Biden, are disposable puppets, so they may be "sacrificed" to maintain credibility. Then Trump the heroe, RFK, etc., might take over while further not so hidden agendas keep going on, and the general public keeps being happily blind to. So whatever. Stay safe. Stay saved too.

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People need to be aware that Pfizer's "senior executives", especially in the area of vaccines are really not bright. They hire management consultants to tell them what they should eat for breakfast next week. Also Pfizer outsources ALL R&D. This guy read some bs PowerPoint somewhere, which was fed to him by the military and alphabet agencies in order to propagate the narrative of the "scary mutated viruses" and run the next hoax pandemic and spend trillions on "countermeasures" and government protection racket.

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The language he used, Somebody suggested this at a meeting, does seem less than stellar proof of anything. But it did raise the possibility that someone at Pfizer thinks this is possibly a good plan worth considering. We will learn more today when we see this guy with O'Keefe. How does he act when he does not think some guy is hitting on him over drinks?

I could not help but thinking this is a diversity hire. He looks mixed race and probably gay (2 privilege points). They need to showcase these types of hires at high visibility positions. They are show animals. They pump them up with accolades for being so wonderful, which leads to the type of histrionics we saw in that video. Sorry, but that guy was extremely loathsome.

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As with that interview a couple of months ago with the overweight gay Latino from Twitter, these "Grindr honey traps" work because most gay men love the attention, and showing off inside knowledge is a way of impressing a date. I agree with nearly everything you say, but the "histrionics" come with the territory -- I doubt he would have been much less "expressive" even without the accolades.

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Precisely. Yes, Histrionic Personality Disorder often = LGBTQ. Yet, we now have these disturbed folks sprinkled all over our important institutions and they are untouchable - a dangerous trend we created.

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The rubber stamping theatrical puppet vetting, selection and bonus incentive programs run by many or most institutions in today's world?

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Oh boy….and I bought into it

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"... to tell them what they should eat for breakfast next week." Do they sell menus? On second thought, I think I'll get my nourishment elsewhere.

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Someone said on the Twitter spaces call, this is exactly the type of people the pharma companies, and I will add CDC/NIH, want to hire, they do not have the intelligence or the morals to cause any trouble, they are happy to collect their big pay checks and do what their told.

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But unfortunately, they don’t know how to be discreet.

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They can afford to be intellectual lightweights since they appear to be backed by the full might of the US DOD and nobody wants to tangle with the Monster.

They will say, "Look we were told to do it this way", and I bet this Jordan dude doesn't even know about the Operation as Sasha said the FDA worker bees didn't know that they were doing fake trials.

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Ohhhh, That’s gooood!

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We have given our power and our authority away to shallow mindless creatures hell bent on the destruction of humanity for pennies.

Thank you Veritas for exposing them. May their end be nigh!

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Exactly. So glad we voted to give them immunity so they can make our vaccines without fear of accountability! *sarcasm*

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Exactly. So glad we voted to give them immunity so they can make our vaccines without fear of accountability! *sarcasm*

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Exactly. So glad we voted to give them immunity so they can make our vaccines without fear of accountability! *sarcasm*

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“Instead of the mystery, depth, and malevolent cunning of Richard III and Iago, I’m left with characters who resemble Derek Zoolander’s friends who blow up the gas station. Heaven help us.”


Thank you for lightening the insanity of the moment.

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I'll post what I posted elsewhere because I don't trust this "scoop" one bit and because I want to open up a conversation with the good people here:

These Project Veritas videos, these "exposures," never amount to shit. Did that Francis Parker teacher in Chicago whom they caught talking about butt plugs with students even lose his job? The libtard ladies of leisure who aid and abet this evil will just keep on keeping on.

All the powers that be gotta do in response to these "revelations" is say "far-right," and the tables are turned. Nothing to see here. Orwellian doesn't even begin to describe this shit. https://blockclubchicago.org/2022/12/13/lincoln-park-private-school-reopens-after-threat-following-viral-project-veritas-video/

I don't think this black gay dude with a drinking problem is some Pfizer insider. This revelation smells like horse shite.

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I am also weary of all these "bombshell" exposés amounting to a big fat nothing. No interest from mainstream media or government. No investigations. No accountability. Nada.

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They amount to a big nothing because politicians, FBI, judges, et al are compromised. First try to buy them. Then threaten their grand children. You think Bernie Sanders was bought off by a $600,000 house on a LAKE in Vermont? These people KILL PEOPLE. I saw Joe Rogan set straight smack in the middle of a live stream interview with a Google whistleblower whose wife was killed

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Oh, there's interest, all right - interest to denounce them, push them aside and continue the subversive warfare. Media/government is part of the enemy.

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Exactly. Now that may just be because the powers that be, including the MSM, are THAT immoral and corrupt, of course. But I also wonder whether outfits like Project Veritas aren't in on some kind of grift. Who runs them?

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I'm not sure people of integrity are even capable of fathoming the level of immorality and corruption those depraved psychopaths swim around in.

Project Veritas has done some great work and I'm reluctant to cast too big a net around the web of complicit villains. Anything is possible, but we can see clearly that the work of many independent journalists, however well-documented and no matter how many receipts they provide, never seems to lead to successful legal actions against the culprits. When the culprits are protected by the most powerful entities on earth that have billions to use against adversaries, independent journalists are powerless to ensure justice. They can only provide solid evidence of the wrong-doing.

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This disclosure, even if exaggeration, should trigger the announcement of an immediate investigation for potential mass murder by authorities. I do not know if the investigation would be initiated by state or federal authorities or both. It should also be accompanied by 500,000 street protesters at the Pfizer New York Headquarters to help the investigation along. This is how things are done in Banana Republics with crime syndicates running them.

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Project Veritas is a conservative nonprofit corporation. Of course they want to make money and they have very active fundraising, but James is motivated by wanting to be a muckraker hero. They have great lawyers to protect their work. He understands the corruption of the regular press and has been fighting them for years. He hates the Left and has been repeatedly attacked by them. He really does have an incredible spine.

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Sounds like you're a Negative Nancy. Let's see how the cards fall before simply giving up. Let's all keep an eye on this and wait to cast judgment.

Never give up. Never surrender.

- Galaxy Quest

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OK fella. Don't hurl insults on here. This isn't the place.

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Google is currently manipulating searches on him. Google his name, you'll see. But reddit is on it and found scraped org charts from Pfizer and here is Project Veritas verifying: https://mobile.twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1618435991211233282

If what PV did was not truthful they would be sued for slander in a heartbeat. That would shut them down.

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Just because they "never amount to shit" doesnt mean they are not real and seriously bad. The MSM willl ignore it and that is why it wont amount to shit

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Hopefully now that the big turd has hit the punch bowl, it will be interesting to see how many of our elected leaders will continue to drink from it. I'm betting they start putting some distance between themselves and Pfizer.

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You're right about the power of our lexical conditioning, how so many people who have given up real thinking are pawns for this sort of manipulation. And as for nothing happening, that is more a measure of the general corruption our entire society has fallen into. Yeah, the guy didn't seem like the 'executive type', but then shallowness isn't foreign to Borlau either.

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I once had a management job (in a VERY toxic environment). After being fired after being placed in an ethical trap (like the Kobiyashi Maru test - I was going to be fired if I did or didn't act on the information I had on executives doing something illegal), I realized that I don't have the skillset (or lack of morals) to be successful in this government environment. Too many people will stab you in the chest, or after saying they have your back, stabbing you back there too.

But what I can say is that people without morals can survive in environments where talk is cheap and evasive. If there was TRUE accountability, their lack of productive success would be apparent. And there are people who only stay in a job for 2 years because it's about then when their lack of success is becoming so painfully obvious that they'd be fired.

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Here is a link to the first (very lengthy) discussion on Twitter Spaces. Another one promised tonight after PART 2 of the Project Veritas expose comes out.


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Unbelievable recklessness for human life and the species. Pfizer directors of research.

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Dear Dr. Laderoute,

What kind of doctor are you? People at Pfizer just follow the dogma of virology. What dupes would believe in vaccines (mRNA jabs or not), or virology?

My family and I are vaxx free - never had any BS "Covid" either - and we are in Shanghai. We take D3, vitamin C, selenium, etc., and drink clean water, eat Himalayan salt. Nutrition and health is easy. Vaccines are for suckers and non-readers.

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create 'variants' from 'boosters,' create 'boosters' for 'variants'

rinse and repeat till everyone's dead or sick and on Pfizer's heart drugs, stroke drugs, cancer drugs, dementia drugs, immune system drugs, neuropathy drugs...

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Thank you for posting the continuing abhorrent behavior of a company that appear to be serial felons...who are now graduating to contemplating being serial killers? One wonders about Pfizer's financial arrangements with the DOD and the 3 letter agencies--probably in a black budget ops. God help us

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It isn't cleverness that allows such people to rise to the top, it's the sociopathic total lack of moral character and desire for wealth, the willingness to take the actions necessary to forward evil.

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The enemy is us. The average schmuck is capable of avarice and compartmentalization when he is making gobs of cash and perks in an immoral system that gives him prestige and a great lifestyle. In the Great Awakening, which is a spiritual re-orientation, good men will turn away from avarice and compartmentalization to rediscover decent lives, leaving the barren souls behind. We will crash these barren systems one by one. Leave your job. Quit your healthcare system. Stop the drinking, sexing, and the drugging and the pursuit of entertainment. Leave barren friendships. Go to God and nature. Find wholesome living.

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I dunno. I can't help but think he filled a quota - maybe even raised Pfizer's ESG score.

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Dr McCullough,

I’m amazed at how many thousands of “Mr Andersons” (millions?) you’ve slayed this past year. Can you please loan me some of your Teflon?

Thanks greatly!

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Translation please

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I think the ‘Mr Andersons’ came out of the movie “The Mateix” to which Dr M previously had identified with

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Evil is being committed in plain sight

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It always has been committed in plain sight.

People are simply too sound asleep to see it (not enough intuition and too much TV/internet). And not enough God.

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...maybe more importantly –– too much Flouride and calcification on the ol pineal gland, disrupting our natural antennae to higher wisdom and Guidance. And you know that's not a 'coincidence' with these antichrist minions –– it's part of their long-range agenda.

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This loontard is unbelievable. I refuse to comply in ANY and ALL big pharma virus/drug ponzi schemes.

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Another one:

"Ralph L. Sacco, MD, MS, FAAN, FAHA, the only physician to have served as both the president of the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the first neurologist to serve as president of the AHA, and an expert on stroke risk and prevention, died January 17, 2023, of a brain tumor at his home in Long Island, NY. The founder of the Northern Manhattan Study, a professor of neurology, public health sciences, human genetics, and neurosurgery at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine and the Olemberg Family Chair in Neurological Disorders, he was 65."

No covid injections status, unfortunately..

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