Does this open the 'discovery" door for Poland to demand data like testing results, adverse reaction data, etc? If so, could get very ugly for Pfizer....

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That would not be a bad thing for Poland or the rest of us.

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If it goes to court, Poland could win because allot would be revealed in discovery, not good for Pfizer.

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“Rubbing hands together” - this could get very VERY interesting.

I hope Poland wins.

I hope Ursula wotsherface is sacked for being unprofessional. Surely it’s not legal to do deals over the likes of text and WhatsApp (it’ll be Snapchat next where the messages are deleted straight after).

I hope Pfizer are sued billions by people after being coerced illegally to take the deadly biosynthetic ineffective (for what is was purported to do) jab.

There’s a massive pneumonia problem in China at the moment affecting mainly children. Something else is coming…..

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Translation: "Buy our rat poison or else!!"

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Show no contract: No deal

Show Contract: Ursula dead meat

Corruption revealed

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And, then if Pfizer wins (OMG), there's the matter of payment. Who is going to collect? The EU fining, withdrawing privilege, sanctions? I think Poland would then leave the EU. This situation is a quagmire for EU--I think they made the wrong move and are now trapped.

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They NEED to be broken u; I can't see any significant good they have accomplished for the nation members individually or collectively, but there is a massive amount of harm .

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Let pfizer sue Poland. Let some legal discovery take place.

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By now we should be aware that Courts mostly follow Government wishes

By now we should be aware that the Mussolini Fascism (Marriage of State to Big Business) is in full bloom and economic interests between them can in no way be discarded.

By now, in consequence of those two concepts above, we should be aware that to expect RATIONAL and CORRECT evaluation of the GUILT of the Money Hungry Vaccine manufacturers is UNREALISTIC as the system stands.

As Socrates warned 2500 years ago, the majority of the people are too ignorant to be able to choose leaders.... as if it really mattered who they chose, as the system is totally rigged anyway and un elected persons run it. Two problems in need of solution.

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Unfortunately, I think you hit the nail on the head.

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Betrayal comes after broken promises!

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Stand fast Poland!

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Courage to the Brave Polish People!

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The pharmaceutical industry is a parasite on the back of humanity.

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Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Clare Craig


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I would tell Pfizer that unless they have some Panzer Davison's to go pound sand and in the mean time seize any and all physical assets Pfizer including all financial assets has in Poland. When the EU objects tell them the same thing. Time for Nation States to stand up for their sovereignty.

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Time for Poland to exit the EU

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Seek a "trusted medical provider to treat your illnesses and obtain prescriptions." Not in corporate medicine be it allopathic or holistic.

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The 'dissolution' of Poland is 1939 is far more complex than it is usually presented. Poland as a nation state did not exist since the post-Napoleonic era, modern Poland being divided between Russia, Prussia and Austro-Hungary. Poland reconstituted itself as a state in the aftermath of the First World War and expanded its borders westward by being assigned the German states of Pomerania and Silesia in the Versailles Treaty, something Germany never reconciled itself to. In the east, Poland secured by conquest a large part of Byelorussia in the Soviet-Polish war, along with parts of Ukraine and Lithuania. In 1938 Poland attacked and seized Czech territory during the Czech Crisis. None of Poland's neighbours - Germany, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia were reconciled to these losses and all were looking for an opportunity to reclaim what they all believed was theirs (of course we can debate endlessly whether anyone in this competition had a "right" to any particular territory). As part of the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939, both sides agreed they had 'spheres of interest' in the west and east of Poland respectively and neither party would interfere in those interests. This was a fairly normal and uncontroversial point in the treaty. Both Germany and the Soviets expected some adjustment of borders with Poland at some point, preferably through negotiation, but Germany was prepared to use force.

The Soviets did not conspire to invade Poland with Germany in September 1939. They observed - with some alarm - the collapse of the Polish army and the subsequent collapse and flight of the Polish government. It appeared that Germany would take all of Poland in one fell swoop, bringing the two countries into direct contact. The Soviets only mobilized their western armies when it became apparent that the Germans were entering the Soviet 'sphere of interest' in eastern Poland (formerly the western districts of Byelorussia conquered by the Poles in 1924). The Soviets entered eastern Poland to fill the void left by the retreating Polish army, largely without fighting. The Poles were allowed to retire towards Romania. German forces - keen not to start a war with the Soviets (yet) - stopped their advance and retired to the agreed Bug River 'border.'


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Poland needs to exit the EU

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