I have so much faith in our system that I know the results will be whatever the authoritarian government deems it to be...

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Dec 10Edited
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Put ME on the Jury........................NOT GUILTY!

These CRIMINALS (the GOVT) are going to RAILROAD this poor guy!!

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More like they are railroading us as usual . did you seed the gun used ? That is not the choice just anyone would have or use .

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The whole 'story' reeks of bullshit.

People's DEFAULT should be.....

'THEY' (govt) are LYING.

It's a LIE, until proven otherwise.

And when I say 'proven', I mean BEYOND a shadow of a doubt!

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Really? This fits your doppleganger theory perfectly John.

I mean, did he also have some 9mm bullets in his pocket that had Destroy Deny Defend on the shells or whatever it was that was found at the scene?

This is way too buttoned up unless the perp is dumber than a box of rocks.

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...which he was Valedictorian, so probably not.

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Interview with a classmate for last half of private middle and high school said the dude was smarter than everyone and truly nice and sociable.

Also heard he had a back injury.

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Not too smart, apparently. Valedictorian? Really?! No criminal keeps that kind of evidence on their person. The whole situation seems rather odd.

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The world is a stage. Check out the Timothy mcveigh documentary on Corbett report. He’s probably being paid to be the patsy … in Mc veighs case, his court proceedings and execution happened faster than the ‘speed of science’ 🤮… then afterwards, we were precluded from filming outside a federal bldg… but, it’s highly likely that Timothy is still alive. The named criminals are usually totally sus… patterns emerge. Most people are clueless and believe whatever they’re told. Including the naive minions involved in the industry… they are just as lied to as the uninvolved public. It will be interesting to see what we won’t be able to do after this. Dude might even get prison time, but once sentenced, he won’t really serve it… maybe they’ll have him come in to pose like he’s in prison for the press or some kind of scammy fakery as they do. Who really knows. But I call BS on this whole thing. And anyone who wants to cry over the murder of this murderer, but refuses to recognize the millions who’ve been murdered by this murderer and his ilk… they’re probably going to hell so we should pray for them and be nice, their futures are bleak.

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Corbett is awesome.

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He is a good role model, at worst! Glad to connect!

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A little too perfect isn't it? Still had the backpack with the gun? Fake ID's. Had a manifesto. Which backpack? The one in the park with Monopoly money? And first in his class? Nice touch. Found the patsy, now to have him disappear.

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Maybe he already is. He could be a complete fabrication from top to bottom.

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Why do all these assassins like the would be Trump assassin have “last known addresses” in Obama’s Hawaii? Where Kamala was just hiding out.

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I expect new smart surveillance cameras and systems to be unveiled in U.S. cities because of this murder.

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I have a news flash for you THAT IS ALREADY THE SITUATION, and just imagine what it will become when Trump sets in motion his next emergency declaration/civil war to attempt to remove 16 to 21 million illegals from ALL OVER THE WORLD including real trained terrorists and enormous numbers of criminal gangs , and the people will scream for more control and military action everywhere , all by design.

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Wall Street and others will not allow Trump to deport the illegals- they are too good for business

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True, housebuilding, meatpacking, and big ag all love love love the low wages criminal aliens will work for. They do not want their replacement workforce deported. Then they would have to pay Americans normal American wages, horrors!

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Bingo, move to the front of the class.

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Not guilty if I'm in the jury pool

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The gateway pundit headline called him ex-ivy league student.

Ivy League = CIA recruit. Lol.

He will never be found guilty by a New York jury. He will be a hero to help bring in socialized healthcare.

Marxists/China will be happy when the USA is bogged down with healthcare spending vs military spending.

This is all an op and I can’t believe most of this. Watch if RFK jumps on the narrative about socialized healthcare. This should be interesting.

The shooting video/circumstances seemed fake AF. The feds probably picked up Brian and forced him to cooperate and start a new life/identity to avoid jail/death threats coming his way.

The weapon is actually a poor choice as it allows the victim to return fire or get away. It’s all to mislead people that the vigilante had a message to help the people. Lmao. This is a CIA/marxist/China scam. lol.

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YEP ,Ivy League = CIA recruit. Lol. you got it right

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Interesting perspective! Answers some questions. And speaking of RFK, I initially thought he would be great for POTUS but now wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

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Now that you see the entire billionaire , Zionist ,Technocrat, globalist TEAM do you trust ANY OF THEM , Do a bit of research on them all meet the new swamp monsters , same as the old swamp monsters.

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I already see, and have been doing research for years. Doesn’t mean one sleazy reptile doesn’t slip through temporarily from time to time.

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That is just it , they are all sleazy reptiles doing the dirty work for even worse higher up ones hiding in the shadows I know whom they ALL are

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Please do tell. They must be defrocked before the entire world.

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Right, why has Kennedy stopped talking about the death jabs? What deal did he make with Trump and/or Pfizer?

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Has the NYPD ever addressed the differences between the jackets that Hostel Guy and Shooter Guy were wearing?

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But this still doesn't make any sense. How would a destitute young man know about the whereabouts of a billionaire CEO, anyway?

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The kid has a very high IQ it wouldn’t be that difficult to note movement patterns. The whole thing seems to not really match up though, I’m not sold

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Companies announce meetings that may be of interest to shareholders.

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Many know that CEOs and celebs stay at special adjacent boutique hotels.

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Maybe compare his hands to the masked guy's hands. Hands are harder to fake.

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Breaking news as I’ve read it here first

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The ceo is prolly not even dead but witness protection and this is all fake. Really when do we get all this info and video so quick and convenient.

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Why is there no live video of the perp after being taken into custody ? Will he be given a cell next to Jack Rubinstein ?

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Maybe he will get Epstein’s old cell. I’m sure that the cameras have been fixed and they will find guards that won’t fall asleep.

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Good one!

The man who killed the (alleged) JFK assassin.

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Like Oswald— a patsy.

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To my eye the photos all look consistent as being the same man including the photos taken at the Manhattan hostel.

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