My patients with POTS since the COVID vaccine rollout have mostly been those who had this happen hours after being near covid-vaccinated people, then generally lasting days, until ivermectin, iv nutrients, exercise, which resolved it till the next exposure episode. The spike protein shedding that Pfizer acknowledged in their documents to the FDA seems the most likely cause. I summarized earlier patient secondary reactions here:


Each new booster that comes out is followed by a wave of these secondary findings among my patients, then waned again each time.

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As more and more information comes out about the effects of covid 19 itself (irrespective of the vaccine) it seems to become more and more possible that this entire scenario was actually a bioweapon. I’m no doctor or scientist, but it appears that the ‘modifications’ (rather than mutations??) between natural corona viruses and covid 19, are far more detrimental to many organs and body circuits and systems…..???? Considering that viruses normally do not become more lethal, as killing the host is not self serving, I wonder if some research has been done to indicate if such a comparison of mutations is even feasible, naturally…..

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I had c19 in Aug 2021. I definitely noticed this afterward for a couple of weeks and then it went away about a month post c19.

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I have EDS and I’m suffering with an almost 16 month adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine that has ruined my life. After almost dying at this time last year I was able to find a good doctor who knew immediately it was Dysautonomia and brought in a specialist who diagnosed me with Parasympathetic Excess, Sympathetic Withdrawal (possibly longstanding but I was not affected by it) Small Fiber Neuropathy up both my legs to my crouch now, MCAS which I also believe was longstanding but the vaccine woke up both along with EBV, chronic fatigue. I have been advocating for months for those of us who have such similar symptoms as LC be included in the LC studies or for treatment in the LC clinics but they refuse to treat us because they don’t like how we got sick. I have also been advocating for the EDS Society to please stop telling their followers that the vaccine is safe! Thank you so much for this information! I would love to read the study if anyone has the link?

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I am not a medical professional, but with the great variety of disabling conditions we have been seeing lately, I am reminded of how the spike protein can go virtually anywhere in the body (I think.) I wonder if we will be seeing new conditions not seen before that arise from these spike proteins traveling all through various parts of the body. As horrible as this entire situation is from SARS CoV-2 and the vaccines, I can see that studying this could open up a new opportunity for young doctors who are willing to open their eyes.

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Interesting but so what? The shot is still being recommended as worth the risk. Still waiting for a paper that studies death caused by mRna shots.

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Looking for help for a friend whose husband is experiencing some POTS symptoms, but some never included in POTS descriptions, i.e. wildly vacillating BP, heart rate jumping to 125 while sitting, a "curtain" like darkness that intermittently covers one eye, weakness. He's seen cardiologists, neurologists and a host of others, has had all kinds of testing and no diagnosis or direction re tx after several months. Anyone familiar with this set of symptoms?

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Yes my daughter has had symptoms going on one year now. She is unvaccinated. She has been to several general practitioners who told her she needed a mental doctor even after several trips to the emergency room for chest pain , had every test known for the symptoms with no diagnosis. Finally we found of all things a nurse practitioner in the local area who was willing to treat her. Well let me back up... I first went online to Americas Frontline Doctors and found a list of practitioners near our area willing to treat her. It is all hush hush with this particular RNP because she is afraid she will suffer repercussions from the local health community. It’s sickening what they’ve done to us. Anyway my daughter is getting better with IV fluid vitamin therapy, anti anxiety meds , and they are about to start her on a beta blocker. I don’t know what we would have done without Americas Frontline Doctors or without the doctors like Peter McCullough who were willing to speak out. I certainly hope this helps.

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