Thank you, Dr. McCullough, I brought this very topic up with my BSW Nurse Practitioner and her boss told me to seek health care elsewhere. People put their trust in the medical profession blindly. We must do our own research and not be bullied by anyone.

I wonder if the women/families have any legal recourse for their great loss? At the very least document and send off letters to their PCP. Don't be silent.

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Dr. James Thorp has reported extensively on the deadly effects these covid products have on women's reproductive systems. The list and numbers of adverse effects he publishes are shocking. So it's good that most pregnant women aren't getting these products. But women who aren't pregnant are experiencing serious harm from these toxins.

As for the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, I'm sure they'll deny the money they got from HHS is corruption money. But that's exactly what it is. And they aren't the only medical group or board that has been criminally corrupted by Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation and US government. The majority of such medical groups and boards have been corrupted.

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First became aware of the still born births in January 2022, when I saw an online video of BC Canadian doctors Mel Bruchet, 80 years old and Daniel Nagase speaking out against the multiple unexplained stillborn births. Outspoken Dr. Bruchet was detained in a Psych ward and medicated. With the help of Dr. Nagase, Dr. Bruchet was released. Isn't this sad, deniers are indeed persecuted for righteousness' sake and the truth of the adverse effects of the vaccines is suppressed by the evil ones.

Dr. McCullough, Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase are the hero's, along with so many others.

We must not be silenced.

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Dr. McCullough....I can't say it enough. You are a BLESSING. God will honor your courage to speak the truth in the face of immense persecution. The Truth will prevail.

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I guess pregnant woman aren't the mindless "sheeple" many have made the other propaganda victims to be! Maybe there is hope for humanity after all!!

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Thank you for your terrific work.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough. Shame on the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. They know they have been bribed and they should be held accountable for all the harm caused by their egregious recommendations.

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Thank heaven for mothers. Now, will the fathers please stand up?

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Yet another compromised group thanks to our government

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ACOG "...accepted an undisclosed amount of money". How is it legal that the U.S. Government can pay an "undisclosed amount of money", taxpayer money, to any commercial entity?! I suppose in the framework of "defense spending", DOD spending, this happens all the time. But is HHS an arm of the DOD to facilitate this? It would appear so.

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Thank you for this. Not really unexpected for those of us following the data. And, yes, we can no longer trust the medical field for their concerns lie not with their patients, but with suckling at the teat of Big Pharma.

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I will cry from the rooftops to "Stop Trusting Pharma". And that is the tip of the corporate money-over-humanity iceberg.

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Do not kid yourself, they knew it was harmful to reproductive health of both men & women. Furthermore, IMO, Biden/Obama cabal are an illegitimate government who stole the election to begin their treason against this country, and as globalists, against the world. What the heck is a Globalist? It is apparent they are very much in league with the communist Chinese. Still so much to unravel; so many to wake up.

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Wonder how much the AMA, AAFP, ACE took? Shout far and wide to any freedom respecting docs to move over to the AAPS. I work for a doc who is near retirement. He never even heard of the AAPS until I told him about it. Never heard of VAERS either. Said they were never taught about it. I wasn't in nursing nor NP school either. Learned it of my own research, decades ago.

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Paid subscription is supposed to include email access to authors. I have emailed you twice requesting an interview. Is petermcculloughmd@substack.com correct?

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Interesting information Dr. McCullough but I noticed 2 obvious grammatical errors. You omitted the word THAT where it was needed and you repeated the word SHOULD in the same sentence. As President Trump would say: that should never have happened. I am sorry for being a PITA subscriber but it is not good for someone we count on to use his vast knowledge to end this vaccine madness to make obvious errors. Please consider hiring an editor. There are plenty of smart students who could do the job.

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