"Disease X" is a disease of the mind: a highly contagious virus emanating from your screen. It was unleashed in order to further deteriorate your economy, society, security, and family. This mental ailment will greatly accelerate your enslavement should you fail to fight back against it.

In order for all of us to own nothing and be happy about it while eating bugs locked in a prison city we cannot have any means of escape so self-reliance, employment, and small business has to go. So they gut the economy with fear of an unseen danger by locking us down and decimate our means to support ourselves making us their slave dependents. This is also why they're starting to ban seeds and personal gardens and are censoring everyone to prevent them from sounding the alarm.

None of this has ever been about safety. It has only ever been about control. We must do all that we can to stop this march to the gulag. It is our responsibility. Join us: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/operation-conquering-medical-tyranny

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I agree that there has been a lot of psyops going on and the contagion of fear was very strong, but that is not to say that COVID or any Disease X is not a true pathogen. Gain-of-function research continues all over the world. And Big

Pharma is involved in creating pathogens so that they can sell another multibillion dollar drug. Naturopaths need to step up their game to discover how we can use natural substances to protect ourselves. We need to be prepared to find a way to prevent the powers that be from banning these substances and inexpensive repurposed off-patent medications, like they have done with ivermectin and HCQ.

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Disease X is the next big propaganda move. They scared moths out of their cocoons with C19 and with it the chests of the originators swelled with power. I can hear them saying, “We can do it again!!!” The mad Frankenstein Bill Gates is relentless in his newest venture: plant based food. I saw a warning about upcoming beef shortages. You can believe it or not. I think I do. I have a neighbor whose friend is a cattle rancher in Montana. About a year ago he was furious with the government for denying him the proper antibiotics for his cattle. Some - or maybe most - could die. I don’t know. Is it the government’s altruism in reacting to the shouts of some groups about antibiotics in animals or a more nefarious plot?

TT, you’re spot on about control. Fear is control. One way or another.

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Well, I saw a YouTube video this morning. A well known car enthusiast (Harry Metcalf), was saying that usually he has a break in seeding his fields (wheat). It’s not economical for him to do that, so he’s signed up to a government initiative where he gets paid to (what I understand) surrender the field to the growing of bird seed, and other stuff; ‘environment’ friendly ‘initiatives’. Anyway, the yield of wheat is purportedly 75% down.... Excuse me for not being able to express the full story. But what you can gather, or what I understood, was that the government(S) are not encouraging farmers to grow food. I may only have seen a snippet in the big story, but that’s my thoughts.

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A story which outlines the necessity for an ALTERNATE COMMODITIES MARKET where other groups purchase grain and we begin an ALTERNATIVE FOOD PRODUCTS INFRASTRUCTURE. This is the Ground Floor for all kinds of opportunity the Treasonous Billionaire Philanthropaths LAUNDERING U.S. TAXPAYER $$$ don't wish 'The People' to envision, and attempt.


As well, as Law Enforcement of, by and for 'The People' instead of the treasonous Fascist Supporting Structures now on a Primal Power Grab for Ownership of the Whole World.

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Making that happen would be difficult because there are many people still, who don’t think this way, that there’s nothing wrong, or that there’s nothing they can do. It would require a lot of people. I’m in the UK. My husband doesn’t agree with my viewpoint. He agrees the politicians are disgraceful and liars, but a world wide conspiracy? Nope.

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People as your husband will die or be enslaved by the evil one's as all were in the Dark, Middle Ages.

So many are indoctrinated/brainwashed and utterly stupid with World History as my ex always was. He was always stunned as a deer in the headlights when all I said came to pass. I laugh to recall the look on his face when all would come to pass...And, he hated me for it. He always said, "You think you're so smart; so superior when you're always right and you make other people feel stupid."

The fact of the matter is that you're a woman with a wider, more bulbous Corpus Colosum connecting the hemispheres of the brain which connects more neural tissue allowing females what is known as 'The Sixth Sense' or 'Women's Intuition' and more often than not; IT IS ABOUT SURVIVAL.

My Grandfather told my Mother, an only child and we seven Grandchildren...Both male and female; "A wise man knows when to listen to his woman as she's the weaker in body, but stronger in spirit and she knows her enemy long before any man because she's attuned to her weakness and is the female lion always on the hunt to ascertain her enemy. Her children's survival rests on her shoulders and she knows it instinctively which gives her the advantage because for a man it's more about duty and not so much instinct for most. Sad fact of life; most men are too proud and stupid to fully grasp that fact and also more often than not...The woman is the one to pay the highest price for a weaker man's stupidity."

You're a wise woman and it's not necessary to advise you about anything. I know you know to "Take Care of Business...Yourself and those you love." If your man does not know what you know and won't listen to reason or educate himself to take precautions now before the proverbial crap hits the fan; you're not the one responsible. Do whatever you must...Use the money and all resources you get your hands on to prepare as well as possible. Pray and trust God.

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You’re right. I need to trust my intuition more. Went against it last time for the sake of harmony….. not this time. I can be ridiculed. Thanks for your reply. Take care

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when in fear mode your common sense shuts down

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partly why they want ev cars (restricted distance), to destroy airlines...can't fly to maui and slit their throats. Trying to keep ppl from traveling to retaliate on the evil fools. BUT...they're too stupid to realize they've overplayed their hand, no where to hide.

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Absolutely spot on KB.

Want to drive your car today? I'm sorry your social credit score isn't high enough, your carbon footprint has exceeded your daily limit, and your vaccination status is not up to date. 50 credits have been deducted from your CBDC wallet for attempting to access your vehicle while failing to meet these criteria.

Want to fly somewhere today? I'm sorry something inexplicable happened to the airlines:

These DEI, CEI, & ESG policies are intentionally leading directly to scenarios such as this:

Experienced pilots are dying in droves due to the blood clots caused by the COVID injections combined with repeated high altitude flying ● Unqualified DEI replacement pilots are hired ● In addition, unqualified DEI hires are also invading companies like Boeing and their suppliers where quality control and engineering competency are of the upmost importance ● Combine all of this with DEI Air Traffic Controllers ● -….and quality control nosedives from a myriad of competency and quality control gaps ● Both air travel and airplanes become unsafe ● Fleets are grounded, airlines go bankrupt, get dismantled ● WEF meets its 2030 goals of ending air travel to “save the planet” ● You wake up to find you have yet another lock on your 15 minute prison city. —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/why-all-these-brands-ab-inbev-target

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DEI also adds an extra layer of racial tension, making recognition of phenotype the first thing on everyone's mind when their safety of being are already under assault from multiple directions. So much of our previous quality of life had relied on meritocracy, relatively free press and open data.

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Agree. When you jettison merit and replace it with fantasy everything crumbles.

"Nothing gold can stay".

Well, it can, we just have to fight to keep it and recognize when we are under assault. Which we very much are.

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All you mention is exactly what leaves so many confused about the reasons the ENEMIES OF ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET are not now in jail under Indictment awaiting a 'Fair Trial' before all Family Wealth is removed and they are Executed.

As none of the Criminals Against All Life on the Planet Indicted; it can only be assumed all 'Law Enforcement' and the 'World Court System' to be corrupted which mandates ALTERNATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COURT SYSTEMS now to be necessary.

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A blip on "0" hedge about Avis is ditching it's EV fleet ASAP in response to not real profitable. Calls from stranded customers not understanding Vehicle limits. The cost to repair and insure each unit has now been under fire from HQ. So like wow.

The FAD FADES so to speak. It's a warm climate car. Not a GEM for below frozen.

The battery is maxed out rapidly to heat and defrost the occupant cabin.

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Ha! This happened to us on one of those stupid little electric VEO cylcles in Sarasota. The things just shut down even though we only went 1.5 miles and stopped at a beach. Got charged $90 for this joke with no proper customer service understanding at all. In fact, the jerk had the audacity to question my recollections of the Facts. The whole agenda is control.

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This is our most exhausting way to learn these rental lessons. Do not sign your name on any contract if you are of any way shape or form responsible for. Even hotel rooms commit fraudulent charges on your credit card. Go ahead and argue at the counter about it.

Welcome to the New Frontiers! Teach your children well. Their lives may depend on it.

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I can’t understand why the airlines would go along with the plan to destroy their business. How else will the CEOs get paid millions?

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It isn't about money Sam, they are all WEF members (owned by Blackrock), the WEF is a friend of the central bank system. The central bank can give them as much funny money as they want. This is about enslavement and one-world government where one entity will own and control everything on this planet, including you. We are viewed as cattle by them.

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." —James Warburg before the Subcommittee on Revision of the United Nations Charter, 1950

These videos will bring you up to speed:

Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee Investigation: One of the Most Important Interviews in History: https://bitchute.com/video/9A3Duj2eLBLG [52:53mins]

Orwellian BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: We Are Forcing Behaviors To Change, How? By OWNING Everything!: https://bitchute.com/video/ei6QD8ZPl6DU [45:35mins]

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Put the 2 videos together …. very depressing Tritorch , reminds me of this “ I want the truth. “ Col Jessup says “ you can’t handle the truth”. ( A Few Good Men ) 😣😢

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Thank you Tritoch for Mr. Dodd interview. Sadly , his honesty and integrity, died with him . 😢🤬

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Yes that makes sense. I hadn’t thought of it that way.


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Don’t you realize we are already in a OWO, and everything, Including the fake hollywood staged elections, are part of it? But the T will get back in, as all the dupes just eat it up.

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True or not, as Anne from 'Outside the Camp' pointed out:

"Make no mistake, we are facing indescribable evil. We may not be able to change the outcome, but I refuse to sit back idly and wait for Jesus to rescue me. I trust His sovereignty and His ultimate plan will come about in His timing, but in the meantime, there’s work to be done!"

She is right. We are not here to sit back and let evil have its way. On the contrary, we are here to do everything we can to stop it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing."

We WILL NOT do nothing.

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The same intuitional investors own the bulk of the market, think of things they sacrifice kind of like lost leaders. As an example insurance companies are ok with increased LTD and life benefit claims - anything lost on the insurance side was more than made up on the pharma side of the portfolio.

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I don't imagine the corporate food industry is on-board with its destruction either, but it would appear that's being orchestrated. I imagine that not all of the players agree with all aspects of the game plan. However, those in the know, no matter which industry, will have enough warning to get out in time to save their wealth.

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Because they are all stupid like most big business.

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So true. I heard Trudeau was looking for a place in Costa Rico but they didn't want him.

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Well we don't want him in Canada either but he's still here!

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let the delusional WOKE make decisions and this is what you get! It's like asking a 3 yr old for advice....'Greta on climate change' Also never take advice from a narcissist!...you will always be harmed and they will always blame and mock you for doing it.

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Have they factored in the "wild card" of Islamic imperial ambitions? If the mullahs decide to extend the Oct 7th action to the West, including the US, how will that affect the WEF's plans? I, for one, have no reason to believe that if the mullahs claim to be on the WEF's side, that the mullahs will not betray the WEF as soon as they think it will work for them.

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I'm not convinced, IDF didn't do that. Are they "mullahs"?

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Yes sir Tritorch …. Fear Porn . / CONTROL.

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The gullible are cull-ible. There will be lots of culling. For those that obey authority, many have already paid the price after being jabbed with the poison.

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Do you believe yourself immune, Dan?

"There won't be a Shire, Pippin!"

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I definitely did not dabble with the death juice.

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None of us in the know do either.

But, where will you hang your hat when the world is on fire? Pippin was dreaming out-loud of returning to their Shangri-La Shire in order to escape their troubles.

Mary was telling Pippin that if the two of them do not fight to secure the future then, "There won't be a Shire, Pippin!"

You cannot run from this. It affects us all. You have two choices: fight to secure a future worth living in, or stand down and ensure hell on earth.

Which will you choose?

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This is where we are headed , unfortunately people are consumed with their lives , their phones, computers television , Netflix, vacations…. Like minded people are here reading and commenting… you would be surprised how many have no idea

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Oh the irony. I'm in central Texas and yesterday I noticed lotta chem trails ahead of our next freeze-out(took pics). Two days before that I took pics of a big X chemtrail. It's all coming together...and dark side is rubbing our faces in it...literally. We're in deep sht.

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In the late winter part of 2019 in Portland a news crew with cameras approached a small group of homeless adults that had been living in tent camps for many months. The topic of how many members living here have died from the recent Pandemic virus? Don't you folks watch the TV News? To which one of them chimed in after looking at the faces of the others and remained puzzled.

Then with some small amount of hesitations told the reporters that "NO one around here watches a TV set"!! No dead bodies here!

So what is it are you are asking us about again? One of them shot back not very happily.

So it seems for the homeless population here, The cure...the remedy...NO TV! True News!

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Jan 14, 2024Edited
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You are being duped by old T. He’s part of the reality TV that’s going on.

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Create the problem Drive up the level of fear. Arrive with the "solution" that will save people from their perpetually state of fear. By the way, the vaccine is "safe and effective." "No one is safe until everyone is safe." 🤡

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Blair, the two best phrases that came out of covidemic that show their hand.

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I couldn't agree more, Arnold! Well said!

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and die alone orders...

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The narrative "no one is safe until everyone is safe" is Davos globalists double talk.

Klaus Schwab gave it away when he said words to the effect that "we are not safe if not everyone is vaccinated." Meaning "we the elites are not safe unless everyone is jabbed with mRNA poisons." Double talk. When they say "no one is safe" the are talking about the exclusive class of Davos globalists working for the New World Order, aka World Government, and "until everyone is safe" - means until their whole team is safe from the maddening masses which they are trying to destroy. Double talk. They are never addressing humanity as a whole - in fact "humanity" to the globalists means the 1%. Not the useless eaters and deplorables they are trying to depopulate. QED.

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Jan 14, 2024Edited
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"No one is safe until everyone is safe" flips everything we knew about vaccinology was about--protecting yourself. This phrase wreaks of collectivist hive mind, promotion of virtue signaling and certainly an over-promise.

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They used to be able to get away with the “no one is safe until everyone is safe” line before the mRNA technology was rolled out. It’s a throw back to the “herd immunity” argument for forcing all children into the childhood vaccine schedule. The way they used to explain is that all children who could get vaccines had to get them to protect the children who had compromised immune systems and therefore couldn’t get them. So healthy children had to sacrifice for children fighting cancer and such. Thus guilt and shame on any parent who didn’t subject their perfectly healthy children to endless toxic poisonous injections. It was very effective at bullying parents into forcing them to vaccinate their children.

With mRNA, we were told that they stopped infection and they were completely safe and effective for anyone, so the herd immunity argument made no sense. Everyone was completely cleared to get the mRNA gene therapies (despite not including immune compromised and elderly people in their “study”).

But it didn’t need to make sense because most people had been brainwashed into believing the herd immunity myth and therefore they didn’t think through the ridiculousness of the “no one is safe until we are all safe” mantra.

I actually asked a friend, who was trying to tell me that everyone needed to get the injection, to save people like her elderly mother, why the vaccine wasn’t itself enough to protect her mother. I asked if she didn’t believe it was effective? She responded by saying that she didn’t really know why everyone needed to get it but that she trusted the experts.

Illogical. But everyone was so programmed to believe the herd immunity garbage and whatever they were told on tv, so they were terrified not to believe it. And they looked at people who didn’t believe it as the source of all their fear and terror. Expert Psy-Op at play.

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thanks Brandy. this is good to understand the larger picture of what happened earlier. “no one is safe until everyone is safe” only could work if the vaccine sterilizes the infected person which clearly did not occur with these covaxxes. The entire vxx industry is load of crock--promises like a religion.

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And also realize, if the vaccine did stop transmission, there would be no reason that someone else would need to get it to protect a different individual who got the vaccine because according to the “experts” everyone could get it if they wanted, even pregnant women (despite there being no safety data for pregnant women).

Yes, it’s all a big load of crock. They had to lie over and over to trick and coerce people into it. And they wanted the gullible (or rather brainwashed and subjects of a very sophisticated Psy-Op) to try and pressure their friends and family into it.

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Jan 14, 2024Edited
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I guess my general theory is that intelligence, like all things, can be used for good or for evil. We are seeing the depths of hell played out and it’s very clever.

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Now there are a lot of people totally awake. A lot of people with vaccine regret. It will be harder to pull of the second one.

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Your wife didn’t protect you either.

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I am so sick & tired of the WEF plotting & planning against humanity behind closed doors. Every last one of them is a psychopath.

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Yes, 100% agree and they need to be dealt with, locked away forever in a dungeon of sorts, so that they cannot hurt humanity again. Robert Hare, PhD, the author of the Hare Psychopathy test, once said the same thing. Society must be protected from these crazy people.

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We haven’t even begun hanging the mass murderers from the last scamdemic?

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Though scientifically incompetent, the WEF pretends to be scientifically competent.

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Yet Kate Kelland admits, the WEF doesn't know, or isn't, "science"? "Disease X is the codename given by the World Health Organisation to a pathogen currently unknown to science that could cause havoc to humankind." https://www.amazon.com/Disease-100-Days-Mission-Pandemics/dp/1912454971/

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". . . is happening at the beginning of another election year, with Donald Trump once again leading in the polls and the representation of a man named “Joe Biden” challenging him."

Yes, indeedie! Replay! Replay! Replay!

HOW does the WEF KNOW "disease X" is coming? OBVIOUSLY because THEY are going to RELEASE IT!!! The only other possible explanation is that they have on their team some excellent psychics! (But the very best psychics are no more than 85% accurate, so they couldn't be so SURE in any case!) The real explanation HAS to be that they themselves are going to be directly responsible for the next release, timed perfectly for stealing the next election, and priming the world for Round Two of their Depopulation Shots.

Asteroid strikes can be predicted because they (usually) can be seen with telescopes well ahead of time. Earthquakes, on the other hand, can only be guessed at IF they occur on known faults that have been monitored for movement and strain build-up. But unknown faults rupture periodically and take seismologists completely by surprise. Pandemics are even less predictable or knowable than Earthquakes. NOBODY can predict pandemics! NOBODY! It might be 100 years, or 300 years, or more before a NATURALLY-OCCURRING pandemic again hits humanity. Which means that when "disease X" strikes sometime before the November election, you can "take it to the bank" that the WEF DID IT!!!!!!! They are a buch of mass-murdering psychopaths that all belong in prison for life, OR EXECUTED for Crimes Against Humanity!!!!!

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Probably the same way that Fauci knew that Trump would face a pandemic during his tenure.

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This is a repeat of COVID 2020.

Bureaucrat Drs Fauci (NIAID) and Rick Bright (BARDA) signaled their intent to test the new mRNA vaccine technology on 29 Oct 2019 - see video below:

“We’re going to address the problem in a disruptive way…”

“….outbreak of a novel Avian virus could occur in China somewhere…”

“….get RNA sequence from that…”

“…there might be a need for….an entity of excitement…that is completely disruptive…and not beholden to bureaucratic…processes…”


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Your comments are missing a little perspective that is preventing you from understanding exactly what the bad guys are capable of and what may be coming next. First of all, the “9/11 attacks” were actually a false flag attack by our own government. THREE steel and concrete skyscrapers cannot turn to dust and fall symmetrically, at free fall acceleration, into their own footprints, without controlled demolition, and the evidence for that was everywhere. Those buildings could not have been wired by guys living in caves in Afghanistan and we have a pretty good idea of who DID have access to them in the months prior.

Two, and you need to somehow get this through to Dr McCullough because he barely writes an article without making this mistake, there isn’t now and never was a covid pandemic. There may have been a virus but we know the PCR test couldn’t differentiate, millions of flu cases mysteriously vanished in 2020 and were called covid, and covid had an IFR no different than the flu anyway. Cases and deaths were based on a fraud test, everything they told us to do was the exact opposite of how to build strong immune systems, and simple cheap effective cures were suppressed that would have eliminated any chance of a pandemic declaration. The only public health emergency was caused by the government, media, and corporate response to covid. Lastly, we’re pretty certain the 1918 pandemic was a lie, too, as most died from pneumonia, not a virus, and I’d be willing to bet pandemics aren’t even possible in this day and age when people are commingling from all over the globe every single day by air travel.

By understanding the above, what is coming next should be crystal clear: More ridiculous lies, more unnecessary fear, more wealth transfer from those without to those with, and more loss of freedom. Unless we stop believing their bullshit and stop playing their game on their terms.

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The sweetest 9/11 treat they gave us on vid, was Blg 7 perfect text book free fall into itself

For me that was Double Devil Chocolate cake with Maple Nut Ice cream on top in evidence

To this day it is still a "NUTHIN TO SEE HERE BURGER" From .GOV 9/11.ORGs !! What Fraud.

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?? The PCR test certainly differentiated. In Australia, due to border closures and strong lockdowns, we no flu, and no covid. We had 100s of 1000s of PCR tests and NO false positives, over months. We had very low deaths because we had no flu, and no covid, until the vaccines came along.

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Then I wonder why the CDC called for the recall of the PCR test in July 2021 because it couldn’t differentiate between covid and flu.🤔

Scroll down for the link and screen shot I captured to see for yourself.


It’s my understanding the only way to differentiate is to send a sample to a lab, which is rarely done.

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The CDC's test was dodgy. There are 100s (or 1000s?) of commercial PCR tests.

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You should have read more of my post. The Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, was very clear in his statements. He said his test was not a diagnostic test that could tell you if you are sick or not and “can find anything in anyone” if run enough cycles (always is), because we all have millions of particles of processed debris floating around in us that the test can find. Sorry and no offense but I’m gonna take Kary’s word over yours any day.

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We analysed every case here in Victoria as we drove down to eliminate covid. Any potential line-ball positives were watched with an eagle eye. We retested, we waited for symptoms, we cultured. Hundreds of thousands or millions of negative tests during covid zero. No positives. You are promoting someone's lie.

NB: I'm a published Independent Scholar in the Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, but I'm not here to give you more paid-per-post opportunities. Goodbye.

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Well then, Ms. super scientist lady, why did they ramp up the PCR cycles to insure false positives and then get major monetary kickbacks for Convid when someone went off a cliff in a motorcycle? Let’s see, maybe that genetic debris is already in most people anyway and they call it “viruses!” This is free stuff right here, Ms. Super Duper Scientist Lady.

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This makes sense...... governments of the world are run by morons. They haven’t a brain cell to rub together and so must be puppeteered. I hate governments.

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Actually, they look like morons but who’s getting away with all the public money?

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Yeah….. you’re right. Maybe the ones voting them in are morons…..

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I’m beginning to think voting itself is moronic. It doesn’t matter who one votes for, the world keeps barreling down the same path: Total authoritarianism.

The media runs the elections. Pharmaceutical companies run the media. Psychopaths run pharmaceutical companies.

It’s not looking good.

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It isn’t looking good. I’ve tried not to read these kind of things, but it’s not working. I wonder why I bother working. Me and husband are going on long haul holiday later this year because I think it will be the last chance we have of doing so…. Curtailed freedoms etc.

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Enjoy your holiday. Expect the worst but hope for the best. Maybe the public will eventually be able to stop what they are doing to us. There are more of us everyday. You never know.

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I guess they connected with the Psychic Hotline.

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Election year. The only red flag for huge new pandemic.

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The KPI(Key Performance Indicator) for their propaganda is and will remain mask wearing. They will most likely try to bring back mask mandates when “Disease X” becomes a thing. Mask wearing is the best KPI they have for both their propaganda and their effective control of the population. Just like during Covid, they will outsource enforcement of mask mandates to businesses and crowd sourced coercion. Americans must think through what this means and be prepared to Just Say No. When Costco demands, once again, that you don a mask to enter their stores, will you comply? (just to take one example). Costco is my go to store for most of my necessities including food. I am stocking up on as many things as possible so that I can more easily refuse to shop in their stores when they once again ask me to put on an anti-breathing apparatus before I enter. Every American needs to be mentally and physically prepared to Just Say No. A return to the Covid lockdown days isn’t just possible. If you know what is going on in our world it is probable.

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During the so-called pandemic I went to Costco quite often and never wore a mask and they never cared.

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You are making a good point. I was asked to leave a Costco for not wearing a mask, but I believe the best strategy is for all non mask wearers to flood the zone. It will be a big problem for management to ask 30 or 40 or 70% of their customers to ‘leave the premises’.

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good on you , i took to using the bandanna when necessary so as not to have any actual effect on my air intake

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That sounds like a good option for sure.

I would also go to home depot without wearing a mask without a problem. And also the local grocery store with no problem.

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Trouble is...if the bastards actually release another DOD Lab brew pathogen 20 times more infectious than all others for certain. We won't be needing a mask again. Or some lab VAX.

WEF and Crew, gonna need those bunkers they built with our money however!

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Pure fear porn. Read Sasha Latypova's post today about the same subject. Peace.

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John, disease X is part II of the culling of humanity (aka Covid-19 agenda). Covid-19 was the highly successful play soon to return to a theater near you. Covid was the trial balloon. May God help us!!!

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The question is how do we fight for our survival and for our livelihoods?

Seems people have selected their “team” so there is no one to wake up. 1. Team Globalists 2. Team Compliance 3. Team Resist.

Seems the fight will take place on the hyper local level since state, national and international figures have already aligned with Team Globalists.

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Heaven help us indeed. Jesus is the light and truth and we need to be on our knees. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

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'"Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic”'

Oh c'mon, man! Anyone who knows The $cience knows that it will be Disease Y and it will result in 21.576 times more fatalities than COVID! Disease X? Puh-lease! That is sooo 2023!

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