I don’t believe he has really received any shots.

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Check where the shot goes in his arm in this last one.. it's a 1/3 to half way down to his elbow. Is that even possible?

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Good catch. I got a flu jab like that years ago at a grocery store - the girl doing the shots had NO idea. I ended up with a huge angry, red lump.

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I agree, seems like a lot of people in the comments agree too!

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At least not 5. 5! LOL

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If anyone, anyone at all believes that biden can survive 1 vaccine let alone 5 then they are living the clown show dream.

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slow death?

Always the plan.

For all the muppets.

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What an obedient cult leader! But I doubt that he’s getting the real juice at this point. They don’t need the President keeling over on live video.

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Yes, that might be awkward...

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Biden said "Covid is over" so why the jab...and why is the girl masked? Oh, that's right - VIRTUE SIGNALING.

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HOCUS POCUS POTUS, Grand Master of the Covid Cult, the religion of all matters mysterious and truth defying. As a devotee, you too will witness the miracle of billions of dollars disappearing from one bank account and amazingly reappearing in another....

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Placebos But even if he had a stroke they could claim his age was the cause.

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Is it just me, or does it seem weird the "shot" is not going into his shoulder, but much further down his arm? The video shows the same.. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2022/10/25/biden-updated-booster-bivalent-white-house-covid

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I noticed that in the past, far too low to go into the deltoid.

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I hope the poor old sod got saline.

He sure doesn't need a stroke or a heart attack.

John Day MD

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Are there any studies on the impact of babies developing neurological problems from MRNA absorbed through their mother's breastmilk? My niece is 20 months old, was developing fine despite being born one month early. But then she started slurring her small vocabulary, developed a hand tremor and losing her balance easier when walking. She had an EEG and short MRI that ruled out tumors, brain bleed, stroke and any apparent life threatening issues. She'll have a long MRI in December. She had Covid in July. They found she's allergic to peanuts, having a reaction around the same time as the other stuff (I'm not sure of the exact timing). With all I've learned, I can't help wondering if her mom's vaccinations/boosters are impacting my niece.

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It stands to reason that since jab trials weren’t even done on pregnant women, we will not know the real impact on babies for years. You are right to wonder.

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Circleofmamas.com is a good resource for researching vaccines.

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Thanks. I'll check it out!

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Yes, Dr Alexander, Dr. Naomi Wolf has substacks, telegram channels. Look them up.You can find it there. In shirt, they too are developing health issues and even dying, per the rx trial data.

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Is she herself unvaccinated? (The toddler?)

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Yes, my niece is unvaccinated. I remember my sister in law once saying something like she thought it was a good thing the baby would develop antibodies through her breastmilk. All I could think was, Geez, I hope that's not true.

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My understanding is the trial data displays where the mothers are jabbed, babies are not. The damage is passed through thr milk causing injury and death. Sorry, I don't use the v word because there is no covid v.

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@Steveo ~ Clarification request:

> What did you mean when you said: "the trial data displays where the mothers are jabbed, babies are not"

Are you saying children in utero are not affected when the mothers are jabbed?

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What an evil dope.

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There's no way he's received any real mRNA. Got to be placebo. Couldn't have POTUS falling over due to the death shots. It wouldn't be good for sales or the agenda.

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His wife is the worst. Allowing a moron like him to be in public office just so they can feed off the corruption that the Obama bin Bidens installed. She is aware of ALL the shady dealings her “family” has engaged in. She should be embarrassed to look in the mirror, but I am sure she isn’t because her pursuit of corruption based power and wealth has demented her mind too.

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he didn't even flinch, I bet it was just a show. I do not believe for a second he really got the jab.

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I think if he truly got the boosters he'd be dead. Doubt he's strong enough to risk it.

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Biden’s latest shot was only theatre. Was not everyone in his Administration and on Capital Hill exempt from the shot mandate?

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NO WAY any of them are actually taking these shots. Never have, never will. Even if theyvwere what gopd is it doing when all of them come out and say they now have covid. Certsinly doesn't make people think they help. Plus I know people dying after 1 shot, or after first booster, no way that senile old coot is still alive after that many.

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