Back in 2007, if I recall correctly, Putin told the West in no uncertain terms that Russia was going to follow its own path, which freaked DC megalomaniacs out. Following collapse of the Soviet Union they decided they should be in control of Russia's future. Note, Putin didn't say Russia would be antagonistic toward the West in fact he wanted to expand Russian association. Tragically, contrary to early promises, DC started to push NATO into Russia's front yard. Today Ukraine is of course being exploited by DC. The control freaks in DC don't care about Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, as with all such remorseless sociopaths they care about one thing only; their power.

DC installed a collection of vicious, hateful authoritarians in Kiev via the 2014 coup and proceeded to further militarize the country. Russia's perfectly understandable resistance was deferred through the fraud of the Minsk Agreements which were used as a stalling tactic by the West, as recently acknowledged by Poroshenko and Merkel. As a consequence, and due to subsequent deceitful behavior, Russia now knows the West isn't worthy of trust and can't be negotiated with in good faith. Meanwhile the aforementioned vicious authoritarians in Kiev have been terrorizing ethnic Russians in the Donbas region (who they hate) by targeting and slaughtering innocent civilians through artillery and airstrikes, attacks which continue to this day (cluster munitions were fired into central Donetsk last night). No surprise Russia finally decided they'd have to end the aggression by force.

Russia will of course prevail in this conflict, on their time schedule, while shining a light on NATO's impotence. Contrary to delusional reports spewed in unison by Western corporate media Ukraine is being destroyed in the process, but DC couldn't care less. The bloodshed, on both sides, is driven fundamentally by the power lust of a pack of mentally disturbed individuals in DC.

BTW, pitiful Biden clearly isn't in charge of anything. I for one would be surprised if Joe decides much more than what to have for breakfast. We don't actually know who in DC is orchestrating this war.

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Very succinct and to my way of thinking, a very accurate synopsis. I guess we don't actually know who in DC is orchestrating this war, but there are a lot of suspects, are there not?

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Yes, a lot of suspects, but which ones, in addition to the Biden family, have a history of profit from association with Ukraine? Follow the money.

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Biden strikes me less as an orchestrator and more as an unscrupulous racketeer, a soulless profiteer from misery. And now that he's clearly morbidly affected with dementia, he is as witless as he was already soulless. (with all due respect and sympathy to all decent people who suffer with dementia, their families and loved ones)

Biden's relations and exchanges with Ihor Kolomoisky are appurtenant. Additionally, the operations of Rosemont Seneca Partners, one of Hunter Biden's rackets (incidentally, the Wikipedia entry for Rosemont Seneca Partners, founded by Devon Archer, Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, was removed in April 2022), in particular with respect to the funding and installation of bioweapons research laboratories in Ukraine, seem to have been another provocation for Putin.

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The end of newspapers, which can be kept, and cannot be re-written, btw, is a great loss to history & truth.

We are descending into a sea of lies, propaganda and spin, with no life ring to stop us from drowning, imo.

Books are the last vestige of fact and actual research.

And Wiki is a primary mouthpiece of our falsely created "consensus" idiocy.

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These are vital considerations. The elimination of printed "hard-copy" materials, almost certainly because climate change, is a terrifying prospect.

I am no doubt well behind the curve, but it almost appears to me that the uncanny accuracy of much of Orwell's narratives might not have been prognostications of the future, on the other hand they were prescriptions for it, as his superiors had planned it and he was tasked with the announcement of the coming events and developments by way of his "fiction."

"And Wiki is a primary mouthpiece of our falsely created "consensus" idiocy."

It is horrifying to belong to a culture that is presiding over the deliberate extinction of the spirit that animated its own flourishing, and is laying to waste the resplendent civilization that attended it.

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Beautifully stated and all too true! However, the "Covid Con" has awoken some sleeping tigers, and many sleepy sheep as well.

Imo the human spirit is not dead, and will rise despite the forces arrayed against us. 🙏🙏🙏

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Victoria Nuland - let's make no bones about it. Is she the mastermind? No, highly unlikely. But the path to that/those lies through the despicable Nuland.

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Definitely Omama.

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Agreed, we could certainly speculate.

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The DOJ has dropped charges against FTX’s SBF, who embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars and laundered billions for the Democrats and Ukraine.

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We must remove the criminals from power or we are finished, if it isn't already too late for this nation to survive.

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Barr and Garland aren’t likely to be punished before they die. But I still crave for that miracle.

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Bad cops are the worst kind of criminals because they have the legitimized power and monopoly of legal system behind them. They can completely wreck the country within a few short years.

The thoroughly corrupted DOJ and FBI is worse than Communist China in threatening the survival of the United States. I can only dream about seeing Garland and fat pig called Barr in Hell begging for mercy.

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Sheol (contemplation prison cavern) is far too good for them.

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The last two pieces at Robert Malone's substack lay out a convincing case that the CIA is heavily involved in pulling the strings. That is an oversimplificaton of his views, but they are well thought out, and he also was part of the establishment before he realized that he had been played for all of his life. Now, he is one of the top guys in bringing perspective to events. Of course, there are a number of others who give a very cogent analysis of the rot - it is not restricted to the U.S.A. and not even to the Five Eyes countries.

James Corbett does good work. Peter Koenig does a good analysis. Mery Nass has laid out a lot of the issues. Katherine Austin Fitts brings out some key considerations. The list goes on. Many have given quite convincing breakdowns as to how the machinery for evil works. It is complex; there are a lot of players - sometimes they work together, sometimes they work against on and other.

I have not watched Game of Thrones, but I am given to understand that it gives a first order approximation to all of this.

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Well said.

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The blunder of expanding NATO was made under Bill Clinton, a Satanist and pervert who had been elected as president by Americans twice during the crucial period after the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

20 some years later, now Clinton looks more like a minor league criminal in comparison with Obama and Biden. The main difference is that the Biden regime doesn’t need the voters anymore, the “election mechanism” is “owned” by Democrats. All Democrats are guilty for they have no qualm with the most devastating attack against democracy of the nation as long as they are “winning”.

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No other politicians in American history are as complacent and reckless as Biden and his handler Obama. No, Bill Clinton is not better (I believe Bill and Hillary Clinton are even more evil), but they did have to worry about votes.

Not any more. Republicans don't have the courage to pursue the evidence and the truth in massive frauds in elections, so they blindly play into the hands of traitors.

There is no way Democrats will give up the massive frauds in counting the ballots and stuffing the registries with phantom or dead voters. Imagine what will happen to the criminals and traitors if they allow the voters, that is us, to decide the next President and the Senate and the House of Representatives? 2024 will be a watershed year when the demise of the United States of America can no longer be hidden.

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Totally agree.

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Also, war is massively profitable. Nobody ever profits from peace, except for the useless eaters. We have a war industry to feed, you know.

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Not to mention bribes to make good on, and kickbacks to enjoy.

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well said

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If I could, I'd give your comment three likes: one for the comment, another for your profile picture of Henry Spencer, and a third for your profile handle. I could really go for the eponymous cocktail right now.

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The US government has been instigating, escalating and now engaging in conflict with Russia since the early 2000s. The Biden regime is psychotic and a wholly-owned tool and puppet of globalists and their deep state allies in the US.

In 2014, the Obama administration, CIA and State Department staged the coup that ousted the Russia-friendly Yanukovych government and installed a puppet government firmly in the US camp. The US has intentionally provoked conflict with Russia from then on.

I believe the true reason for the US role in the Russia-Ukraine war as well as US refusal to allow any negotiated peace or settlement is this: the Obama and Biden regimes, along with deep staters in the CIA, DOD and State Dept, are in bed with globalists, pushing globalist agendas and operations. Russia is anti-globalism, and is a threat to those agendas and operations. Hence, Russia must be weakened or even destroyed.

All evidence, all US actions under the Obama and Biden regimes, all executive orders under Obama and Biden, all US/NATO expansion actions point to this theory being true.

Putin and the Russian government are no saints. They have their own form of corruption going. They have their responsibility in all US-Ukraine-Russia conflicts. But Putin and Russia aren't the devils as portrayed by politicians and the mainstream news media.

Russia isn't 1930s Germany, Putin isn't Hitler, and the US isn't an innocent bystander wanting no part in this war.

In fact, of the three nations - US, Russia and Ukraine - the US plays the largest role in creating this conflict, aided by the UK, Germany and a few other NATO nations.

As an aside, Russia is winning this war militarily, economically and from the standpoint of geopolitical strength. Ukraine is being destroyed as a nation on all levels. At the same time, sanctions against Russia have not only failed, they have backfired against Europe mostly and the US secondarily. The Russian economy is actually growing stronger in spite of sanctions and this war - due to energy shortages in Europe (making Russian energy exports even more valuable than before) and several trade agreements made by Russia with many African and Middle Eastern nations, and an alliance with China. Russia is strengthening its position in the world with respect to other nations.

The US on the other hand, is losing militarily, economically and internationally because so many nations now view the US as a dangerous threat to their security.

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I have said much the same to friends and co-workers who drank the kool-aid. I relentlessly hammer them with the facts, many of which you posted here. It is depressingly difficult to educate them out of the narrative. In fairness, it breaks reality when nearly everything one believes is revealed as a comforting lie. it is not something one can undo in a single conversation, the lie as Hitler once said, is so great it shuts down the mind.

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I know what you mean. Whenever I post anything like this on social media, dozens of people attack me as a traitor, etc. But the good news is that the majority of responses to my posts are positive, which tells me more and more people are realizing the truth.

But you're right about breaking people's realities.

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You know you're over the target when you start taking flak.

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"The Russian economy is actually growing stronger in spite of sanctions..."

Sanctions have the same effect as tariffs, but without the political disadvantages because you can't blame the government. What they do in the case of a nation that can meet its material needs internally is to advantage domestic producers by eliminating competition.

Sanctions also drive the search for replacements, such as the new jet engines Russia is producing which replace Pratt & Whitney's products.


Plenty of other examples, such as microchips and precision machine tools, but I think you get the idea.

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Thanks for articulating these principles.

These are perhaps other examples of the deployment of what another Substack writer (Sage Hana) highlights as the "Ostensible reason," and the real reason. The Ostensible reason is the reason the politicians give you and the ones that talking heads in the news-entertainment-media promulgate to the audience. Instead the real reasons are not directly communicated, and sometimes/often the real reason are purposes that strive to achieve the diametric opposite of the ostensible reason.

U.S. defense and foreign policy, or any state's for that matter by the standard paradigms prevailing in the present international order, are directionless and meaningless without near-peer rivals and adversaries with which the domestic population may be threatened and terrorized by their governments.

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I think that's true of the USA and to a lesser degree Western Europe, but I wouldn't include Russia in that synopsis. Russia has always been forthright about her intentions and has communicated that to the Russian public quite well I would say. No "ostensible reasons" just plain hard facts, the first of which is their vulnerability to attack (it's all open land right up to the Urals) and their history of suffering such attacks and the enormous losses incurred. Add to that the recent encroachment of NATO in violation of agreements following the dissolution of the USSR, and you have a very real threat which has now clearly manifested itself in Ukraine. So no, I don't think you can characterize Russia as having ulterior motives in their defence policy. Their policy is well articulated and well understood by the public, based as it is on historic reality which nearly every Russian family has a direct connection to, as witnessed by the crowds marching on May 9th. Russia has no equivalent to the US Military Industrial Complex which manufactures imaginary threats simply to fill the pockets of shareholders and their congressional satraps. This is evident from the performance of their military systems which are unmatched by any other power, including the USA, which as you probably know has lately resorted to sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as they've basically run out of standard 155mm shells.

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Very well put statements, thank you for sharing.

I do agree with you about Russia's clearly-stated position with respect to Ukrainian atrocities in the Donbas, U.S./NATO unremitting encroachment/encirclement, denied by U.S. and NATO despite the unmistakable evidence and the incontrovertible facts confirming this taking place over the past 70 years, in former German Chancellor Angela Merkel's moment of candor (but only as a result of her getting punked by Russian pranksters) in the outrageous admission of European/NATO perfidy in using the Minsk agreement to buy time to rearm Ukraine, the proliferation of U.S. funded, established and operated biological warfare laboratories in Ukraine, and other reasons, all as being provocations and very real threats of great existential danger to Russia that needed to be forthrightly confronted. With respect to all of these issues, Russia is undoubtedly justified and her responses admissible. When we observe the professionalism, deftness and competence, even grace, of Russia's diplomats and statesmen in their behaviors and performances at the world stage throughout the past twenty years, juxtaposed to the humiliating imbecility of U.S., European, and NATO Asia-Pacific partners' representatives and spokespersons, even excluding the woefully bungling conduct of "western' military intelligence, strategy and tactics during the hostilities in Ukraine, while not logically an essential condition to, it nevertheless supports the conviction one may have of Russia's legitimacy, if not underscoring the case for Russian righteousness.

I am, however, suspicious of the timing for the commencement of the Special Military Operation, and not only in that it seems to serve the interests of the COVID-19 stakeholders, who needed a massive diverting preoccupation for the world at the time their COVID-19 narrative was faltering, and as the frequency of adverse events was becoming conspicuous, undeniable, and looked to increase. Vladimir Putin - who I admit to having great respect for, and along with his key ministers, diplomats, and generals, who I even admit to admiring, because time and again they have confirmed themselves to be the only adults in the room - more than once Putin has leveraged the fortuitous timings of inauspicious events to major advantage. Almost as if he willed those events to take place when they did.

For another such windfall, one doesn't need to be thoroughly convinced that the 1999 bombing of an apartment block in southeast Moscow, which killed 94 people and injured almost 250, was a false-flag attack. The blasts terrorized the country already teetering on the edge of chaos while a political struggle ensued to succeed ailing President Boris Yeltsin. The authorities blamed the explosions on Chechen rebels. The newly-appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin - Yeltsin's choice to replace him - vowed to kill Chechen militants wherever they were hiding. even if in an outhouse, Putin, who was at the time a virtually unknown bureaucrat, swept into the presidency months later on the strength of his performance as a resolute and decisively-acting agent. "They changed the situation by favoring a prime minister nobody knew, with a dubious, dark biography," political analyst Vladimir Pribylovsky stated. "Two things brought about Putin's victory: the bombings and the phrase about wiping out terrorists in the outhouse."

But I really didn't want this to be a Putin-bashing comment, which is what it seems to have degenerated into. I suppose I really wanted to state my agreement with your analysis of the situation in Ukraine, yes, but its important to, at the very least, maintain a tempered opinion of the dramatis personae on the world stage themselves, and this invariably colors one's overall assessment of the events.

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The west was not interested in an Austria style arrangement because, as MLK noted, the Washington government is the largest purveyor of violence and terrorism on the planet. Let Occam apply.

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The US didn’t negotiate because the Biden family is up to their ears in Ukrainian corruption and they had to hide it.

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And yet... America still wants this clown for president

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No, a huge number of us are appaled at Biden and his mock "presidency!"

The horrors this reptile is responsible for chill my soul. I pray more Americans wake up, and FAST!

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Americans don’t & never did. Just idiots not paying attention, morons voting abortion above all else - including the lives of Ukrainians, and those who let the globohomo namefag do their thinking for them as they follow that narrative for feelz.

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No, he was installed illeagaly!

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Why didn’t they? Several reasons, none of which are sensible to a normal, sentient human.

1. The Complex: no one buys bullets for wars won or not waged.

2. GAE expansion. The empire must continually expand, like any business, or die.

3. Need to keep hidden the various money laundries (Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, etc.) and the GAE biowarfare labs hidden.

4. Need to continue Western European satrapies

5. Unable to get over the Cold War, 30 years on (Lindsey Graham’s idiocy about “the best money we’ve ever spent”).

6. Creating huge obstacle to the distribution of foodstuffs this year, and to planting next year, and to having anyone left to farm or any stable land not full of land mines or unexploded cluster munitions means reducing global food supplies as the globalists work toward depopulation

7. Gotta put Putin in his place - he is the ONLY national leader fighting back against Globohomo.

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I totally agree with your last paragraph. The war could have been averted. The powers that be did not want that. They are totally bent on destruction of our way of life.

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As far as when Biden was in office, gross stupidity is why. Under Trump, war wouldn't have happened. In another article I read a list of 12 things Biden did or didn't do that started this war.

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The worst thing Biden did was to remove/ bar Russia from the Swift payments system and confiscate the wealth of oligarchs who had invested abroad. Many other countries felt their own security could be just as insecure. It’s from the WW 2 playbook - the Japanese had no interest in the US until the then president cut off their oil supplies. It was the last boy way to get the US oil bro the war. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, or in this case felt it worked so well, let’s try a redo. After all history is no longer taught in schools

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Many of Bidens actions led up to creating the war. But once the war started and Russia refused to withdraw, then the sanctions were justified. The sanctions were too mild and weak, we should have really given Russia a bloody nose.

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They "Why's" revealed themselves into plain sight in the 2016 election. What were they? The entwined Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the Deep State (DS). They have been the true masters behind the puppets and whores in DC since Eisenhower, led by successive generations of quite literally high functioning psychopaths and sociopaths who thrive in their gardens.

The DS/MIC has increasingly bound European interests to serve them since the end of WWII through the hall of mirrors called NATO. So when the Berlin Wall fell, while most of us were hopeful of adding the Russian folk to the global community, the Deep State instead urged the rape of Russia and Putin, while understandably enraged by it, also used the opportunities it created. He's no angel, but he is a patriot and has shown much to our collective shame, how untrustworthy West's gov'ts actually are.

The DS's tendrils has spread through the US cultural fabric, corrupting and rotting everything it touches ever since it got rid JFK. Pause and truly consider this one fact about the JFK files:: they are believed to be so damaging to the American Psyche that to this day, it must remain sealed. Those who aren't chilled to their bones by the implications of that are among the blissfully unimaginative.

The average person to whom this doesn't sound crazy typically makes the mistake of thinking the DS is a "Star Chamber" like group. To be sure it does include the 0.01%, but most are the faceless, parasitic bureaucrats. Despot wannabes, hiding their cowardice and lack of ability behind their offices, waving their flags of imagined virtues at whatever they can, shrieking at any who disagrees, labeling them with whatever badge of shame is currently in vogue. And if such a label isn't available, they fabricate new ones such as "Abelists" or however the heck its spelled.

Trump's presidency caused them to reveal themselves in every layer of our society and institutions even as he exposed the lying and delusional sycophants of the media. Biden is literally just the DS's sock puppet, with priviledged traitors on both sides of the aisle (of not just country but humanity itself), cheerfully funding the slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians alike, enriching themselves even as they bankrupt the nation. People wonder how the German people couldn't see the evil excess of the Nazi's, yet Americans are doing the same with our political caste, the corruption and treason is blatantly visible and yet most are beset with apathy, fatigue or lost their spirit as they see these traitors and parasites get away with whatever they want, support by laws that benefit them, and shackle the populace.

So yes, there are central figures pulling strings, but they have an army of parasitic maggots on all levels of society doing their bidding in every western nation. You should hear how they talk about the working man amongst themselves as I have, it would sicken and enrage you. I hope AI eliminates all their offices from the village up to the federal level, I would weep not if it leaves them begging on the street for it is a kinder fate than I would assign them.

If the honest man truly wants global peace, toppling these plutonian kings in the shadows is what we all should aim for, but purging the country of these parasitic, tiny, despots is where societal change truly happens.

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"People wonder how the German people couldn't see the evil excess of the Nazi's, yet Americans are doing the same?" ......Not quite.

They did see the evil in 2016 and 2020. However, the DNC election fraud that failed in 2016 was perfected in 2020 to upset the election. The DNC/DOJ/FBI and Federal Courts were complicit!

Pssst! The DNC election fraud apparatus is ...STILL INTACT for 2024.

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The "whys" were put in place in 2008 when Obama and Biden teamed up, slunk into Ukraine to feather their own nests.

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Great comment, incisive analysis.

It may be superfluous to add that both before WWII and since, a principal project of the C.I.A. and/or Deep State has been to nurse and cultivate foreign states into economic and military rivals to the U.S. through substantial financial and technological subventions. Defense and foreign policy is only meaningful when framed by the threat entailed initially by the potential emergence of near-peer competitors, and then culminating in kinetic or subsequent generation warfare. The foreign hostile rival deception is milked for the pretext it gives for increasing budgetary allocations for military spending, which expands the profits made by the defense contractors and weapons industries (which are all owned by the global oiler-banker cartel, as are the governments themselves), accelerates the development of ever more destructively effecting killing, surveillance, and control technologies as the outcome of the arms races that are occasioned, and the generational war-dispensed winnowing of civilian populations of the nations that partake in the feigned rivalry.

In the past as in the present, the target for the hostility that each government sets its sights on has ever been the nation's own civilian populations. Each government avails itself of the feigned rival power's weapons and the devastations they wreak on their own civilian populations, and each government hides its own criminal accountability for democide behind the warfare engaged in with feigned hostile foreign nations, which are blamed with the provocation of aggression, and which also purpose the democide of their own populations by the same diabolical stratagem.

The primarily kinetic weaponry used in the past is being demoted somewhat in the present and future generations warfare as biotechnology and bio-nanotechology become more prevalent and expand the control and kill resolution, capabilities, and power.

(Edited for clarification)

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Read Robert Kagan‘s 1993 neocon manifesto. Or read Paul Wolfowitz’s restatement of the manifesto. It’s all there very clearly. It’s the same I think as the term globalism used by other contributors to this discussion. I recently tried to find the original version of Kagan’s manifesto, but could not. Two years ago I found it online.

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General MacGregor has many videos on YouTube where he has analyzed the military capabilities of each side. He has been explaining for months now that there is no possibility of the Ukraine winning this military conflict. In addition he has explained that the neocons in Washington DC are utterly convinced they can win any war, despite all evidence to the contrary. He has discussed the specific military weaknesses in the United States, including the woke mentality that has been prioritized over manpower readiness. This war is being recklessly pursued for profit at the expense of many human lives and at the expense of turning Ukraine into rubble.

Not many people are aware of the fact that Putin actually wanted to join NATO at one point (which was during George W. Bush's presidency). Of course his interest was rebuffed.

So it is clear that the neocons as well as the military industrial complex are invested in war-CONTINUOUS WAR, as this maximizes their profits. There is no one in Washington DC to counter their rapacious and evil efforts. The only person in Washington DC who is in charge of this administration, is Barack Hussein Obama, and many members of his former administration staff the Biden Administration and likely report to Obama. Biden is Obama's brain addled sock puppet.

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Thank you for the concise summary.

"So it is clear that the neocons as well as the military industrial complex are invested in war-CONTINUOUS WAR, as this maximizes their profits."

This is absolutely true, for the MIC is completely owned by the oiler-banker cartel, but it is not the exhaustive reason. The further purposes of continuous war is the rapid reduction of civilian populations, and the pretext for increasing defense budgetary funding, which besides flowing into the aforementioned profits, diverts funds from civilian spending which would otherwise improve and enhance the health, education, economic prospects, and opportunities for the civilian populations. A healthy, well-educated, economically self-determined and resourceful citizenry is anathema to the continuity of the oiler-banker hegemony.

Continuous war also entails continuous scientific and technological development of weaponry directed at the provision of ever more sophisticated capabilities and approaches for control and killing, which the oiler-bankers are ever in pursuit of in order to further shrink and eventually eliminate the threat of being overthrown and extirpated by the citizens governed by their government proxies.

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Thank you aux playing@radio phanaerozoic.

I agree about the depopulation agenda. There now is evidence that legislation has been quietly passed (unbeknownst to the American public) that created the US biological, chemical, and radiological weapons program. The DoD can request a medical countermeasure "prototype" (translation: toxin) from a pharmaceutical company. A faked pandemic was then used to justify mandating that every man, woman, and child take the toxin injection or stay locked up forever. In addition, there was a huge wealth transfer due to the lockdowns from the middle class to the elites who became even richer. Said medical countermeasure is not regulated by any regulatory agency. It was not approved by FDA, because it does not need to be approved. The FDA gave it Emergency Use Authorization to make it seem like it was approved, but no adequate safety studies were done. What monsters come up with a plan to depopulate the world by genocide? Here is an Australian senator asking this in the Australian Parliament:https://twitter.com/MRobertsQLD/status/1689188177779851265

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"A military-pharmaceutical apparatus linking the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK."

This is diabolical, and these are truly terrifying prospects. But all this is not at all surprising, and it has all been in the offing for many generations.

Incidentally, in the video in the Twitter link you shared, in the bottom right hand corner you will notice the despicable Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie, who was a Corporal in the Australian Army Transport Corps and Military Police before the facile transition to politics, smirking and fooling around in derisory glee while Senator Malcolm Roberts delivered his spirited and hard-hitting deposition (? or are they just known as speeches?)

On another note, I'm very suspicious and skeptical of these calls for Royal Commissions. Royal Commissions are mockeries of justice. Please do enlighten me if I'm wrong or I'm being too harsh, but I don't know of a single Royal Commission that has ever resulted in a prison sentence, let alone the hangings that are merited here. Understand that the establishment of this "military-pharmaceutical apparatus" is completely legal and thoroughly legislatively consistent, in which case, as far as the government and the legal establishment is concerned, nothing untoward, let alone criminal has taken place.

I maintain a steadfastly distrustful disposition of any and all politicians, even those such as Malcolm Roberts and Gerard Rennick who ostensibly comport to speak for and represent the commonality, but are either inadvertently or willfully sustaining the deception of a functioning political system that justly serves the people, that even though it may be temporarily captured by malicious operators, it will ultimately right itself and return to delivering the most good for the most people. It never did, and it won't. There never was such a benign system of government, and while privately-owned corporations are allowed to exist, there never will be a morally-defensible and righteous representative "democracy" of elected officials in a parliamentary system of government.

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It is not incompetence, it is malice

The US State Department and the surveillance & security apparatus have a single-minded goal of regime change in Russia ... it's an ill conceived wet dream fantasy, and they sold it to the Biden Administration as Joe Biden's legacy, deposing Putin

It is folly, simply the supervised destruction of Ukraine

Even the Russians surely believed the US would enforce a peace, hence the lackluster initial attack

The USA wants this war

The USA provoked this war to the point of inevitability

The USA is financing this war

The USA is supervising this war

and that answers your question - why there is no Austrian style peace ... why there is not and will not be peace

until regime change in Russia or the USA cuts and runs, like every single other foreign misadventure, most recently Afghanistan

Ukraine will be abandoned in ruin

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Agree with all but this statement:

"Ukraine will be abandoned in ruin"

Ukraine is far too valuable to be left in ruins. The industrial heartland is in the east under Russian control and will remain so. It's being rebuilt as we speak. West of the Dnieper is mainly farmland, some of the most valuable in the world actually. That will have to be demined of course, but that will happen, either under Russian control, or by a Russia friendly government. Russia has made their position quite clear. The only Ukraine that is tolerable is a neutral Ukraine with no NATO presence. What the actual boundaries are remains to be seen, but it will be rebuilt, just not with western investment, in fact everything spent thus far by the West will have to be written off.

The US is already positioning itself to abandon Ukraine. The narrative will be "we gave them everything they asked for, but they wouldn't follow our advice, plus rampant corruption undermined their efforts." The last part is of course accurate.

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"It is not incompetence, it is malice"

Thank you philobeddoe, you are bang-on correct!

I have come to view many exonerating aphorisms and adages as being not only as platitudinous, but especially as earnestly intentional alibis devised by the offenders themselves (the oiler-banker-owner criminals) for the purpose of deflecting blame so that they might be acquitted of their crimes if they're ever brought to trial. The kinds of sayings such as Hanlon's Razor, 'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.' Yes, of course people can be stupid, but one simply cannot dismiss these great world-wide in scope psyops, world wars, "pandemics," etc. so flippantly because they most certainly do require evil intent at the very least on account of the extraordinary planning required.

Remember that besides their own mortality, the other mortal fear that the oiler-banker-owner criminal liege-lord has ever had and still has is the fear that the trance that maintains all the subjects, serfs and servants might one day finally break, and all the wronged masses will arise in anger and cast the liege-lord down and butcher him, and the long-overdue mother of all reappropriations of all the ill-gotten gains should finally come to pass.

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Absolutely. We could have drawn Russia into the western sphere and enjoyed their wonderful culture and natural resources instead we let neocon warmongers keep the Cold War going. There should be no more resources to Ukraine and they should sort it out themselves. We are interfering in an ancient conflict and it is no business if the US or anyone outside Europe. So tired of forever wars that the US draw us into.

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This was a proxy war. It still is an nearly run its course.

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goal of leftists; chaos, disruption, DEPOPULATION.

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And it is backfiring directly onto them instead spectacular spectacular.

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Biden has a special place in hell... as do the others like Lindsay Graham who provoked this war... the blood of hundreds and thousands of Ukrainians is on them...

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I agree. WAR is the greatest evil on our planet- those who create it for their own sociopathic needs deserve a very special place in hell.

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Hope not. Sheol is far too good for them.

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