Profile in Valor: Dr. Maria Kosma on Devastating Impact of Lockdowns on College Students

Comparative Study Finds Longer Lockdowns Did More Harm

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

We are coming up on four years of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the COVID-19 pandemic. What has been the impact to young people who have been notably silent on restrictions of civil liberties and the myriad of changes in their lives.

I sat down with Dr. Maria Kosma, Associate Professor at Louisiana State University, to learn more about what happened on college campuses. I think you will find her comments striking. The impact to students was far worse than I thought.

Kosma M, Kim MS, Moon D, Fritts S. Effects of COVID-19 Mandates on College Students' Exercise Experiences and Psychosocial Health. July 2023 DOI:10.31254/sportmed.7103

I got the feeling that essentially forced vaccination demoralized both the faculty and the students. Once this happened, there was little impetus for on-campus protests. Everyone had already been defeated by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

Kosma M, Kim MS, Moon D, Fritts S. Effects of COVID-19 Mandates on College Students' Exercise Experiences and Psychosocial Health. July 2023 DOI:10.31254/sportmed.7103