John L and Dr Peter, thank you for all that you’re doing and all that you have done to help forward this cause. I wrote this this morning on Pierre Cory Substack, where he published an article by a Midwestern doctor. I wanted to share this response to you and thanks for all that you two have done and continue to do. Thank you both, with heartfelt sincerity.

A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

A Midwestern Dr. - don’t get me wrong you’ve done an amazing, absolutely amazing job in laying out what happened and the malfeasance bar that has been met. You as a doctor, blogger, and professional, you are duty-bound to walk a very, very fine and accurate line in your exposition. Me on the other hand, I’m just a kid who grew up in the Midwest and skinned my knees there, when I fell climbing trees there. My only duty is to pointedly, directly, and unabashedly - call a SPADE A SPADE. ☺️

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Thank you for this summary of the interview, which I didn’t see. It has so much truth in it. As a mother and a government skeptic already, Covid sent me into overdrive in terms of the danger signals that we were being lied to and lead in a direction that was desired by someone(s) for reasons that were not trustworthy. My suspicion was heightened when president trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine and was roasted by people who knew it was safe and inexpensive. Then the PCR test used as the diagnostic tool-one phone call to a trusted laboratory owner confirmed that the test was being misused and not diagnosing anything close to a dangerous covid-19 infection. It’s a test used in the food industry for salmonella and listeria detection. A positive means that there’s confirmation of DNA present, but it takes 4-5 days to confirm if the pathogen is dead or alive. No such thing as a diagnosis in 30 minutes. Complete psyop. Plus, the test is meant to detect DNA and it had to be altered in questionable ways to detect RNA, which is the type of virus that Covid 19 is. This was an exercise in manipulating a test, the results, and the fear of the unknown that translated into false statistics. Fauci and all involved should be sent to Guantanamo and abandoned to a slow death. It blows my mind that such evil exists in humans.

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When COVID-19 first began I had a thought that basically said, What do they know (Government) that they do not want us to know? We now know, We funded the research that became COVID-19, Fauci knew that and he lied from then on to protect his ass and he didn't care how many died. Until Fauci is properly punished. (Jail time and fines are not enough) and all of his underlings suffer as well we will never be rid of this.

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My intuition, here in Victoria, Australia, tells me that I'm in the presence of a predatory and hostile government - even though it is assuring me of its friendship and affection.

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many choices regarding the vaccine were based on false information from the news media

how can this be corrected?

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DeBecker’s follow up book, “Protecting the Gift”, allowed me to raise my two sons with far less angst, and far more awareness.

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For some reason I am unable to watch the interview……It’s as if it is only a photo.

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Wow! Tucker’s interview of Gavin was amazing. Well worth the time to watch/listen to it.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Dr. McCullough, with reference to HCQ and IVM, as a fellow former Buffalonian, can you be of any persuasive assistance in moving Florida’s Governor DeSantis to join the prescient TN and NH governments in making TRULY safe and effective medications OTC for his citizens? Many residents, such as myself, have reached out to him with the ever-growing compendium of accolades, meta-analyses, and anticipatory exhortations of Drs. Kory, Lawrie, and Vanden Bossche, with no sign of apparent success. Florida faces the unique unknowns of Oxitec’s gmo mosquito releases(harkening to previous Gates implication in River Blindness abroad), for which such medications have critical relevancy.

After the past three years’ public health policy, it’s become abundantly clear that the American citizenry must rely on its own shrewd health advocacy, which necessarily includes ready access to therapeutics with proven safety profiles, outside the controls of this current federal syndicate, darkly immersed in Agenda First.

(At this juncture, I fail to see any valid justification for Governor DeSantis’s reluctance to make both medications available without prescription by standing pharmacy orders, as has been done in the aforementioned states where Ivermectin legislation was passed.)

Governor DeSantis leads a proactive Republican state house, and could handily accomplish this in Florida, where physicians and patients continue to face medical freedom challenges where treatments of choice are concerned!

Thank you both for enduring in your fight to inform and protect Americans. Awareness and courage are now key to our basic survival.

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Trusting the untrustworthy got us into this.

Too many trust guys with lab coats on TV no matter what they say or how they have behaved in the past.

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Thank you for alerting me to this amazing interview. De Becker is so impressive!

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Incredible interview! A must-share!

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In support of Mr. de Becker, and Mr. Dowd’s excellent book, I’m hoping awareness will make things better, hence this video to add to its promotion.

(make things) BETTER


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Bravo for elevating American perspective and grounding world health and economic outlook on the mechanism of power, locus of authority and responsibility! That is compelling and clear!👍

Bravo too because this article seems free of political dirt-kicking and asymmetric blame throwing (as if the principle of total evidence, basis for sound reasoning and coherent systemic analyses’ is an either-or exclusionary condition of left vs. right, red or blue, conservative or liberal, click-baiting dichotomy). 🇺🇸🙏🏻

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Am currently reading CAUSE UNKNOWN . I can only go a few pages at a time as the heartbreak is so overwhelming. These individuals need to be seen, their stories heard, as crimes against humanity MUST be stopped. The more who know the truth of this diabolical plot, the more who will resist future narratives.

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If the public is so pathetic that points 1 and 2 in the article are an accurate assessment, and thus the public was willing to accept any remedy offered, no matter how ridiculous, then the only rational conclusion is the public doesn't deserve any respect whatsoever, and the the elites can't be blamed for thinking the public should succumb to their "superior" wisdom. I'm beginning to wonder if that's what we've learned from all this.

Fear of the virus was only part of what turned the public into such a mass of cowards. Fear of stepping out of line, of not properly virtue-signaling, of being seen as in defiance of the conventional wisdom, was as much or more motivation for many. There were plenty who realized they probably wouldn't be harmed by COVID, but weren't about to step out of line, because you only do that if you're a "conspiracy theorist". This group is equally vapid.

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