While the most heartbreaking stories are those of children who are not yet mentally or emotionally capable of making life altering decisions, no doctor worthy of the title should prescribe these drugs or perform these procedures on anyone.

Playing God is not consistent with the Hippocratic oath!

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Agreed. No child should be able to sign a consent form. And doctors should lose their license for giving puberty blockers or performing these surgeries on minors.

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He's trying to detransition healthcare back to a healthier state!

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It is not only criminal it is immoral. Unfortunately mentally ill people do not understand these concepts. And I’m not talking about the victims. The perpetrators of these crimes should not be able to get near a child, yet they gravitate to them and cowards allow it.

Lack of spine is my conclusion. I don’t make many friends doing right but I sleep like a champ.

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Already a member of www.donoharmmedicine.com. Dr. Goldfarb is an example of the Code of Ethics that was missing during Covid.

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When i was a child in the 1950s before puberty, i wanted to all the things boys did....i wanted to do some girl things too but i hated dolls.....i thought the entire idea of playing with dolls was stupid.....in my day the boys did not want me on the baseball team and the school would not let me take shop instead of home economics which i ended up liking .... if we are free (and before puberty we are free as there is no sex to define us by if we let it, ... actually we are not the body so we are not a sex, we are souls which have no sex..).....anyway it is ridiculous to think that because a girl likes boys thing or a boy girl things that there is gender dysphoria.....these kids are going to be so tragically dramatically deeply hurt by a sex change before at least the age of 25.....we are all confused growing up.....especially since most parents have not a clue as to how to be a parent.......and today’s world is so very hard.....

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I, for one, vehemently oppose demons creating a subclass of zombie sex slaves. There I said it.

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The age of consent is 18 and should be. No alterations or chemical interventions before 18 years of age should be legal. Comprehensive education , attention and empathy should be the norm from everyone in the meantime . With a full plate of knowledge and loving acceptance the 18 year old young person can then pursue his or her uniquely personal direction.

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How ya likin body sovereignty killing socialized medicine so far America? Wait, there’s more! It’s from the global governance alliance and they’re here to help. Doctors have long been captured by “democratic” Communism that lies beneath the surface of every ultra liberal intent to prove moral superiority ripe to be hijacked by Marxist collectivism sprinkled with financial goodies. Organizations like PETA serve as a radical example of the do good cult (woke), people that will kill, slander, and destroy humans that do not align with their chosen brand of advocacy venture. To prove themselves “good people”, or at least well intentioned the word “democracy” has been hijacked to define America over the past six decades. Americans have forgotten that it just means we vote thanks to a Constitutional Republic, if incorruptible. Bleeding heart liberalism prepares the portal of Marxist “for the good of all” collectivism claims that ignites, then the mob grows to pure morally fabricated “democracy” of untethered sleight of hand truism. In the case of Covid 19, Pfizer is PETA. They may have naively begun with good intentions, but Pharma’s advocacy for humanity has intentionally been hijacked by greed, patents, and culpability of deceit, all turned inward to destroy the integrity of doctors’ individuality as scientists. These are top down collective forces at work to initiate Socialized medicine with the power to strip search body sovereignty from every human being. The historical fact that sister Socialism is always followed by big brother Communism is well documented, if history is still relevant. Doctors relegated to practitioners working for corporate investor profit machines that can not breath without Pharma authority with strings attached by the deception of the CCP and Pharma co-conspirators, NIH, CDC, WHO. My liberally schizo Boomer generation, born in the bosom of unprecedented freedom and childhood nightmare of Russia, Russia nuclear annihilation believed themselves the chosen generation post WWII to take America to utopia, but, rather walked themselves into prison on the basis of stock returns and the ruse of socialized medicine. Ironically, it was culminated by their friends in Wuhan and grifting hucksters in white coats. Why do you think the “democratic” Party’s 2008 Socialist Trojan horse was elected by the people largely on the basis of racial harmony? The current Democratic figurehead called the Trojan horse “the first clean, smart, good looking educated black man to run for the office of President”. Wow, what a compliment. No mention of their patented socialized Medicaid for all once the Boomers, Social Security, and Medicare are gone in a few years and the rationing really begins. Top down global medical labs will eradicate doctors who have already been usurped into faux practitioners enslaved by government bureaucratic compliances and their staff of a dozen female employees generating print out lab tests to satisfy corporate collaboration for profit, working like government sweat shops. What happened to the paper reduction Act to save the trees for climate advocacy? No more individually human generated science based medical care or the foolish notion of natural immunity. Moving liberally, democratically and progressively forward means artificial intellect approval by way of Black Rock/WEF/CCP distribution only, and then and only then can the weak American and global for grant and patent government bodies of WHO, NIH, and CDC say a few words on behalf of patients. They must climb the ladder to become wannabe “stake holders”. No more highly disciplined pesky uppidy doctors who actually see patients, no pharmacy’s, expensive hospital systems, pathologist, insurance companies, lawyers, etc. Get sick, text symptoms to global health alliance, Amazon delivers, you die. Oops, sorry Boomer offspring. Now let’s see, where’s the catalyst for all that deciet?

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Intelligent Commonsense Discourse from Stanley. Everyone has doubts in this life, however the old adage rings true "Haste makes Waste".

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