Transparency is long over due but sadly I don't think it will come, for if it did it would expose the entire corrupt underbelly of big tech, big media, big pharma and big government pulling the strings of all.

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We make it happen

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I think UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE Dr. McCullough - is correct - AND if I were an NFL player I'd RUN to my physician and get those two tests you recommended for vaxed people - because anyone can be a walking time bomb. I'll say one thing, I wouldn't want to be ANY healthcare professional who pushed that crap on another human being - or the NFL, the colleges, the corporations - what is their liability? I'd sue the pants off them - this is catastrophic and truly I think we all knew sooner or later this was bound to happen since it's been happening all over the world to other athletes - can you imagine the lawsuits? And rightly so. Not only taking away a lucrative career but quite possibly someones life.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough. My husband and I watched you on Tucker Carlson last night and thought your presentation was excellent. On some level, I believe everyone knows this event is very likely to have been caused by the gene therapy, but those in charge simply don't want to admit it.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

Several ppl I talked to instantly went with “it happens regularly” even though I said typically in a younger males until I finally asked “why do you so instantly insist IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN RELATED OR BE CAUSED from the jab”?? After a bit more discussion about it one lady DECLARED “do you just want me to admit I made a mistake taking the vaccine??? I was taken back that was her train of thought underneath bc I surely wasn’t seeking that from her at all!!! But it did lead to my understanding that people who have been jabbed (70-80% of the population) by admitting carnage from the jabs will then have to come to terms with bc they took the jab, that, they, themselves, could have heart damage or worse. THAT IS A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW, but I feel it’s what is often behind why people refuse to believe all the mounting evidence that the jabs could be damaging health and killing some.

Like Dr. Zelenko said, the evil conspirators had a brilliant plan and knew folks would have a difficult time admitting they went along with something that could very well kill them or shorten their life by developing new, possibly serious & debilitating heath issues. Fear and pride coming to terms with being lied to and manipulated into being jabbed, and what’s even worse, your health may be permanently damaged. This seems to be the primary reason for strong denial still occurring. I imagine it will only be a matter of time before it’s too obvious for folks to deny!! I just fear that’s when the evil doers go full force with the next level of human suffering to add further chaos, mayhem and financial damage!!! I than God for our heroes, especially DR. MCCULLOUGH, who continue to speak out despite the condemnation they endure. Thank you!!!

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You make a good point that people who have been jabbed can't even begin to think about what they might have done to themselves.

Another shout out to Dr. McCullough, where would we be without his courage?

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It is time to share information no matter how hard it is. Tucker’s show with you is a breakthrough

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Not yet confirmed???

"This is from the Steve Kirsch thread someone posted:

Dr. Ben Eidelman posted (TWTR? reposted to Social Galactic, from which I copied it):

"I recently administered Damar Hamlin's Covid booster on 12/26, and as a medical professional, I can assure the public he passed all screenings with flying colors. I am in contact with the UCMC staff and will provide any assistance to them."

Can you just HEAR him talking to the team owners?

“This is SO NOT MY FAULT!!! No, I didn’t do a d-dimer test for microclots. Why would I?! Heart scan for subclinical myocarditis? Why WOULD I?! NOT my fault!”

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I saw that post as well. And although I believe that there is a high probability of what happened being linked to the "vaccine", I question the authenticity of the post because it seems that it would violate privacy laws. (Yes, we NEED transparency right now, but would his doctor actually put himself on the line to disclose this?) I do however, pray that more medical professionals and families start disclosing the truth!

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The they that might care about HIPPA (privacy law) violations didn't care much about Aaron Rogers privacy related to his "vaccination" status, did they?

Which BTW raises the question if your going to use your public platform to shill for the shot than anything that happens to you related the shot should be public knowledge... IMHO.

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What a corrupt "medical professional"... Professional liar and cover-up artist is more appropriate... If this is true, the good doctor is headed for some stormy seas that will hopefully remove him from the healthcare field so that he can't harm any more Humans.

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I am always appreciative of your input and God’s call on your life and His gift to the world in all you have to say. I first heard you in Tyler in the very beginning days of Covid and knew then that you would be a life-force in what we faced as a people.

A little over a year later I ended up in the hospital with Covid pneumonia and I know it was because of the knowledge I gained that afternoon in Tyler that I walked out of the hospital alive. Thank you!

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Thank you for insisting, Peter on a full inquiry into the cause of Hamlin's cardiac arrest. If I were a COVID vaccinated NFL football player, I would now be asking myself, how do I know it's safe for me to compete, given the possibility there was a link between the vaccine and Hamlin's cardiac arrest which hasn't been fully and properly evaluated? If I were the owner of an NFL team, I'd be asking myself, what is my legal liability if another one of my players as a cardiac arrest, if I ask him to play without full and appropriate evaluation of the possible link between vaccinated NFL players and myocarditis? If I were a college or high school football coach, or possibly a coach of other sports, I'd now be asking the same question about my legal liability. If I were a parent of a COVID-vaccinated child competing in a contact sport, I'd be asking how safe is it for my vaccinated child to be participating in competitive contact sports? If I were a COVID-vaccinated person, I'd wonder how safe it is for me to be engaging in vigorous sports, or contact sports in particular? Given all the data showing the links between sudden death, myocarditis and the vaccine, I think this is the time to bring this data out for the NFL and all who engage in athletics to review. It is vital not only to Hamlin's situation, and to Hamlin's family, who deserve a reasonable medical assessment of the life-threatening event that occurred, but also to the well-being of all those who compete in sport or who have loved ones competing in sport that the cause of his cardiac arrest be elucidated, and done so using proper and up-to-date technology. I would say that shaming others for wanting to look into it is not proper and up-to-date technology. It is ancient and sad tradition in human history of vilifying those who threaten wealth and power.

As a corollary, to the above, it would be dangerous, reckless and extremely neglectful to all who engage in vigorous physical exercise, and their loved ones to neglect doing a proper evaluation of Hamlin. Moreover, there is a high probability that those hired to do the evaluation will be paid off or intimidated into not revealing any connection that has been established between his cardiac arrest and vaccine-induced myocarditis. Or to make it seem too conjectural to seriously consider. I think it is important to establish that if such results come out that the evaluators may have been biased, and that their results can't necessarily be trusted. Any bias on the part of the evaluators, if substantiated by credible evidence, would be fair game for a lawyer who is suing in behalf of future potential victims of vaccine-induced myocardial related cardiac arrest. Shout out to Tom Renz: be prepared to investigate this, as big Pharma and government agencies are likely to be preparing a massive cover-up operation at this very moment.

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Dr M, your ability to communicate the facts and the medicine in a calm and non-vituperative tone are exceptional. I hope that the hospital is not bound to nor tempted by the ransom on human life from our government. The fact that he is on a ventilator suggests that he is on paralytic drugs like fentanyl and midazolam. As you know, these drugs cause people to not be able to breath on their own and in conjunction with the use of mechanical ventilation, are the primary cause of death over the past three years for hospitalized people (intentionally) misdiagnosed with “COVID” pneumonia.

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Stated like a real cardiologist, physician and humanist. Thanks Doc.

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I disagree with Dr. McCollough. I don't think Damar will recover. I, and my husband, former professional football player, believe the young man is brain-dead.

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These kind of high profile events are the dam breakers. There’s been quite a few athletes all over the world collapsing on the field or “dying suddenly” over the past year and this trend will only accelerate. A big part of me thinks that most of the players already understand this. Which is what makes Aaron Rodgers public jab resistance so compelling. And they will have to decide whether the risk from the combination of the jab and intense athletic activity is worth dying for. Many will quit. Hopefully they will find the courage to speak out about why. But it’s a lot easier to get through life if you keep quiet about certain things in the Banana Republic States of America.

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Then we need to get all our miiltary jabbed to quit.

This would be the start of waking people in this country up to the evil that surrounds us and

wants us dead or Digital Currency/HEalth ID slaves.

Is anyone monitoring how many people saw it and what the reaction is? We need someone to estimate whiat percentage of the population has changed their minds from Jabs Good to Jabs BAd.

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We must get to the truth. I saw a patient today that got her 4th booster 11/8/22. I pray that when I show her the results of her elevated spiked protein, Troponin and d-dimer levels that I can convince her that she must stop. She is a 54 yo nurse, so she should understand the significance of these labs.

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You forget....THIS Govt is NOT interested in transparency or our GOOD health...just our obedience and control. If I was interested in being in the military again I would sign up...but I am too old...so why are they trying to shove such military style command and obey down the throats of people not signed up...because Biden folks believe YOU are but sheep to be led.

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We really ought to be investigating the cause of "suddenly dead". We also know there is an effort to not investigate. Given our limited experience with the mRNA platform, we ought to know a lot more before using it on a wide scale.

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If we make a fair estimate that there are numerous individuals with heart damage now, what do we exactly do to stop instances like this from happening? I truly believe the majority of people have stopped taking these shots as it is becoming obvious that something is going on around the world.

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Give them all a Basic Universal Income in Digital programmable form.

If the country doesn't effing wake up that Covid was only the opening salvo in the depopulation and salvery one world MotherWEFer schemes, we will all die.

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Very brave, and necessary.

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