It's pure theater. Paul knows Bancel is a criminal. See Katherine Watt's work at Bailiwick News. Bancel, and Paul because he is actually aiding and abetting criminals, are both mass-murderers. Look at Dr. Denis Rancourt's latest work - the SHOTS have killed over 13 million people globally:


Have you ever seen those directory maps that say "You are here"? Well, right now, you are in the middle of a depopulation project, that is, a mass murder project that was pre-planned for decades.

Peace. :-)

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I saw Rand Paul interviewed on this matter, and he still supports the notion that the shots are vaccines and somehow safe and effective. He refuses to see the 800 pound gorilla in the room--the criminality of Pharma and its captured regulatory agencies.

A very disappointing position for the son of Ron Paul.

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It's theater. He knows precisely what is going on. If he doesn't, he is extremely ignorant. DC is a uni-party; they do not control anything - even voting is rigged. My view on politicians is the same as Anne Barnhardts: ( from her web site )

What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.

Peace! :-)

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There is no reason they should have gone “light” on Bancel unless.......each Republican and Democratic congressman needs to have their financial accounts reviewed and transparent for ALL to see. What special interest groups have aligned their pockets. Again, I could care less what side the aisle these men and women sit on--each should have a righteous anger about what has transpired.


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Amen. By earlier accounts, I recall hearing that 2/3 of the US Congress has investments in big pharma.

Somebody should propose and pass legislation that requires our politicians to forego any gains due to COVID. Those funds should go into an account to help the vaccine injured.

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Love it!

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100%. Even here in Florida. Our "leaders" (GOV, AG, SG) know that citizens were murdered by hospital protocols. They know thousands have been killed and injured by the shots. Yet, they are cowards who cannot get past their own egos to do what is right. Peace. :-)

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Dr. M - I watched some of the hearing where Dr. Paul grilled him and HE LIED LIED LIED - so although I understand what you'd like asked this creep would just lie anyway. Just saw on Dr. Panda's substack - a 16 year old in cardiac arrest dies on an American Airlines flight - mother is suing American because the defibrillator was not charged - but the elephant in the room is the covid vax. Would be GREAT if Dr. Cole, you, Dr. Kory, Marik etc. formed an organization offering free testing for spike protein for all of these victims world wide to create a true data base of these sudden deaths. These pharma people are psychopaths and could care less about the safety - it's all about the money! I'd be happy to contribute. VAERS is manipulated and not clear - since there is no PROOF of the spike protein - but Dr. Cole says you can find it if you look for it. Each family in the news that suffers the sudden death of a loved one should be contacted and offered these tests. Time to fight back. I hate to say it, but this jerk said he vaxed his kids "either three or four times". Maybe he needs to suffer a loss to "get it" and maybe he's lying that he vaxed his kids at all. The man looked Sen. Paul in the eyes and LIED about myocarditis in the 16-29 male group. When the senator told him he had it from the CEO privately that it DOES cause myocarditis - he had no comment. You can ask a liar a million questions and he'll just lie. Imagine if we had an army of family members with proof the spike protein caused the deaths of their loved ones....in my opinion that's what we need to do.

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I’m suing (records are out to the experts) around my mother’s death. Here’s the thing….one may know that the vaccine played an integral role in the death of a loved one, but there are several layers. In my mother’s case the vaccine caused the sudden onset of Myasethenia Gravis….which the doctors failed to diagnose even though the symptoms were present. After 4 hospitalizations and the doctors treating her as having congestive heart failure and a stroke….I visited and knew things did not add up. I went home and did research (had been doing much of it along the way as well) reviewed VAERS and also, at the time McCullough and Malone were publicly speaking out. I told the docs to get a neurologist in and I told them she had MG. But she had already been in the hospital for over a week with little food and hydration due to swallowing difficulties. In essence, they starved and dehydrated her. When her breathing required the vent (she was supposed to get MG meds, but nobody wrote the order—all busy writing their hands over COVID, which my mother NEVER tested positive for), she died from cardiac arrest due to dehydration.

It’s not that the vaccine is the elephant in the room. It’s that there is no liability for the harm caused. But, as in my mother’s case the providers were negligent in addressing downstream effects….and that gets one some semblance of justice….then it is the only way to tell the story of abuse, neglect and needless deaths.

Today is my mother’s birthday. I have lost friends and family because I would not vaccinate. Even after my mother’s death (and my confirmed diagnosis that is on her death certificate) those same people will still tell me that the vaccine had nothing to do with it or they will say…”your mom did not die like that” and they were not the ones who lived through the nightmare…..THAT is the level of brainwashing we are dealing with.

After my mom’s death….later the paper on the effects of the innate immune system published by McCullough and others came out….and it describes right in it exactly what happened to my mother.

The spike proteins went to the spleen (she had an abnormal spleen imaging—but they ignored that) and exsomes traveled up the vagus nerve to the neural junction at the base of her skull (explains why she would describe while sitting down the dizziness that would come over her—-even passed out once with a nurse standing at her side).

She complained of pain at the base of her skull. First her speech would be impaired, but it would come and go. They said stroke but there was no evidence of a stroke and the pattern of her impairment made no sense. Than the swallowing difficulties. Which they just seemed to ignore, as if the stroke (that there was no evidence of) was continuing to cause problems and actually worsen her condition. She had fatigue that only worsened with the lack of nutrition and hydration. She was in the hospital (4th stay) for 12 days. They didn’t even bother to put a PIC line in for the first 10 days despite her inability to take much in by mouth. I can’t even think about what she endured without seeing red, feeling haunted by her isolation (they had a COVID outbreak so for the second half of her stay no one was allowed in).

Worse still, after she died. We had her phone….and my sister took it home. Unbeknownst to us (we were in the outside trying to get in) my mother had sent us messages via DB messenger that never went through due to the hospital’s poor internet connection. The messages went through after my mother died and my sister had taken her phone home where it automatically connected to WiFi.

So she died in a Thursday…on the following Saturday we got messages of her saying “no food, no water, no medicine….somebody call the doctor. Somebody help me. “. You get the idea. And despite having 5 children who were all close by trying to gain access….we never got the message and she slipped away and never having got the message we never answered. My last call with her she could not hold the phone. I began trying desperately by fighting with hospital administration to gain access while they neglected her to the point of no return. Unforgivable.

The vaccine set in motion a series of events that the doctors did not see because @safe and effective.” How many vulnerable Americans (especially the elderly) were misdiagnosed as having a stroke or heart incident and then were warehoused and essentially killed for failure to treat? How many elderly did not have an advocate at their bedside at critical points in their care?

And finally, that which will haunt me the rest of my days, how many elderly died alone, anxious, scared, cut off from their loved ones not knowing what was happening to their body? No peace, no comfort.

And now, those same people who shunned me just want to move on….and they ignore my mother’s passing because….you know, safe and effective and it is unfathomable to them that they have blood on their hands for weaponizing health decisions.

My only solace is that I had warned my mother about the vaccine. I had explained that given our family history of autoimmune I did not think the mRNA technology was safe. In my mind it was like rolling out a red carpet and inviting one’s immune system (especially if one already had a history of a rogue immune system) to attack one’s own body. Being in her early 89’s she said she felt damned if she did and damned if she didn’t…..such was the fear mongering and the effect of claims of no viable treatments for COVID. She never judged me for choosing not to vaccinate and she understood why I did not vaccinate my teen daughters. My in-laws….well that’s a different story.

But yeah, I’m supposed to get over it and move on.

My question for all the damn “experts”….how does one do that when those that killed my mother and those that cheered the Fauci et al death cult while kicking me and others who ask questions just slink off….How?

They have admitted nothing….will admit nothing. And they will do it again and those who in their arrogance made the unvaccinated the problem….will do it again. Such is their hubris and inhumane approach to public health. It’s all about the money and virtue signaling NOT science and health.

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So sorry you lost your mother under these terrible circumstances. My mom recently passed and your description sounds awfully familiar. Though they never got on the covid bandwagon, the medical people made no effort to diagnose, said she had likely suffered a stroke, couldn't swallow (though no specific evidence of it) and let her starve and dehydrate to death under the "benevolent" watch of hospice staff. Unfortunately, I didn't fight with them because I assumed docs at the hospital, nurses, hospice staff, were more knowledgeable than me and I didn't have much time to figure it out. It haunts me that my mom's last words were "I'm hungry". Praying for strength for you to fight this fight. Most just refuse to believe that our "medical" system has devolved into killing using a morphine induced haze to make our loved ones "comfortable", that a few short years ago could have resulted in criminal charges.

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If you run a search in VAERS around dysphasia or difficulty swallowing, you will be shocked at the numbers that come up. Run a search on dizziness and fainting....same.

I could share soooo much of what I have learned. Part of it is that I was already a victim of big pharma as a breast cancer survivor. In recent years, prior to pandemic I have done my own research and fought my doctors on certain advice. In the end, I have saved my own life on at least two occasions because I demanded different treatment than recommended. At least the doctors I dealt with have been humble and thanked me for pushing back. I am an attorney, but do not practice, I think just having “Esquire” behind my name has served me well. Meaning that at a certain point the doctors give me what I want because they are afraid of being sued if they are wrong.

I worry about all the patients who want to ask questions or whose gut tells them something different than the “experts” but they get bullied into thinking they do not have a right to ask questions and make informed choices.

I keep fighting as I have two teen daughters, but my spirit is broken....I’m tired and the waves just keep coming. How do we continue to fight this rising tide? I don’t know, but my sense is giving up is not an option.

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No, giving up is not an option. In my case, my mother was expected to survive, but had dementia and I appealed a recommendation to send her to a TCU, as they had no bed monitor or rails on beds, and she would certainly have fallen again. When the recommendation was then changed to long term care, I insisted on seeing nursing home facilities prior to them transporting her to one of them and objected to the s____holes that had openings, for $10-15,0000 monthly. They threatened that the hospital wouldn't cover her stay for the previous 2 weeks if I appealed again and I couldn't justify possibly losing all my parents' savings. I believe my mom chose to die, given the possibilities, as she was lucid at times and seemed to comprehend what was going on to some extent, and the medical staff were very willing to assist with that. Thank you for fighting this battle, but you need support. I worked in the court system for over 30 years and wrote hundreds of felony investigations. Not sure how to connect but might be helpful to you if you want help.

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I am horrified at your story, and those of so many others. My vegetarian marathon running sister, a big believer (she and her fire-captain husband both) in the god "Science", refused to even consider that jabbing the entire human species might be a bad idea, and took jab after jab.

If one jab caused discomfort, she reasoned, the additional jab would fix it. I loved her, but dammit, I TOLD HER what was going to happen.

Your resignation is exactly the reaction I have with all the friends and now family that are succumbing to this madness, leaving we few to deal with the culprits.

Actually, I'm counting on God to deal with this mess, despite the fact that I am culpable of neglect on my part, leaving these obviously corrupt politicians to their dirty deeds. God forgive me... Blessings to you. Thank you for your clear outline of events.

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Oh, Laura, I am so, so sorry for what your mother and you went through. Good for you for suing. We have learned a lot, unfortunately a lot of bad, about many of the doctors. My heart goes out to you. I wish for you the peace that surpasses understanding.

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Maybe line the chamber with vax injured persons during the next round of questions. The press might report on it if there's enough people present and Mr. Paul might ask the questions that need to be asked, accompanied by evidence of the correct answers that he can hand to the liar.

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Ruth, lots of these families have no idea it could be the vax. That's the problem

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True, but don't you think there's a sufficient number to stand at a hearing? Ron Johnson has had some testify and I imagine he's been contacted by many, especially parents of affected kids.

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Bancel is a criminal. His name is on a patent for the deadly spike protein - WAY before covid ever took place. Moderna had the "vaccine" BEFORE the "pandemic". He's a criminal. Rand Paul is a criminal too. Note had Mr. Paul always sounds like he's going to get "the guy", like Fauci or Bancel - but, and this is key, he NEVER takes action that he is authorized to do. Fauci has committed perjury hundreds of times. He is PROTECTED. It's a criminal network.

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I agree - Paul always stops short of saying it should be stopped immediately and that it's a danger to everyone. It's pretty tragic.

AND look at the poor souls who perished with the tornado in Mississippi - why doesn't the federal gov. give grants to each and every citizen in Tornado Alley for a tornado shelter? How do any of these politicians live with themselves? Those are poor people who live in trailers and wooden structures - SHAME ON THIS COUNTRY - we should develop a fund to protect our own people -

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Teach me how to and I'll gladly spend my time helping highlight the poison that has been fraudulently foisted on mankind by these godless parasites.

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I'm a former fan of Ms. Webb. Check out Diana West's articles concerning Whitney's "investigative journalism" at www.dianawest.net

Whitney connects dots without proper evidence; she is not doing proper investigations. Peace. :-)

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Senator Ron Johnson is the only member of Congress who has displayed courage and integrity in pursuit of exposing the truth about the dangerous adverse and potentially fatal reactions to the experimental mRNA injections. It appears that Senator Johnson may be the only member of Congress who is not accepting campaign $$$ from Pfizer and Moderna. We are truly grateful to Senator Johnson for his service as a genuine, honorable patriot representing his constituents and dedicated to upholding the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and defending our Constitutional Republic from the tyrannical assault to our Liberty from the Marxist Obama/Biden Regime.

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Your "five questions"? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

There is only one question that needs to be asked. All other questions, from a Big Picture general management point-of-view (that of the undersigned), amount to explorations/exploitations of the symptomatic; symptoms of a public policy/management decisions that are implicit.

Think about it this way: Envision my sales pitch for the Dodge-Cummins turbo diesel demanded that my customers buy it, and that they accept (or not, via non formal disclosure), that ZERO warranty coverage will be offered (i.e. just shut up and give me your money):


How many trucks do you think I would have sold (as opposed to enjoying RECORD sales due to extensive warranty coverage)? I put out a product that I knew could endure the brutality of the end user . . . it was such a competent product that I openly LAUDED/BOASTED-ABOUT THE WARRANTY COVERAGE (on the engine in-particular)!

In the alternative . . . the COVID-19 criminal syndicate. Again, the word implicit comes to mind. In a recent letter to Governor DeSantis and ACLI CEO Susan Neely I re-asked the following question:

"Does anyone actually believe that Mr. Albert Bourla would have sold his mRNA needles into a market wherein he and Pfizer were not protected by liability immunity?!"

Please see pdf page 4 of 19 here:



Once again, this otherwise laudable post provokes the following question: Why is it medical doctors in-particular avoid the LIABILITY IMMUNITY issue like the proverbial (medical malpractice insurance) plague?

Just so we're clear . . . Senator Rand Paul is a recipient (in hard copy) of nearly EVERY COVID letter I have written. Did he ask the Moderna criminal mr. Bancel about LIABILITY IMMUNITY at the hearing? Does Senator Paul declare himself a medical doctor?

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Paul is better than most but I agree here he ought to step up his game fast.

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WHAT? Listen to the first minute. Bernie Sanders thanks Moderna/Bancel for "SAVING MILLIONS OF LIVES" with their vaccine! What the h_ll, Bernie Sanders?


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Agreed. As a practice that treats the injured, there is so much more we could do for folks, but many are strapped financially as they are no longer able to work. Though we do not directly bill insurance, this matters not—most insurance companies fail to recognize vaccine injuries as an issue. In my opinion, Government, insurance and big Pharma are in bed together over what has been done to our nation. These hearings are just an absolute ruse or farce to give the “appearance” that something is being done.

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I so agree. They need experts like you Dr. McCullough. I am sure you have already done this. Please reach out to Senator Paul or at least Senator Ron Johnson to advise. Let us know if they refuse request. That would tell us a lot. Thanks for all you do Peter.

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I write to Paul and Johnson (Ron, not Boris) every so often. Maybe just a link to this article. Will they look at it? Why does the committee NOT call in experts? Can they bring Bancel back? What a weird dude.

We need a line of “Pandemic” action figures. Pope Innocent lll is already available (“die for the cause” as explained by David Martin). Fauci. Bourla. Bancel. Gates. Biden. And many more. They’ll be a hit with adults.

How about “Dead Barbie.” I can suggest some accessories. In the grocery store I saw GMO white flour spaghetti using Barbie for marketing ... you can’t make this up. If Barbie had all her childhood vaccines --of course she did -- and had such a deplorable diet, what chance when she gets a job, is mandated and Cherry Ames, Candy Striper, administers the COVID shots? Barbie would have died Q3 ‘21.

Is it likely that this investigation goes nowhere with the current DOJ? DOJ has to be investigated first ... no kid gloves. Jail time for Garland. How do we get there? New administration seems like the only way forward.

I have long since given up on our NJ Senators Menendez and Booker. They have never been anything but apologists for the Biden administration. Should I hammer them anyway? Waste of time.

Explain to me why the extermination of 1M Americans was never mentioned in the run-up to midterms. If no one can mention THAT where are they going with “origin” debate? The true origin was UNC was it not? Perhaps released in US also? The CIA knows, correct? Call David Martin to testify.

I had the virus. 3 days and done. Age 70. If I had a death wish all I had to do was report to the ER. “Gimme summa that there REM-desi-veer. Shaken, not stirred.”

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Dr. McCullough

This was the Q andA portion of a Senate hearing on the money Moderna wants to charge for more Covid vaccines. https://www.youtube.com/live/K8D0pCeABvg?feature=share

I watched about an hour of the Senators and Bancel talking about the cost of the vaccines. Senator Paul was the only Senator who didn't talk about the cost. As you correctly pointed out, while he did ask some questions of Bancel about myocarditis being caused by the Moderna vaccines, Dr. Paul did not spend any of his roughly five minutes allotted time asking about any of the other extremely important issues you have suggested. I hope some of the Senators at least paid attention to what Senator Paul said about young men 16 to 24 and myocarditis.

I don't really know how Hearings and Committees in the Senate and House work, but Senators Paul and Johnson might be able to tell you if they know how to call a Hearing with Bancel and others, to ask the questions you suggested.

Or, there may be another way that Paul or Johnson (or one of the House Representatives) can have Bancel's testimony taken. For example, in the other Congressional chamber, the House of Representatives, the Republicans not only hold not the majority vote, but they also have some fiery new members now, such as Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Josh Harley, whom, I believe, may be able to propose that the House open an Investigation into the matters you suggested. I suggest you send a letter to both Senator Paul and Senator Johnson, that asks "What are all the possibilities" for "Investigations, Hearings, or some other Procedure" that would be actually conducted "on the Senate floor" or "on the House floor."

Your letter, could also request that Senators Paul and Johnson "introduce me to Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Josh Harley" of the House.

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Hopefully this is a dry run for those involved with the Florida Grand Jury. They could get some good pointers from this letter and the comments by others.

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Bancel: from Wuhan to Moderna. I wondered once how it would go in a movie and I think the audience would say: "that's lame, too many funny coincidence in the storyline"!

By the way, from Wuhan to Modern with the help of some Agency (capital A) I believe…

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I have come to the conclusion that Rand Paul is controlled opposition. Pharma has bought him along with just about everyone else with the possible exception of Ron Johnson.

This is a box that I don’t see a way out of.

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