Peter, you know I think that observational versus RCT’s and their similar accuracy is not surprising. For instance the Mediterranean diet and its benefits was apparent to its consumers for centuries, the Asians with their white rice staple the same. Observing that the Amish kids who don’t take the US shot regimen do not have autism, that small practice general physicians knew remedies to help conquer various diseases and the general observation that those of us that consume non packaged “food” and soft drinks were generally healthier and slimmer than those that didn’t prove that our eyes are can make pretty good decisions.

For the entire medical industry to ignore and to reject any beneficial observational data with the excuse that only RCT’s would provide the answer to Covid was deliberate deceit and criminal.

Charlie DeSantis

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Agree. The only conclusion I can come to is; it was deliberate to ignore on the ground evidence of early multi-drug interventions. Doctors that were doing good work and trying to share were shut down. My guess is It was to increase hospitalizations and deaths, increase fear and make people desperate for an experimental injection that seems designed to harm.

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For the same reason that Ivermectin and HCQ were blocked, inventory purchased by military, and our health 'officials' on media circuits to denounce any viable solution...other than the mRNA vaccines. It was a single orchestrated plan to defend an Emergency Use Authorization.

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Critical thinking in conjunction with common sense remains a reasonable approach to many problems in the absence of large DBPC studies.

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Large randomized trials could have been started at the outset, would be well underway, if the powers that be were not afraid of seeing the benefits of these early multi-drug treatments.

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I would love to know about shedding, when is it safe to be around people who have been vaccinated. My mother still gets the covid vaccination at 94 years old. She is a believer and I am never getting vaccinated!

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I’m living in a Continuing Care Retirement Community where the residents here are eagerly waiting for their umpteenth booster. I’m in close contact with my neighbors, living in the same building. I, too, would like to see more research on shedding and I hope that we will soon be able to have a blood test that can distinguish the presence of spike protein from asymptomatic infection and spike protein acquired from shedding by someone else’s jab.

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But weren't large randomized trials of COVID shots done? I don't think they took years to complete. COVID shot trials supposedly showed very impressive results. Seems like what was done for COVID shots could also have been done for multi-drug therapies, but that did not happen.

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It was more than evident by March of 2020, with the success that Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was seeing with his treatment protocol (hydroxychloroquine/zinc/azithromycin) that early out-patient treatment was needed & indicated. Many other doctors who adopted & modified his protocol saw the same kind of success. To suppress or withhold these treatments was criminal.

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What planet is Jha from…that’s what you get when you bribe extraterrestrials.

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randomized statistical BS. Please tell us about Charles Richet of nobel prize winner fame.

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Exactly! What you knew all along!

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He was but a pawn in this entire chess game of bio-psych warfare…a true and apparently very well planned out well in advance to degrade and control the USA as a Nation. Remember that it was suppose to come to the USA first and with condemned travel have less of an impact on the rest of the World. There was such prior planning even the medical Boards were on board…to ensure the Hospital and States put their thumbs on any MD/DO that has dreams of being patient advocates and not bowing to the CDC. These folks are still in their positions to do the same thing again….they must all be purged for us to get our lives and health back. Free speech continues under major attack…only a MAGA win can stop this disregard for our Rights.

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