At this point, I believe nothing any of them say. It's a week today for the assassination attempt and we know nothing. If it had been a Democrat shot at, we'd know who the shooter's friend was in first grade. America is not safe and neither are we.

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The evidence all pointed to the hack coming from within the United States, not Russia. Crowdstrike is another Democrat shill

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Yeah, I wouldn’t put much faith in anything Crowdstrike says…

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This lends credence to my earlier comment that this was "likely" a test or practice run of sorts, I mean after all the main impetus here is total control and the internet is one of the last bastions of true free speech so it makes perfect sense to CONTROL the INTERNET at will...

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I work in IT and had to work on Thursday night…systems were down and/or not communicating properly during the RNC finale. I couldn’t help but wonder if the timing was intentional (disrupting or distracting from RNC). Or perhaps a dry run for something later. It’s hard not to be a conspiracy theorist these days.

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I noticed that towards the end of the RNC. Makes me think maybe they were running a bit behind and didn’t get it deployed in time to interrupt it. Hard to believe anything is accidental now with the timing.

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Definitely a beta test

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It was probably both, and more…

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These events are not left/right. Both sides are controlled to manipulate us. Assume everything is fake.


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Jeff Childers has some interesting thoughts about crowdstrike.


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I might add to best be prepared is to embrace old technology i.e. shortwave radio, cb radio, and many other analog technologies of the past, many are emp proof kinda like old cars w/o ecu's and the like. Old tech, use a "ground rod"...Use an old start for a new start if necessary, what do we have to lose?

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Shortwave radio is getting sparse. Many stations have shutdown as the internet has take their place. I have a couple of receivers but don't find much.

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Stations that cannot get adds go under.

Ham rules prohibit “Broadcasting”.

The “frequencies” are controlled by the gubment.

Things Will change when they can no longer enforce the rules. But if you don’t already have the equipment, antennas and skills, it won’t do you any good.

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I couldn’t agree more. It’s impossible to envision a faulty patch getting distributed globally. Their processes would require testing in all manner of server configurations, and environments before releasing to their client base. I had responsibility for IT with many companies in my past careers, if my cyber security Software provider caused all my windows servers to crash, I would be out shopping for a new provider immediately after I got my servers back online.

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Dry run of the Great Reset.

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save yourself a lot of grief and switch to *nix operating systems. Gates' OS is fraught with vulnerabilities and constant patching.

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I believe Y2K was Bill’s first “pandemic”.

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This is not my original find, but that of a person who posted a comment in Jeff Childer’s “☕️ & 🦠” Substack today.

Interesting timeline with video receipts: https://x.com/MJTruthUltra/status/1814395746994552975

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Blackrock and Vanguard need to recoup losses from bad bet on botched hit job.

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Is Crowdstrike a front organization for the CIA???

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Or for the WHO/WEF ??

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Or all of the above?

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The Rabbit Holes are Deep and Connected. https://rumble.com/v57nxjx-mind-blowing-interview-w-whitney-webb.html

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"I wondered about Binney’s concept on a DNC insider when I researched the mysterious death of DNC insider Seth Rich"

Excellent additional reference former UK Ambassador Craig Murray longtime WikiLeaks ally who has made public his trip to Washington D.C. where the leaked DNC trove was given to him on a thumb drive.. file transfer forensics by Bill Binney are solid but Craig has chain of custody. :~)


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