Thanks for this post Peter - heartening, this day, to see a doctor of your intellectual, academic and ethical stature making this obvious connection. The rational, epidemiological, historical, statistical, anecdotal, bio mechanical, common sensical evidence all points to mass vaccination as the most probable prime cause for much, if not all, of the chronic illness, injury and sudden and excess death that we now see increasing world wide in vaccinated populations. Until we see robust unequivocal evidence to the contrary we must assume that mass vaccination is the culprit and stop it all now while the proper studies - never done - are done. We also urgently need proper legal protections for informed consent and protocols for its delivery by all doctors each and every time any vaccine is suggested (a bit like being read your rights by a police officer). Above all, the right to refuse without discrimination. Thanks again and God protect you.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough, for speaking out on this (again). I can’t imagine any sane physician actually buying into the nonsensical gender dysphoria ideas now being pushed all around the world or actually thinking it’s acceptable to inflict so-called sex change operations on children, never mind actually performing them. It is horrific that gender mutilation has been mainstreamed and is being treated as a legitimate medical intervention. I’m reading RFK, Jr.’s newest book (The Wuhan Cover-Up). He describes how the medical establishment in both Germany and Japan were full participants in horrifying human experiments that included dissecting living people, including children, who they had infected with various pathogens to harvest their organs for study. The parallels with what is going on today are chilling. The same mindset and destructive ideology that encourages gender mutilation with euphemisms like "gender affirmation” also is behind a myriad of destructive ideas ranging from so-called wokeness to the worldwide push to inject people with profoundly toxic spike proteins allegedly to prevent what for most people amounts to no more than a cold or mild flu. The whole system has run off the rails and taken the medical profession with it.

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I agree with you 100%. And speaking about dissecting children and harvesting their organs for experimentation, think of all of the drugs and products that have made use of cell cultures derived from the harvested organs of healthy babies who were aborted. The researcher is in the room with the abortionist to quickly remove the desired organ within minutes before death of the tissue. Cells from that organ are then grown in culture and are immortalized. This isn’t something that just happened in the 1970s. This practice continues today. Remember the recent scandal at the U. of Pittsburgh. And don’t forget the undercover video of people from Planned Parenthood talking over a meal in an public restaurant about how much money they could get for the sale of certain organs. (BTW, the journalist, David Daleiden, is facing jail time and fines)

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I’m very glad you are speaking out on this. I have a granddaughter who is autistic, and I fear she could be easily swayed.

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You are an inspiration Dr. McCullough, a brave and principled man speaking truth to power.

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Thank you for this interview. It feels like the entire world has gone crazy all at the same time. We need reasonable voices counteracting the madness.

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I'm so glad to see you writing more on this issue. Sadly, the most at-risk age group for these "treatments" are not the under-18's, who at least have parents to protect them. It's the kids who are "adults" between 18 and 26, when their brains are still developing but they're away at college or otherwise able to access these gruesome treatments, and their parents can do nothing to protect them. These kids most often have autism, PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia, bipolar or a combination thereof, yet they tend to have high IQ's and are high-functioning, and therefore they are not legally disabled. No one is protecting these young adults; that is the mission of groups like Partners for Ethical Care, whose mission is to abolish the gender industry for ALL vulnerable people, not just those under 18.

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Ditto your summary. I expect most north american citizens would agree.

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Hey my Boomer generation! Remember those elite snotty liberal Boomer university youth in the 1960’s chanting hate America sloganeering. The ones that promulgated the drugged up hippies and Jodie’s to riot, burn, loot, cities and eventually university campuses just like today? Yeah, they were following their Marxist wannabe older students and strategically placed Marxist professors. Marxism, the colloquial root of Communism’s lexicons was very popular on Boomer youth campus. They also ascribed to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for radicals (a protesting Clinton favorite) which basically says plagiarism, twisting the truth, and cheating is COOL, remember? They hijacked the original legitimate protests against a Congress in disarray upon the assassinations of the three “K’s” for its lack of due diligence before boots on the ground in Vietnam. That’s what Marxism does, hijacks everything by shuffling the words, but first it must capture academia and it began in earnest in the 1960’s. The protests were turned into the “anti war movement” that no one could deny, hiding the facts as usual that both Communist China and Russia were the real elephants in that war room, flipping the script by claiming Ho Chi Minh was just a poor ole revolutionary hero, you know, like Castro and Guevara. The NVA and formidable seasoned VC that were waiting for us they said were “ just farmer soldiers”, blaming the war on the convenient “military industrial complex”, the ruthless government, and anyone in uniform, cop, mailman, fireman, you name it. Before they were done Hollywood starlets who traditionally were pin up girls for young soldiers rather made greater names for themselves flying to North Vietnam to do photo opps on enemy artillery to demoralize America, the military, and especially American POW’s all in the name of “anti war” like Antifa baby fascists. Most putty headed college Boomer kids were unwittingly taken in by the Marxist rhetoric, same as their grandkids today trying to take the war out of the hands of the American military and insidiously undermining within. They filtered the hate America sloganeering “hell no we won’t go” and “hell yes free love”, ah, no, that’s not my kid, abort to undermine the nuclear family with lots of drugs. It was filtered down from elite stratigic Marxist’s in university, down through tiered colleges, high schools, and on to kitchen tables. Before they were done the war had gone sideways for eleven years rather than a few, a million more were killed, and every weary Nam veteran had been slandered into oblivion as murders and baby killers. Sound familiar? Today that 8% of Boomers are loathsomely quiet. Most Boomers and America had tried to defend their exiled soldiers for going forth in their name, not necessarily defending war, but the Marxists and wannabe’s in academia followed Gramci’s “march through the institutions”. Today they are seniors in all things American institutions and government, still insidiously undermining truth, attempting to dismantle America’s unique Constitutional Republic intended to protect democracy from historically cannibalizing itself with unending, untethered fickle liberal victimhood and meaningless equity of plantation mentality long promulgated by the roots of the Democrat Party. For six decades my groupthink Boomer generation, notably “programed” beginning with the innocent 12” black and white TV have been led to believe America is rather defined as a “democracy” just because we vote, giving the Democrat One Party mentality for America great advantage over the responsibility of the Constitutional Republic’s citizenry, undermined by loathsomeness for one’s own country, thus open borders, intentional chaos brought about by whatever hate America faction that wants to join in, unelected globalist collaboration because according to Marxist ideology capitalist Constitutional Republics are “bad”.

Today those same 8% of Boomers are now seniors with their offspring at the helm of American institutions. In their mid lives they entered politics lying, plagiarizing, and buying votes. As the planted Havaud President said “it’s all a matter of context”, genocide that is. In 1993 Clinton established the uniparty with a handful of Republicans living off Reagan’s laurels. Reagan’s administration had orchestrated the fall of the Berlin Wall. Boomer uniparty members under the Democrat banner thought this was the chance to destroy weakened Russia, their bipolar childhood nightmare conflicting with their bosom of freedom post WWII. Clinton and the uniparty immediately made China a favored nation, simultaneously gutting middle American manufacturing, sending it abroad, waging everything on the coming of big tech to handle China and eventually use Ukraine to destroy the Russian bear for good. Remember, these particular elite Boomers were lovers, not fighters. Offshoring middle manufacturing severely depressed the middle (deplorable’s) into misfeasance and drugs to survive, to the delight of the coming big China Pharma. In the interim of the latter 1990’s while Wall Street cheated the little people out of investments with bail outs in a myraid of ways was that Boomer skilled labor was told they could learn to programing as America could “service” the world to control it, and the financial offset would be Boomers buying cheap junk from global slave labor regimes. What you witnessed in the past eight years is the culmination of work done to sell off America before its demise by that same 8% Boomer wannabe Marxists of the 1960s’ and their grandchildren who still live in the bosom of freedom paid for by decent American citizenry and American soldiers who went forth in their name. The most recent loathsome hating on America, more pervasively and insidious now because of AI’s ability to avail the Marxist’s the advantage of corrupting all aspects of technology and censorship by multi faceted global entities, and the sludge and blood that splatters everywhere when a brave citizen fights back is the effect of misplaced Boomer youth trust in their Marxist professors of the 60’s, all in the name of avoiding wars that they have mismanaged in the name of “democracy” for six decades and worsens as the current administration who has locked itself away from America flails at the problems they created. Yes, the lobbyist Pentagon and administrative generals are far from “expert” at deterring war through strength having wagered everything on big tech because patriotism seems to have stopped at the Colonel’s rank. Today’s administration has collaborated with unelected global conglomerates to install a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar in your face to demoralize America no different than the “anti war protests” of the 60’s. They have the power, you do not. What are you gonna do about it, citizen? When war actually comes to America it will not be totally nuclear as has been used for eight decades to promote the narrative of anti war myth. Of course war is insanity, but the alternative is walking oneself into lifetime compliance of torture and slavery where the beatings only stop when morale improves. The preemptive will not come in major strikes of nuclear apocalypse but an undermining demoralization of the people, disruption of technological grids shutting down everything, food, transportation, comunication, pharmachological medicine, water and every Boomer grandchild’s hand held device that tells them every move they must comply with to perform the next. Soon after a ground assault the likes of Gaza ten thousand fold will happen, now that all the “domino’s” and pawns have indeed fallen over six decades.

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Add this to your personal stack. Much agreement from me.

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Thank you for that well written insight, Mr. Bernat❣️🙏

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Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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God Bless you Dr. McCullough for speaking out so clearly about this issue.

The "doctors" who enable this "in the name of medicine" are monsters! They should not have a license to practice!

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I find it un-amazing that so many in academia are now shocked by the aggression of the totalitarian States and the number of regimes that hate America. Yet still, dopey people say America deserves it for being a “bad” country. So holding an umbrella over the free world for eight decades post WWII has been bad, bad, America. Shame on you America, and “the military industrial complex” that has been tainted by the bad actors that have been allowed to flourish in the vacuum of this insidious Marxist infiltration. Three decades ago the so called elite Boomer university youth of the 60’s became of political age filling the seats in government. The Clintons, Bushies, Kerry’s, and their ilk all decided to hitch Communist deceit, censorship, and tyranny to America’s Van believing big tech could handle their old/new friends. Unfortunately those few Boomer whiz kids promulgated corruption and the loathsomeness that comes with Socializing it all and as we see, eventually the corruption pulls the Van. The citizenry must find its hero’s that can take the abuse for years. It’s called war folks, keeping freedom is an everlasting war, either at home by its citizens or on the physical battlefield. So far the hero’s have been painted the Ogres, and their tweets that hit back which is how we all know is the only way to deter the bullies are amazingly still being contemplated, but only by those who refuse to admit they were wrong.

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Mic drop I wrote an unpublished book of 20k words I'm turning into a podcast called the Autymom Diaries. Around the time of Jenny McCarthy story etc MT journey w/ my boy who was a babbling baby to zero speech and what I called planet Mars back in the day. I had published written blogs on WordPress as well. I was studying to be a Psychologist with Pediatric and Autism specialist. I quite my studies after I learned more of how it was all corrupt etc. Plus women getting vaccines during pregnancies with the (risk/no risk factors and do the benefits outway the risk, did you have a preexisting condition that can make one worse if vaccinated?) Why does a baby need a vitamin k shot? If the baby is healthy born at term there is zero need. Etc etc etc. After reading Karyn Seroussi's book

Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: A Mother's Story of Research & Recovery.

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tried to edit this but it won't let me? My journey w/ my boy*

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Thank you Doctor McCullough. I have a friend who as a young boy thought he should have been born a girl. He played dress up as an adult and went out to bars with others exploring the same issues. By the time he was in his fourties he mentioned that he was happy being a guy and no longer interested in dressing as a woman does. Our youth I hope will be counseled about others experiences with transgenderisim and how they eventually got board with it or developed a natural desire to be in their own skin. In my experience by the time I hit my forties I finally became comfortable (weight issues) with my own body form. Time changes things.

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