Thank you for helping everyone remember this heinous event.

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Life is about PERSPECTIVE and there have been many deaths surrounding the Shadow Govt. as International Mafia Network.

Remember this death and it was remarkable given the whistleblowing and obvious CORRUPTION of that time.

There was another bizarre report around that time about Bill Clinton meeting Loretta Lynch at the Pheonix Airport by Christopher Sign reportedly sending the FBI into hysterical maneuvers to find the leak. Odd how he turned up dead for no reason years later. So many sinister activites reported as 'Disappearances' and 'Suicides' in odd and impossible ways.


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Just like the first recent Boeing whistleblower

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Just keeps happening.

They no longer care about hiding...All the Terror Porn possible is their preference

as it's a message to all the normies to close eyes and shut-up.

Just now, people are beginning to not care; U.S. BEGINNING TO STAND.

This time the whole Death Cult from thousands of years is going to be unravelled and totally eradicated from Earth.

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I believe I read s lo somewhere that Hollywood is not going to hold anything back

They are Supernaturally being brought out in the open with their desire for little children and their Blood. They are promoting restaurants that serve Human flesh.

You can Not reason with a Sick Mind. Pray hard for them to suddenly get the urge to get Right with God,and collaborate with Him to bring the whole Sick poop down.

God has You and Me, right now for a purpose and I pray that We get it Done. 🙏☝️ Viva Cristo Rey

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OMG!!!!! I never knew that Christopher Sign was another victim of the Clintons. Holy flipping cow. And EVERYONE just accepted that he committed suicide, despite his public statements about death threats and code words for his family. No one who speaks up is safe. They are always made an example for others.

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This event was never a focus on any news, even Alternative Media.

Read about it in a magazine while in Waiting Room of Dr. Office.

When the report of the Airport Meeting occured; to speak about Grandkids, you know...KNEW THE PERSON VIEWING THAT WAS IN DANGER.

The Bush Crime Syndicate of North America behind the Clintons/OBastards/OBiden's does not forget; nor miss when they eventually get to their guy when nobody's looking.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

????? Of the Clintons? It wasn't the Clintons that arranged for Hillary's first foray into share buying to make her a huge profit on what should have been a massive loss, the losses being passed onto the mugs instead, it was those who saw the Clintons as easily manipulated people that could be useful to them. Remember who Hillary was begging forgiveness from in a hugely embarrassing way in one of those e-mails because she couldn't attend some random event that some talentless woman had planned? I seem to recall her name was Lynne Rothschild. I cringe even now at Hillary's grovelling. No, the path has been smoothed for the Clintons, ........ not by the Clintons. Look behind the veil which is simple enough as it was ripped in two 2,000 years ago.

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Billy was one of the ethically elastic, morally bankrupt and sociopathically ambitious university undergrads CHOSEN for Grad at Oxford's Rhodes Trust Scholar Program used to indoctrinate such into TREASONOUS EVIL against the United States; people literally taught and hounded into lying, manipulating, raping,, thieving...Perpetrating any evil necessary as though 2nd Nature.

The goal is to brainwash the FEUDAL-IMPERIALIST Agenda into them; the same agenda made confusing as it's actual FEUDAL-TOTALITARIANISM under the camouflaged definitions of: Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Maoism and all the NOVEL BRANDS of Feudal Totalitarianism now existing since the 20th Century. IT ALL BEGAN WITH FEUDAL IMPERIALISM which is TOTALITARIANISM; the most Demonic and common form of Govt on Earth since human arrival on the planet.

Hitlery was indoctrinated as OBastard; through the Minefield of 'Community Organization' in Chicago under the Alinsky Ideology Alinsky, himself, declared to be based upon the Biblical Satan/Lucifer.

GREAT COUPLE, huh? Pray for their kids and Grandkids...Such horrors on Earth.

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He was a local Phoenix reporter, so his death wouldn't have resonated nationwide as easily. He just happened to be at sky Harbor at the right time to catch that meeting. His presence for that story was entirely unplanned.

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He wrote a book about it and went on plenty of national interviews. Also, the story he broke itself was huge when he broke it. And very damaging to HRC. There should have been more attention on it. And still should be.

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True, but he was still viewed as "Phoenix local", most of the rest of the state even, paid little more attention to him than that.

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How much of a national name was Seth Rich before he was murdered? I don’t think anyone had heard of him. At least Sign had written books and been on national news interviews. And was still alive and talking about what he saw and wrote a book about nationally before he got spooked and moved home to Alabama. What Seth Rich uncovered was arguably more devastating (though a lot of that has been considered to be conspiracy theories by MSM and half the country). But Clinton talking to Lynch at that time with the investigation into HRC was pretty significant as well.

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Add another to the Clinton Body Count. The 2021 Post story says police were investigating Sign's death as a suicide. 45 years old, family man, successful, everything to live for. About the Lynch/Clinton meeting: 'It was a planned meeting. It was not a coincidence,' Sign wrote, despite the elaborate orchestration of such an appearance. The New York Post's headline at the time was a classic: 'Snakes on a Plane'.

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Yeah, everyone holds a flight on the hot July tarmac in Phoenix, risking an heat grounding, for over an hour to talk about the grand kids and golf, while another flight diverts hours out of its way, to do so, and also risks an heat grounding delay. That just makes so much sense... NOT!

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And yet, all the sheep bought the story. Led by the MSM.

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Of course they did; requires too much information to understand why that was totally stupid, therefore means they were up to no good.

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And don't Ever be the Chef for Any President. Too many are suddenly suiciding themselves🤬

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Well, we have a doozie of a False Flag Op here now don't we ?


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Good article but the sentence that concludes the penultimate paragraph is confusing. “The fact that proper security was withheld from the event is so obvious that people have a hard time believing it was an intentional act.”

People have a hard time believing that withholding security was NOT intentional.

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I do not argue that the Deep State took a shot at Trump. But so many doors were left open that someone was bound to step through.

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The PTB undoubtedly have a contract out on him, but so many mentally unstable leftists at all levels are so filled with the hate propaganda they'd take a run at him for "free" as well. This is especially true of the younger set, hyped up on psychotropics as well as the hate-filled lies.

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"Security was laid back and lax" Dire Straights

The biggest mistake of July 13 2024 was such in my estimation.

Saturday morning hangovers are never the topic of investigating.

Crooks finished up his homework on site with 99% "0" red lights. All were green Go!

The lives and injuries of supporters that day is really the worst part of that tragedy.

And the heartaches of the families forever ingrained. A real life JFK moment once again.


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And 55+ people affiliated with the Clinton's all killed themselves too. Sometimes twice.

There are people in prison FOR LIFE with less circumstantial evidence than the Clinton's dead 'friend's'

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I know some of them, but I would be interested in a complete list. Do you have one? Ron Brown, Whatshisname Foster, Epstein. Who are the 52 others? I don't doubt, I'm just curious.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Wow, thanks. And people talk about Putin. Well, of course, everything is circumstantial, as it would be in arranged murders.

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Vince Foster

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Weren’t there 2 women who shot themselves in head? Unlikely two women associated with Clinton’s would shoot self in head not impossible but strange right?

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What's the expression? Surpassing strange?

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It's my understanding, Seth Rich had data on him that was stolen, so it was a robbery, just not for money. The data allegedly incriminated the DNC and was about the primaries being stolen from Bernie Sanders.

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Of course, I always have thought that stunk to heaven. I don’t know why his family is not curious

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I believe his family was threatened to keep their mouths closed.

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As sick as this hypothesis is, perhaps they were staunch Democrats who believed that Trump was Satan personified and that their son took one for the team (I apologize for the grotesqueness of that idiom), and so are willfully blind. Like that Congressman's daughter who died in her sleep, and he failed to indict the covid vaxx - they are too emotionally invested in the narrative and refuse to see what their brains tell them is the truth.

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.... sucks when you work for an organization that wants to kill all of humanity.

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Paid off

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Initially Seth Rich's family wanted to investigate his murder, but they were 'persuaded' to back off. They were rabid Democrats, as AnnR notes in her Comment. Also Seth Rich was not a selfless hero -- he wanted money. It's not clear whether he received any.

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No. It was passed (I think through his brother) in a park to former (UK) Ambassador Craig Murray, who delivered it to Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

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This is the quickest reference I could find. Murray has been interviewed on it, and wrote it on his blog. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4034038/Ex-British-ambassador-WikiLeaks-operative-claims-Russia-did-NOT-provide-Clinton-emails-handed-D-C-park-intermediary-disgusted-Democratic-insiders.html

"A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by 'disgusted' whisteblowers - and not hacked by Russia."

"Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.

"'Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,' said Murray in an interview with Dailymail.com on Tuesday. 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.'

Bear in mind that there were two (or three) different DNC leaks. The (supposed) Seth Rich leak was from the DNC campaign, and revealed the information about cheating against Bernie Sanders.

The other, I think, was hacked by "Guccifer", and then, from memory only, that hack had been copied by the ~CIA? and then planted as false evidence against the Russians. Julian Assange pointed out a regular time error in the ~CIA? cache.

A different set of emails, the Podesta emails, had been obtained through a simple fishing exercise. His staff member had clicked a link in a spam fish email. Not sure who did the fishing.

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You failed to mention the big deal that the kill was from two .22 calibre shots to the back of his head, assassination without a doubt!!

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I am a criminal defense attorney. All my clients use 9mm.

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Indeed. No casual robber/mugger/murderer is going to carry a .22

9mm is the best compromise/optimum for street crime weight/size/bang

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As someone who doesn't know a lot about specific firearms, can you explain why they always use 9 mm? Thanks.

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9mm is popular because it's a good compromise cartridge. Less powerful cartridges like 22 LR, 25 auto, or even 380 are considered by many to lack stopping power. More powerful cartridges are louder, more recoil (harder to fire follow-up shots accurately), and require a larger gun frame. 9mm is a sweet spot, good enough power, controllable, and a fairly small handgun can accommodate it. And, since it's so popular, ammo is cheap and sold anywhere ammo is sold. In revolvers, 38 special occupies the same sweet spot.

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deletedJul 21·edited Jul 21
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No, I understood it was two shots in the back. He was alive in hospital, stable the surgeons had saved him, and that his organs were subsequently donated.

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Yes, alive in hospital, but cared for by a nurse related to a Clinton speechwriter...

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From memory there was CTV vision of Donna Brazile walking into the hospital.

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That's interesting, I didn't know that. Of course DC Police haven't asked her what she was doing there.

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They may have, and she likely replied that she had a pastoral concern in her fellow DNC worker, or some-such.

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deletedJul 21
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Suddenly, I just thought of the US flag angel on Trump shooting day and thought of Seth Rich in all his US flag clothes.

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Crowdstrike struck again, too.

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I have one word to add to this: Benghazi

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CrowdStrike/FBI/Hillary Clinton

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Gopher Broke

Court Order in 2022 directed FBI to release contents of Seth’s computer. FBI asked judge for 66 years to do so. Status now?


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At least that’s better than Pfizer’s 75 year delay…🙄

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Luc Lelievre

12:31 PM

I concur with you that this may be the case. However, Epoch Times' Crossroads sees the CCP's influence everywhere, particularly in the negative actions within Western democracies. Why is that?


Sasha Latypova

AUTHOR • 12:54 PM

Epoch Times is a propaganda outfit for Falun Gong. So, of course they see CCP everywhere, they are paid to do so.

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This demonic hate will not end-

.praying for President Trump!

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Yes, it will, but Trump will not cause it! The return of Yeshua will!

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How many coincidences are required prior to conducting an investigation… funny how crowdstike is central to yesterday’s computer crash. Investors (blackrock) had a put placed that would benefit from Pres Trump’s assassination… the assassin had been in a blackrock video… CNN live broadcast the rally, not common practice by the network… just coincidences I’m sure. Seems more likely scripted by Taylor Sheridan… more similarities with The Mayor of Kingston than Madam Secretary.

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And guess who is Assistant Director of the S.E.C and can make all those puts a "mistake" by the wave of a hand ! Peter Strozk's wife Melissa Hodgeman is currently the Assistant Director of the S.E.C !


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Holy shit.

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Your rational, thoughtful, and logical thoughts on the Seth Rich murder or on the assassination attempt seemingly has no place in public discourse today. And yet, a minority of us will always see through the psy-op, so please keep on writing for COURAGEOUS discourse.

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But it couldn't have been Seth Rich who took data from the DNC--after all, Crowdstrike said it was the Russians, directed by Putin himself, and the U.S. intelligence community agreed, as did their reliable mockingbirds (WAPO, NYT, NBC, ABC, CBS etc.). Of course this was before the intelligence community lost anything that remained of its credibility by declaring Hunter Biden's porn- and payola-laden laptop to be Russian disinformation a week or so before the 2020 presidential election.

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I thought I'd read somewhere that the FBI has evidence about the Seth Rich murder that they refuse to release. Maybe computer files?

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They have his laptop.

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On the Trump Assassination attempt in Butler, Pa on July 13, 2024, Secret Service (SS) reportedly removed his regular SS Detail with whom Trump has a good rapport and close personal relationships and subbed in questionable temps from DHS. Three were short women with no hope of protecting the upper body and head of 6’ 3” tall Trump. My gut is his regular team would have moved heaven and earth to keep him safe, Trump never would have been brought to the podium with an uncontrolled threat of a gunman in the area, particularly in a straight line of close firing range to the podium.

No security was posted to the building roof the shooter used, no one could find him for an hour as bystanders alerted both police and SS to a potential threatening man; later, the witnesses could see the gunman on the roof of that building (about 1/2 hour BEFORE shots rang out with another warning to police and SS 10 minutes before the shots) from their vantage point on the same side of the building as the shooter. Patriots were screaming at the cops to do something.

Not enough resources were designated for Trump’s rally because of a First Lady event and a separate VP event, also in PA at the same time. Of course, neither of these two ladies receive the Assassination threats that Trump does, so naturally you move your best protection to the two ladies and ‘hope’ that nothing happens to Trump. I understand scheduling is rigidly controlled for all Secret Service protected principals to be sure of sufficient security resources, so no extra events would be normally allowed to be added to the schedule at the last minute or even in the advance planning stages.

So my understanding is that the SS sniper team WAITED UNTIL THE GUNMAN FIRED AT TRUMP, before taking the gunman out. One man killed, 2 seriously injured in the crowd in the bleachers and the next President of the USA grazed with gunfire and literally barely hit by just one shot because Trump slightly moved his head at the exact right moment; he was fully missed by at least 6 other shots that hit around him as he dropped to the floor behind the podium.

I believe God Almighty was with him on that day. It is literally a miracle that Trump is alive.

Why did Secret Service snipers wait for a man with a rifle on a roof to fire first, when they have full authority to take out any armed threats BEFORE a shooter fires. Even regular police fire first around 90% of the time in the face of armed threats!

So, with ‘no social media’ and no forensic analysis of the crime scene, the self described trustworthy FBI tells us that the shooter Crooks was identified from his DNA (how, when he was never arrested for any crimes?)with no ID or anything else on him for identification and they assure us he was ‘a lone gunman’ because they tell us so, without any evidence or analyses whatsoever to backup any of their statements.

A man in an FBI shirt was seen HOSING OFF the roof where the gunman died, on the same day before sunset, and before any kind of legitimate FBI, SS or Police forensic evidence gathering could possibly have been done. This washes away potential evidence. Where is the brass showing the number of shots taken, where is the gun for that matter, were any GSR gunshot residue tests done on the dead shooter and his weapon?

Where are the details on the security plan and chain of command?

Where are text, audio, radio, cellphone, email or any other records of communications among the security teams and staff?

Where are the interviews of witnesses in the crowd?

Why were people with backpacks admitted when rally attendees were originally told no backpacks allowed?

Why minimal backpack searches?

How did the shooter bring in a big backpack, an AR15 rifle, a 5’ ladder, and plentiful ammo without being interviewed and detained until the rally was over?

Why was the inner perimeter around the podium set up like a PAC-man with a missing piece, instead of a full circular perimeter?

Naturally, the shooter set up on the roof exactly in the missing pie piece where no SS coverage was established; how did the shooter know to set up in the exact spot with no security coverage in the pie-piece excluded from the perimeter? Did someone tell him he would be safe there?

Why is the head of SS unwilling to answer the questions of US Senators who have oversight of her agency?

Also, the FBI reported there was also a potential bomb or bombs in Crooks’s car (and a remote detonator on the roof where the shooter died) but we have no idea if the car was found near the Trump rally or miles away; nothing to see here...really? Fingerprints on the detonator? Pictures of the roof with the shooter and his gun and any gear in the place it was found?

Witnesses among the crowd on the ground thought some shots (the 4 rapid fire ones after the first 3) came from another direction, possibly from the highest vantage point on the water-tower behind the rally area, which might have been a good location for one of the Secret Service sniper teams (only two were supplied) for this rally if they had posted SS there.

This was a deep state Hail Mary to endanger Trump at the very least, or worse.

My questions and the above information come from reviewing information posted and questions posed by citizen patriots on both Rumble and You Tube channels and Substack. On Rumble: Dan Bongino (former Secret Service), YT or Rumble: Chris Martenson/Peak Prosperity, Substack on Outspoken Naomi Wolf: Brian O’Shea (personal security expert) and of course, this article where I am commenting.

Maybe we should put the producers of Hollywood crime shows in charge of security plans for SS, they seem to have a better grasp of necessary steps and chain of command coordination.

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I seem to have written this on the Wrong Substack regarding a different political murder. Sorry about losing track but I will let it stand.

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It seems to fit here!

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It's a magnificent work, but I was wondering whether to suggest you post it on one of his many Trump shooting-related substacks :D

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Oh boy, you sure have covered it ☝️🙏

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Not unlike the 2020 election… not wide spread but targeted… it would only take the agent in charge to set the stage for opportunity. Means and motive were already set.

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