So debating vaccines from an opposing view makes one a “neofascist”??? You can’t be more disgustingly captured than this guy. The Covid jabs are a failure, prove us wrong.

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“neofascist”. irony. md, phd. 😆

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Jun 19, 2023Edited
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Unfortunately this is true. They did such a fine job of hacking brains with fear and junk science it is virtually impossible to change the 5.5 billion believers’s aka: the jabbed’s minds.

To this day we are failures at untangling the web they weaved. The only people reading Substack and listening to dissenters are the people who never bought into the scamdemic in the first place.

If the goal is to simply validate the initial naysayers feelings then they’re doing a fine job. But if the goal is to get those who bought-in to believe they were utterly misled and might’ve taken poison? Then it’s an abject failure.

Bill Gates, Soros, Fauci and the rest have outsmarted the majority of the world’s population. Good luck turning that around.

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The good news is that when RFK Jr speaks, he gains more momentum and he resonates with people. The opposite seems to be true of public health officials.

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And that's a fact!

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Hahaha—good one!

"Hotez has proven that he is the most formidable weeny in contemporary public affairs."

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Neofacist? Does this guy even understand fascism? He sounds like a hypnotized zombie.


A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The MSM is losing control fast, the end of their control of information is very near.

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And as the late Zev Zelenko MD relentlessly pointed out, the coerced COVID vaccines are the Zyklon B of this generation. Meaning that Hotez and his ilk are the de facto fascists, following their mentor Goebbels' advice: "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."

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That’s exactly what Fauci did over & over. It’s not a terrible strategy unless someone calls them out early. Then, everything they say is pointless. It reminds me of little kids playing, “ you’re lying!”, “ No! You are!”, etc.

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Hypnotized by big pharma shrews.

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Henry you have a good point that he sounds like a hypnotized zombie. I have a theory that all the evil ones are actually skinwalkers. That is excusism though, and there is really no excuse for their monstous behavior.

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6/18 11pm EST UPDATE

💰 The Peter Hotez vs. RFK Jr Charity Debate Pot Is Now Over $2.62 MILLION!!

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😂😂😂 Gotta love America!! This might be the tipping point itself & make people pause & wonder why he won’t debate. I love the pressure cooker heating up! 😂😂😂

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It seems that NONE of the Vax 'believers' (Purveyors and profit takers) has the balls to debate their flaky and disproven b/s that's managed to keep health injections relevant for centuries!

Since the PLANNED introduction of COVID, (using Gain of Function) and soon after, the supposed Vax, manufacturers have dangerously concocted more dangerous versions of their deadly, 'for profit', 'bio-weapon' medicines, whilst pretending to have invented a Covid 'cure', incredibly, just weeks after they released the disease, they pretend they had invented a 'cure'.

My deliberately exaggerated theory is that the useless but DEADLY injections (they call vaccines) were being simultaneously created in the adjacent Covid GOF lab in Wuhan. You get my drift?

Reality will eventually prove that Covid virus was/is a man-enhanced viral bio-weapon, first engineered as a weapon, but then used as a massive profit opportunity by Big Pharma.

The WHO is part of the conglomerate that 'profits' (directly or indirectly) from making humans sick. "No profit in healthy people - so how can we make them ill"?

Gates now contributes more to the WHO than any other organisation and therefore has enormous influence on Policies and directives.

Gates says "The most lucrative investments ever made were/are vaccines"! Join the dots!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Rogan should debate Gates and let’s see that weasel squashed as well!

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Yeah that would be something I would watch. Gates has made quite a few videos about his opinion on these shots. Turn the table Hotez won't do it, then ask Gates.

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he sure does look like a weasel

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Words are powerful. Even naming something properly can shed light on a phenomenon. Truly, the World Health Organization/WHO should be renamed as the WWO--The World Whealth Organization.

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Anything of the World are demonic. Earth Day, One World Govt, WEF, New World Order. Satan said he was from the earth/world.

“The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.””

‭‭Job‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬https://bible.com/bible/111/job.1.7.NIV

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The vaccinazis are cowards.

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They know they cannot win the debate. That’s why none of them have ever accepted one of these vaccine debate challenges, and there have been several.

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It is not necessary for “viruses” to exist to stampede people into taking poisonous injections to “protect themselves” from the “viruses” and “profit” when “government,” and “media,” and ”health authority figures” are all cooperating to dupe and coerce an incurious, gullible public. All you need is the IDEA of “virus.” If you do some research, you will find that the scientific “evidence” for the existence of “viruses” is imaginary at best. Look up the work of Drs. Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Sam Bailey for a start. You are right that the Plandemic is a scam, you are just still underestimating the SIZE OF THE SCAM.

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Can I make a suggestion that may entice Hotze to the debate platform? Offer him “helps” like in the game “Who want to be a millionaire”. Allow him the option to call a friend if he needs assistance in answering a question.

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Let's open up the challenge to the people and allow Joe and Jane Q Public to throw in their $25 - $100 if vaccine fetishist Hotez would debate RFK Jr. I bet we would quickly see 1.5M double, it would drive more attention and public pressure for wretched buffoon Hotez to face the questions the public deserves answers to, especially since he is likely to become an oft-quoted and heralded figure of authority and knowledge by our corrupt and morally bankruot media. Here's my $100. Put up or shut up you disgusting p.o.s clown.

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I would love to see the money go to the vaccine injured. Never would happen though.



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Yes indeed, a much better cause. There is a major fundraising event for React 19 on July 22 in the Houston area. React19 is one of the leading organizations creating support and awareness for the vax injured . I will be donating and want to encourage others to attend this event or support React19 and organizations like it. People like Hotez want to HIDE the jab injured away and pretend they don't exist. That's evil. We have to overcome it by constantly creating awareness and making unrelenting efforts to get truth out.. I would still put up $100 to bait Hotez into exposing his lies in a debate but will be raising and giving much more to React19.org

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Del Bigtree debated some pro jab science guy recently. All he could say was “The consensus says jabs work” the consensus is compromised thereby making the “peer review” is compromised and that’s what Hotez will dispute.

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Yes Neil Degrasse Tyson. Del should have been harder in him. But NDT still looked pretty pathetic.

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I’m in for $100!

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Hotez won't debate RFK, Jr. or anyone else who disagrees with him. Hotez sold his soul to shill for Pharma and governments. He won't expose himself as the corrupt fraud he knows he is.

Hotez represents everything that's wrong with this falsely inflated pandemic narrative and its deadly products masquerading as "vaccines" - and also what's wrong with what you correctly label as the bio-pharmaceutical complex.

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Even though what you have already contributed to the vaccine debates is worth way more than $1.5 million, the crowds at the forum want to see the slimy, hairball, lying weasel squashed in his own dung.

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I am thinking of gladiator events.

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you got it

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I hope you and RFK can have a public forum discussion, it might be just what’s needed to get more positive dialog going. Forget the money and the challenge of a debate, just have a discussion.

Everyone supports safe vaccines, the notion of immunization is a miracle right back to the realization that milkmaids were safe when smallpox came through a village. This is likely why vaccines have packed so much clout for so long. However, the modern day immunization is unrecognizable to cowpox.

As a consumer I’d look forward to topics such as:

If vaccinations were simply cancelled, what level of transmissible disease would we expect to return, what mortality would be expected. I think of this from reviewing the CDC’s history on the various disease like scarlet fever, whooping couch, and measles that were pretty well gone before modern vaccinations began.

How effective are vaccine at preventing disease or are they masking symptomatic sickness. Like covid vaccines turns out they didn’t slow down the spread, the vaccinated become super spreaders.

Discussion about doing a comparative study of the total health profile of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated individuals. There are lots of studies that were commissioned by say stay at home moms where they look at under 500 kids and compare them to national statistics, well, they always come out way healthier. But the studies are criticized because of selection bias etc. discuss how to structure one of these studies that could pass the bar.

A discussion about the RCT process. They always say a large robust RCT is the only way to know if something is safe and effective, then you read the package insert for Hep B and you discover the FDA found a 5 day trial with about 150 participants adequate to give approval.

Another point relating to RCT, a discussion about why trials are never done with a plain saline placebo. Why in the case of a new version of an existing vaccine they simply use the old version for the placebo? Or in the case of a vaccines when there isn’t an old version they will use a different vaccine as the placebo. Or worse yet simply use the exact shot with only the virus component removed as the placebo. No wonder the adverse events on the shot and the placebo side are not statistically different enough to conclude the injuries in the trial are being caused by the vaccines - conclusion, safe vaccine.

A discussion of all the work that has been done on aluminum as a toxin and the findings of what results when found in the brain. If and How vaccines could be made without aluminum.

There are so many things that need to get onto the table, this list is just the tip of the iceberg. You and RFK would be perfect, but from your path relating to mRNA my guess is that the establishment would say, look a couple of anti vaxxer’s getting together to pat each other on the back. But have the discussion anyway.

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“Prominent vaccine fetishist Peter Hotez went on Joe Rogan last week...” should be corrected to say he went on twitter.

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My husband and I watched the RFK Jr Joe Rogan episode this weekend. Seems to me that Hotez is insecure about his knowledge and Intimidated by Mr Kennedy. Mr Kennedy is well read and knows his stuff! I personally “fell in love “ with the guy after the 3 hour podcast. He has my vote! He is a man for the middle class and is the person who could lead this country back to where it needs to be! C’mon Hotez quit being a chicken and talk with the man. You might learn something! #teamRFKJR

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The Twitter post by Hotez was retracted by Hotez shortly after it was posted as he realized it was not appropriate (you should state this). Hotez has the opportunity of a life time with this debate - huge viewership and likely a very large group that don't support vaccines so the very group he should want to talk to. As someone who remains always open to information and tries to apply critical thinking it greatly saddens me that he (so far) is refusing to debate RKJr (who comes across very credible, honest and a very good guy, despite how most media have depicted him). If anyone has not watched the Joe Rogan podcast (#1999) with RKJr I would strongly recommend it (IF I lived in the US he would get my vote).

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Hotez was not on JRE last week; RFK Jr was. Hotez tweeted his snarky comments.

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Hotez and the rest of the vaccers are like Dr. Zylenko, Stalin's favorite "scientist", who believed that just by making simple changes in the genetics, the state could grow all the wheat the workers and peasants needed in the Soviet Union... in the middle of the Russian winter. Like Hotez, he never succeeded, only killing off millions of Soviet citizens, much to Stalin's delight. Hotez and his acolytes will accomplish much the same here, and elsewhere. But unlike Zylenko, who ended up in the gulag, Hotez will be with us for a while.

Danny Huckabee

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