BRAVO RFK Jr. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Are you supportive of this Bernie onesie?!?!


Could be customized for any of these senators, actually!!

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Looks more like a onesie for Fauci!!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/JDSIZEcj4C

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Yes. However - what will result from it? Anything? Probably not. Whoever doesn’t already know the information in this post must be living under a rock. Does anyone else here remember how Obama ran on a campaign promise to end lobbying?

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... Among many other "promises". Funny how politician "promises", before being elected, turn out to be "lies".

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It’s disgusting.

What sane person is against finding the source of all of this sickness?

All Time Money from Pharmaceuticals _ Health Products to

US Senators, 1990-2024

Senator State Amount

Harris Kamala (D) $11,341,349.00

Biden Joe (D) $9,128,291.00

Obama Barack (D) $6,041,678.00

Clinton Hillary (D-NY) New York $4,622,654.00

Romney Mitt (R-UT) Utah $3,378,614.00

Hatch Orrin G (R-UT) Utah $2,878,132.00

Casey Bob (D-PA) Pennsylvania $2,063,304.00

McConnell Mitch (R-KY) In office Kentucky $2,027,732.00

Sanders Bernie (I-VT) In office Vermont $1,953,613.00

Warnock Raphael (D-GA) In office Georgia $1,763,425.00

Burr Richard (R-NC) North Carolina $1,642,876.00

Murray Patty (D-WA) In office Washington $1,616,081.00

Schumer Charles E (D-NY) In office New York $1,557,928.00

Menendez Robert (I-NJ) New Jersey $1,491,425.00

McCain John (R-AZ) Arizona $1,482,256.00

Blackburn Marsha (R-TN) In office Tennessee $1,380,138.00

Kerry John (D-MA) Massachusetts $1,360,204.00

Specter Arlen (D-PA) Pennsylvania $1,276,366.00

Cassidy Bill (R-LA) In office Louisiana $1,230,679.00

Warren Elizabeth (D-MA) In office Massachusetts $1,224,145.00

Wyden Ron (D-OR) In office Oregon $1,207,873.00

Blunt Roy (R-MO) Missouri $1,193,076.00

Cornyn John (R-TX) In office Texas $1,133,363.00

Scott Tim (R-SC) In office South Carolina $1,128,425.00

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Incestuous vote purchasing.

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Disgraceful, isn’t it?! All the names we woukd expect to see are there. And one wonders how these phoney congresspeople get so rich!?

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And a bevy of very expensive lawyers and consultants drafted all of these attacks on RFK at the hearings.

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And now you know why Congress doesn’t pass a law outlawing direct marketing by the pharmaceutical industry.

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Please cite your source for this so we can verify. Thanks

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Bernie feigning outrage to protect his money laundering operation.

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"only money from workers..." Right!

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Lobbying should not be allowed. Its a pay to own scham. It pads their bank accounts and damages the ppl they pretend to work for. Imho.

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So Bernie is lying during a Congressional hearing, what should be the punishment for that? If you were the one being questioned, it is a felony. So, let’s make it a felony for a member of Congress to lie while asking questions! It is the least these corrupt individuals deserve.

I doubt this will happen, unless Congress is purged based on the money cycle emanating via the Ukrainian money laundering system going to and from DC- Ukraine -DC, rinse and repeat....😡

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The crime of lying by the Congressman should be ten times that of a Citizen. Many years in prison and loss of all accounts.

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Bernie claimed that those were all individual contributions. Does anyone know if individual contributions are included in the numbers John Leake posted?

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More big pharma money on marketing than on research! This is a good example of what's wrong with the values in the US. Why does Congress not put a stop to this?? Obvious. Congress members get a pay-out in the form of campaign contributions. What is it going to take??

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Total conflict of interest. So evil. I'd bet its against the constitution, just Congress doesn't want to notice it.

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I was waiting for RFK Jr to bring up the conflict of interest of these Senators and their Big pHarma donations they’ve received yesterday. I’m glad he finally did.

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And that is why you don't get pharmaceutical regulation because of the bought politicians, and you don't get any reporting of adverse affects by the bought off main stream media. It has to stop! But with billions of dollars on the line, you can expect the attacks from msm and politicians to continue against RFK.

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Trump needs to stop taking this dirty money! Taking the donations is being part of the problem!!!

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You are right.

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This was a pivotal moment. Bernie the Red was squirming and tried to shout him down like the commie he is. It reminded me of when Trump hit Hillary with Bill's predatory past during a debate, with several of his victims in attendance.

Checkmate, Bernie! GTFO!

Game, set and match to RFK Jr!

Apologies for the mixed metaphors. ;-)

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Pivotal how? What will change because of it?

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It's unfortunate that Trump is near the top of that last. Maybe that explains his reluctance to tell the truth about the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mRNA jabs that have killed millions.

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Maybe you don’t understand that orgs will ALWAYS contribute to both presidential campaigns because you never know who will win.

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I do understand, yet Trump could have refused that blood money. He did not refuse it.

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I am a Bernie fan but looks like RFK jr, the professional litigator, did his homework on Bernie this time. Touche Bobby !

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Kudos !!!!! I have been waiting to hear this spoken publicly. The senators who have accepted the most money from big pharma and the insurance industry have been RFKJr."s worst enemies. And frankly, I don't think we should allow them to contribute to any political campaigns, it seems insane to me.

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It’s high time to abolish lobbying, aka formalized bribery. Good for RFK Jr.

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It takes people with nerves of steel to stand up to such contentious behavior by the Congress. You wonder what they have to hide that they go after nominees with such vitriol. And then they expose themselves, when their own corruption and ignorance is revealed. Stay strong, RFK, Jr. And thank you for caring about America's health.

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Elizabeth Warren, Wyden and Warnock also received top dollars from Big Pharma https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?code=H04&cycle=All&ind=H04&mem=Y&recipdetail=S&sortorder=U

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