RFK Jr has too much ethics & intelligence for politics. I would love to see him flip the switch on politics, it could be a really positive change for the US, and the West in general. He is a once off chance to clean the political scene, but that kind of progress will see powerful people challenged & they aren’t going to relinquish it easily.

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RFK Jr. wanted to imprison people who dared to differ with the global warming - climate change prescription of control and economic oppression. See also Sri Lanka and what those jerks did to those people. That's what they intend for us, and worse.

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On a recent Kim Iverson show he said the climate crisis agenda that is being pushed by WEF and the billionaires is to take away freedoms. I don’t know if he got red-pilled or what but I’m looking forward to his campaign.

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RFK is anti any types of lockdowns & he doesn’t go on about climate change but rather the environment. I have followed him for some time & literally never heard anything about changing the weather but rather river pollution etc.

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I think Yahweh is opening the eyes of people He needs to help share light on the evil at work in this world. He thumped my head for 5 years trying to get me to share the wolves I saw, but I have just begun grasping the true reason He worked to show me wolves. There are wolves EVERYWHERE in this world, in plain sight.

As a former AP environmental teacher, I too at one time embraced such garbage, and taught it (unfortunately, very well) to my students, ie they made "5's" on the AP Environmental indoctrinations. I wish I had the teaching days back so I could help those kids think for themselves and test everything with their own minds using actual science. Paul told us to test everything...science says we must do the same, yet many refuse to accept contradictory ideas that oppose "mainstream science"...and that relates to worldly truths, as well, as there is NO TRUTH IN THIS WORLD, save that which can be delivered by Yah to His people. Instead, we have become sheeple to the WEF/NWO/UN globalist idiots who are working to bring about the reign of the great deceiver him/herself (examine baphomet for a deeper understanding of the transgender/gay push)

I even showed those kids the crock-o-poo-umentary by the fomer vp. I have asked Him for forgiveness for my ignorance.

"My people are lost for lack of knowledge" extends well beyond biblical scripture, as we have accepted the ways and traditions and ideologies of this world, some even taking alleged science" as its own religion. Scripture tells us that even the elect could be deceived...and sure enough, it is happening with everything, the covid garbage included.

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God isn't opening any eyes suggesting they join in with the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance. Unless you have some bizarre urge to donate your organs while alive to Xi and his organ selling factory or see your family tortured, raped, murdered and your children kidnapped from living relatives to Russia. The Mullahs will help out with drones to bomb your home and whoever is left.

Some people torture themselves with BS like from this McGregor guy who probably like Biden and Hunter have big fat deposits in his bank account from Putin.

God is not a commie, nor a ChiCom, not a Mullah and not a Putinoid. Learn!

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Give me the evidence you suggest here and I will examine. In the meanwhile, you read scripture and understand the way Yah works in this world, and what truly is coming. Science papers, I'll examine anything you push here, as you should the same. Learn about Yah and dump worldly thinking.

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You need evidence on the ChiComs, biggest organ transplant country in the world?

Where they get all the organs? Live victims!

Or about Putin and his actions like kidnapping children? The International Criminal Court has plenty.

Or the Mullahs and their drone attacks used by Putin attacking civilians in Ukraine?

This is all readily available.

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He thumped my head for 5 years trying to get me t push the red wolves here in Galveston...I am just grasping the depth of that push, as it was just to open my eyes to the wolves that are EVERYWHERE in this world, led by the great deceiver, who the WEF/UN/WHO are all working to bring to power in their globalist agenda 2030. Gates is one of the biggest wolves and tools of that deceiver. His patent WO2020060606 should help highlight the evil he's pushing. That and "if we do a really good job with vacines, we can redue the population by 10-15%." Pure eugenics globalist evil.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention, John. $Billions being spent on a war with no end in sight. A travesty! Follow the money!!

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We have used the same color revolution playbook in many countries, including our own. Here is the 10 step process: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution

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In all honesty; we're similar to the condition by which Canada was maintained as a British subject when British Columbia was seriously considering the option of becoming united with the States to the south, us. Certain forces have saturated the extremes of the ortheodoxies to form a UNIPARTY benefiting those outside forces as well as those TREASONOUS to The Constitution of the United States.

It's not so difficult to ascertain the probability of success for U.S. enemies under the current conditions of excessive confusion and operational delusion to identify the

🐺🐺🐺as 🐑🐕🐕 when one observes the outcome of the events of 19th Century Canada as they remain a British 'Head Cook and Bottlewasher' for the Br its to this day.

THANK-YOU FOR THE LINK. Food for Thought.

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Wow fancy seeing you here sir! Your now classic exposition on Youtube has been quoted on multiple podcasts in the past few weeks!

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The real Yuri passed away 30 years ago. I am carrying on his spirit with my Substack about subverting subversion.

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Oh... haha.. well keep up the good work!

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Impossible to follow the money with Laundering to Philanthropies and their entropic NGO's where money circulates endlessly within the system as it's own little fiefdom...Having no accountability to the taxpayers it originated from. Under the regulations established via the Techno-Feudal Fascist Clinton/Bush/OBiden Regimes...When the Constitution is neutralized via DECLARATIONS OF EMERGENCY, there is no mandate for accountability for HHS, DOD and much of the 'Deep State' Oligarchy.

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On the contrary, the political aim of the Ukraine war is to funnel US dollars through an unaccountable, untraceable black box. Those who instigated the war are achieving their ends. It is in the belief that the imperial city denizens care one whit for the lives lost in the process of laundering tens of billions of dollars that you are mistaken. As Trump found out the hard way, the one unspoken rule of Washington DC is that you are never, ever allowed to ask questions about where the money goes once it is sent overseas.

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Very true. Ukraine is their laundromat - wash, rinse, spin, repeat. This is the true objective that can never be admitted to.

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Putin started the war with his illegal invasion. Most of the civilized world is supporting and aiding Ukraine in its self-defense.

Also, China, Brazil among 122 nations in the UN voted against Putin's illegal aggression.

Please make a note of it.

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Nothing is clearer than that the US provoked the war in Ukraine starting with our $5Billion Nuland/Kagan coup overthrowing an elected, moderate government and replacing it with folks hand-picked by Russia-hating Vicki Nuland.

John Mearsheimer, Whose fault?

1h 14m


John Measheimer, Whose fault?



John Mearsheimer, Whose fault? 8m30s


John Mearsheimer

“Ukraine is going to get wrecked”



John Mearsheimer details NATO expansion, Russian responses and Maidan events


Mearsheimer on the diplomatic history, in particular during the 2008 Bucharest summit. 58 minutes.


Douglas MacGregor, how it all ends.


Watch what Wall Street is planning for Ukraine and note how Zelensky is helping to loot his own country.

Ben Norton


Max & Aaron


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The problem is all of you talk to each other in your bubble and don't know anything about the struggle for freedom by the second biggest country in Europe.

The idea a KGB thug in Putin is owed anything is ludicrous. The lies are non-stop by the same crew of people who completely ignore the people of Ukraine are fighting for their freedom against torture, rape, murder and ethnic cleansing which is happening right now against children.

Of course, it's all "provoked" according the to you and this crew. Disgraceful.

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Your problem is you are buying all the propaganda created and pumped into your head by western media. You don’t know anything about what caused this war. You don’t know who caused this war. You don’t know how many US diplomats and how many Russian diplomats warned about NATO expansion from the 1990’s. You don’t know about our overthrow of an ELECTED government in Ukraine in 2014 - a government that was friendly to Russia. You don’t know we overthrew that government so that Russia-hating Vicki Nuland could hand-pick her Nazi-friendly puppet replacements. You don’t know what Ukraine began doing to Donbass imnediately after that coup. You don’t know how many Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens were murdered in cold blood by Ukrainian artillery DUE TO the US-planned, US-funded overthrow of Ukrainian government.

IOW, you don’t know anything about what and who caused this war. And if you think Ukraine is some kind of pre-freedom democracy, you really need to open your eyes to what they’ve done to political parties and religious groups in Ukraine.

Yes, this war was provoked. We did precisely what Putin warned in 2008 would provoke a Russian reaction. We installed nazi-friendly morons specifically to provoke Russia, which lost 27 million people at the hands of nazis last time.

There was a peace process called Minsk, Russia negotiated sincerely while all the European countries posing as guarantors have admitted their participation was a mere ruse.

So, tell me again how the US overthrow and installation of hand-picked puppets is a sign of Ukrainian democracy. Tell me how burning Russians to death in a building in Odessa is a sign of a civilized, peace-loving democracy. Tell me why the Obama admin refused to arm Ukraine? Hint: something to do with arming Nazis didn’t sit well with him.

It is disgraceful how misinformed the American public is to the point where we will destroy a country for the selfish purposes of Russia-hating Vicki Nuland, support Nazis in the process and fill Americans heads with enough lies to make them feel justified in fighting-to-the-last-Ukrainian.

Promises not to expand Eastwards towards:


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Quite disagree with your assessment. Following several pro-Ukraine writers from Ukraine, they point to Russian propaganda. There was a time pre-Putin that agreements could be reached regarding NATO. Putin changed much of that calculus. This war is one of Russian aggression starting with the invasion, little green men, in Crimea. Much can be said about the Donbas and a complicated history including the last stand of the White Army against the Reds and the Holodomor which still forces history there. Minsk was forced on Ukraine by military weakness that nobody thought would hold.

The agreements of security for Ukraine in 1991 were abrogated by Russia so the US and UK as guarantors are to enforce that agreement. Two world wars were started as a result of appeasement; let's not have a third by ending this Ukraine war. We can hope Russia decides to agree the Nazi's are gone, they won and Putin will return Ukraine to its people.

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People who bought Hitler using the same propaganda against the Czech and Poland are repeating the same old with Putin against Ukraine. It's a sad display of ignorance.

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You have to hand it to this Putinoid. No lie is too tall and no amount of dehumanization of the victims of Ukraine is a bridge too far.

Hitler and Stalin really could have used someone like Fred. He's be pissing on the graves of the Holocaust and Holomodor simultaneously.

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This video contains, IMO, accurate context of this conflict. You may point out all the Russian propaganda in it and then explain how Russia installed in Col. MacGregor.


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You have not shown any examples of lies or Russian propaganda in anything I posted. And on the subject of dehumanization, that is something you’ve done to yourselves by the company you keep.


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Fred there was no "overthrow" in 2014. Lay off the Oliver Stone Putin-paid for propaganda. The Putin puppet fled in the dead of night. He was not overthrown. Fleeing in the dead of night looting billions after shooting down dozens in the middle of the capital is far from being overthrown.

Do you know where the traitor fled with the stolen billions, Fred? Take a wild guess.

You simply don't know much about Eastern Europe. Why not try and then you would at least understand why Europe has arisen to unite against Putin's aggression. Until you start, you will wallow in ignorance.

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You're the one trying to sell Putinoid propaganda, Fred. You don't know anything about the suffering of people fighting for freedom who took on the fight against the world's second largest military. Ask yourself why?

Does the torture chambers, rapes of girls and women, murders, ethnic cleansing help you at all today? Probably not remotely.

You're babbling about nazi this and that when Ukraine strongly backed electing its president like Americans in 2016 did with President Zelensky and President Trump respectively.

Do you even know what today is in Ukraine, Fred? Today Ukraine celebrates victory over the Nazis. The people of Ukraine lost more people per capita to the Nazis than Russia did and more than all the Allied soldiers - COMBINED.

Ukraine suffered losses with Hitler's occupation estimated at 3 MILLION. That's three million lives, Fred. Ukraine lost 7 MILLION under Stalin, Putin's predecessor and idol with a man-made famine meant to destroy resistance to communism and collectivization prior to WWII. It's called the Holodomor, Fred.

The people of Ukraine know all this. You simply don't.

If you are starting to get a picture of reality and how little you know, well, it's time you start getting to know the real world and not ridiculous Soviet-style Putin propaganda.

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Fred Mrozek, the Putinoid propaganda mouthpiece. Go get you rubles, Fred.

It's hard to believe people can invest so much into lies like Fred's which are both pathetic and stupid when the war crimes by Putin are daily events.

Utterly gross, Fred.

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Putin is neither Hitler nor Stalin. Russia today is not Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. Ukraine is the one filled with armed Nazis committing war-crimes such as Bucha and then trying to pass them off as Russian. But that failed completely because idiots in Bucha announced reprisal operations against those who were friendly to Russian troops in the weeks when Russian troops were there. Then, we saw the videos made by Nazis of them torturing and killing wounded, captive, disarmed Russian soldiers. Next we saw videos of Ukrainians making chem weapons and using them on Russian soldiers. It seems the US likes to arm crazies who dumb enough to put their videotaped atrocities on Youtube for all the world to see - just like the armies of head-choppers the US supported in Syria.

You need to realize how US neocons used Ukraine in an attempt to hurt Russia due to Vicki Nuland’s intergeneration hatred of Russians. The sad irony is that Putin probably had Ukraine’s interests at heart more than the US. If you had told Nuland and the CIA to stick it, and had you negotiated sincerely at Minsk, none of this death and carnage would have happened. That is the tragic irony.

Every country needs to be warned against ever listening to any neocon or anyone from the CIA, ever again. Tell them to leave as soon as they show up for they bring death and destruction.

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From 2014-2021 the Ukrainian military and para military were attacking the eastern Ukrainian Russian speaking people after the overthrow of the elected leaders of Ukraine. I’m now able to read between the lines when CNN FOX or MSNBC uses propaganda to coax us to throw tax money at the neo-naxi regime leading up the Sore-Os proxy war in Western Asia and Eastern Europe.

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More utter Putin propaganda. Pathetic. you're the neo-nazi, not the people of Ukraine.

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wake up to what went down in 14'

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Yeah, the people of Ukraine stood up again for their freedom, we're mowed down with snipers by its "leader" who then fled to Russia in the dead of night from his compound looting billions.

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Excellent interview with Col. MacGregor. I'm going to post this on social media.

I despise the Democrat party, but love RFK, Jr.

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I respect you Dr.

Ukraine never applied to be a Sovereign National after the 2014 Obama/Soros coup. Putin is actually President of Ukraine. He is destroying the US Biolabs, the money laundering, rescuing children from being experimented on, rescuing children from child traffickers and taking down the Nazi’s. Zelensky is an actor and a porn star. Biden , etc would love to start WW3. That will be unsuccessful as he does not have the nuclear codes. Thank goodness for the US Military ( White Hat’s) and President Trump.


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RFK Jr, and , Ramaswamy are both receiving the Tucker treatment across the UniParty. Ironic, given the lousy candidates hosted across the duplicitous , duopololous UniParty aisle. Publicly calling out the false flag Ukraine/ Russia debacle designed to distract, siphon more taxpayer dollars to redistribute amongst the corrosive, corrupt godless psychopathic WEF “Great Reset”,globalism, Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic ruling class totalitarian tyranny. Including Techno-Pharma transnhumanism, Schwab,Gates, Bloomberg,Soros,Faustus,Gergen,Harari,Wray,Collins,Xi,Bourla,Bancel,Kerry,Dimon, Burns Yellen,Gutierres,BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet ( who own EVERYTHING and each other and what we believed were free and fair elections. Note the absolute silence emanating from our “ vaunted representative government”.

We have no borders, no freedom, no expectation of privacy, no free speech,forced masking, lockdowns, social distancing, clot shots for a Plandemic created in a lab funded by “We The People(likely in the US), our families are being torn apart, our children brainwashed and mutilated , our food supply is toxic and will soon be controlled , our energy sources deliberately depleted, the very peculiar pattern of fires and explosions where food is processed,fuel is stored,chemicals,train derailments carrying toxic substances,a dairy farm “ explodes” killing fifteen thousand cows…. But this is not only happening in the US, it is global and wherever the horrors are accruing, WEF “ Young Global Leaders” are pervasive Tulsi, Musk, Ramaswamy , RFK Jr DeSantis , Dr Joseph Ladapo are the few who still have a public platform( albeit shrinking). Tucker was going full bore at 8:00 pm nightly with a tremendous audience.And he was taken out by the UniParty globalists

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That's great news, because other contenders (I'm thinking of DeSantis) do not have a realistic grip on U.S. foreign policy. MacGregor is a welcome breath of sanity in a world full of psychotic, imperialistic neocons; the fact that RFK Jr. sees him as a credible, knowledgeable source is very encouraging.

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Well, I disagree.

There has always existed a strategy. The strategy has several levels. You have to keep in mind we are talking about the post WWII era, and up to now, but there have been different conditions at play, but those conditions really don't matter as far as the strategy goes.

The strategy is, one, to simply destabilize potential around the world, eliminating places of competition, start small and move up, during the post WWII era, decolonization, Cold War, aka post colonial land grab, the wars and coups and covert ops were simply means to continue control over these territories, thats why fascist dictators thrived after the war.

The second level of the strategy is that war supports armaments development and the huge industries behind it employing residents in every congressional district in America.

This isn't new. This is old hat. The war itself, whatever war, needs no strategy, focusing on the strategy of the war is shooting a wooden duck, the war is a variable in another strategy.

Thats the issue.

And that has always been the case and MacGregor should know that.

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Dear Aldous, you are quite right in your description of a constellation of activities for destabilizing certain places, eliminating competition, obtaining control of certain territories, and enriching the arms industry. However, I would not characterize this as a war strategy, but as a global racketeering scheme for certain interest groups (which is how USMC Major General Smedley Butler described it. I think of actual war in the way that Clausewitz thought of it -- that is, as the use of violence in the pursuit of well-defined political objectives for the national interest, and not just for racketeers who cultivate relationships with government officials.

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Major General Smedley Butler is an American hero, who is deliberately forgotten & I'm an Australian. Everyone should read his book.

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Along with the Bankers’ Coup that he foiled, which you won’t find in a single school book from sea to shining sea.

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To the people who run DC, national interests are something they laugh about at parties.

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Correct, it is not a war strategy, it is THE strategy, but the "war strategy" is always a malleable variable in the overall strategy.

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Outside your expertise Dr. McCullough. I suggest you learn more about Putin's past from KGB thug in East Germany to blowing up apartment buildings in Russia to stage an attack on Chechnya.

If you want to talk about racketeering, you can't top a mafioso-type thug in Putin.

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no one claims putin is snow white , but he does not have 800 + military bases around the world either , and a one year militsry budget of 840 billion $ , in money going unaccountable , the real 'disorganized crime'

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Take a look at a map and the Russian Empire and tell us about Russia's bases from near Japan, China into and across Africa. They are using their Wagner mercenaries in Africa.

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Of course he knows. You would call it a “strategy” to exterminate 1M Americans by engineered incompetence. True enough. Add this to your list. But this is not what is meant by “strategy” in normal conversation. The word is understood to be something that serves the welfare of citizens. What we have gone through is an invasion by the ultra wealthy that has sacked the country with mass casualties, leaving us with intractable debt. We are looking for “strategies” that oppose the invading forces even though it was done without an army. There has been treason committed that I hope will be confronted by new leadership that adopts “strategies” in the sense we intend. Or lose our Republic as McGregor said.

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"Appeasement" has been used as a negative synonym for diplomacy or negotiations. We don't want to look 'weak' or 'Putin will take over the world.'

‘We didn’t stop Hitler early, we must stop Putin.’ But remember, Western democracies created Hitler's rise to power by the harsh reparations that everyone knew could not be paid by Germany after WWI. When Hitler focused on that sense of injustice among Germans, and also used some innovative monetary strategies, Germany rose from the ashes and became, as everyone could see too late, a war-hungry and vengeful nation. Hitler was elected, after all.

Similarly, we created the Russian invasion of Ukraine by pushing for expansion of NATO. Our Covid spending, our military support of Israel so out of proportion to its size, and now our billions going to Ukraine (talk about organize crime!) with no end in sight.

For decades, PR has been used by the CIA (and by the Mafia and arms producers, and other transnationals going back to IBM and Standard Oil actively supporting Nazi Germany) in hundreds of incidents of American military interventions to justify our war mongering, and the CIA probably had a hand in JFK's assassination because he threatened the spy agency's existence.

The Pentagon has long placed military installations and supported military contractors in areas of the country that provided important support in Congress for ever larger military budgets. Then they justify the jobs these places create, although studies show that the return on investment for military dollars is lower than most other government spending— duh, war is a dead end, no one wins (except war contractors). In contrast, upkeep of infrastructure and protection of environmental 'services' (forests, wetlands, organic farming, carbon-sequestering grazing) multiply the economic benefit of wise government spending. But now, for example, bees are dying at an unsustainable rate, the base of both oceanic and terrestrial food chains (i.e. plankton and insects) is drastically failing (without any headlines warning of impending collapse).

If we dropped those billions from planes over the Middle East, Ukraine, etc. it would get better results, sort of instant micro-lending and a vastly improved image abroad.

The military in the US is our worst enemy. They appear to be a major origin of geoengineering (which is the real source of forest death), drought-flood weather catastrophes, the 15-minute city notion that is pretty words for mass surveillance, and it's the economic sector that, along with Big Pharma, sucks the viability out of the middle class. Wake up, America, we’ve been conned long enough.

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Lauren wrote:

‘We didn’t stop Hitler early, we must stop Putin.’ But remember, Western democracies created Hitler's rise to power by the harsh reparations that everyone knew could not be paid by Germany after WWI. When Hitler focused on that sense of injustice among Germans, and also used some innovative monetary strategies, Germany rose from the ashes and became, as everyone could see too late, a war-hungry and vengeful nation. Hitler was elected, after all.

Lauren, Adolf Hitler did NOT heal Germany's wounds inflicted by the zionist's at the 1919 Paris instigated 'Treaty of Versailles' to become a "war-hungry and vengeful nation".

Far from it, indeed.

This can be learned and understood by taking time to view the excellent documentary,

"Europa - The Last Battle"

Europa - The Last Battle (Full Documentary)


I also highly recommend Mike King's book on this:

"The BAD War - The Truth NEVER Told About World War 2"


Here's what a noted rabbi had to say:

Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat Tells The Truth


"Similarly, we created the Russian invasion of Ukraine by pushing for expansion of NATO. Our Covid spending, our military support of Israel so out of proportion to its size, and now our billions going to Ukraine (talk about organize crime!) with no end in sight."

Ah yes, let's now talk about israel, and it's ownership and support by the Globo-homo

pedofile Banksters that call 'The City of London' home as well as their zionist and

bolshivest foot soldiers.

Benjamin Freedman, a FORMER jew who WAS at Paris in 1919 and became aware

of the methods and goals in action by both the zionists and their talmudic supporters.

Disgusted by the outright chicanery of his fellow jews, he converted to Christianity

and set out to try to warn fellow Americans about the threat posed to them by both

the talmudics and zionists and their Bankster leaders.

Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin Freedman (Full Document in PDF format)


Here's the transcript of the speech that Benjamin Freedman gave in

Washington, D.C. in 1961 as both a wake up call and warning to

fellow Americans:

Benjamin Freedman 1961 Speech


"...When Germany realized that the Jews were responsible for her defeat, they naturally resented it. But not a hair on the head of any Jew was harmed. Not a single hair. Professor Tansill, of Georgetown University, who had access to all the secret papers of the State Department, wrote in his book, and quoted from a State Department document written by Hugo Schoenfelt, a Jew who Cordell Hull sent to Europe in 1933 to investigate the so-called camps of political prisoners. And he wrote back that he found them in very fine condition.

They were in excellent shape; everybody treated well. And they were filled with Communists. Well, a lot of them were Jews, because the Jews happened to be maybe 98 per cent of the Communists in Europe at that time. And there were some priests there, and ministers, and labor leaders, Masons, and others who had international affiliations.

Now, the Jews sort of tried to keep the lid on this fact. They didn’t want the world to really understand that they had sold out Germany, and that the Germans resented that.

So they did take appropriate action against them [against the Jews]. They. . . shall I say, discriminated against them wherever they could? They shunned them. The same as we would the Chinese, or the Negroes, or the Catholics, or anyone in this country who had sold us out to an enemy and brought about our defeat."

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel -Complete


If that's not enough proof, then see what jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal

had to say about America, it's people and Christianity in his 1976 interview.

The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview of 1976


Rosenthal was a staff member of senator Jacob Javits, a fellow jew. A month after

giving the interview, Rosenthal was murdered by elements of mossad disguised

as Arab terrorists at the Istanbul airport in Turkey.

A generation before, jew Maurice Samuel had this to say to non-jews:

"A century of partial tolerance gave us Jews access to your world. In that period the great attempt was made, by advance guards of reconciliation, to bring our two worlds together. It was a century of failure. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."

You Gentiles - Maurice Samuel, 1924


As to the Rothschild's, the authors of so much misery and destruction

across the world for well over a century, here's the definitive history

on them by investigative journalist and author, Mike King:

Planet Rothschild, Volume 1 (complete PDF format)


Planet Rothschild, Volume 2 (complete PDF format)


May the above shared information help you and others to

finally know and understand the truth about "The BAD War"

and the nature and goals of the enemy of Humanity.

NorthGunner - The Truth Is It's OWN Defense!

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"if we dropped billions from planes , it would get better results" from your lips to god's ears

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I now like John even more after reading this. Does this mean that he's in my sane, libertarian, anti-war corner? I don't know but he certainly sounds more rational, reasonable, and willing to listen, read, and think that anyone on your television claiming to be a journalist

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“War. War never changes.

In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2023*. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son – because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.”

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Most, if not all, wars launched by the US have been money laundering schemes, very much like the official Covid narrative.

Carl von Clausewitz may not have factored the above into his treatise on wars and their objectives.

Surely anyone with an iota of common sense can see the pattern.

That's probably the reason the WHO has downgraded the status of the pandemic: to puncture the momentum of RFK Jr.'s campaign.

Winning public support was an essential ingredient in Carl von Clausewitz's protocol for waging war, and this was more or less achieved with Covid, while Ukraine still fails to catch the fancy of the average American.

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When the money laundering capacity of a given nation starts to dry up as they can no longer find excuses for more things to spend on, the supposed national interest objectives that launched the war suddenly evaporate. Iraq and Afghanistan being perfect examples while the precipitous withdrawal and utter unconcern from the governing / media class showcase how little they care that we know they never intended to accomplish anything there other than graft.

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Missing from this discussion was that China, despite its intention of world power, is in a very unstable economic state which could alter the trajectory of geopolitics.

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We have all seen, during these past three years, that the global elite can cause governments to act in lockstep, against the interests of their own citizens, when it suits their purposes. It is not much of a logical leap, for me, to conclude that the same power elite can cause nations to go to war when that is what suits their intentions. (I don't need to use logic, actually - books have been written.) I would argue that, in our current environment, it makes no sense to analyze war as a strategy for furthering national interests because, if we do, all the decision makers will look like idiots. They are not idiots. They are simply doing what they are being told to do.

Is this difficult to see? Imagine we were of the opinion that immigration policy is designed to attract the best and the brightest to enhance our national capabilities. Using this as our analytical framework, we would examine what is taking place at our border today and conclude that the people in charge are insane. The problem is obvious - those in charge have no intention of using immigration to enhance our national capabilities. They are not stupid, nor are they without a strategy. The problem is ours, in failing to understand what the real strategy is. Am I supposed to believe that these same people, who are so anxious to destroy our country from within, are now going to pursue a strategy of national defense to further our interests?

Is it any secret that the global elite want to destroy nations and their peoples? What better tool to use (Covid and the associated injections aside) than war? In fact, the globalists do not simply want to destroy nations in general, they want to destroy the United States in particular, because we have the strongest remnants left, anywhere, of individual liberty and a religious conscience. Our leaders are not without a strategy, they are following one that we are loathe to acknowledge.

Paul Craig Roberts has expressed great admiration for Putin, but one day even he wrote a piece saying, in effect, that if Putin keeps acting the way he does, in such an indecisive manner, his strategy will lead to WWIII. Yes, exactly. But it's the same trap of using the wrong paradigm. Putin is no angel and the intent IS to lead to WWIII. Putin is working very hard to maintain the moral high ground, but is everyone completely unaware that moral high ground is nothing more than another tool that can be used to enhance one's competitive position? Putin has made his hostility toward the West abundantly clear, and I see his protestations about his interests being limited to Ukraine as nothing more than short-term political cover. The entire situation is like two bullies in a bar who want to get into a knock-down, drag-out fight, taunting each other without end, but stopping short of throwing the definitive first punch. Each wants the other to take that first morally indefensible move of being the aggressor. Neither side in this conflict is behaving as though it wants to claim a definitive victory. Both sides are behaving as though they want to push this conflict to the point of no return, while waiting patiently for the other side to start it.

Ed Slavsquat writes tirelessly about the ways in which Putin's behavior furthers the agenda of the WEF. So does the behavior of our own leaders - just consider what we are doing with the WHO. When I see behavior like this, I think of football (no, I don't watch the games). The whole idea behind the sport is to fight. The teams don't go out into the street to fight against each other, they follow the rules of the NFL. People assume that it is impossible for two nations to fight each other to the point of mutual destruction while operating under the same global umbrella. That is naive. You feign distance from the WEF (in the case of Putin), so that the battle looks real. It's not just football. Lawyers do the same thing. They compete within the system. We have a global system in place now. Nobody is acting outside of it, not even Putin.

Having said all that, I am unable to end without expressing my own position. I might examine what is going on, and take a conceptual position, but I would never fight. I would never pick up a weapon and use it to kill another human being.

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How is he running for president when Biden won't even debate him, or I should say, can't debate him? He can't run as a Democrat so how is this going to work? And the neocons, big pharma, they will never let him on the ballot. Problem with RFK is, he is a Democrat and will never be anything else and his party is so very corrupt that he doesn't stand a chance. If he really wants to fix it, he needs to team up with Trump - make a deal for him to be in his administration to clean up the corruption - I see no other path.

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Yes Bernie Sanders was also destroyed by the Democrat establishment.

However RFKjr father (or uncle) did battle against his own party's preferred candidate and win so he knows that it can be done.

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Not anymore. different time, different circumstances. A captured media - governed by the almighty dollar - big pharma - industry and the power behind that idiot in the Whitehouse. Obama. 51 intelligence officers signed a LIE - the rot is insurmountable in my opinion. They should all be executed.

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If I were him, I'd run in the democrat primaries, lose and then announce an independent run. That would torpedo the chances of any democrat winning by drawing in too many of their voters. At the same time, he might attract enough support from across the aisle, and more so if he can point out the flaws of the democrat party after very visibly showing their corruption in the primary process.

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Actually sounds very much like my life. Sad, isn’t?

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