As the father of two vaccine-injured sons, currently aged 28 and 26, I have spent more than 20 years doing research and reading everything I could find on vaccines. After all that time, I have been forced to reach a very basic and very sad conclusion: the entire 'science' behind vaccines is a lie and a fraud. After so many decades of being lied to about vaccines, it is going to take people a very long time to accept that reality. On top of that, there is big money involved, which is always an incentive for those on the receiving end of the money to ignore and deny the truth and the facts.

And what is the truth and what are the facts?

The truth is that vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

There are hundreds of studies to verify and back that up (although they are ignored and even denied by "the authorities"), many of which show that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children.

You do not have to believe me – do your own research. There are far too many people out there (including most doctors) who have a vested interest in continuing the lies for you to just accept their word for anything any more.

All of the information is out there and readily available to those willing to take the time and make the effort to seek it.

One more thing: the Covid shots are NOT vaccines.

They are toxic, gene-altering, chemical treatments created specifically to do maximum harm, at which they have been a great success.

Once again: don’t believe me – do your own research.

And finally, think about this: if all the drugs we are constantly prescribed and pumped full of (including vaccines) were so good for us and so helpful, we would have the healthiest population on earth. Instead, we have generations of people with all sorts of chronic illnesses and conditions WHICH BEGIN IN CHILDHOOD and just get worse as people get older. Think about that for a while...

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As a mom with a child diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, my heart goes out to you and your sons. THANK YOU for doing the research and sharing. Your expertise and firsthand experiences are POWERFUL in revealing the EVIL that has been and continues to be inflicted upon our PRECIOUS children.

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And my heart goes out to you.

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Lawrence Greenberg - Thank you.

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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Mr Greenberg, I loved ur writing & I’m so glad you shared your tragic story & hope many people read your story & come to their senses & understanding the way vaccines works & how it’s WEAKENED the immune system…my father was born in the 50’s… he had only 4 vaccines then, my grandmother lived to 104 yrs and passed away in 2022… she is also had the same amount of vaccines like my father…

I completely understand everything your have written & I have done TREMENDOUS RESEARCH & I come to the conclusion that NO VACCINE ARE SAFE & all were FRAUDULENT, all our lives we were lied to…many of my families have SUDDENLY DIED after taking the Covid jabs, all were in good health & they NEVER HAD COVID, many other are seriously injured & are getting sicker, SEVERAL TIMES PER YEAR… my wife & i & our 2 kids Never took the EXPERIMENTAL COVID JABS & we are perfectly fine & NEVER GOT COVID OR SICK & WE NEVER TOOK ANY TESTING… my wife & I worked thru the pandemic as essential workers & were fine & NEVER GOT SICK… only all the vaccinated, we know so many have died after taking the jabs & many are still so badly injured as of 2025!

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I was born in 1951 and totally agree that only about 4 vaccines were administered as a child then, one being Diphtheria, which left a significant dent in my thigh for life. I have never taken any vaccine since then and never will. My intuition kicked in loud and clear. I can't comprehend how so many people can be so gullible!

Relatively harmless diseases such as chicken pox, measles, etc. we all had and recovered quickly with very little fuss, and they

were part of the building blocks of our innate immune system. Cancer was extremely rare all through the sixties. I never knew of anyone who had cancer. It's really not that difficult to connect the dots!

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Baby Boomer here - AGREED!

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Great comment 👍🦘🇦🇺

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Thank you.

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The vaccines are pretty subversive--think about it and the level of trust required to permit a medical professional to inject an unknown right into your bloodstream or muscle! I'm suspicious of all pills at this point, even vitamins. God never told us to trust doctors, we just assumed they had our good at heart.

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Yes, not into pharmaceutical drugs but I do buy natural supplements from a health store. Sometimes they're not always "healthy" either. Before I buy them, I research these "natural" products and find that they sometimes contain synthetics and other rubbish which are not good for the health! Who can we trust?

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I know the originator of "New Chapter" vitamins, invited me up to his house to buy some collectibles and gave me a free bottle. I asked him during the pandemic about his judgment on the official treatments and he was in the dark on it.

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I like to taste everything that goes down my throat. God gave us all of our senses and instincts for a reason. Even vitamins can be useless or worse. So many people seem locked into the idea that they need to swallow lots and lots of supplements that put a burden on the kidneys and liver.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Excellent comment.

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Thank you.

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You are exactly right, Lawrence. The vaccine ideology has become a religion or a cult, with people blindly placing their faith in it. It is so difficult to convince people that they can actually safely refuse to take a vaccine.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Thank you. Last night, at our church, we had a reception for the second pastor within a few months to retire due to health problems. Both are in their fifties and I believe both are vaccine injured. One has had respiratory infections which take months for him to recover from and the other has brain fog and heart problems.

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You speak truth.

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Steve Kirsch posted another study showing unvaccinated children do better in a number of categories compared to vaccinated ones. But like all the other similar studies I've seen, this one does not address the diseases that childhood vaccines are intended to prevent, such as mumps, measles, rubella, flu, etc. So I'm left wondering if childhood vaccines can increase the risk for some negative conditions, but may lower the risk for diseases they are meant to prevent.

If and when such evidence is presented that shows vaccines are not effective against the disease they are designed to prevent, then the "herd immunity" argument comes into play. How valid is that theory? The idea is once a significantly high enough percentage of people are vaccinated, then they all are protected, even the few that are unvaccinated. Thus, the unvaccinated get a lot of scorn, except for the very few with legitimate medical reasons for avoiding vaccines.

This theory says even the vaccinated are at risk if their percentage of the population goes down to a not high enough level, as the vaccines are not perfect. The thinking is that the disease spreads first in the unvaccinated and then goes over into the vaccinated.

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Both Suzanne Humphries and Paul Thomas have said that the unvaccinated childrens’ risks of the diseases the vaccines are created for is higher. However, overall, I believe the risk benefit for a child’s overall health is still in favor of not vaccinating.

Dr Humphries points out that good nutrition and other measures can be taken to aid a child in surviving infectious disease. Adequate vitamin A, for example, is important for having a good outcome after contracting measles. Vitamin A comes from colorful fruits and vegetables as well as organ meats, foods probably lacking in the majority of children’s’ diets today.

Most of the deaths from infectious diseases have been reduced over the last few centuries by advances in public sanitation and better nutrition. Sadly, the nutrition of most children has made an about-face for the worst in recent decades so not vaccinating is more of a danger than it might have been when people still ate real food. Eating a poor diet is likely also a factor in how dangerous vaccines are though, so it’s just overall important to make sure children are eating nutritious food.

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Dr Humphries book where she discusses the issue of unvaccinated children and their risk of infectious disease is called “Dissolving Illusions”. It’s an excellent read to understand more about why the idea that the propaganda that ‘vaccinations are the answer’ is not based in reality. And she also gives sound advice on how people can help their children increase their chances of surviving infectious diseases (which is very likely that the vast majority of children will do) and thrive in their overall health.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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💯 correct!

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So sorry for your sons. Great write up! So sad and so true.

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I am very sorry your sons and your family were abused by the medical dogma. Your research is commendable.

Having been skeptical for many years, the understanding that highly toxic adjuvants were the substances that provoked an "immune response", the haze of misunderstanding lifted forever.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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I wish he would have said, "I support vaccines, but we really must evaluate the role they are playing -- IF ANY -- between vaccines, their ingredients, and chronic disease.."

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Agreed, Dr. Tenpenny. But, he has to get confirmed before he can really get to work. He was playing it smart but truthful.

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Agree, Dr. Tenpenny, except I'd omit the first 4 words of your quote and start with "We really ...". I'm hard core. I think every last vax on the market should be pulled off for lack of sufficient evidence of efficacy and potential harms. They've never been legitimately studied ... NONE of them, as I understand it. We need a complete do-over on vaccines, and it should go hand-in-hand with removal of the "no liability" clause for pharma. Once that's done, we should move onto every non-vax drug on the market as well.

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I totally agree with you. If Bobby (hmm, WHEN) get confirmed, I hope that he asked me to be on his vaccine safety task force. He's hinted at it but not sure.

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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I believe it would be a strong uncontestable statement for Bobby to declare his investment in investigating impact of standard adjuvants (aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue...) in vaccine development. I have never known a physician or veterinarian who could list the adjuvants in the vaccines they were promoting.

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I agree Dr. T. So many believe he is totally against vaccines when he has repeatedly stated: proper testing. Similar words

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He has said he supports vaccines publicly many times, but it is always somehow twisted into something else.

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Yes. He is being blasted, hard to think of everything under such pressure.

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The Knights of Walpurgis strike again.

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I wish yesterday he had not said, "I support the vaccine schedule." And he must always say, if he wants to declare his support, "I support safe vaccines," not just vaccines.

Thank you Sherri for all you have done over the past 5 years.

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He tells the truth! He is not in Big Pharma’s pocket or anyone else’s which is more than those trying to stop him can say! If Covid did not teach these DC senators better, they just might be getting money from the enemy! Check into how much Sanders and Pocahontas have taken into their pockets.

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Pocahontas was in the top 20 in 2020 election cycle.


Ron Wyden in top 20 Senators during 2022 election cycle. Senators serve 6 year terms I believe.


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Great piece here Nicholas. Funny, the same people we saw bullying RFK today are the exact same people who voted AGAINST ID to vote in the last election and the same people who voted AGAINST a bill that would require the deportation of illegal migrants who commit sex crimes against women and the same people who think little boys can turn into girls and compete against them in sports and use their bathrooms. I want to be very clear.

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Well, they have to support their paymasters - Big Harma.

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It is interesting to me that the Dems do not want to hear what he has to say, unless he'll give them a yes or no to 6 words from a sentence he utter at one time. They don't care what he thinks.

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They were like that with EVERY candidate. They publicly embarrass themselves.

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Democrats are incapable of shame or embarrassment - or they wouldn't be Democrats.

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Conspiracy theories = conspiracy FACTS

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This is a wonderful article. I agree with nearly everything in it. The section on the chronic disease epidemic is crucial. However, I hope you'll consider two small but important changes. In your chart under behavioral risk factors, two of the danger factors you include are hypertension and high cholesterol. Random controlled trials conclusively show that not only doesn't reducing cholesterol help, the pills are actively harmful in serious ways: https://www.blackliszt.com/2022/04/the-facts-are-clear-dont-take-cholesterol-drugs.html. Blood pressure control is just as bad, for example doubling your risk of going blind.: https://www.blackliszt.com/2022/07/blood-pressure-pills-can-make-you-blind.html

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Watching these senators ask him such loaded and biased questions that were based on “facts” according to them was so hard to witness. Let’s get these people that protect agencies over the people out of these offices!!

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Good for Shanahan for saying she will invest millions to support primary opponents to every Senator that votes against RFK, and she will mobilize the public against them.

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The hostility being aimed at him, is shocking, and based on twisted viewpoints.

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Since the definition of vaccine was changed in 2022 there is no distinction between the former category of a vaccine where it was understood they conferred IMMUNITY. mRNA vaccines are a gene therapy. They don't behave the same way. People have forgotten!!

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They are not therapies since there is nothing therapeutic about them.

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Point was they are not the same as defined before 2022. What would you call them if not a therapy?

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Yep. By definition, mRNA shots are gene therapy. Like Lawrence Greenberg stated so succinctly, “Don’t believe me; do your own research.” All the documents correctly identified the C shots as gene therapy.

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All voting age Canadians should read: “Fisman's Fraud” by Phd Regina Wateel, to get the Nexus of the phony pandemic 2020-2023, the present, and the future as David Fisman leads Canada’s Pandemic Preparedness Centre at the U of Toronto.

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Really? Bio weapons.

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Nothing was said about bio weapons. Where did you get that? Are bioweapon and gene therapy synonymous with each other?

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The spike protein is the bioweapon.

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I lived in Minneapolis for 4 years and met the nicest people on the planet. How did they elect that Tina Smith? Her facts were wrong, her logic was faulty, her manner caustic, and she was clearly not interested in listening or learning anything in this "hearing". Shameful.

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They did elect TW as Governer.

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Thank you Nicholas H. ~

I agree - it was only Part 1.

I respect RFK Jr. could bite his tongue and hold his thoughts and never interrupt.. but listen even though he disagrees. He knows not to say anything more than he needs to as it will only take longer. They were ready to latch on to any extras and turn it into a negative. A brilliant Attorney never drops a crumb but measures every word.

Water seeks it’s own level and you cannot school these Piranhas in 3 hours. He remained a “Gentleman” which was a feat in itself. A Win 🏆 thus far as the usual suspects only wanted to make statements and not listen to his responses. That alone is telling - like the last number of years he has been silenced. Our good Guys made their points eloquently as usual. He never lost his cool and understands timing is everything when the stakes are this high

“You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, ….🎶🎵

They’ll be time enough for countin when the hearings done”.

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True, he took the blasting, arguing would have gone nowhere.

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Yup, the Tina, Elizabeth, and Bernie types have their NO votes solidly in place. No need for RFKjr to argue. RFKjr. 👍👍

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Agreed. He gave a stellar performance, typically of him. He was poised, answered all the questions, given the Dem attacks and fairness of questions. I think all Republican Senators on the committee will vote for him, and I counted 2-4 Democrat senators that might vote for him.

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I think he could have commented on how nutrition and sanitation lowered chronic disease prior to vaccine introduction.

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Yes, those would have been good points to make. But, he was limited in his time and specific responses. He did great, and I think we have to maintain our faith in him and in the MAHA movement! We will persevere! The people will see who the controllers and controlled are now, more clearly. Our movement will grow.

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Yes, I hope there is enough support for confirmation.

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Some will definitely put falsehoods on their official record because they wouldn’t let him answer. They ought to be ashamed of themselves for the badgering.

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Sadly, he didn’t handle the Demonrats as well as Pam Bondi did. I expected a better performance. The Demonrats just kept talking over him, didn’t allow him to answer their questions. Instead, they put words in his mouth,

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I know, they were relentless, and wrong in their assumptions.

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Listening to Bernie Sanders go on and on about the "onesies" makes me want to get some before they're gone! This is such dumb theater – you can imagine the mud huddle before the hearing, "Alright, make him feel the bern on the onesies; we'll smear him with the onesies!"


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More damning is Sanders' own funding by Big Pharma to the tune of some $1.5m

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THANK YOU, Mr. Hulscher, for the EXCELLENT facts!

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Thanks for reporting on this. I watched the whole thing. It was quite the circus, and patently obvious which senators are bought and paid for by Big Pharma, and willfully ignorant besides. RFK handled it all very well.

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