Good reporting John,

I think too many people are wanting to forget the mishandling and corruption of the covid pandemic. Most people just want to put it behind them. I appreciate you doing good summaries so that we can convince people that unless we really get to the root of the problem, we're going to see the same thing again.

There has still been no real accountability for all the lies and deceits.

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Those who took part in the thalidomide evilness kept their pensions, I hope its different this time.

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Don't hold your breath!

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I'm not but I'm hoping more care this time.


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Hope is good.

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They want it behind them because they can never admit they they behaved as irrationally terrified buffoons. I will NEVER let them forget.

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the quotes for each one of these evil doers aren't even the worst lies they told

I know I heard Maddow say if you take the shots you won't get sick and you become a dead end for covid - same with Biden - and please include the hideous Leana Wen in this awful grouping as she said the most viscous things about the unvaccinated

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MadCow, O'Biden and all the rest simply became dead ends for Truth.

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AND none of them ever apologized for spewing misinformation, disinformation (whatever) - LIES....

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They’ll never apologize because they did it on purpose. It was part of their plan.

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In Germany this has become obvious now because of the so-called RKI-files. They became publicly known via a FOIA request made by a journalist. https://multipolar-magazin.de/artikel/rki-protokolle-1

(The RKI is an institution roughly corresponding to the CDC.)

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I don't know what VISCOSITY has to do with Dr. Wen's modus operandi or her credentials, and I don't know that she is crafty enough to be even capable of acting vicious [as opposed to being "viscous"]. Certainly, I never felt very comfortable upon hearing her blabber, either in print or orally. She gives me a creepy vibe.

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Typo tee hee and thanks for making me laugh. Then again, Wen's words could actually be considered both dangerously aggressive and thick/sticky/resistant to flow. Typo touche...

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Viciously viscous?

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It’s impossible to rank these evil creatures by which ones I detest the most. I guess it’s a six-way tie. And, please, Mr. Leake, don’t make any excuses for Maddow, Walensky and Biden. They had a wide audience, and it was inexcusably irresponsible of them to discuss a subject about which they knew nothing, and hadn’t researched.

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I agree. These liars never offered any caveat following these comments. These lies were presented as 100% straight up truths. People thought they were protected when they weren’t, and they died. Criminals all of them.

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Biden and Maddow have no science background or education, but there is no excuse for that Walensky creepo.

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No excuse for Biden and Maddow, either. None.

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Or worse yet, Trump. No excuse for him either.

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Lets add Tedros from the WHO as one of the biggest criminals of all, still relentlessly pushing his overthrow of the world with new docs to eliminate our sovereignty, due the end of May with new amendments that are not suggestions but mandates.

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Yes! Tedros ranks right up there with Schwab, Gates, Fauci, and others too numerous to name. No one, elected or not, should ever be given the type of power bestowed on this bunch of psychopaths. How dare anyone bestow absolute power over people to anyone? These people are blatant Fascists who are Hell bent on destroying humanity for their own greedy ends.

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This looks like a great WANTED poster to be hung in all post offices like they previously did for criminals.

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There is no one to trust with your precious life. What a clown show.

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Yeah….we have known this now going on pretty much three years. Doesn’t seem to make any difference….they have all made bank, has their careers flourish and gone on with their lives unperturbed by the “resistance.” Meanwhile…the medical freedom fighters sell their supplements, keep the echo chambers raging and the beat goes on. What’s the point, John? Do you seriously ever see any justice or accountability? As a lawyer….I can tell you that there is a reason the law has statute of limitations on causes of action….the evidence grows cold, witnesses memories are no longer sharp, documents get lost, yada, yada, yada.

At this point, justice, IMO, is not being served nor likely to ever be served. But sure does feel like the clock is being run out.

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The German doctor, Fritz Lickint, published a persuasive meta-analysis in 1929, demonstrating the link between tobacco smoking and lung cancer. Sir Austin Bradford Hill published an even more powerful study demonstrating this link in 1950. In 2002, Philip Morris placed informational inserts in 28 major newspapers in the United States (including the New York Times and USA Today) stating: “We agree with the overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and other serious diseases in smokers.” If this is any guide, it may take between 50-70 years before we get a full, public acknowledgement of the COVID-19 vaccine fraud. Like all worthwhile things in life, the business of telling the truth and educating our fellow man is NOT easy, and the benefit may not be realized till long after we are gone. To put it in a religious context, Paul was executed in Rome around 64 A.D., while the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 312. Paul apparently never complained or lost faith. Regards, John Leake

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So well spoken. Thank you to both you and John for continuing to bring truth and light to this horrific fraud brought upon the world.

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Actually, it appears that we have been victims of ILLUSIONISM regarding TOBACCO also. I would be interested in knowing if organic tobacco or only industrial-made cigarettes were used in the studies. Because it must be understood by now that industrial-produced cigarettes with numerous dangerous additives are not the same thing as organic tobacco alone.

It is known now that we all have nicotine receptors in our bodies meaning we have 'evolved' to ingest a certain amount of nicotine. Nicotine exists in more plants than tobacco alone. It is also now known that nicotine is not addictive. The modern cigarettes were made with numerous additives, one in particular which is addictive and helped create addicts in order to sell more cigarettes for the profit of the Powers That Be.

Perhaps getting this knowledge out will mean we may finally reach a point where we really have "full, public acknowledgement" that addictive cigarette smoking and lung cancer were caused by the cigarette makers! They developed a product that CAUSED addiction and addicts smoked TOO MUCH and risked lung cancer from the resulting deposits of chemical additives in addition to any harms that may come from smoke of the naked tobacco leaf alone (which I wonder if that has been established separately).

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I'm using cut-down nicotine patches myself that ended some post-Afib, post Covid arrhythmia within days (I never smoked or took a Covid vax), and agree with much of what you write. It's the combustion byproducts that would concern me, whether with nicotine or eggplant (another plant source of nicotine).

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Great point. What drives me completely insane is that everyone acts like the despicable evil was in the past. And nothing like that can happen now. Even though nothing has changed. Things are only getting worse.

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It is very important to stay focused on the things that really matter.

I did have some respectful disagreement with you on The Chesapeake bridge. My point was to stick with areas that you have knowledge and access to good information.

You have to have multiple sources that you can trust their opinion. That was the case for me comparing your analysis with others more familiar with the global shipping industry.

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I sadly agree that it feels like the criminals are getting away with it. What seems to always keep this wound fresh for me is the dead and permanently injured not just in the USA but all over the world largely on the advice of the government ie FDA/CDC and big pharma. How can we forget this?!

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Yes. I agree….my mother is one of the casualties, died in January 2022. And the number of suspect casualties in the circle of my friends/acquaintances continues to grow….beyond the point that a rational person ought to be able to ignore. But still many do…

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So sorry for your loss Laura. All of us should remember the losses and use it to fuel our humanity and fight back. We are losing our humanity and if we allow this evil to continue with no accountability we are in danger of destroying our nation and civilization. Sounds dramatic but look at what is happening! Young people are dying or sick with cancer!

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Agree 150%

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I am so sorry. God bless you.

The formerly completely healthy son (37) of a friend of mine died suddenly, a couple of months after his second gene-injection, while taking a bath.

But she has never made the connection.

It is so horrendously sad.

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Their lies make them a party to murder. There is no statute of limitations for murder. If we can ever get them charged and into a court room justice may yet prevail. However given the deep seated corruption in our Western governments I doubt it will ever get this far.

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I agree. There will be no real justice or accountability. Our leadership class is detestable - some are easily led dimwits others, like Fauci, are liars and possibly on the psychopathic spectrum.

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Cuff ‘em Dano!

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Don’t forget the hospitals, doctors, and nurses who also participated in the ruse as well as the CEOs/leadership who issued mandates in hospitals, schools and businesses.

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I vass just following orders.

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Fauci does not get a pass. When you read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. you will see that he has no conscience and killed orphans that he experimented on and pushed a drug that he had a conflict of interest in for Aids patients that killed them slowly and painfully when there were alternatives.

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Don't forget the beagles he tortured, and debarked so he wouldn't hear their cries.

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People who can torture animals, will torture people. That behavior is psychopathic.

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Right John! And the rest including: Trump, DOD, CIA, Bill Gates of Hell, FDA and the rest of the Fascist PSYCHOPATH GENOCIDERS!

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Do you mean the World Hellth Organization?:)

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Yes. World Health Organization. See Dr Meryl Nass on Substack. She is the authority on what the WHO is trying to do right now. Super frightening!!

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And the “patriots” can’t wait to line up and vote for the orange savior. Warp Speed 2.0 here we come.

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I'm still pissed at what they did to us.

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An EXCELLENT post Mr. Leake.

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Good summarization. God will be just - the malfeasance will be judged - take solace in that.

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Liars, thieves and thugs. All of them.

Gates in particular… who has paid millions in a purposeful rebranding PR campaign for himself as a good-guy nerd philanthropist…

It’s all bullshit. Billy boy Gates has never done anything out of the goodness of his heart- he’s a megalomaniac capitalist. His ‘philanthropic endeavors’ … all yield BILLIONS in profits.

That’s not philanthropy… that’s a grift!

He’s dangerous to humanity. He has his hand in EVERYTHING… the food supply, the medical complex, nonprofits that usurp government and regulation … he’s genetically modified mosquitoes and released them into the environment… and he turned this mRNA gene therapy atrocity out onto the world.

Compliments of Gates and the US Government.

Their atrocities are too many to list.


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He's been hit with a pie to the face in the past, so there's always a chance for retribution. Won't be me, but all it takes is even a chance encounter with someone who knows the score. Plus, there's the equally evil folks he works with, like Epstein--no honor or loyalty among psychopaths. Planes go down, cars back into ponds, life goes on until it doesn't.

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“The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy.”

Thomas Sowell

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