It takes a long time for a chronic disease to do you in, but an overreactive immune system can kill you within a few minutes. The authors admit that using adjuvants is a way to get a more robust adaptive immune response. In other words, they are injecting you with extra stuff to force the immune system to look at the thing that is in the shot, or the protein antigen that will be made from the mRNA in the shot. The goal is to get as many antibodies as they can, thinking that this will protect you from disease symptoms when you get infected. Admittedly, these serum antibodies do not protect a person from getting infected, they ADAPT or REACT to the infection. Unfortunately, as the authors point out, these antibodies can cause autoimmune reactions or activation of the complement system through various mechanisms, both of which are deadly.

The authors also point out that adjuvants can also be used to cause a better dendritic cell to T-cell response, hoping that these trained T-cells will get deployed to the epithelial barrier and be able to protect a person against infection. They admit the protection against infection is cellular, not involving serum antibodies. What the authors fail to mention is the fact that by doing this, the T-cells will be focused on looking for what was injected, not what is coming through the epithelial barrier. Therefore, infections will continue to occur as natural mutations occur, and viruses associated with other communicable diseases will get through as well.

Science has got to stop playing God by tricking the immune system. Let’s refocus on building up the protective mechanisms in natural ways, and treat infections when they happen.

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Thank you for your comment, Dr. Stillwagon!

I very much appreciate that it is written so someone like me (who has basically been earning an "online degree" these past four years in virology, epidemiology, biology, etc.,) can understand what is happening on the cellular level and help others to as well.

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Love you comment about "online degree"! I feel the same and am going to steal it!

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Right on! :)

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and not just COVID 19 vaccinations. Adjuvants are widely used in many vaccinations especially for older populations.

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It's a disgrace that we still don't know what's in that shot - I'm hoping if Trump wins he'll bring RFK into his administration to clean up all of the government agencies that are supposed to protect us but instead profit from this. As a grandparent of 7 I worry about the vaccines given to children - and all of the autism and illnesses these kids suffer that were never around when I was young.

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This runaway train that calls itself Democrat “democracy” has caused RFK Jr.’s dyed in the wool Democrat relatives to attack him on the basis of pure Democrat loyalty which is lockstep with comrades, no different than Communism by justifying censorship that is antithetical to the Constitutional Republic. In short, America is not a Democracy just because we vote, a propagandized ruse by the Democrat Party for six decades promulgating on my naturally groupthink massive Boomers and low info voters to believe voting Democrat is in America’s interest.

As to the point of RFK Jr. in Trumps cabinet, I agree that would be a good thing, he, like Trump know where all the bodies are buried, help bring about serious Democrat thinker citizens who are as afraid of their weaponized Democrat government as Conservatives are concerned, thanks to the uniparty Bush and Obama the 2008 Trojan horse of Medicaid and bad debt to settle the coming illegals using the mysterious Covid in a multifaceted experiment (never let a concocted crises go to waste). They tell us what they are going to do, the people say “they don’t really mean that, and when anyone mentions they did it, albeit often insidiously because they know the majority would not want it so they then hide it using their paid minions to cry “conspiracy theory”. I like JFK Jr., I believe he, like his dad is a good man even though I do not agree with all he aspires to especially the Democrat ruse of caring for the “little guy” this Democrat banner is to arrogant to pretend and have abandoned. The problem with Marxist/Fascist democracy is exemplified by the French Revolution of pure rights, liberty, and democracy, all of which are utopian and eventually cannibalize and collapse, except for the overlords that experiment with it. The Democrat favorite “for the good of all” mantra of victimhood and meaningless equity passed off to low info voters as equality Im afraid is part of “dyed in the wool establishment”. That mantra is used by every totalitarian State to create vacuums in which government expands and cannibalizes itself which is antithetical to the Constitutional Republic that defines America.

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E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many - ONE - Trump has to use that as his mantra -most people don't even know what that means - I sent him a bumper sticker I had made up - it got as far as don jr. People in my town are personal friends of the president. He has to bring AMERICANS together like we were on 9/11 - Country over Party and stand together against this onslaught of captured government agencies like the CDC, FDA, NIH and the import of millions of unvetted illegal aliens progressives see as a future perpetual voting block for them.

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Thank you

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Trump had his chance DID NOTHING .... EXCEPT PULL OUT OF THE WHO👏🏼He is pig 🐷 of a human being and can not represent me ever... takes credit for operation warp sped did not stop Fauci.... what is the matter can’t find a decent human to be our elected leader... Pathetic 🤬

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Oh Demoncrats, beware the mirror and take your TDS meds regularly, they work better. We are not surprised that simple minds are easily propagandized after nine years of 24/7 media that gave you your daily ration of villain. The lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar your hierarchy installed as your figurehead will watch over you. Go back to sleep now.

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It is beyond me why people continue to line up to take the latest "science-based" poison,

still hoping that this time it will be helpful!

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I think most likely they are not well informed.

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I am hoping that too. He brought in RFK Jr last time to investigate vaccines but it went nowhere and this time he needs to bring him back in to properly sort out pharma. I am in the UK and both my children are now awake to vaccine harms so they vow never to allow any more shots into the grandchildren even if they have to home school.

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Thank you

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A whole new large population of cardiology patients. Crimes against humanity, even as Reiner Fuellmich sits in a German prison.

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How convenient for companies that make cardiac therapeutics....

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Aluminum is a regular adjuvant in ALL vaccines, even the ones that show efficacy and have actual studies that show relative safety for use. I understand the small physical amounts of adjuvants in vaccines may not hurt you, but they easily could hurt you given the uniqueness of our bodies and immune systems. My understanding is they used peanut oil in vaccines for years and the common sense logical view introducing this foreign protein into an immune system will produce inflammatory responses and long term allergies. When I was a kid we had peanut butter for breakfast on toast...well good luck sending your kid to school with peanut butter breath. Adjuvants are poisons in my book. Vaccines are insane. I have sent this group of questions to people who insist on using vaccines for the past 10 years or more: https://livelovefruit.com/still-vaccinating-25-questions-former-pro-vaccine-advocate/

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Stop the shots!!

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Makes one ponder the question as to whether 99.9% of the medical profession has been bought off in some way?…more heart issues makes for $$ for cardiologists…more cancers $$ for oncologists…more long COVID more $$ for neurologists….more infertility more $$ for infertility clinics and GYN specialists….more bad babies more $$ for pediatricians….on and on and least we say more $$ for hematologists too….and the massive $$$$$ for hospitals for each designated COVID death whether valid or not. The medical groups have profited greatly off this fraud/scam with our deaths and disabilities and most were totally silent even when it was obvious there were massive concerns about not just who and why this disease was brought upon us but treatment which likely worked and were banned for wayward and false reasons….I blame medicine from the top down…they did not protect us and they are still corrupted totally.

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Hi Dr. McCollough. I'm struggling to understand why you continue to promote the idea that mRNA was in the COVID19 gene therapy injections. Maybe you have seen evidence that I haven't yet seen. La Quinta Columna is one of many groups of doctors and scientists around the world who have evaluated the vials of Phizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. The conclusion of everyone thus far (that I have seen), is that there was no mRNA in the vials. None. There was DNA plasmids and pieces of heavy metals which self-assemble into various types of nanotechnology. Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Ed Group, and Dr. Ana Mihalcea are just a few of the US doctors who have attested to this being true after their evaluations showed the same results.

You can collaborate with LA Quinta Columna here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/colabora-con-la-quinta-columna/

These doctors and scientists have proven that the nanotechnology causes myocarditis, POTS, and almost all of the other conditions being attributed to the so-called spike protein. They have also proven that IV EDTA rapidly improves most of these conditions because it removes large amounts of the nanotechnology at once.


This nanotechnology has been found in absolutely everything in our environment. Here are some examples. 👇👇👇

The food supply-


Bottled drinks -


The rain water and tap water - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0cUzPwj8Pn1YtenQWEubXuMRqpJK4MW8S69SJn49JNpeXdpqPYcoGuDbkB9vZAny7l&id=1788567372&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=6aamW6

Injectable drugs, nebulizer drugs, vitamins, and dental anesthetics - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-new-research-findings

This nanotechnology builds the died-suddenly-non-platelet clots being found by embalmers all over the world. These clots cannot be seen using CT or MRI and often, patients do not have elevated d-dimers since the clots are not made from platelets. -


Dr. Mihalcea has found that methylene blue will degrade these clots amd inhibit their formation. Nothing in your spike detox works on these clots, sir. Nattokinase, black seed oil, and pharmaceutical blood thinners have all been tested on the clots and none of them affect the clots whatsoever. Methylene blue is the only substance so far that has demonstrated it can degrade them. -


Finally, for all of those doctors and scientists convinced that the technology for the nanotech is not yet advanced enough for this to be possible, here is Dr. David Nixon showing it self-assembling under electron microscopy. -


Can you please tell your readers what scientists have proven mRNA is in the injection vials after evaluating the vials?

Here is evidence the US government is putting billions of dollars into funding nanotechnology. They fund it via the NNI (National Nanotechnology Institute) - https://www.nano.gov/2023BudgetSupplement?fbclid=IwAR025yox9D9py3R9pO-exMwpRDbBGN3P-I_KFkfJ-_OMqBiVNjybOR-QNgo#:~:text=The%20President's%202023%20Budget%20requests,future%20and%20address%20world%20challenges.


1. Can you please tell your readers what non-China-based scientists have isolated the supposed COVID19 virus so we can see that evidence for ourselves?

2. Can you please explain what scientists (specifically) have evaluated the injection vials and proven that mRNA is present?

The global civilian populations need all of the brightest minds working to help find solutions. Every one of us are contaminated with this stuff and the vast majority of us have no idea that we have been contaminated and need to be proactive in detoxing the nanotechnology, and degrading the clots being built by the nanobots who build them. It is imperative for the survival of the human race, that all well meaning scientists and doctors look at this evidence and begin working together to notify the public and find solutions and hopefully, an antidote. Thank you for reading this and thoughtfully looking at the evidence provided. I will look forward to your response.

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Dr Lee Merritt said in a recent interview that while she was looking into ways to write legit exemptions from the shots to some soldiers, she had many tested to possibly show some reaction to PEG (poly ethylene glycol) containted in shots. Low and behold, almost all showed high reactivity to full blown allergy to this adjuvant. That tells us that PEG should be a big no-no for the whole population!!!!

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unrelated but please watch asap

Dr John Campbell conversation on psychological manipulation used on the world in the last few years


if the link doesn't work

You Tube

Covid psychological manipulation: unpacked

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The more things change, the more they stay the same. Consider good King Mithridates’ solution to the problem of poison:

There was a king reigned in the East:

There, when kings will sit to feast,

They get their fill before they think

With poisoned meat and poisoned drink.

He gathered all the springs to birth

From the many-venomed earth;

First a little, thence to more,

He sampled all her killing store;

And easy, smiling, seasoned sound,

Sate the king when healths went round.

They put arsenic in his meat

And stared aghast to watch him eat;

They poured strychnine in his cup

And shook to see him drink it up:

They shook, they stared as white’s their shirt:

Them it was their poison hurt.

—I tell the tale that I heard told.

Mithridates, he died old

A. E. Houseman, "Terence, This is Stupid Stuff"

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It is my opinion that the "exhaustive ingredient lists which have not been disclosed by the vaccine manufacturers", can be obtained by means of a federal court (because of USA government funding) application grounded upon public interest & public policy considerations. The application would have merit due to deliberate and conscious violation of constitutional rights, in regard to suppressing evidence, not only by the individuals involved, but also other senior officials.

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One of the reasons that all vaccines are able to make it to market is the fact that vaccine manufacturers don't have to test their product against a true placebo due to them being classified as "biologics" and due to them being held to a much lower standard of testing than other pharmaceuticals. Because of this, they will usually test the new vaccine against either an existing approved vaccine (because of course the existing vaccine has been deemed "safe" - sarcasm-). Or they will take the new vaccine and remove the novel antigen in the new vaccine but still administer the adjuvant and call it a "placebo". This effectively *hides* serious adverse events during trials.

The placebo can be the most dangerous part of the vaccine because it artificially stirs up the immune system with essentially a substance that the body sees as a threat and this threat is injected directly into the bloodstream. The body sees these substances as a threat because of their toxicity/reactivity. These injections happen over 70 times throughout an infant's/child's life before they even turn 18, if they follow the CDC childhood schedule.

As far as I know, vaccines are not required to look at things like distribution or excretion because of the "biologics" classification which gives them special treatment. At some point in history, vaccines were just declared safe, and that was the end of any curiosity about dangers of vaccines from the medical community. I think this transition to them being essentially declared safe happened via propaganda (from industry and regulatory agencies) after the 1986 act was signed that protected manufacturers from any liability and it created a government court to essentially discretely hash out vaccine injuries away from public view. Pharmaceutical companies could then say whatever they wanted, and no one could hold them accountable for their statements because they had total liability protection. And people from the NIH started making money off of vaccines and people from the CDC and FDA were all retiring from the CDC and FDA directly into cushy jobs in the pharmaceutical companies that they were supposedly regulating a few months before.

Of course, all of these loopholes that vaccine manufacturers can utilize makes these products inherently dangerous and essentially, they should be considered "untested" for safety. Add to that that they never look at dose accumulation studies and they don't even follow the recipients long-term to look for non-specific effects. They never compared vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. No one has any idea of how badly these are adversely affecting people.

What I'm describing above applies to normal vaccines. The "Covid vaccines" that are not actually vaccines at all, had even lower standards of testing during their trials compared to typical vaccines. Actually, they weren't even required to test them in a trial. They only had to do a "demonstration", due to the PREP act laws. This all came out during the Brook Jackson trial, since she knew regular vaccine trial standards were not being adhered to and tried to blow the whistle. The FDA stepped in and said essentially that what the vaccine companies did was perfectly fine.

Anyhow, all that to say that adjuvants are not investigated as even being possibly harmful. They have been deemed safe by a corrupt pharmaceutical industry.

Sadly, there are a lot of chemicals in our food, grooming supplies, cleaning supplies, and other environmental chemicals that enjoy the same treatment as adjuvants. It's a "don't look" approach by the agencies that we have trusted to keep us safe.  

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