That used to be the case. At the age of 13 in the UK girls were tested and if they hadn't already had rubella, we were vaccinated against it. Given the risks of rubella in early stage pregnancy I supported that and was vaccinated. What I don't understand is why would you give it with mumps and measles and to a baby. The key point is that for healthy children these childhood diseases not only weren't a problem but helped provide a strong immune system through adult hood. I had measles as a child - apart from the rash, I wasn't ill.

Childhood illnesses were a problem for vulnerable children as were all infections. The DTP vaccine was a classic example of transferring risk from vulnerable children to healthy children. There was no reduction in deaths, just different children were dying ie those vaccinated. Which was why once the evidence of the harm of the pertussis vaccine came out I didn't vaccinate my children. Sir Gordon Stewart's work explained and provided the evidence for what was going on. A very fine epidemiologist and public health officer, he was later vilified as anti-vaccine. Tragically 'twas ever thus.

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I wish I'd never given my oldest the DPT in 1983 at 18 months. Sensitized by the 2,4,6 month ones, it caused brain damage in the motor area of brain. Her daughter had a reaction as well at 2 months which caused seizures for 10 months, thank God they stopped. A Neurologist told my daughter NO child of hers should have a DPT but refused to put it in writing. You can't get a child in school in the state of NY without it.

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When applying for a new clinical position in 2020 the hospital required Ab titres for measles, mumps, and varicella all of which diseases I had as a child about 60 years ago and Hepatitis B which I was vaccinated for in the Army about 30 years ago. The antibody levels for MMR were 20 to 1000 times the level demonstrating immunity while the Hep B was just barely adequate. I never considered myself anti vaxx but Covid led me to examine what I thought I knew about vaccines. Given the risks, lack of effectiveness and mostly benign course for these childhood diseases I think it’s time for new approach.

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I respectfully disagree, the completely unnatural interference with a Childs immune system via vaccine especially for something this benign is not required. The Elephant in the room is the direct correlation between Autism and childhood vaccines. The tidal wave of Autism that has swept across the G20 in the last 40 years has moved in lockstep with the ever increasing childhood vaccine schedule, which today numbers 72 jabs..! this is undeniable evidence now. A naturally robust immune system a child is born with needs nary a single jab..

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I guess you have seen this but if not it is worth watching.


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Thank you Henry, I have seen parts of it. I am going to watch the entire video now. Thanks again!

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I am beginning to think the entire vaccine program has been developed and managed by frightfully inept people, many of whom were financially incentivized. And that the past decades long debate over vaccine safety was blindly defended by the entire medical community, many of whom never researched or questioned the defense provided by those same inept and financially motivated proponents of vaccines.

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Question is, can you vax with just the rubella alone or are you forced to take or give the MmR to your child? Since it is notably suspect in the incidence of autism it’s something to ask. My daughter is delaying the MmR for her son because of this concern but what if she wants to get pregnsnt again?

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Last time I checked, none of the components of the MMR are available as individual products. This was not the case several years ago. If you need to boost a waning mumps or rubella antibody titer, you are obliged (by product availability) to get all three components in MMR. I found that quite curious along with many other recently bundled vaccine product "upgrades". It serves to reinforce the impression that informed consent is a quaint and obsolete notion.

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Can anyone tell me the best way to submit a personal question to Dr. McCullough ? I have tried his gmail account to no avail. Realizing that he must be inundated with questions and requests, I want to be respectful. Of his time and energy. I wrote on behalf of a friend with a serious COVID-related cardiac issue and am certain that his advice would be helpful. Thank you. KenR

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I'm 76yo and as a young boy, I contracted measles, mumps, red, and German measles, as well as chickenpox without vaccination.  I haven’t taken a flu vaccination for decades because when I last got one I got sick as hell. I am unvaccinated for Covid as I contracted it in early February 2020 before the word Covid was on the public airwaves. My natural immunity has worked just fine, thank you.

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Questions about rubella that demand an answer:

Is it possible to obtain the rubella vaccine independently of its companions, the measles and mumps?

If it is given together as MMR, do the benefits outweigh the risks, even for rubella alone, given what we know about the risks of MMR to child development?

If given separately, does research clearly show the benefits of rubella vaccination outweigh risks?

If there is a separate rubella vaccine, does it contain toxic adjuvants or preservatives such as mercury or aluminum?

How does rubella vaccine compare to homeoprophylaxis with the homeopathic rubella nosode?

Are there any downstream negative consequences to individual or community health by using mass vaccination for rubellas, as we see with many vaccines and medications?

What other treatments which do not interfere with pregnancy and which may substantially reduce the risk for contracting rubella while pregnant are available?

I would submit that until these answers are definitively answered, the jury is still out on whether rubella vaccination should be recommended by health care practitioners.

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"It would be nice to see a shot in the arm that was so effective in blocking a nasopharyngeal respiratory infection, that we would not have to inject hundreds of millions of people who truly have no clinical indication in an attempt to “herd protect” a subsegment of the population." Indeed, not only nice but allow limited resources to be used wisely. There appears to be unlimited resources for vaccine distribution but not so much for other health issues. Doesn't make sense or does it?

FYI: https://media.livecast365.com/highwire/thehighwire/content/1667181980608.mp4

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Dr. McCullough, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that you're taking an in-depth look at childhood vaccines, gathering and sharing data, and giving your professional medical opinion on risks vs. benefits.

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I think it is Merck that makes the MMR and they have been refusing to split the shot since Andrew Wakefield brought attention to the possible intestinal effect. Imagine losing your license for SUGGESTING that be looked at...

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I'm sure they did a titer on her when she was pregnant but it's something to think about. If you are a young mom and you go to baby groups with your other children you are exposed to others - and these days, lots of people travel overseas. Now we've got China expanding their reach with planes flying in to our metro areas. With a 90% rate of birth defects it's a chance I don't think I'd want to take.

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