“Stay in your lane?” As one who knows you well, admires your intellect & curiosity & your knowledge of many arenas— especially history— I say: Stay on the path you’re on! We need you.

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The only time anyone should stay in a lane is when you're behind a wheel 🤓

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It's hard to stay in "your lane" when the joker up ahead is seeding the road with roof tacks.

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Really, it appears to me that the most egregious problem with people who deem themselves "experts" and want others to "stay in their lanes" is arrogance. The people who advocated for Unterweger had likely never dealt with psychopaths and had no idea how difficult it would be to discern truth from lies when someone is capable of believing any lie he tells himself. They also showed no compassion for the victims, who are still often regarded as deserving of whatever horror they suffer. Unterweger had proven himself "one of them" using his intellectual ability and there was no way they were going to humble themselves and experience the guilt and shame they should have felt. Unfortunately, there were apparently few, if any, sympathizers of the victims who would speak out about the "intellectuals" who were anything but. You are in your lane John. Your grasp of history and reminders about repeating policies/scenarios/behavior that had negative results and should not be repeated probably makes some uncomfortable, and they should be.

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I think you describe well what I more generally call "expert ignoramuses." They become "experts" by super specializing--knowing more and more about less and less--then they get institutional recognition as "experts," who everyone is supposed to think know it all, when in fact they know very little. And that recognition, and/or the power they get, goes to their heads, causing great harm. How else do we get "the nation's foremost expert on infectious diseases" who doesn't treat people and who stomped on doctors who successfully did treat patients in the throes of a pandemic?

I think you might like to read my post Expert Ignoramuses, with President Eisenhower's prescient warning about them. My prescription is: Deny them standing to rule our lives. That is the same message, delivered differently, as John Leake's objection to "stay in your lane."


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Keep going. You are highly valued.

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My question to those who command you to, "stay in your lane", is, who died and left them in charge of determining what the boundaries of the lanes are? The "official" responses and directives by so many of those "in charge" over the past several years have been devoid of critical thinking and basic common sense. To you and Dr. M., Keep up the great work!

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Thank you John for your Courageous Discourses, being a True Patriot and Fighter for the Rights of the People against an Insane Murderous Plutocracy moving to complete Totalitarianism!!!

In the end they lose.

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"If the citizenry is compelled to leave all examination and deliberation of major public policy issues—and the physical reality on which these policies are based—to favored experts, the citizenry will soon be mere subjects of the favored experts." Well said!

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Thank God you do not stay in your lane. As you point out, that is the problem with so many. Often when I try to tell others what I discerned early on about COVID policy and have learned through following you and others, plus reading several books, I’m met with skepticism. Everyone should be attempting to discern the truth. Experts are too focused on their narrow objectives to see it.

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A common quip: A ‘stairway to heaven’ or a ‘highway to hell’ gives us an idea of the amount of traffic we are likely to face. Check the lane you’re in. You may want to find an off-ramp.

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Hear hear! My 30 year old daughter who is pursuing a PhD in statistics, will not consider simple data summaries and matters of proven fact. Because its not in her lane.

It is so disappointing, and frightening as well. She has taken the primary series and we suspect at least one booster. Now has some possible injury? Weird stuff with her spleen and severe back pain, tired all the time. Got covid twice. We cant talk about it.

I have a degree in forestry and spent a career on and off dealing with messy data and simply masses of confounders. I had to be a generalist with some speciality in forest ecology and soils, but still a generalist. I did very well, and later was able to shift gears to influence oilsands reclamation in a major way. So I got flexible.

It just guts me my lovely daughter defers so readily to 'scientific authority', and talks of 'scientific consensus'. What happened? My 3 sons, who are competent hands on blue collar, had no trouble discerning the nature of the covid machinations, and asked about the vaxxes. I had done my homework and they are all solidly jab free and thankful for it now as events have unfolded and some of their friends are suffering.

She actually told me folk should stay in their own lane.

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Very sorry - 2 of my three think on same lines as your daughter - so I get “it just guts me”.

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Sounds as if she has been brainwashed by the media ,her doctor exctr.

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Can you find someone else who can talk to her?

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Unbelievable how history CONTINUALLY mimics and repeats itself BUT we are such a prideful and arrogant species we are too blind to see or acknowledge it. Thankyou for not staying in your lane and for seeking truth and attempting to educating the masses, despite the evil spiritual realm that controls us and perpetuates our existence.

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Well said, John!

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No thanks is exactly right!!

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Nice work John! Do not stay in "your lane". That's precisely what the "expert class" wants of you. It was so very nice to meet you yesterday at the CDF function. We are truly grateful you & Dr. McCullough came to speak! All the best, JENNY BLOUNT

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I am ruled by a constitutional constitution. We, the people, are not regulated by the constitution, but rather, the government is governed by the constitution in that they have boundaries of law making that they may not exceed.

The laws I follow are the ones that keep me and my neighbors free from the tyranny of another.

And if everyone 'stayed in their lanes', we'd be in China, the (former) USSR, Cambodia (Pol Pot), Cuba, Venezuela, (NAZI) Germany, in line for booster number 9.

Ancient civilizations have been destroyed by the very means being deployed against us right now. It is warfare waged against anyone who is a critical thinker.

You don't need a degree to read scientific papers.

But if one reads the accounts, the biographies, the self-biographies, the archeological tales explaining our past, the sciences will come into sharp focus.

You will be able to see them in the context of continuity, of the greedy few, allied with the willing lackeys of enforcement and reinforcement, pushing against a vast majority.

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