Our salvation as a nation will only come in Repentance for its embracing the modern evils of killing the unborn and total abandonment of the Biblical moral values on which the nation was founded. It won’t be enough to just poke at the octopus known as our present government.

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I agree 100% and am praying so this morning. May we all commit to defending our nation with repentance and gratitude for God’s past and future grace. Happy Independence Day🇺🇸.

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Except there was nothing religious at the beginning -- they were all added later. But from the beginning, people's rights were respected, and the right to follow their personal religious beliefs is part of that.

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People need to start thinking way bigger than Religions.

If languages can be constructed, so can 1000 year narratives called religions.

For example the assertion of the first comment on this thread is that abortion is a modern evil, (though other societies in history practiced infanticide as well) and Biblical moral values founded the nation. A lot of Renaissance philosophy also went into the founding of the United States of America, not just the hierarchical structure in the Bible.

Fabricating narratives is just something people and societies do, sometimes they are true, mostly they are partly true, and sometimes they are completely false.

Discovering truth from fiction is within everyone, but thought is the key.


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From it's beginning; the United States originated within a polity of Religion as still recognized in 'The Mayflower Compact' as well as the Charter of The Virginia Company. Certainly, as now, religion was used a mask or rationalization for the violence of those governing it to cover a whole host of sins based greed and false pride of The Virginia Company as a branch of The British East India Trading Company.

While there is doubtless encyclopedic proof of the Christian Faith being that of the populace; it's also a fact of the general weaknesses inclusive of terrible sin inherent The Human Condition also playing a role in this Nation's origins.

This Nation is blessed with flexibility which is a characteristic of Christianity allowing it to reach for perfection. It's original existence was for protecting Unalienable/Civil Rights defined in it's documents and that above all else is the single factor; arguably, making it GREAT. Many forget; this is Earth where nothing is perfect and for this Nation to exist at all was a miracle of God. For those of us having family here at the time and involved; it was a tremendously exciting and DANGEROUS moment in World History. Supporting one's family, farming, trading COULD result in execution as it was viewed to oppose England.

There is much not commonly known about America's past...And, that includes the fact of NO AFRICAN SHIPS OF SLAVES TO BE IN AMERICA in the Seventeenth Century. One of the largest land owners a Black man, Anthony Johnson, had been Indentured from Angola who owned black Indentured Servants/Slaves. The ships to the Americas were from Britian and Spain in the beginning of America's colonization.

This Messianic Jew, Johnathan Cahn is quite the researcher of America's origins and hidden history.


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The key to find out what is true and untrue in scripture lies in what is missing. For example, the deadliest sin of all, the one that has lead to the most death in human history is Fear. However, this is missing from the 7 sins and 10 commandments. The reason is likely because Fear governs one half of a Reward / Punishment control system. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/power-vs-money

The other half that is not entirely missing, but very minimized in scripture is the Internal soul. All good and bad are Externalized into workings of God vs the Devil. The soul is reduced to an object requiring salvation, instead of a living entity that grows with each good deed and suffers with each sin, no matter how small. Minimizing the internal soul's power over the material world increases the influence of external control systems.

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Fear is no sin in itself; but an instinct and at most a tool of evil. As for all with the exception of sexual perversions of all kinds; it has its time and season and it is wisdom providing knowledge of when it is appropriate or when to allow one's self to act upon it or in what way. Fight? Flight? Freeze? Fear CAN and DOES govern far more than a half of any Control System.

A human soul at its best is poverty stricken...Always seeking perfection in vain as nothing on Earth or of Earth is perfect as all must die. The Nazi's now claiming their immortality in The Cloud continue to learn that fact of existence regardless of Gnosticism, Atheism, Wicca, Quantum Physics oriented Bioelectrochemistry or any other discipline passing for science; any Philosophical system based in humanism or relativism or any other 'ism'.

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When you remove fear from the mind, the first thing that happens is that you can see the world much more clearly.

The next thing that happens is you gain the ability to see in 10, 100, and 1000 year increments.

And the last thing is that you see everything is quite amazing, even the cycles of rising and falling creations of man.

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Next, we need to salutary neglect the entire government.

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The weirdos who occupy the offices in Washington…

I love it. E.g., the dress stealing transvestite, the chest feeding transportation Secretary….the fat ugly skirt wearing man @ HHS….

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Nicely put!

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Saturday is July 6th. I will be fasting and praying for the salvation of our country and justice and reparations for the J6 political prisoners. Please join me.

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Love this.

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What is an antonym for Salutary Neglect? Answer: Deep State

Two million Federal employees spend every day of their working lives seeking ways to increase the scope, power and control of the federal government over every aspect of public and private life. Their reaction to the concept of salutary neglect: 1) stroke inducing laughter 2) burning scorn

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Salutary neglect still requires a dictator. Someone who has the power to impose tyranny but chooses not to for whatever reasons. Like mommy bending the rules to see if that will help a child do better or to prevent over punitive actions. This is not what a free, democratic republic is about. Our real hope is that We the People get off our complacent butts and start back with self governance. And we start that at the local levels. School and county and town boards. Everyone should be involved from either running for positions or being involved in the oversight of board and committeee and council meetings. Self rule takes work and dedication and we have become lazy and prefer to let others do the work. “It’s what we elect them for” goes the excuse. But like children, if humans have no oversight the6 will run amok. Which has happened. We don’t need an authoritarian state to ease up on the rules. We need a strong citizenry dedicated to overseeing our elected officials involved at every level.

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"Our real hope is that We the People get off our complacent butts and start back with self governance. "

That *will* happen, but not until after we go through hell. No, we're not yet in hell. And, no, waking up may not be sufficient to fix it.

We need to seriously up our game in this hybrid war. It's already been raging against us for 23 years, and arguably a century. As a people, we've failed every test that's come at us so far.

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It is a carefully crafted system built on a foundation of reward and punishment. The current version uses Money as the vehicle for Reward, and Power as the means for Punishment. It looks to have been operating since Egyptian times 5000 or more years ago, at least as far the pyramid symbolism on US currency goes.


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Why, oh why, didn’t we have the wisdom to listen to Ron Paul back in the 90s? I recall dismissing him when I saw him in the GOP debate as just a doddering old man. I could not have been more wrong; I know that now.

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I've long admired Ron Paul. He's been a man of honesty and integrity his whole life. How I wish we could clone him. He's still at it, bless him! May he continue for many yrs to come, Lord willing.

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Unfortunately, his son only pretends to be following in Daf’s footsteps. Say the right thing, but what does he do?

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Couldn’t agree more! A true Patriot and an exceptionally good man.

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People should return to church. Churches have been replaced by psychological support groups. Not necessarily good as most therapists pride themselves on their support of liberalism.

Churches are going extinct. Most people probably think they don’t have the time to attend, what with working so much to offset inflation and taxes!

Psych meds turn people into zombies in a worse case scenario and lacking their former energy and creativity in many other cases. A good sound faith would be better.

A good functioning society in general is an antidote to runaway government and unelected tyrants and other weirdos.

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Sadly, too many churches have embraced wokeism and deviated from Biblical principals.

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Yes, like the pope. What a piece of work! Maybe one clot shot too many?

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No, he was bad before the shot.

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I hate to like this, but it is sooo true.

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What? Feel free to worship your mystical being however you like, but no, we need freedom FROM religion just as much as we need freedom of religion. I suspect you have a certain type of church in mind, not spelled out in your post - and there will be plenty of people, of a religious bent, who will disagree with you.

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Happy Independence Day

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And what is to prevent us from returning to the lawlessness, corruption, and life-threatening dangers depicted by Upton Sinclair in "The Jungle" over a century ago? You rail against the "administrative state," as if Congress (ha!) or judges (woefully unequipped to grapple with the issues, if not completely in the pockets of the corporate class already) will be able to define the precise details of chemical regulation and pollution, to give just one example. This is "free market" cargo cultism at its worst. We have a problem now of regulatory capture (Big Pharma over the FDA, for example), but what you are proposing is to remove the very possibility of any potential democratic control over matters of life and death.

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Here here, I agree with many of these posters.

What is needed is a lot of repentance, intercessory prayers and fasting for the coming election which may very well determine the future of our country.

Something tells me this is our last chance.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.


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Nailed it.


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International Public Notice: Our Response to Overturning "Chevron Deference"

We begin with an excellent summation by Spike Cohen which captures the essence of it: 

"In, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the Supreme Court overturned a 40 year old case called Chevron [Deference] that granted radical levels of power to federal agencies. Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen explains this case and its importance.

“A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn't afford the seven hundred dollars per day they were being charged by the NMFS, the National Marine Fisheries Service, to monitor their company. The thing is, federal law doesn't authorize the NMFS to charge businesses for this. They just decided to start doing it in 2013. Why did they think they could get away with just charging people without any legal authorization? Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the "experts" in their field, and the courts should just defer to their "interpretation" of the law. So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to "interpret" laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.

It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.

It's how OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired. No law gave them that authority, they just made it up. It's how the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, was able to decide a piece of plastic was a "machine gun". It's how the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NRCS, is able to decide that a small puddle is a "protected wetland". It's how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the "experts". Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you'd actually committed a crime or not. Just off to jail you go. That's what Chevron Deference was. It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone. Thankfully, it's now gone. We haven't even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we'll all be better off for it. And that's why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.”

~Spike Cohen

This above summation adequately describes the impact of this decision on so-called Administrative Code and all the related Article I Courts and Tribunals in this country. 

The Reign of Bureaucratic Terror unleashed by the Chevron Deference (to "Experts") Doctrine has been relegated to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, except that such a decision and such a doctrine should have never existed at all, we are well-pleased. 

The proposition that the legislative powers of any Congress should be delegated and redelegated by those operating under delegated power themselves is and always has been unacceptable.  

This practice has reliably resulted in the Uncle Ernie Scenario in which a task is assigned to one person and then passed on to a different person to perform; the first person to whom the assignment is actually entrusted passes off their responsibility for performance to the second, who has no direct accountability. 

In this way, liability is evaded by the first person and accountability is avoided by the second person, and the public interest is disserved throughout. 

The various Territorial and Municipal Congresses have been passing off their responsibilities to unaccountable Federal Agencies since the 1880's, so that faceless, unelected, and largely unaccountable bureaucrats have been writing Administrative Codes and enforcing them as law for over a hundred years--with ever-increasing impunity and corruption. 

The break in the dam related to this corruption came last year with another Supreme Court case, "West Virginia v EPA" in which the Justices reiterated a hundred-plus year-old Tennessee ruling in Norton v Shelby County, finding that Congress has no ability to shuffle off its legislative powers to other entities. 

The immediate effect is to gut the Administrative Court System and de-fang the various Federal and State-of-State franchise Agencies. 

If Congress wants to burden the public they will have to get down to it and do their own dirty work and take responsibility for it from now on. They will no longer have the Agencies to do it all for them, no longer be able to escape their liability by re-assigning their role to unelected bureaucrats. 

The unelected bureaucrats will no longer be able to extend their capricious and autocratic rule subject only to their own courts. 

A sigh of relief can be heard across the land. 

Politically, the court has handed Congress its own head on a platter, and the Executive Branch, too, while significantly increasing its own power and the power of its subordinate "judicial [district]" courts. 

This one move has its good points and bad points from an American Public perspective. 

The good part is the removal of oppressive bureaucratic and executive powers; the bad part is increased reliance upon courts attached to military judicial districts which were set up in the wake of the Civil War and which are infamously known as "Carpetbagger Courts". 

It is doubtful that this "judicial [district] court system" was ever legal or lawful in the first place.  

It was initiated in May of 1865 via the creation of ten new "military districts" covering the eleven defeated Confederate States of States, and was invoked via non-existent emergency powers. 

The primary duty of this ersatz judicial [district] court system was to keep order and collect war reparations; it was only required to provide "an appearance of justice" --- not actual justice. 

The current action can be viewed as the British Territorial Government's "judicial district court system" knocking off their Municipal Court competition.  

It can also be viewed as the British Territorial Government taking a controlling position over the vast Federal Agency structure created by FDR and all the more than 350 three-letter and four-letter Municipal Agencies created in the 1930's. 

It can be viewed as a peremptory move by the court to reign in executive power, also.  

There was a reason that FDR created all those "Federal Agencies" -- and it was simply to enable him to rule as a despot using "Executive Orders" to run the entire country. 

So, the whole Chevron Deference Doctrine that has just been overturned, was only an extension and proliferation of already existing abuses of power and non-existent authorities that began in the Belle Epoch Era after the Civil War --abuses that have continued unabated until now. 

The first such inroads began with the Pinkerton Laws extended to the Railroad Corporations allowing them to hire and deploy foreign police contractors in this country, followed by the deployment of U.S. Marshals in the western Territories formed during and after the Civil War.  

Then, within twenty years, there began a proliferation of "departmental agencies" such as the Department of Justice, Inc., and the Department of Defense, Inc., operated as undisclosed Territorial Government Subcontractors to defend and protect the District Corporations against the American Public, at the expense of the American Public.  

It was during this time period from the 1880s to the 1930's that various other "government" departments and functions were secretly privatized and farmed out to individual privately owned and operated corporations in the business of providing essential government services.  

It was during this period of time that the Federal Reserve System, Inc. came into being and the United States Department of the Treasury, Inc. and the Bureau of Land Management, Inc. and the various state-level Bureaus of Vital Statistics came into being.  

These are all

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248 years ago, American Patriots put everything on the line… their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor… to take up arms against government oppression. Our Founders never said the battle for freedom would end, and with such understanding they armed us with a weapon that they did not wield… our Constitution. So, my fellow Patriot, the war against government oppression continues, and some of us will still put everything on the line. Have a blessed Independence Day. - Rep. Clay Higgins

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Victor D. Hanson has a BRILLIANT spot on review of the DemoRats!!!


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For many years, the “state” regulatory administrations have been populated by appointees from within the industries that they are supposed to be regulating. Terrible situation of regulatory capture that perhaps this decision will curtail by making Congress do their job better.

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Members of congress should try being “ professional,” first and foremost, and not so chummy with their ideological rivals.

It’s ok to be cordial, but realistically they should keep it in the backs of their minds that the person across the aisle may need a 180 degree realignment at some point, so no reason to relax a professional attitude.

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