I remember the BP disaster. The laborers on the beach with paper towels was only for the photo-ops. The real operation was spraying millions of gallons of toxic chemicals onto the oil slicks in the water, to get the oil to mix with the water and not float on top where people could see it. They intentionally doubled the toxic disaster to get it out of sight.


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indeed causing the toxic oil to sink and do more damage, was exactly what they did

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As bad as Big Oil is, I can’t help wondering if Big Batteries is any better? Lithium and cobalt vs methane and oil.

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I guess it depends on which poison by which you prefer to be killed.

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A modern world of mechanized transportation and wondrous gadgets will always come with the inequity of risks. We can and should do our best to limit risk, but a growing number of people today are so risk averse they have unrealistic expectations. You cannot defeat the laws of physics/entropy. You want to live as safe and green as possible? Live like the Amish. Of course, you might fall off the roof building a barn but at least you’ll go out the old fashioned way.

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The Amish have their share of risks as well, not just raising the barns. My thing with autonomous planes and cars is that they can't be programmed for everything, or extrapolate from past experiences. A prime example was Sullenberger's Hudson River landing neither military nor commercial pilots are trained for nor practice ditching procedures, but by taking all he knew about safe landings in cray conditions and applying it, he succeeded where most fail. Unlike the "Airport" movies, virtually all water landings, not in sea planes, had been more crash than landing with little or no survivability. I don't doubt that has been incorporated into simulator training since he pulled it off, almost all crash, or near miss, scenarios are, to show pilots what did and didn't works, so try something else. The practice of having a senior, more experienced pilot with a junior co-pilot is also for training purposes; AI removes that, taking 1 more "safety" measure out of the cockpit. Neither fly by wire nor AI is a good plan for moving vehicles, with many variables involved. It MIGHT work for trains at some point,so long as they stay on controlled tracks, but otherwise, no.

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One of the worst things to ever befall Humankind was the establishment of corporations as "legal persons" in lieu of holding board members (and, shareholders) liable for "corporate" crimes. That is, the real guilty parties are shielded by law from their incompetence and criminality.

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Agreed, but the problem is more fundamental than that. Modern corporations are just a minor evolution of the old royal charter. A corporation is a legal parthnership of a business entity with government. The business receives government favor and protection in exchange for agreeing to whatever regulation the government likes. It's legalized corruption even without the 'legal person' benefit. It's this corruption that's actually the cause of all of the ills that leftists blame on capitalism. The pervasive corruption of today is the inevitable result of how the system is set up.

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Yes. Excellent explanation! Thanks.

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Originally, each corporation was established by special legislation, for a particular purpose having public benefit but too big for individual entrepreneurs. For example, railroads. One wonders if, with modern information processing techniques, large enterprises could be organized as networks of partnerships.

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So apropo: CRAP —and they’re full of themselves. They apparently kicked out locals sheltering in big hotels to make room for their 5-star armies.

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Disgusting. Such teams of people should be evicted from the island .... all that is needed is ONE team leader per island resident created crew. Give the team leads a demountable to camp in and honour the victims with comfortable and proper accommodation. The people of Hawaii need to push back and demand this. The victims need the income and the process to reclaim their territory. That's my humble opinion.

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John are you able to elaborate a little bit on what you're hearing about these projects for Lahaina

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Your article is Spot On!

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This is the formula that nullifies FEMA. Which is to return each state, commonwealth and territory to Article IV Section 4 a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure in November 2022. Our United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc in some form since March 1861. A military coup. It is nullified by ex parte Milligan, when there is a Civilian Court of record on the land there cannot be martial law / Lieber Code / FEMA. It is not difficult www.orsja.org. Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the provisional government on Oregon. Assume the responsibility of a Jural Assembly 6 people ; 15 hours work, 60 buck postage, 40 bucks for a seal, wait 30 days while you recruit a Jury Pool. All your docs become lawful and legal without rebuttal or your deal with the rebuttal. Now all of you have created a provisional government and "they the de facto" have all acquiesced and defaulted. Then for example all your former de facto sheriffs must take a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God included or be replaced. Repeat until finished. There must also be Representatives to our Congress Assembled in Philly this year 2023. Read about Electoral College as it must be populated also. It is all written down we just followed the step one at a time.

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Wasn't the District of Columbia incorporated in 1871?


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Yes, on Valentine's Day.

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Logically claims that is false. It is true however. Https://www.americanstatenationals.org

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The United States of Washington District of Columbia inc incorporated and became a de facto color of law form of governance, under Executive Order #100 the Lieber Code a benevolent form of martial law that turned malevolent in the last few years. Ex parte Milligan gives the formula to remove martial law. We did that and a whole lot more on Oregon.

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Ok John... I am going to try to Match, then Raise You One! 😁 - High-born Oligarchs Leveraging Yeoman’s Capital, Real-Estate, And Property


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The programs name was mockery. It is par for the course. There are other disasters more relevant.

9_1, Oklahoma, Katrina, Cal Camp F, etc. This without discussing the world wide fires many of which are definitely arson or worse. We all see things though the lens of our world view. The view has or is imploding. If interested in going wide, it is not silly to include train off the tracks, fertilizer plants, food processing plants, "spills", trucks carrying toxic substances. We could pretend these are isolated instances or we could real eyes, they are anything but.

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They'll be cleaning up for years. First, though, they've got to decide what to do with the remains of a 1,000 or more Lahaina residents they have found and then, to make certain everyone's story matches. I don't think they can blame on Trump, though.

Thank you for the reporting and observations of how the fire started and then went out of control. I don't know that I agree with all your conclusions, but they do call into question some others' views and at this point, everything should be placed out in the open for all to see. The fact that FEMA is placing large black screens around the main burn area and driving away anyone trying to see and report on what is transpiring inside the zone is disconcerting, and will only lead to more speculation as to motives.

Danny Huckabee

Danny Huckabee

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Is that all it is?

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Those reported plans for Concentration Camps/Prison 'Cracker Box Apartments' as in a Bee Hive having constant surveillance and a total removal of all mobility; if not SUDDENLY LEGAL LAND GRABS by mega-wealthy like Winfrey projecting there to be a time she would need hundreds of millions to 'BUILD BACK BETTER' in an Interview following the fire.


When the Patriots rise this time...There will be no pulled punches; NO MERCY as Patriot Justice will surpass anything The City of London's Intl Mafia has ever encountered before.

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I'm angry

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Once again...they never let a good crisis go to waste. Everything they touch turns to S.H.I.T.

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My dad used to call it the Midas touch in reverse.

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They should name the coverup (I mean "the cleanup") operation:

M aui

A ssistance

S urvivor

S upport


M ission

U ndetected

R edistrbution

D evelopment

E conomic

R aping

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