No one should EVER be mandated to take ANY vaccine PERIOD.... why in America is this even possible!? We should not have to resort to religion in the first place especially if one takes the time to read vaccine inserts. No one should EVER have to take a vaccine with a side effect of death or serious complications to one’s health.

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After the covid fiasco I don’t want anyone anywhere ever imposing any kind of restraint on my freedoms for any reason, especially a medical/health reason. Government is completely untrustworthy.

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Yet the Vaccine Inserts for the Covid 19 Vaccine are intentionally left blank. Thereby providing No Informed Consent.

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Asking for a religious exemption is a trap.

Doing so implies the State has authority over the bodily sovereignty of individuals.

It doesn't!

The hill to die on to quote a famous chant of the Communist left, "My body My choice". Putting my spin on it, My life, My choice!

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It's my guess they may, in fact, take this up. The only reason to do so though would be to reinforce the recent Roe v Wade overturn to put the law back into the states' hands.

It will be interesting to see what they do. Doing THAT would be consistent policy for them.

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This is the issue of our times. A religious exemption is also a philosophical exemption.

- I refuse to go against my conscience.

- I believe in bodily autonomy.

- My body is sacred / my body is important to me, and I believe that the risks of harm from this vaccine outweighs the benefits.

- I think and act long term, and therefore I refuse to take any vaccine that does not have at least 10 years of safety data.

All four of these examples are great reasons to receive a religious exemption for atheists or a Catholics or Native Americans or anyone else.

A properly understood conscience / religious exemption protects every American from every vaccine mandate. We need this NOW.

Especially because vaccine companies lie, manipulate trials, and conspire with governments & non-government organizations to suppress the truth about vaccine harms under the ruse of fighting vaccine hesitancy (because common sense and good information hurt their profits and lessen their control). Especially because we are right, and these dangerous injections licensed as military countermeasures have been linked to thousands of excess deaths and adverse events.

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Probably the one thing that prevents judges, in general, from following all this perfect logic, is their long held lazy tradition for "trusting the experts." Such psychological rationalization lets them off the hook to make a potentially "wrong" decision while denying culpability for being too lazy and reticent to learn enough science to build the confidence to do so.

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Well said. I agree.

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The Supreme Court should say that all religious exemptions must be granted, and the failure to grant a religious exemption grants the denied the person to the right to sue in both civil and criminal proceedings both the organization and the individuals in the organization who had a role in making, recommending, enforcing and/or promulgating the decision.

Because of the possible harms of being denied involve death and lifelong disability, I hope the court would add something like:

Under typical circumstances of denial (your request has been denied because you took a vaccine previously or we do not think you request is sincere or your religious denomination promotes thus new injection). these people denied a religious exemption are due a multiple of ten times damages and the people who denied the exemption are liable to up to ten years in prison for each person denied an exemption.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court appears to be more than a year away from opening its eyes to its roll in this massive collusion to inflict harm and infertility on most of the human race, the unvaxxed having suffered discrimination and economic injustice, while those who taken these countermeasures called “vaccines” likely have to some degree changed the way their immune systems respond to threats and likely have increased the overall inflammation at a minimum.

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Bill, if the court rules that all religious exemptions must be granted what they are really saying is that the state has the authority over such personal decisions in the first place. They do not. Personal autonomy or bodily sovereignty was explicitly laid out in the Nuremberg Code of Ethics to address the precise question you and others want SCOTUS to get involved in. It doesn't matter if the send it back to the States.. The question doesn't belong there either. Bill, I go to the doctor, he says my cholesterol is high and I need to take a statin. I say no thanks I'm not comfortable with the side effects. He doesn't then have the right to force me to take it using the argument that if I don't take it I place an undue burden on the medical system which then detracts from someone else's ability to receive healthcare. The State also doesn't get to force me to change my diet or dictate what foods I can purchase using the same collective good arguments that were used to cooerce people to take the BIOWEAPON poison disguised as a vaccine. You may think my examples are absurd but are they really? People were being forced to wear masks and mask their kids to enter restaurants and take the jab or lose your job or worse people were refused life saving transplants because they refused to take a jab that carried with it the risk of death. No Bill. No employer no State no court no government no hospital has the right to dictate wether or not an individual accepts or rejected any medical procedures.

I said No. You shouldn't need another reason.

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You win. Saying no should be enough. Nuremberg should be enough. Mandates should be illegal. Philosophically your position is much better than what I proposed.

Autonomy and the freedom to reject all medical interventions is essential. Statins was a great example.

I do worry about our food supply. Meat will not become illegal, but the globalists are determined to make it very expensive.

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It's DISGUSTING that we have to even have this discussion about a religious exemption. The STATE should have ZERO say on my personal health choices.

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You got it. Medical care is not a proper function of government. Medicare and Medicaid are un-Constitutional. Yet people were willing to suck off the money earned by working taxpayers, which is just government-sponsored theft. Education, retirement planning, agriculture-none of those things is a proper function of government. The proper function of government is to protect citizens from force and fraud, whether originating from foreign or domestic sources.

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Is everyone aware that Biden has signed a treaty with the WHO to give all our medical rights to that body in 2024? I need to research this more but it has to do with the United Nations and the global plan for one world government - the World Economic Forum etc. So yes, our government is completely untrustworthy and it goes way beyond the concerns related to this court case.

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He intends to sign it. It is not a done deal yet. Pretty sure the signing is delayed because many Countries are now refusing to sign because their citizens are pushing back hard. In Canada and the USA you will note how our MSM does not report on this globalist move to control our countries’ Public Health.

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people I know are completely unaware of this and think I'm making it up

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The most ironic part in this whole situation is that it requires religious beliefs in vaccines in order to think that they are “safe and effective”. There are no studies proving their safety, since they are classified as “biologics” and therefore not subject to normal medical product testing. They can use fake (aka dangerous) placebos and they can test them for an extremely short amount of time and they don’t even need to look for real result endpoints, they use proxy endpoints that are virtually meaningless in real life application. Most importantly, they never test overall outcomes in completely vaccinated individuals to partially or completely unvaccinated individuals. And public health agencies won’t release the data to analyze public records.

Therefore, the people who believe in the current vaccination schedule are using religious-like beliefs as their standard and they are forcing them on everyone else. People who oppose vaccination are the ones using logic, data and unadulterated science.

We live in backwards world and the root of it is money and power with wanting disregard for human health.

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And what about the Nuremberg Code?? What about the refusal of taking an experimental ‘vaccine’ that uses gene therapy and has never been used before? And only being tested for six months or so? What about my undeniable right to choose what goes into my body? Religious exemptions are ok, but what if I decide that based on my information from trusted sources, I do not want these poisons injected into my body? What about ‘Just Say No’?

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The “COVID” silver lining. Finally parents & injured children are being heard... 🙏

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SCOTUS will leave the issue with state courts. And they already showed their hand by indicating that a mandate can be valid if not having one would harm the general population. We're pretty screwed regardless unless a majority start reading studies outside the ones cited by CDC.

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Dr.McCullough, I appreciate your speaking up about what I'd call "the whole vaccine mess"! But as the parent of a vaccine-injured child who is now a disabled young adult despite all my efforts to "recover" her -- I have to say that allowing exemptions to vaccinations for school attendance isn't good enough. There shouldn't be any mandates of vaccines (or CDC "recommendations" of vaccines because people treat them as mandates) in the first place. Mandating any vaccine is mandating brain injury and chronic illness and sometimes even death.

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Dec 17, 2023
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We've heard it before from every state and county public health department in the United States. And most state legislators.

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Dear Dr McCullough, Thank you for your reference to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Resolution adopted at our Annual Meeting in 2000. The Nuremberg Code, signed by the USA after World War Two, when Nazis did "experiments" on people imprisoned simply because they were Jewish, Catholic, Romany, dissident Protestants, etcetc, forbids coercing anyone into any medical procedure, shots, etcetc. It's critically important for people to know that, and most do not know it. TR MD

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"forbids coercing anyone into any medical procedure, shots, etc "

I did not know that, in fact.

It seems THIS alone should be enough to win this case without using religion.

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YES! We should always ask our SERVANTs for permission to pray, speak, defend, protest, . . . . . . ..

The founders told us what to do when snakes, tyrants, and plain ole usurpers get into office.

That mean anything to you?

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The Supreme Court MUST take this up and MUST take this law down considering the Covid injection product is causing death and diseases. No-one should ever comply. A strategy might be to pretend to go along with it, then just start screaming in fear once it’s your turn, refuse to roll up your very tight sleeve, then writhe on the ground with your hands around your neck for a short moment. Pretty sure this might ensure the injector-person will be too shocked to give you the injection. Imagine if thousands upon thousands followed this strategy. 🧐🤔😂🤣😂

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Great idea, Sherry! You go first!

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Yes, it should be enough to win the case. That is also the reason why early treatment was trashed. Harder to coerce people if there is effective early treatment. Actually, something like 80% who died of Covid were Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D3 with zinc gluconate and a zinc ionophore, like green tea or HCQ etcetc could protect people.

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There should be no mandates for any medical treatment period, whether experimental or not, whether a vaccine or not, regardless of age, from day of birth through old age. These public school vaccine mandates need to be repealed, period. School boards are practicing medicine without a license. All US Citizens must be guaranteed medical freedom of choice to accept or reject any treatment period.

Vaccines are fraudulent science that are neither proven safe nor effective, of limited immunity duration if any, with many severe adverse events and lifelong injury to our children. Read: Dissolving Illusions, Turtles all the way down, 400 Critical Vaccine Studies, the Pfizer Documents Analysis Book, plus Vax/Unvax.

Then let us deal with idiocy of our contaminated environment, starting with fluoridated water and the chemical glyphosate in weed killers....ban both of these dangerous toxic practices.

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When does the SCOTUS have to respond? Sorry if I missed that part...What can we do to help???

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