Dr. Paul is one of very few DC politicians worthy of respect.

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If you expect something to come of this, I think you should prepare yourself for disappointment paul and his wife were buying stock in remdesivir feb 2020. How did they know to do that? Considering it was a lethal cancer treafment that had been pulled due to it's lethality. We are being marched right into digital slavery, while being attacked biologically by all of them. Only Gof can turn this around and he see's how ugly everything is.

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100% It's a battle between good and evil that has been taking place throughout all time. Rand Paul will do NOTHING to stop the murder by shot programs. Peace.

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100% Amen. Peace to you brother.

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you bet i will, love Jan and total respect for Senator Paul, keep up the good fight. Light over darkness

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Yeah, right. If you haven’t figured it out yet, America is run by criminal gangs. Swim at your own risk. And never give up your guns.

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Correct. They even use the red and blue colors like the bloods and crips. Same ilk.

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Yes, like the Nuremberg trials. Several doctors were executed. I am on board with that.

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He broke the laws set forth after those trials.

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98% of the Nazi criminals were never tried and convicted. Watch "Getting Away With Murder(s)" on Amazon Prime. Most of the upper-level Nazi's went to the USA and England. Rand Paul will do NOTHING; Fauci will not even be arrested for all the deaths he has caused.

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Wish you ultimate success in prosecuting this POS.

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Just watched it, excellent interview. If anyone can bring Fauci to justice, Senator Paul can.

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We know there would no GoF virus without Fauci's influence. DARPA (whose role is to explore all advanced technologies) even rejected going there around 2016.

We know that Fauci played a major roll in covering up facts about the Plandemic.

We know he signed off at the U of NC with Moderna on a mRNA based therapy, right BEFORE the GoF virus took its first victims in China.

We know Fauci played a major role in squashing Early Treatment protocols that actually worked and for pushing protocols in hospitals that killed millions of people, including using Remdesivir.

We know he conspired with powerful people like Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab the UK leadership to push this agenda.

What he haven't proven, without a doubt, is that everything was more or less planned going back to around 2005, in order to introduce a new gene based technology (mRNA) which would be a windfall for the pharmaceutical industry. The technology never worked on animals and apparently it never worked well on humans at either being safe or effective. Yet, Fauci and his boss at NIH still proceeded, knowing it to be a failure.

He is no better than Adolf Hitler, IMO, and the comparison is justified.

It was a PLANDEMIC and the biggest crimes in human history are still continuing.

Unfortunately, not even Rand Paul knows everything. The truth is 50X worse that Rand Paul seems to understand. However, the FL Surgeon General, Dr Joseph Ladapo, should know ALL.

Ladapo was 1st author on the meta-analysis manuscript on how hydroxychloroquine protocols were effective when provided Early.

Rand Paul should consult with those people who know more than he does, including Dr. McCullough, who is the worlds #1 overall expert on the medical harms of mRNA jabs as well as non-Vax treatment protocols.

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The blood on Fauci's hands goes back to the '80s and HIV! He should be prosecuted!

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yup....it does. He murdered 600,000 gay people with his fake "AIDS" drug....

Read Celia. Farber's SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS....

or even better....Peter Duesberg wrote INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS...

600 pages...

A GREAT READ AND EXTREMELY DETAILED. He was forced to leave the country

after that....I think he lives in Europe somewhere....and his friend...that scientist who worked

with him in Berkley Cal. disappeared and was never seen again....

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Kerry Mulis was his name...some say he went surfing and drowned...

Sounds fishy to me...

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in the same pond as obamas chef

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No he didn't drown....see above

He died of an "Unknown pneumonia"

in August 2019

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I was a licensed and practicing RN, I lived through it.

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Everyone writing on this board "lived through it"

I personally was locked in a stuffy apartment caring for someone

who cannot care for himself. What does that "prove"

All it proves is we were conned.

Question: Will these perps ever pay for this?

Answer: This is extremely doubtful...but weirder things have happened.

QuestionCan I get that time back when I did NOT see my children or grandkids?

Answer: No...you cannot reverse time. That is still technologically impossible.

Question: Can I take back the "spike proteins" now swirling around in their bodies and bloodstreams...causing record rates of heart issues, miscarriages, cancers and deaths?

Answer: No I cannot rid their bodies of the deadly "spike proteins"

. Dr. McCullough's "spike protein detox" is the closest thing I have yet seen. Praying that it actually works!

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I think you misunderstood my comment. I was referring to Fauci's HIV scam, that I also lived through as a trained RN.

There will be judgment and chastisement, in the foreseeable future, for the lot of those criminals.

Dr McCulloch is a practicing cardiologist in my neck of the woods still, and has had good success with using it on his own patients. I never took the jabs, but use it as prophylaxis, since many I'm around have done. I got spiked once, and that was quite enough.

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i do many of the non-mainstream protocols as i'm pureblood too(incl mccullough spike detox one). I quit my bible study b/c i felt ill EVERY SINGLE WEEK right after all that shedding I endured from the 60% ish of the shedders. Cannot be in a group with the elephant in the room and no one will talk about it.... every week breast cancer/strokes/aneurisms/deaths of young men announced, got so tired of the passivity of the ppl not connecting dots. I've found like minded ppl in my neighborhood to fellowship with. I'm definately becoming more polarized even with long term friends b/c they've simply doubled-down in their derranged thinking, only thing I think will wake them up is avoidance, they'll get sick of being around their kind soon enough. I like being around ppl who are open to truth.

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You won't get an argument from me about that. The group you left as likely sharing other less than desirable things too. Far too many of our churches have literally "gone over to the dark side" in their teaching and practices. Whether those you left behind will arouse in time or not is up for grabs. It's probable they won't, breing comfortable with others who are like minded. It's those "thorns" that make us examine why we feel discomfited. That's just human sin nature. You can't make them see, nor can I; it's not our job, in any case, thank God! I don't have the patience, and I'm not looking to acquire it either.

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He cannot do it alone. And there is no will in the vast majority of congress. = more rhetoric without accountability.

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Wow! I am impressed that Dr Paul's quality of politician still exists.

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Fauci won't be prosecuted. He's been a protected asset for 40 years. And when he said "gain of function" for sars-cov-2, as Rand Paul presented it, was "molecularly impossible," he wasn't lying. You can't gain the function of something that doesn't exist. Sars-Cov-2 was never truly isolated. This whole "lab leak" narrative is part of the psy-op.

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If Fauci's defense comes down to, "It depends on what the meaning of 'gain of function' is," it's not going to be sufficient to protect him from prosecution.

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The question everyone should be asking, including Rand Paul, is "what exactly is Sars-Cov-2? Who isolated it? How was it isolated? Was it isolated and purified according to the scientific method? Why was there no excess mortality before the vax? Why was the mortality profile no different than any other so called "virus"?

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poisoned by your city water....all of the bat BS was to keep ppl off the scent trail.

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Interesting. Any evidence of that?

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why do you think they've been 'surveiling' huge municipal waste water plants for covid and 'reporting' new waves coming? the wave comes before ppl piss it out. Everything you hear on MSM investigate the opposite. Even as recent as 6 mos the high ups WEF WHO been threateninng that we the plebes didn't react properly and fully to the covid threat(taking the jabs), but they'll get our attention with the water. If you haven't already heard about venoms and water I can't help you here.

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Again, interesting and I wouldn't discount this idea. But as for the Covid narrative starting in 2020, I don't see anything to make me believe there was any unique pathogen. Hospitalizations, deaths, respiratory illnesses were all the same until the vax rolled out. No "virus" was ever truly isolated (nor have any ever been). Normal respiratory illness was just rebranded Covid, in my view.

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Prosecuting Fauci for covering up is akin to prosecuting Al Capone for tax evasion. All his other crimes will go unpunished and the victims will not achieve justice.

Fauci began his serial mass-murder spree in the 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of a vulnerable, silenced class of homosexuals with AIDS were killed by promoted toxic cocktails (no pun intended) including AZT. He also obscured effective prevention, including a change of lifestyle, abstinence from drugs & alcohol and unprotected anal sex that infected them with every known STD including parasites that were in turn repeatedly treated with every available toxic anti-microbe drug that destroyed their immunity. The most effective treatment after abstinence is proper nutrition and concentrated supplements to restore deficiencies before full blown AIDS kills them.

He repeated his M.O. in 2020 by pushing (and profiting off from) toxic Remdesivir and slandering Ivermectin, HCQ and the antibiotic azithromycin.

He needs to be tried and fried and all his ill-gotten gains seized.

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Yes all of this is true.

There was no "AIDS" virus. Think of this...Why are there no more AIDS cases today?

AIDS was a lifestyle disease with a simple cure:


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scare the ppl into using pharma products and murder them all while they think you are helping them get a cure! sound familiar with remdesivir/ventilators and faulty murderous c-19 jabs? AIDS 101 all over again.

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they definately made it into a plandemic and milked it for years. I'm still pissed at how it affected my sexual coming of age, it drastically affected me mentally and it was all a scam perpetuated by the 24/7 propaganda just like we witnessed all over again these 3 years.

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Laws in place protect Fauci from any responsibility- read Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News to understand Constitutional laws in place that give all Covid players full immunity. More manipulation of the masses via this article. Our government can kill and maim us with impunity. Resist, don’t comply, read broadly, trust only after verifying the veracity of your sources. If Paul was doing his job he would repeal the Constitutional Laws but he feeds us nonsense to passify the easily duped masses via Dr. McCullough’s column.

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Quite right. He was also the bagman for Big Pharma...decided who and what got funded with all their monies (which if you dont know by now makes up 60% of the CDC /NIH Budget.

He was the point person for the DOD on Making bioweapons.

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"He was the point person for the DOD on Making bioweapons"

That's a ridiculous comment for which you have no evidence. Where does it say that Rand Paul was the "point person" for the DOD...or a"bag man"...

He is a senator from Corntucky....How does that make anyone a "point person" for the DOD? Just wondering...

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FAuci. I was referring to Fauci....Brents comment was the one I was agreeing with...he will never be prosecuted because Faucie was the point person for the DOD.

Not Rand Paul...comment got displaced as reply.

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Oh sorry, my mistake....I am a huge Rand Paul fan....even though I live in North Carolina.

I lived in Michigan for many years and put up with the witch who is governor there...a real horror show and she pushed it to the max during "covid"...

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I was speaking about Gov. Whitmore...she was awful...and also stupid.

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She really was a horror show...I couldn't bear to look or listen to even a clip of her...

A narcissistic sociopath to the core. ...

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Not Constitutional laws; no amendments were added to the Constitution. Not all laws are Constitutional. All that are not aligned with the Constitution are or can be.

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Hi John, Wondering if I can sneak this in? Rand Paul may not be completely in tune. You want to listen to another YouTube video hawking his new book! Here's a link: The Full Rand Paul: "On Covid, the Lab Leak, and Anthony Fauci" - https://youtu.be/3I7HFriEVxQ?si=rWkZFtxUYUDBMO6C - - he is walking a very fine line, why?

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Covid was the great revealer. It revealed who your true friends were. It revealed what kind of person you are. It undoubtedly revealed the massive corruption in government and media. It revealed the amount of propaganda we are subject to in order to sway and control our emotions. It revealed how terribly broken the education system is. It revealed the weak foundation and bought-off studies most scientific opinion is built upon. It revealed that the world we were living in was essentially just an illusion and it revealed the true evil that permeates throughout it. The silver lining is that we can see this so clearly now (well, some of us anyway). And the opportunity ahead is to take back the good bits we all had growing up, reapply them, and carve a brand new path forward for future generations. One that’s built on truth and integrity. That excites me very much, and I’m willing to spend the rest of my life working toward that goal. I hope you are too. Have faith and push back. - found this on x.


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Love Jan Jekielek’s interviews!

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