In a perfect world, this Congressional committee should only have been comprised of Senators that did NOT take contributions from big pharma. RFK had a rather amusing discussion with Bernie Sanders (Medicare for All!!) advocate, where Bernie (and Elizabeth Warren) have taken millions from big pharma, but are sitting on this committee, expected to be ‘neutral’.

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Maybe not for long Eh?

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And what gives Hassan the knowledge to interpret those studies?

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That kind of logic is irrelevant. By making that pronouncement and entering it into the record, she’s establishing that “this is the science”. Well, they tried that one before with Covid and now most people are well aware they were lied to.

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Congress has been bought by Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation and global corporations in the medical industry.

Democrats in the Senate acted like cornered wild animals during the RFK, Jr confirmation hearings. And just like cornered animals, these corrupt senators erupted with irrational, foaming-at-the-mouth, teeth-baring, venomous attacks on RFK, Jr because he might end their Pharma gravy train.

I sent messages to my two senators letting them I want them to vote to CONFIRM RFK, Jr as HHS Sec. If millions of Americans do the same, senators will feel the pressure to confirm him.

A very positive effect of all the noise surrounding these hearings is that Pharma/Congress corruption is being exposed to tens of millions of people. Democrats have shot themselves in the feet the past few months.

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Several substacks requested readers call/email senators and Senator Cassidy from Louisiana did a reversal and decided to support RFK after he acknowleged getting so many calls from citizens wanting RFK confirmed. I was one of them.

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Terrific result!

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Not sure I know what Reaction Formation is. But I know what Lying is. I’m sticking with that

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Exactly. So many are either lying out loud, or to themselves, just so that they can ‘move on’ from the atrocities of the Plandemic.

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Either move on or continue getting millions deposited in their bank accounts by Big Pharma(laundered and off-shored of course). Money is the big engine behind much lying.

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I'm with you. Hassan is lying. At this point, I don't care why or what psychological disorder is in play. I used to spend a lot of time searching for the "why" of abhorrent human behavior. I gave that up. It's horrifying to realize how many people in our world are entirely corrupt, but as the saying goes, "the truth will set you free." Calling the baby ugly is liberating. Hassan is one ugly baby. She lies. She is a liar.

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Unfortunately, she is one of my senators, along with Shaheen. I sent them both multiple messages and got back the usual automated response. I will continue to inundate them with data on the truth about measles vaccines.

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My senators are no better, possibly worse: Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen. Both Dems, but the state went for Trump. Major election integrity issues in Nevada.

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Me too! I think Dr McCullough is correct for some people. However, for most politicians who lie about everything, I will stay with my opinion about the lying senators. Pathological lying causes liars to believe their own lies, that leads to their medically defined insanity. That is why so many politicians claim they "know" information that does not exist or completely opposes well-known facts in hundreds of scientific articles. The waving of weird articles in RFK's hearing is proof to me they are all picking irrelevant, tiny studies, and leaving the important studies out on purpose! Many of the important articles have been noted on this very substack; why are they ignoring those? To me, they are insane!

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Anna Freud discussed Reaction Formation from the perspective of the individual but not the community.

In this case, however, we clearly see Reaction Formation of the community, the political party, which must protect its community ego from the truth. This was not just a case of individuals, not just a case of an individual ego expressing their fears through reaction formation, it was clearly a case of the entire political community fearing the truth - and expressing that with a chorus of protestations. When we consider communities to be individuals, we might that communities don't have souls, they are a souls.

As a result, in the case of community reaction formation, expressed as individual's reaction formation - the individuals can be completely isolated from any opportunity to resolve the issue due to their membership in the community which provides ongoing support for the false reality through each surrounding individual who has not yet changed. Changing the community's ego is much more difficult than changing any individual because the community constantly renews the individuals false reality.

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Well-said! 👍🫣

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I was disappointed in Kennedy's performance during the hearings. I thought he was poorly prepared and missed many opportunities to "knock down" the pro-vax Senator's claims and arguments about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

For example, he could have pointed out that the CDC's current recommended vaccination schedule has a baby receiving multiple injections (he could have given exact numbers), of vaccines that often contain multiple antigens at 2, 4, and 6 months old. And he could have pointed out the number of individual vaccine doses and the number of injections that the CDC recommends from birth to age 18. He could have said the safety and efficacy of the recommended schedule *as a whole* has never been studied.

He could have pointed out that you can't prove a null hypothesis such as "MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism." The most a study can conclude is "We found no evidence that MMR causes autism."

However, different scientific questions require different types of studies in order to get accurate answers. And the big epidemiological studies are not appropriate to answer the question "Does MMR cause autism in some children?" These studies are like looking through the wrong end of a telescope and then declaring that there are no stars in the sky. What's needed is studies that look closely at individual children whose parents believe MMR caused their children's autism -- studies that ask, "Is there something all these children have in common, that made them vulnerable to becoming autistic due to MMR?"

He could have given Democratic Senators an "exit ramp", a way to save face, by saying that many older adults, such as members of Congress, would have received only a few vaccines themselves, and if they had children in the 1980's or before, their children would have received only a few vaccines. Many adults don't realize the extreme number of vaccinations children are now being given. And they don't realize that nobody has adequately studied how all those vaccines *together* affect a child's health. Is the vaccine schedule *as a whole* contributing to the epidemic of chronic illness in our children?

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He's playing it safe so he can be confirmed.

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Impeccable logic. Sadly we need to be collecting data in detail with follow up data. The analyses are multi factor not trivial. And we may discover genetic effects. But at least try.

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Is Hassan a pimp... or a courtesan?

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Definitely a pimp. Certainly not a courtesan. Who would bang that nasty looking shrieking old hag? And I get to say that because I’m an old hag myself except I don’t and would never whore myself out to pharma. You have to be some kind of special hosebag to do that. The house of cards is falling, my friends. Enjoy the downfall of all the sleaze bags who claim to represent you, who really don’t give a fat f*ck about you. They have been exposed and they cannot have a bad enough end. Enjoy this glorious day. XOXO

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An investor, who's entire retirement stock portfolio went "LONG" on big pHARMA.

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The senators need to be reminded that "in 1986 the House of Representatives passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (42U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) by a voice vote...the bill that was passed to give vaccine makers liability protection from civil claims when a child was killed or seriously injured by a vaccine, and placed all vaccines administered to children in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe" medical products, which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use." h/t Ginger Taylor, The Brownstone Institute.

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Why isn't RFK Jr pointing that out? I've seen him discuss it in interviews and I've read about it in his books but he ought to point it out during the hearing. I looked up the law and found that the text is not available as a digital document possibly due to when it was written. In the summery that is available I found:

"Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects". What are "unavoidable side effects" that could cause "injury or death" doing in a "safe and effective" vaccine?

It seems as if the phrase "safe and effective" has been redefined in today's Orwellian double speak language to mean, "A vaccine (which may be an mRNA gene therapy product) that has 'unavoidable side effects' that could cause 'injury or death' are henceforth referred to as 'safe and effective'.

If that's too much for you to wrap your little head around then work on 2+2=5. Once you get that one, then move on to the "safe and effective" mantra. Always remember, as long as you believe it, then it's true. Some people like to wave a magic wand around to help it sink in and become reality quicker. It also helps to, fake it till you make it. In other words, just say it and eventually it will feel real and then it will become reality. This new science is a branch of scientism called "the science" which was thought to be a form of indoctrination but now we know that "the science" is true science, cuz Fauci said it is and he is science, or scientism or something like that. Wait I lost my mind... (humor break)

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Right and they keep lying "safe and effective" proving they do not even know the law!

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I’m a psychologist and yes it seems totally feasible that the reaction formation phenomenon is occurring. There are probably other defenses at play these days as well, including but not limited to denial, avoidance, repression, suppression, and other social psych phenomena like groupthink, doublethink, maintaining the in-group, and attacking the outgroup. Along these lines, enmity is very important: we were psychologically conditioned to regard certain groups as the enemy (especially, “anti-vaxxers,” “misinformation spreaders,” and “conspiracy theorists”). Little doubt the heavy psychological conditioning of 2020 [edit: since 2001 or arguably earlier] onward can have a heavy toll on our thinking, our relationships, and our mental health.

Adding a question: does it all really come down to conditioning, fear-terror, shame-humiliation, and stigma?

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I am an ethologist who studies behavior of those who think they are not being watched. Psychology has a big problem because politicians know they are being watched by Psychologists that cannot stop their obvious lies nor their insanity!

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Who thinks they should take a vaccine funded by multi-billionaire eugenicists who want to decrease the population growth all over the world?? Your body, your choice.

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RFK Jr called out these corrupt senators, on the take from Big Pharma, and I loved every second of it. They are the reason the US has the sickest people in the world. They allow unsafe drugs, unsafe vaccines, unsafe GMO food, unsafe endocrine disruptors to be given to our children because they are nothing more than street hookers taking money from their Johns to perform a service...only they perform their services in the capitol building instead of the back seat of taxi or a cheap motel. Pharma gives us drugs and vaccines that make us sick, then offers us drugs and vaccines to cure the illnesses initially caused by their products.

Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren are enough to make you sick.

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How much is about deep reaction formation and how much is about money.? Then one has to ask, "How much is about total ignorance?"

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You are being way too kind by giving them an empathetic rationale for their abusive hysterics that are simply not founded in science. There is no “reaction formation”; the truth of the matter is they are being paid handsomely by Big Pharma. We already know it’s about $5million each for Bernie and Pocahontas. RFK never said he was anti vaccine, he called them out for not doing safety studies. If those studies happen, it will not only incur spending on their part, but. If done properly show factual evidence as to the harm these vaccines cause. Once that conclusive information is out there, the general public will completely turn away from vaccines and their house of cards will collapse.

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"Safe and Effective" at continual protection of massive pHARMA profits and racketeering!

There is no other reason nor sensible explanations.


Protect the dollar values of "MY" stock portfolio for the sake of my families future is JOB#1!

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If vaccines are safe then repeal the "National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986" and let Big Pharma deal with the injuries. That ought to shut them up.

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Hassan is my NH senator. Her behavior, as described in this article, is not her typical behavior. Her son has cerebral palsy. It's my guess that someone is threatening her.

On the other hand, Sen Eliz Warren of Massachusetts is on the faculty of Harvard Law. She would be able to interpret journal articles and also know the meaning of DNA (as in Pocahontas).

As for Oregon's Sen Ron Wyden, he demonstrably needs to be in a mental ward, re vaccines.

He has been in Congress for 44 years. Genug ist genug already.

By the way, is everybody undergoing "re-authentication" when they try to post a Comment? For the last few weeks I have practically stopped writing comments as it is confusing and time-wasting to go through the several-step procedure (the one with big orange arrows).

I think it may be because of my new book "The Historian's Tale: the Amazing Return of President Kennedy's Son," at lulu.com.

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I've met Maggie Hassan personally and I agree it's not het typical behavior. In fact, I was rather shocked at her appearance at the hearings, she seemed to have aged drastically in the last five years. I know about her son with cerebral palsy and have wondered if it could have resulted from a vaccine injury. I've been commenting a lot lately and haven't experienced re-authentication.

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