I know someone who took 5 of the 7 shots. She just recently told me that she wouldn't be getting any more shots going forward. Something about the concern for effectiveness. Jeez.

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I know an older couple that took 5...Despite my protestations and warnings.

They're not doing well.

She, now has uncontrolled diabetes, He, has worsening cardiac issues... They've since stopped the shots but are slow to consider the wellness company's spike detox protocol... They are old school folks who've been indoctrinated to believe the medical community that's in front of them... The mixed messaging is very effective at producing doubt and confusion which in turn produces fear which freezes people.

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Steve, this is cold but true...those multivaxxed folks are so pharmabrainwashed...the same pharma that is gradually killing them while making a killing financially. They are big demoncratgov/bigpharma/bigmedicine's ideal customers.

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I know... They are sheep... Pharma/gov are wolves... You and I are sheep dogs...

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Aug 20, 2023Edited
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The video montages you speak of which show clearly the flip flopping isn't shown to those memorized by the information sources they watch... Critical thinking is suspended... Just look at the Trump deranged for instance. They hate him viscerally despite lower taxes, lower fuel prices, lower food costs, no new wars, etc... As a result they continue to vote against their own well-being. Take the poor community, of any color, the left pushes welfare and splits family's which keeps them poor and dependant in the state. Everything they talk against but they keep voting for the "crack dealer" that keeps them on the proverbial "crack pipe" "MONEY AND FOOD STAMPS".

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My friends at church have had the full suite which is about five or six in Australia.

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It's really criminal - so Gates cashed out on Moderna, made billions, publicly admitted they didn't work and still there are Moderna commercials on TV LYING and WARNING people that Covid is here and they should get a booster. How stupid can people be and what's with the networks taking these murdering scum's blood money?

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The people your talking about don't see the clips of gates admitting he's a fraud... American Pravda doesn't play them or cover this like it should. Older folks especially are insulated from alternative information sources are would be unlikely to seek them out because they've been incubated in a system they used to be able to trust... They're not stupid people. They're confused and confusion produces fear and fear freezes people. They need help. Each one of us needs to continue to carry the message, planting seeds, asking them common sense questions that spark them asking themselves questions.

A lot of damage has been done and it's going to take a long time to repair...

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This is true, my mother in law was paralyzed with fear. She continues to be distraught that her son married a, gasp, Trump supporter and we’re all unvaxxed. She cried inconsolably on the phone to him the other day. I don’t think she is mentally stable anymore - the fear has made her fragile. Going forward we are just going to lie to her - she doesn’t have much time left and watching her struggle in her final years like this is just awful.

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it is easily possible that she has been brain damaged by the jab or infection; spike has been found in the brain and skull. Tearfulness is frequently seen with brain damage and/or mental illness. Can be hormonal and side effects from drugs too, or dietary deficiencies. You could ask her to try some magnesium L-threonate (crosses blood-brain barrier), which is calming and helps with sleep. There are many supplements that can have a calming effect on the brain. Tryptophan, GABA, lithium, phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl serine. If you have a good health food store, or a naturopath, they could help you select some. Of course, she should be on Dr McCullough's spike protocol to begin with.

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All good suggestions, thank you. Maybe my husband will broach the subject with her.

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Hey Angry Steve - I'm angry Deb - I lost a brother in-law a month ago - he dropped dead pouring a glass of wine - my friends, my family - they don't want to hear it - I had a friend tell me that shot saved a lot of lives - yet, he's not taking another shot. My husband's assistant's granddaughter has a huge blood clot in her liver and she has a cousin with myocarditis - - these people aren't confused - they're assholes.

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A friend of mine is trying to obtain vaccination databases to correlate with the death certificate databases he has from mass, vermont, and minnasota... creating a vaxx card database regardless of state would be prudent as we actively work to obtain death certificate databases for other states.

If you have copies of vaxx cards or could gain access to them, would you be willing to upload them to one of us?

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Steve I’m in New York. And I had urged my sister in law to do an autopsy but she refused. We weren’t that close. I have no idea how many shots he had but I’m betting it was more than two. I just can’t go there with her. Also a colleagues husband dropped dead last year. Again, I can’t go there with her either

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I understand completely angry Deb...I have struggled with these communication difficulties myself but I had to ask... I've been trying to figure out how to break through and get directly to the people because the murderers aren't going to give up the data we are looking for because it would expose the BIOWEAPON they deployed.

It's really remarkable how even death visiting these people isn't enough to shake them awake to the righteous anger they should be expressing.

I've thought this may be because they cooerced and demanded others including their own family members take this poison. So to admit this poison may have killed their loved one is to admit that they are culpable as well for the death and if others in their circle are injured or killed this would confirm their fear. They will do anything not to have to admit they bear some responsibility.

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That's part of it - I was told that I was un-American for not taking it! The reason I keep harping on it especially with the few family members who had to take the shot, is because since my brother in law's sudden death, I think it's imperative for the others to do the tests and take the protocol to get rid of the spike. Dr. McCullough referenced a study that shows the spike keeps replicating in the body - this is terrifying news. When I dumped my long term internist because she refused to prescribe Ivermectin, I chose a new one in another conglomerate - whose first question was " did you take the vaccine?" to which I replied - nope I use Ivermectin - she told me "we're not allowed to prescribe Ivermectin". So - we owe our lives to the brave physicians who chose to put their careers at risk to give us that miraculous substance - Ivermectin truly saves lives and has.

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Perfect name for a new book-"Seven Shots with Pride or" Seven Shots and Still Alive."

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Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective...

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People should question anything offered as proof that can fit on a bumper sticker

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Oh man. Let me look at their CMV, RA, ANA and EBV titers. I have been practicing primary care as a family nurse practitioner and I have never seen so many positive titers with folks coming in complaining of unusual fatigue. These are not just vaccinated individuals but those who have been spiked upon with spiked protein antibodies well above the threshold and unusual monocytes. We are entering into some very dark years as a nation and there are simply too few of us that are willing and know how to treat the havoc and chaos created by this bioweapon. May God have mercy upon us all.

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One of the reasons it is hard to find those who took the full flight of injections is simply that they have passed on or are invalided some way and in medical care somewhere. The medical industry lied about the safety and efficacy of the injections, so they aren't going to be honest about those who survived the regimen but are ill.

Danny Huckabee

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It’s almost like untested, unsafe, ineffective, and injurious is a BAD THING?

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Depop “Vaccine program” to enrich the political class. It must STOP. Ban the jab!

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Have they stopped vaccinating in nursing homes? I would think these facilities are administering each booster like clockwork.

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Especially since they have a captive community and are probably still receiving hefty payments from insurance companies and the government for giving them

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Ask the officials at the FDA/CDC- how many of their employees have taken the full course of the vax?

Ask Moderna/Pfizer the same question.

But don't expect to get any answers.

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Especially since they admitted separate vials for their employees

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I know someone who, as of January 2023, won't let anyone in their home unless visitors are "up-to-date" on Covid shots. This person may be one of the compliant faithful.

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This is why Dr Zelenko called them Poison Death Shots.

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Yeah, plausible deniability won that Covid war, humanity “0”, Barry and the Big Guy “7”, dissenters “3”. It’s official, the 2008 Socialist Trojan horse with his dopey sidekick have shored up Socialized medicine “for the good of all”, the mantra of every totalitarian State. With open borders, flooded corporate hospitals and “practitioner” offices overworked by government mandates being paid stipends for their lives, the best and brightest doctors worn down by Socialism leave medicine to focus on science, family and friends, they are human even as their wounded morality tugs at their plausible oaths to heal. Initiating “democratic” Socialism in a Constitutional Republic takes lots of money, Trillions in bad Federal checks. Like the Big Guy sidekick said on a hot mic, “it’s a big f..in deal”, and the seals clapped. Government power and its politically controlled media has propagandized Boomers to believe them since that first black and white TV was innocently put it in their mesmerized faces, and has metastasized. Yep, Trump, Trump, Trump the painted Ogre with the gun to his head pushed the jabs with reserved faith in the medical establishment complex, but the Neo One Party uniparty under the Democrat banner ran with it to do what Socialists do, mandate expulsion of body sovereignty. HIPPA laws, please! Private (sovereign) Social Security numbers? “What the hell is that” ask the Boomer offspring. Communists have long known propaganda and censorship is difficult to initiate in a Constitutional Republic, that’s why they hate it. The key to that kingdom is Sister Socialism. Like body blows to the opponent, it wears them down, dropping their hands for the knock out punch. To make matters worse the likes of WEF/WHO globalists love totalitarianism simple lock down tactic to make the serfs comply. Compliance, “for the good of all” is the Communist ruse to persuade the discoursed hierarchy that they are morally superior. PS. In ‘93, fifteen years before the Socialist Trojan horse stood outside the gates, Democrat Clinton promulgated making Communist China a favored nation, simultaneously gutting middle American manufacturing sending the skills to slave labor in totalitarian regime States, severely financially and psychologically depressing middle class (Boomer offspring) leaving them to scramble for survival in an obtuse wasteland of Wall Street scams gone unpunished in the fray and expanding government controls. The initial fix was in, establish the uniparty with a few lazy Republicans living on Reagan’s laurels, and everybody gets a shot of wealth, the “Democrat” American way, right? Meanwhile the dedicated and disciplined S.T.E.M.’s with their noses in science will easily be captured by their own sense of morality in reality that does not recognize a body blow for what it is beyond a bruise. Or am I just being obtuse?

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You, Sir, nailed it squarely. What I wonder is where is Karen Kingston? Killed by c*a, bigpharma,...? She has been missing in Mexico since Monday or Tuesday. Last seen in Playa del Carmen QR, Mexico.

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Aug 20, 2023
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It is a horrible thing to finally wake up in the middle of this nightmare, but at least they are waking up.

To you who are just coming to the table, welcome! You are among true friends and allies.

"There will be challenges waking up in a world fast asleep." -David Icke

Not to worry though, we are all here to guide you into a joyous liberty of soul.

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Have a relative who claims to have had 7 -- and this was a few months ago. I believe them. Amazingly they’re still standing. Completely ideologically driven so I imagine they will continue to get jabbed.

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Direct and to the Point in Exposing the Psychopaths Dr. McCullough! Thank you!

Of all the people I know no one admits to more than 2 Bioweapon jabs.

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