I've recently learned that a former colleague, who I could never imagine allowing this a few years ago, is supporting her 14 year old child's gender altering process. I believe this is in response to the child threatening suicide if the adults refuse to allow this and have heard these threats are fairly common among teens now, should parents not comply with their demands. Obviously, you can't allow your teen to bully you into giving them whatever they want, but how would you handle this, short of quitting a job and attaching yourself to the kid all day and night (or admitting the teen to a psych ward, which will only last for a couple days anyway)? Just curious as to how responsible people would respond.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

This is indeed a not uncommon story. In my personal experience as a father of gay kids (one lost to suicide and the other happily married to her girlfriend) and a physician who has many LGBTQ folks as patients, I have learned that near 100% of these souls are suffering from life trauma and they find "community" and acceptance in peer groups who provide them with the love (often imaginary) and promise of security that all people crave. IMO, there are organic issues that drive a lot of this, too - toxic food, air, water, EMF, media, etc. - but, at the end of the day, family dysfunction is one of the biggest issues behind it. We all want to protect our kids and seek what is best for them, but we are usually caught up in our own dysfunction (profession, spousal turmoil, socioeconomic factors, alcohol and drug abuse, hyper religiosity, and on it goes) and fail to recognize the suffering of our own children and provide them the unconditional love and support that they need. ....And, every child is different - some adjust to anything that is thrown at them and prosper - others are more fragile and succumb to seemingly minor things.

As to suicide, it cannot be prevented 100%. Period. Sometimes, the pain is simply too great and people choose to exit rather than continue in pain.

Would be glad to discuss my own travels with your friend, if they desire it.

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As there is no such thing as an "assault rifle" there is no such thing as "trans gender".

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As anyone who has had hormone treatment for real medical reasons such as cancer prevention, can tell you, they are very unpleasant, with physically and mentally undesirable effects.

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With one exception, if I may (the only one I'm aware of, at least). Hormone replacement therapy in the case of, for example, hysterectomy including removal of ovaries in a pre-menopausal woman.

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I humbly defer on that one.

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I think you might find https://robertyoho.substack.com/ of interest. His book on hormone secrets has insights. In case of prostate cancer "associated" with excess-T, I suspect there is a lot to learn.

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thank you for speaking of this and including the chart. Our children are greatly suffering from the horrendous choices they are making; however, the mental pain of dysphoria drives them to what they believe is the only solution. How can anyone with this disorder be trusted to make the right decision to cross the street much less to destroy their biological bodies they are convinced will fix the problem? It is insanity.

Last week I was looking up trans stuff and ran across 2 great articles by PhD professionals from Mia on Substack - they are new publications with the latest takes on the subject https://public.substack.com/p/dr-michael-bailey and https://public.substack.com/p/helen-joyce-when-gender-ideology thought they might be of interest

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Neither is "public" but ties into the social contagion comment, I suggest in my response https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/sick-with-gender-affirming-hormone/comment/17417664

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Some teenagers really go nuts ovary 'ccuring hormonal problems! These problems castration to whomever embarks upon this journey.

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Remarkable study but some evidence of bias perhaps in "These positive effects on body image and self-esteem can have significant implications for mental health, as body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem are risk factors for depression and anxiety [13,20-23]." resulting in "Our study also revealed that there is general satisfaction with both therapy results and medical follow-up.". At least the hormone treatments came after puberty. The F->M seemed happier than the M->F perhaps related to family acceptance? The negative change in libido for M->F was perhaps a surprise. They also were surprised at the change since 2015 with many more F->M in proportion suggesting that social contagion factor.

So there seems to be a general consensus that if you are dissatisfied with your body not being congruent with your sense of who you are hormones can help. In nearly all these studies the populations are quite low. Portugal name changes to fit the "new" person were ~ 1200 people over 10 years in a nation of 20M! Expanding by 100 might get to < 1% in the population. A huge fuss over very few people. At the moment the furor over the trans movement is likely affecting even more of the population all to gain exactly what?

Can't account for the recent explosion in gender clinics given past experiences. We are in some self-feeding PsyOp perhaps starting from creating a political divide expanding into physician/clinic greed? In the process kids lives can be destroyed and the press doesn't care?

I didn't do the analysis but doesn't it seem odd that we are seeing so many more papers looking at relatively few people (sample sizes) starting ~ 2016 or so? Google scholar might help but such an analysis might help see the trend. Good job for a data scientist.

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Inflicting trauma to the reproductive parts of the human body even under controlled sterile and drugs to control pain is still "TRAUMA"! Then the real issues of mind control changes for an identity to manifest a false reality. All it manifests is regrets and depression. Kiss sanity bye bye.

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