We should send the monkeys on capital hill to the frontline in ukraine.

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Well, yeah, Art Auble proposed something like this back in the '60s.

"Each year (I think it was annually, but perhaps he proposed some other period), while the draft was in effect, Congress would have to vote whether to extend it. If they voted to do so, then every Congressman and Congresswoman would be drafted for the duration. Patriots would value the chance to serve in a real war to defend their country. Of course most of these folks aren’t fit for real military service, infantry or fighter pilot or tank mechanic, but they’re all capable of doing something useful, whether office work or toilet cleaning or receptionist, everyone has something to contribute. A special election would be held to fill the 535 vacant seats. After a year, another vote, and if they extended the draft we’d need another election."


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I think they'd be great considering how many of their own they murdered during covid. Then there's Killary, you only have to be near her to get all suicidal and perform impossible feats of self snuffication. What a weapon!

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I've maintained for a very long time now that war should be waged the way the classic Vikings did, with the leaders fighting right alongside the men the led. The only reason war is perpetual is that those who push for it, never step foot onto a live battlefield, the moment that happens, everything changes.

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I had skin in the game in 1964. NROTC college grad. Marine Corps option. Volunteer desire to serve my country. 1966-67 in Vietnam. I Corps. A learning experience. A veritable Shithole. Ho won all the marbles. LBJ , McNamara and Westmoreland were feckless idiots. I would not do it again.

From the beach...


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Thank you for your service.

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Said the napalmed little girl...

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Were you there for a first hand experience?

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Sir, thank you for your service. You are correct about those three.

JFK was going to get LBJ indicted. With the help of both the CIA and the MOB; JFK was assassinated.

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What will another draft do? Any person who goes along with it will be trained and shipped elsewhere. Who then will defend Americans once the illegal immigration horde has been activated?

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Thank you- my son is now finished and the Covid scam was enough for me- he was glad to have seen it but said poorly run:( awful to put life online for these idiots

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Being poorly led is an unforgivable sin.

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If Americans hadn't seen the entire national defense apparatus turned against citizens protesting pandemic policies, protesting voting irregularities, protesting school indoctrination, protesting foreign wars, if Americans hadn't seen half the nation declared "domestic terrorists," "insurrectionists," even their memes declared "dangerous dis/misinformation" that "threatens national security," if Americans hadn't learned of formal government declarations that our individual thoughts are a part of the collective's "cognitive infrastructure" that demands national security military responses from military psychological warfare operations battalions including a military that was deployed to point guns at civilians petitioning their government for redress of grievances in DC post January 6, if Americans hadn't seen the US military abandon billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry in Afghanistan and the most strategic military installation in all of Asia get turned over to China, if Americans hadn't seen the US military deployed at the US border to help protect an army of foreign invaders crossing our borders - from US citizens and state police trying to keep them out, if Americans were still asleep at the wheel while the real enemies of our nation were governing it as only real enemies of our nation would do, they might be more inclined to care about engaging in foreign wars and building our military strength, instituting a draft.

But we can't unsee what we've seen. And don't trust this military and its leadership one bit. Not one little bit. The US military has become an army of mercenaries. Not interested in the US Constitution they swear a blood oath to protect and defend. This US military has been transformed into a police force, configured to protect a government not trusted by its people from the people rising to oppose it.

I've spoken with many a special forces veteran, veterans who've been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and other conflicts around the world. Who've taken aim at suspected "insurgents," civilians opposing regimes propped up the the US. Sometimes unable to distinguish between combatants and civilians. But given orders to eliminate the threat, "collateral damage" to innocents acceptable. They've quoted an old Roman crusading soldier cry:

"Caedite eos; Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."

"Kill them all; let God sort them out."


Do we want to draft Americans and illegal immigrants into a US military that's been configured over the past two decades to put down civilian opponents of a government, as an occupation force, that's become so cavalier about human life to say "kill them all; let God sort them out" about defiant American Patriots, MAGA, who would protest a government controlled by actual enemies of the United States Constitution?

This military needs to shrink, not grow. Compulsory service under leadership of those who hate the very Constitution they swore to uphold isn't a recipe for reclaiming our nation. It's how we completely lose it.

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We have lost the nation already. The 2024 election will be a second event to reconfirm the fact that Democrats are the treason party, gleefully supported by angry Hamas thugs in most universities.

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I started to like that to agree. But I can't bring myself to say all is lost. It ain't over till it's over. There's no quit in human spirit for freedom. As God intends for us

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We haven’t begun to fight. Sunshine patriots, step aside. Let the real men carry the day.

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@DAM on the beach

I am just stating the gruesome facts. Maybe I am wrong, but did you imply that people other than yourself are “sunshine patriots”? What have you done for the rainy days? It’s good to hear some tall stories as always.

On the other hand, you don’t seem to fully appreciate that timing is critical in most endeavors. The situation is hopeless, in my view, due to the fact that the US military is completely corrupted at the top leadership, and full of idiots and cowards at the lower ranks.

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Hamas thugs.

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@Lorna Paisley Well, evidences and facts, not your opinion which can be anything.

Show me the evidence of those “protesters” ( I called thugs) have actually condemned the killings and rapes by HAMAS since last October or any of their terror attacks.

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In support of Mr. Leake, I highly recommend the 1934 anti-war pamphlet (book) by ret. Brigadier Gen. Smedley D. Butler, "War Is a Racket." Gen. Butler was a senior Marine Corps officer -- the most decorated marine in US history when he died (mysteriously) at age 59. He was involved in military actions in the Philippines, China, Central America, the Caribbean, and France, and fought in the Mexican Revolution and in WWI. He had received 16 medals, 5 for heroism, and received the Medal of Honor twice. His 87 page booklet will tell you everything you need to know about American foreign and military policy. Tragically for our country, it's all still true today. The book is an historical, political, philosophical gem.

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💯 percent correct, Butler nailed it & those creatures didn't like it. Compulsory reading.👍🇦🇺

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John, there will never be a shortage of monsters at home either. Adams knew this as did many of the founders. It wasn’t until the early 1900’s that a permanent political class, the politician, came into being.

Liberty will not return this country to the citizens until we have term limits and repeal the 17th amendment. These federal representatives see themselves as selfless servants while they are wolves on the prowl for money, power, adoration and fame. They are all bought and paid for by large corporations and PACS.

Mr Jefferson was correct - another revolution is due. It’s time to turn these arrogant asses out permanently! VOTE THEM OUT.

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Utah did not ratify that amendment, but the Hatu legislature refuses to exercise its prerogative to remove "Senators" not acting in Utah's interests.

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Unfortunately for us, the Elite 9/11 psyop worked so well that it made me want to join the military. Fortunately (or not from certain perspectives) the Lord intervened and sent an angel to rescue me from my delusion. And we’ve been married 20 years this October.

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And of course it's always the peasant working class that fights US endless war because they have no other options. As Eugene Jarecki so brilliantly documented in his film "Why We Fight," the MIC ensured that the US would be at war perpetually by establishing war machine factories in every Congressional district of the country. Washington/NATO are determined to inflict “strategic defeat” on Russia, force regime-change in Moscow, and loot Russia’s vast reserves of oil, gas and other natural resources. Their co-authorship of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, like their callous indifference to millions of preventable deaths of their own citizens during the COVID-19 scamdemic, is a warning that they will not be deterred by the danger of catastrophic loss of life. The latter has the added benefit for the billionaire oligarchs of achieving a massive culling of the population, the "useless eaters."

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True, John Leake. Skin in the game is what motivates. That is why rental property owners experience high frequency repair and maintenance bills...renters generally do not care for something owned by someone else. Same with rental cars...even sane drivers treat them differently than they would if they were personally owned. Same with loaned tools...often they come back with signs of abuse. That is why home ownership is a foundational need for stable society...low cost rentals become slums, often littered with garbage. WEF's plan is for us to "own nothing and be happy"...imagine how that would work out when no one cares because it's not theirs. Yes indeed, mandatory conscription at an early age would solve many societal woes, and I agree, would cut down on the wars by making it really personal.

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Great correlations

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Thank you for the very poignant essays on our misguided and dangerous support of the Ukraine war. I too wonder what the hell is going on in Washington and who is in charge. I was a life long Democrat until the Covid debacle and the intense corruption surrounding the gov't policies became absolutely nuts. I have awoken. They aren't considering what this will do to Europe or the children of Ukraine or Russia, or yes, our children if they try to conscript US kids for this sort of insanity.

We are literally poking the bear and it's not going to end well unless we stop it soon. I fear for our future and the future of our planet. Keep on doing what you're doing, bringing attention to this and other important topics with grace and wit.

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I am very interested to learn why you did support traitors and criminals like Obama and Clinton before you woke up.

The Republicans are full of traitors like Bush and Cheney, but at least we still find some other good leaders. There is ZERO in the Democratic Party.

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Let's not get nasty here. I was trying to how I have changed my views. Have you never changed your mind about something or someone or been made aware of things that you didn't know before? If not, perhaps you are less insightful than you would like to think.

I won't be responding to anymore of this type of comment. I thought that we were all fighting the same sort of evil by supporting those who are dissagreeing with the Pharma cartels and the corruption that we now face. We have bigger fish to fry. Let's not get snippy, please.

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@LB Sorry for being unkind in my comments. Please accept my apologies. We always welcome you to walk away from the American Communist Party.

I am curious about why a good guy like you (I mean it sincerely) would support the evil criminal Hillary Clinton in 2016? Did you have to suppress your concerns and qualms about that Satanic witch in that year?

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I did dodge the draft in the Vietnam era, and I'm not a supporter of the escalation with Russia.

It's also true that the draft lottery (from 1969) and especially Vietnamization, removed the threat of being drafted and sent to 'Nam for most men. Yet opposition to the war continued to grow.

I do take your point, though.

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I see your point, but the political elites seem to find ways for their children to be excluded from dangerous duty (unless one specifically asks to be in harms way).

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I became a subscriber yesterday because your articles are always insightful and compelling. Another gem. Much appreciate your creative work.

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Right on John!

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Sad that this is true. People who years ago were accusing Mr T of going to start WW3 have cognitive dissonance or flipped their lids and are cheering on armageddon. Or they're just nuts.

Zelinsky is no longer a duely elected president, for that so called democracy we want armageddon?

I live far from cities for a reason. Too many loonies out there running things.

Maybe after the war Cuomo can say he was for peace all the time. Kind of how he now supports ivermectin.

Skin in the game indeed. Conscription's a better way to draw attention to it than doing nothing.

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Send them to the frontline as "advisers" so they can see the results of their funding war.

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Another Aubrey/Maturin fan here.

Those novels rise above their subject matter. Lots of depth, lots of 'texture'. And great good humour on every page thereabouts.

Old school principles of honour, a gentleman's 'word', a man's role in the world, patriotism. Honesty. How not to say the first thing as pops into your head. How folk come to understand each other with few direct words..... And teamwork. With the doctor providing a 'modern' counterpoint/foil. And lots of really smart observations on universal principles of the human condition. Just a really smart author. Did I mention the humor? Subtle but entirely pervasive.

The movie was also first rate.

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